43) To the underground

Team not updated

C43-01: Clay Tunnel

Wild Pokémon:

Area One

Exploring Clay Tunnel, you'll be able to encounter Regirock, as well as Regice and Registeel after it. Sounds cool? Thought so! To get there, Fly to Driftveil City. Heal your Pokémon at the Pokemon Center if you need to, as well as stock up on items. When you're ready, head north from the Pokémon Center. When you reach the stairs leading up to your north, move up them, then head west down the, now open set of stairs leading down west to the entrance to Clay Tunnel. Use the Dowsing MCHN just outside the tunnel to find a Rare Bone hidden in a pile of dirt. Once you have it, head into Clay Tunnel itself!

From there entrance, head north along the old mine cart lines until you reach the Hiker.

L61 Aron (Rock & Steel)

L61 Mawile (Steel)

Once the Hiker's cleaned up, follow the cart line north, then west. Just before it turns back north again, head over to the rock to your south-west, in the corner. Check it to find a Blue Shard. Now head north until you reach the Worker walking up and down the cart line.

L61 Sableye (Dark & Ghost)

L61 Dugtrio (Ground)

You should see a small set of stairs leading east, down to a slightly lower area. Move down them and use your Dowsing MCHN to find a Full Heal. Once it's in your possession, back track to the Hiker and take the minecart line leading east. At the end is a Worker standing in front of a minecart. Talk with him and answer 'Yes' to ride the minecart to the next area, seeing as there's nothing else to do here.

Area Two

In this area, first move south. You should almost immediately see a boulder. Use Strength to push it into the hole to its west. You don't need to move over it right now, but it will come in handy as a shortcut if you ever went to quickly skip most of this area. Okay, now head south to where the water is. Move onto it using Surf and head over onto the island in the middle. Check the southern-most of the two rocks to find a Steel Gem. Now Surf east, back over to the ground there. Move onto the ground and continue south. In a corner of the area, as the minecart line bends east, you'll find a Red Shard. Pick 'er up and follow the cart line around to the Hiker. Take him on!

L61 Swoobat (Psychic & Flying)

L61 Golem (Rock & Ground)

After the battle, turn on that Dowsing MCHN of yours and head west. Use it to find the Water Stone hidden in a rock. How amazing! To your south-west is a boulder. Strength should still be activated, so use it to push the huge rock south two tiles, into the hole. Head over it and grab the HP Up and the Nugget behind. Head back over the boulder and follow the cart lines north. You'll hit a Worker.

L61 Diglett (Ground)

L61 Machamp (Fighting)

Continue north past the Worker and follow the minecart line all the way around until you see another Worker looking about.

L60 Excadrill (Ground & Steel)

L60 Rhydon (Ground & Rock)

L60 Nidoking (Poisonn & Ground)

If you head west from here, you'll find a, now open entrance to Mistralton Cave. If you've already explored it, there's not a whole lot of point going back in though. Instead, I'd suggest heading north from the Worker, into the next area.

Area Three

Follow the minecart lines until you see a Pokémon Ranger to your west.

L62 Forretress (Bug & Steel)

L62 Crustle (Bug & Rock)

L62 Armaldo (Rock & Bug)

He'll give you a Lum Berry. Head west from the Ranger through a small gap, following the path as it turns south. At the end of the path is a Metal Coat. Quite cool. Head back to the Pokemon Ranger. Follow the minecart line north until you reach yet another Worker.

L60 Onix (Rock & Ground)

L60 Graveler (Rock & Ground)

L60 Steelix (Steel & Ground)

Head north until you see the next Worker wandering about.

L60 Graveler (Rock & Ground)

L60 Golem (Rock & Ground)

L60 Onix (Rock & Ground)

Near this worker you'll find a Max Revive. Pick it up, then continue north. You'll reach a female Pokémon Ranger.

L62 Ferrothorn (Grass & Steel)

L62 Cradiily (Rock & Grass)

L62 Carnivine (Grass)

She'll give you a Lum Berry. If you continue north, you'll reach the entrance to Twist Mountain. We don't want to head there just yet, but we'll be there soon enough. Instead, head south, then east from the Pokemon Ranger, over to the Worker in front of the minecart. Talk with him and ask him to transport you to the first area.

Multiple Areas!

Although you're back in the first area, you're in a different part, allowing you to access new portions of the area. Head south, past the boulder to your east and down the steps to the one there. Use Strength and push this boulder south into the hole. You can now head west over the boulder, up the steps and head south, following the minecart lines to reach the entrance to the tunnel, if you were after healing. If you are, heal then come back to the boulder.

Once you're ready, head east from the boulder then south to the Rare Bone at the end. Collect it up and head back to the boulder. Now head north from it, back to the one that you skipped before. This time, push it east into its hole. Move over it and grab the Green Shard. Talk to the worker and get him to transport you to the next area. When you reach the next area, move over to the next Worker and get him to transport you too.

You should now be in an area with a body of water to your north. Move over to it and Surf north over it. When you reach the other side, turn your Dowsing MCHN on and use it to find the Iron hidden in a rock. Enter the nearby door. Use Strength to push the boulder into the hole here, then move over it to the next work. Once more, ride the minecart to the next area.

Okay, first head west and push the boulder into the hole. You can now easily access the Underground Ruins, the place that we're about to enter. head north-east toward the door. Check the rock just before the door to find a Big Nugget, then enter it.

C43-02: Underground Ruins

Move out into the large open area. On the north side is a man. Feel free to talk to him, but he doesn't want to battle. See the circles to the north, one inside the other? Move onto the centre of the small circle. Okay, here's a bit of a puzzle. From the circle, you need to move exactly nine tiles east, then six tiles south. Keep facing south and press the 'A' button. You'll be asked a question. Answer with 'Yes' and the ground will shake. Once you can continue on, move up to the door just north of the now red circle. Attempting to move through it will cause it to open. You'll head through into the next area.

Head north up to the statue. To either side you'll see a gap between a rock and the wall. Move through one of these gaps and head around along the path until you reach a thin path leading north. When you do, follow it down to L65 Regirock waiting for you at the end. Interact with it and the battle will begin!

Once you're done, depending on your game, a key will be unlocked. This of course is if you catch the Regi (you need to if you want to encounter the other ones). The Iron Key will be unlocked if you're playing Black 2 and the Iceberg Key will if you're playing White 2. The Iron Key is used to encounter Registeel, while the Iceberg Key is used to encounter Regice.

What you need to do is exit out of this area, back to the large cavernous room. There, save and then reset the DS system.

Go to the following in the title menu:

Unova Link>Key System>Key Settings>Mysterious Door>Iron Key/Iceberg Key

Now, continue the game! Once you've done that. Head back to the circle that you started on before. Once again, head nine tiles east and six south. Turn the switch on and head through the door. Head to where you encountered Regirock. This time you'll encounter a new Regi! Save your game, then interact with it and the battle will start! They're both L65.

Once you've done that you only have the other Regi to catch! Unfortunately it's not so easy to get your hands on this one. What you need to do is transfer the key from someone else's Pokémon game of the opposite version to your own. This can be done using the Unova Link Key System Once you do, activate that key and repeat what you just did for the last Regi. Use the Regi information above to help you out if you need to. Once you're done with the final Regi, that's all your really need to do!

It is recommended that you get your hands on all three Regis in some way or another (trade or getting the other key). Once you have them all, place them all in your party and you'll be able to awaken the great Regigigas when you encounter him in Twist Mountain. That's the place we should be heading to now!

To get to Twist Mountain, head out the south exit from the large cavernous room. Head south-west to the minecart line, then follow it west over the boulder. When it turns north, follow it in that direction. When you see the Pokemon Ranger to your north, head past her and continue on until you reach the doorway at the end. Head on through and you'll be in Twist Mountain!

C43-03: Twist Mountain

Regigigas time! Assuming that you have the three Regis in your party that is. Anyway, head north along the eastern edge of this area, until you're in the north-east corner. Head down the stairs and grab TM71, Stone Edge. Now head back up the stairs and west. When you see the doorway, head through.

Here's a bit of a puzzle. Head west, around to the boulder there. Use Strength to push it three tiles north, then head around to the one-way ledge and jump over it. Now push the boulder east until it's in the hole. Push the nearby boulder south until it's in its hole too. Now head south-east over it and follow the path around to the third boulder. Push this boulder three tiles north, one tile west, one tile north and then push it west until it's in the hole. You'll need to follow this exactly, otherwise you'll mess it up. Move over it and head north. Guess what?! It's L68 Regigigas! If you have all three Regis in your party, interacting with it will make it wake up and you'll battle it!

Once you're done with it, head south over all of the boulders until you're back at the entrance to the area. Head back out.


Head west and jump over the ledge, then keep moving south until you reach the exit at the end. Head out into the next area. Head up the steps Make sure to speak with the worker facing the wall here as he'll hand you a fossil! He gives one random fossil per day, so I definitely recommend coming back and seeing him until he's given out all of the fossils he has.

Inner Exterior

You're now outside. Head up the stairs, then north-east up the next set. Head west over to the trash can next to the Vending Machine. Check it to find a Full Restore. Enter the door to your north-west.

You can instead enter the north-eastern door, head north until you reach the path leading east and follow it to the end. Entering the doorway there will take you into Icirrus City. If you want to head there, feel free to, but if you want to continue exploring Twist Mountain, continue reading on!


Head north until you reach the Worker at the end.

L61 Glalie (Ice)

L61 Beartic (Ice)

To the Worker's west you'll find a Dusk Ball. Check the rock directly south of this item to find a hidden Rare Bone. Cool. Head east from the Worker now, heading south when you can no longer head further east. You'll find a door there. Head through it. Now head south until you reach the Hiker.

L61 Larvitar (Rock & Ground)

L61 Probopass (Rock & Steel)


Type: Rock & Ground

EV: 1Atk

Dex No: No.246

Catch Rate: 45

Height: 2'0"

Weight: 158.7 lbs.

Head south from the Hiker and head out the door there. Head west and follow the path along. When you reach the Worker, battle him!

L62 Sigliyph (Psychic & Flying)

Continue past the Worker and enter the next door.

Head west through this area, past the ledge for now. You'll see a female Veteran in Rotation Battle!

L64 Gyarados (Water & Flying)

L64 Archeops (Rock & Flying)

L64 Kangaskhan (Normal)

Grab TM90, Substitute to her west, then head east back to the ledge. Jump over it and grab the Rare Bone there. Now head south until you hit the southern wall. From there, go west and turn your Dowsing MCHN on. Use it to find the hidden Ultra Ball in the bottom left corner. Now run east until you reach the door. Stride on through.

Head north along the path outside, until you reach TM91, Flash Cannon. Move south, back past the door and follow the path all the way around until you reach the next door. Continue past it and take on the Nurse there by interacting with her!

L62 Blissey (Normal)

Once you've beaten the Nurse, and every time you speak with her from now on, she'll heal your Pokemon. Just past her is a Full Restore. Pick it up then move back to the door that you moved past before and enter it.

Head east over to the Worker.

L61 Machoke (Fighting)

L61 Abomasnow (Grass & Ice)

The rock in the south-west corner of the area to the Worker's south contains a Yellow Shard. Check it to obtain it. Head north down the hallway until you reach the door and head on through.

Move up the stairs and take the nearby Worker on.

L60 Geodude (Rock & Ground)

L60 Boldore (Rock)

L60 Steelix (Steel & Ground)

Now go east and grab the Dusk Stone sitting behind the large rock. Head west back past the Worker and follow the path around until you reach the door at the end.

Head south along the path. Take on the Hiker!

L61 Golett (Ground & Ghost)

L61 Mamoswine (Ice & Ground)


Type: Ground & Ghost

EV: 1Atk

Dex No: No.622

Catch Rate: 190

Height: 3'3"

Weight: 202.8 lbs.

Continue down past the Worker that doesn't want to fight and enter the door.

Move south until you catch the eye of the Veteran.

L63 Glaceon (Ice)

L63 Drapion (Poison & Dark)

L63 Bastiodon (Rock & Steel)

L63 Rhyperior (Ground & Rock)


Type: Ice

EV: 2Sp.Atk

Dex No: No.471

Catch Rate: 45

Height: 2'7"

Weight: 57.1 lbs.

Once she's defeated, move south until the path turns west. When it does, follow it until you reach a path taking you back north. Head down it to the door at the end. Head through the door and Triple Battle the Veteran just outside.

L64 Carracosta (Water & Rock)

L64 Crobat (Poison & Flying)

L64 Tauros (Normal)

Head back through the door and south until you reach the junction. This time, go west. You'll notice a Worker.

L60 Roggenrola (Rock)

L60 Graveler (Rock & Ground)

L60 Excadrill (Ground & Steel)

Follow the path around west, then north, then move through the door.

Back outside, move east first, over to the Float Stone. Once you have it, run west, past the doorway that you just came out of and follow the path until you reach the Worker just past the next door. He won't be looking for a fight, so continue further until you reach the very end of the path. You'll find a Red Shard here, which you should pick up. Once you have, backtrack to the door near the Worker and enter it.

Follow the path around until you reach the next and move through it. Talk to the man outside and he'll run off. Guess what? That's it! You're actually in Route 7 now. Feel free to do whatever you now wish to.

Next episode