Characteristics of military regimes

The character of military regime depends upon its control and intervention in the democratic political structure.  It may be tolerant, specific and soft on the state or may install itself in power as participant in the regime or may replace to political leadership of a state.  In democratic form of governance, military acts as an essential tool and controlled by the civilian authorities.  In countries like, Syria, Pakistan, Egypt, Iraq, Algeria etc, military has moderate participation in civilian regime. Similarly, countries like Saudi-Arabia, Jordan, Morocco, Gulf States, military has right to participate in decision making but not involved in running civilian government. Military regimes are contradictory to the democratic regime. Military regimes are controlled by powerfull person in the heirarchy of military.  In democratic regime, government is elected by free and fair elections.  Interventions of military in governance is seen as anti-democratic. Military regimes faiths in use of force rather than peoples participation. It coerce to power struggle between military and civil authorities.  Milinary forces weakens and ultimately turns from professional military combatant to tyrant.  Powers in military regime is concentrated in the hand of persons who are close to leader. Military adventurism is another feature of these regimes. A large proportion of national resources have been diverted into unproductive military build-up rather than to improving the  conditions lots of the poor.  Military promotes its own corporate self-interests by aligning itself with conservative social forces. Military in regime as well as having concetrated power coupled to corruption and declining in development of the state.