Fundamentalist Mindset

The fundamentalists are those who think that their doctrine admits no contradiction; it is truth what they think, no betrayal of the essentials and no compromise with the enemy. A fundamentalist mind is one that does not permit the ideas of unintended consequences to creep in. For the fundamentalists, the intention is what they act for. Their thinking becomes narrow and their perception limits within their mindset. There is no place of discussion and they defend everything, right or wrong, based on their own assumptions. Fundamentalist imposes their view over the opponents. Fundamentalist views everyone as their enemy if opponents are different in any sphere. The fundamentalists are always secretive. They hide their main intension from the general mass and never try to express their intension openly (now called sleeper cells). A fundamentalism is not only religious but has regional, ideological, economical and ethnic characteristics. During the World War-II, Nazis persecuted to Jews as ethnic cleansing, was purely based on ethnicity. In Islamic countries, fundamentalists, with religious mindset, from one sect are killing Muslims belongs to other sects. Persecution of religious minorities in Middle East and south east countries by religious fundamentalist is well known for violation of human rights. The fundamentalist are close to terrorists and it is a well-known fact in the context of Indo-Pak relations. They legitimate their every acts of violence in name of Jehad.