26) Frigate Woes!

MEGAH96 Current Team

L66 Emboar

Rock Slide, Hammer Arm, Bulldoze, Flamethrower

L65 Unfezant

Air Slash, Facade, Fly, Detect

L65 Golduck

Blizzard, Zen Headbutt, Surf, Aqua Tail

L65 Ampharos

Strength, Discharge, Flash, Signal Beam

L65 Simisage

Cut, Payback, Dig, Energy Ball

Current Season: Autumn

Total Money: 787772

C26-01: Plasma Frigate

When you arrive, you'll see the boat, but then Hugh will show up from behind you. Suddenly, everything will go dark, leaving you thinking it was a trap! Turns out it was just Marlon, who managed to jump aboard and brought out the boarding plank for you to climb on. After some talking, he'll head off, leaving you and Hugh free to board the Plasma Frigate.

Once you're aboard, you'll have to fight a Team Plasma Grunt.

L46 Watchog (Normal)

L46 Garbodor (Poison)

After being defeated, the Grunts on the deck will flee. Now head to the very south end of the boat, on the eastern side. Move up the steps and at the end of the boat you'll find TM67 - Retaliate. Head to the very north end of the ship, up the steps. You'll find a Revive. Head back down the steps and move over to Hugh. He will move through a doorway. Follow him in. You'll come upon a male and female pair of Grunts (Awww, Team Plasma romance!). Move up to them and let the double battle ensue. Looks like you're once again paired up with Hugh for this fight!

Tag Team

PKMN Trainer Hugh

L50 Emboar/Samurott/Serperior

L48 Simipour/Simisage/Simisear

L48 Unfezant (Normal & Flying, has Scope Lens)

Male Grunt:

L46 Golbat (Poison & Flying)

L46 Drapion (Poison & Dark)

Female Grunt:

L46 Seviper (Poison)

L46 Garbodor (Poison)

Once defeated, the two Grunts will sprint from the room. Talk with Hugh then head out onto the deck. You're going to be hurting by now, so you may want to head back to the Doctor at the Route 21 entrance to Seaside Cave and heal yourself, then come back. It might take a little while to get back here, but it's probably necessary. Otherwise, feel free to splurge on Revives and healing items. Once you're ready, head down the stairs to the south of the room you were just in, down to the lower level. The next section depends on the version.


Before Hugh runs off, he tells you that you need to deactivate the barrier by flicking four switches, and they can be found in the basement right near the door you entered. You won't be able to pass through the barrier until you do so.

Head to the basement, right south of the barrier room, and you'll find some Plasma Grunts down there. The first one won't fight you, but the one on the left will:

L47 Krookodile (Ground & Dark)

The other one in the right:

L47 Drapion (Poison & Dark)

The top-left room has a Plasma Grunt

L47 Garbodor (Poison)

Another one in the room

L46 Whirlipede (Bug & Poison)

L46 Watchog (Normal)

The top-right room has a Plasma Grunt in it, although he won't fight you; instead, he'll tell you that you can use the bed there to heal up your Pokemon. Crazy as it sounds, don't worry, it's not a trap and you can feel free to use it to heal. Be sure to pick up the Magmarizer in the corner of that room.

The middle-left room has a Plasma Grunt that shows you pictures of both Reshiram and Zekrom, which counts them as being seen in your Pokédex.

The middle-right room has a Plasma Grunt

L47 Weezing (Poison)

Another Plasma Grunt

L46 Krokorok (Ground & Dark)

L46 Raticate (Normal)

The bottom-left room has a Plasma Grunt

L45 Pawniard (Dark & Steel)

L45 Pawniard (Dark & Steel)

L45 Pawniard (Dark & Steel)

There's another Plasma Grunt that uses

L46 Scraggy (Dark & Fighting)

L46 Liepard (Dark)

The bottom-right room sounds an alarm as soon as you enter. There's a Plasma Grunt over in the corner:

L45 Deino (Dark & Dragon)

L45 Deino (Dark & Dragon)

L45 Sneasel (Dark & Ice)


Type: Dark & Dragon

EV: 1Atk

Dex No: No.633

Catch Rate: 45

Height: 2'7"

Weight: 38.1 lbs.

There are also teleporters in all of these rooms. They'll teleport you all around, but you're going to have to find the right four teleporters to take you into the rooms with the switches.

The first switch can be accessed from the teleporter in the top-left corner of the top-left room.

The second switch can be accessed by going into the middle-right room and taking the top-left teleporter.

The third switch can be accessed by going to the bottom-left room and entering the top-left teleporter.

The fourth and final switch is accessible from the teleporter in the bottom-right corner of the bottom-right-most room.

Once you've triggered all of these switches, you'll disable the barrier and can return upstairs to pass through it.


Before Hugh runs off, he tells you that you need a password in order to lower the force field and gain access back there. You'll also need the Plasma Card in order to even input it, too, so you'll have to the southern part of the ship in search of it.

Head to the southern part of the ship and then down the stairs. Hugh will be down there, along with some Team Plasma Grunts. Hugh will run off afterwards in search of the Purrloin, while the Grunt you were talking to won't actually battle you. The two running around on the sides will battle you.


L45 Scraggy (Dark & Fighting)

L45 Krokorok (Ground & Dark)

L45 Golbat (Poison & Flying)


L47 Scrafty (Dark & Fighting)

There are a total of six rooms you can enter here; three on the left side, three on the right side.

The top-left room has a Plasma Grunt that tell you the first letter of the password

L47 Weezing (Poison)

The top-right room has a Plasma Grunt that tell you that it's of a Pokemon that is part-Dragon-type, but that's it.

L47 Drapion (Poison & Dark)

The middle-left and bottom-left room is some kind of dining room and kitchen.

There's a Electrizer in there waiting for you.

The Grunt in the top-left corner will show you a picture of both Zekrom and Reshiram (which count them as being seen in your Pokédex).

The Plasma Grunt in the middle of the tables will fight you

L45 Pawniard (Dark & Steel)

She'll give you the Plasma Card after you beat her.

There's another Plasma Grunt that will battle you, down by the Baker that tell you the secondary type of the Pokemon in the password.

L47 Garbodor (Poison)

The middle-right room has two Plasma Grunts in it, although they won't battle you. Instead, they'll tell you that you can use the bed there to rest and heal up your Pokemon. Uhhh, that's a little awkward, but don't worry, nothing bad happens if you sleep there, so you might as well take the opportunity to heal.

The bottom-right room has two Plasma Grunts in it, and these ones do fight you.

This one gives you hint

L46 Whirliipede (Bug & Poison)

L46 Watchog (Normal)

The second Plasma Grunt tell you the colour.

L46 Krokorok (Ground & Dark)

The most important thing you need to do is go to the kitchen in the middle/bottom-left and fight the Plasma Grunt in the middle to receive the Plasma Card. That will let you input the password in the room with the force fields.



If he say second digit number is 7,

If she say her favourite number is 0,

If she say three of four digit number is same,

If he say four digit number, the last number is 7,

If he say first number is 7, so the password is:


Other passwords for hint:

7707, 2202, 9909, Reshiram (case insensitive), Zekrom (case insensitive).

In the Japanese versions but you can read Japanese, I can help you. If ask for Reshiram or Zekrom, input:



This is continued in both versions

Once you've disarmed the barrier, you can head over to the teleporter, which leads you up to a room with Zinzolin and another Plasma Grunt. He'll introduce you to the Pokemon, Kyurem, which he's managed to catch inside of a gigantic cage! That's what caused the ice missiles back in Opelucid City.

After a little more discussion, Hugh shows up and teams up with you to take on Zinzolin and the Plasma Grunt!

Boss Battle

Team Plasma Zinzolin & Team Plasma Grunt


L48 Cryogonal (Ice)

L48 Cryogonal (Ice)

L50 Weavile (Dark & Ice)


L45 Liepard (Dark)

L45 Watchog (Normal)

L45 Scolipede (Bug & Poison)

Safe Type: Fire, Fighting

Dangerous Type: Grass, Ground

Money won: 10800

You will talk with Zinzolin. Eventually two Shadow Triad members will appear and you'll black out. You'll head to a cutscene where the Plasma Frigate will fly up into the air and sail away. You'll awake back on the Route 21 beach. Cheren will appear. Now it's time to head back to Route 22 and onwards to Giant Chasm! Fly back to Humilau City and heal your Pokemon at the Pokemon Center, then head all the way through Route 22 to the at the end. Head into it and you'll be in Giant Chasm.

C26-02: Giant Chasm Main Cave


Type: Ice & Ground

EV: 1HP, 1Atk

Dex No: No.221

Catch Rate: 75

Height: 3'7"

Weight: 123.0 lbs.


Type: Ice

EV: 2Sp.Atk

Dex No: No.583

Catch Rate: 120

Height: 3'7"

Weight: 90.4 lbs.

Head south until you reach the pair of Grunts. Hugh will appear behind and a Grunt will appear to your south. The pair of grunts will leave and you'll talk with the third Grunt. Hugh will leave, with the Grunt leaving soon after. Continue on south until you reach the boulder. Use Strength on it and push it into the hole. Move north to the water and use Surf on it. Follow it north to the very end and grab the TM13 - Ice Beam there. Now Surf back south until you reach the path leading west. Move onto it and follow it to the stairs. Move to the south edge of the area and head west past the doorway leading outside. Now turn on your Dowsing MCHN and use it to find the nearby Star Piece hidden in a rock. Move back to the south-most path and continue west.

When the path veers north, follow it. Strength will still be activated, so push the next boulder into the hole and collect the Max Repel behind it. Take the path north to the very north end of this area, past the two Grunts blocking an exit. At the north-west corner, turn on your Dowsing MCHN and use it to find the hidden Ultra Ball. Continue east along the northern path and push the next boulder into its hole. Grab the Star Piece behind it. Keep heading east.

You'll reach another boulder. Push it into the hole and find the hidden Ice Gem behind it with your Dowsing MCHN. That's absolutely everything there is to do here. Move back around to the centre of the southern edge of the area. Let's head through the door on the south edge of the area, the one that's not down the stairs.

C26-03: Giant Chasm Route 13 Entrance


Type: Normal


Dex No: No.036

Catch Rate: 25!

Height: 4'3"

Weight: 88.2 lbs.


Type: Ice

EV: 3Sp.Atk

Dex No: No.584

Catch Rate: 45

Height: 4'3"

Weight: 126.8 lbs.

You'll be outside of the Giant Chasm. There's a few items to collect here. Move up the steps to your north-east first. Grab the Yellow Shard halfway up, then continue to the top. There's a wooden lookout here, with a hidden Moon Stone on it. Use your Dowsing MCHN to find it. Move back to the entrance to the cave and take the stairs leading east instead. When you reach the top, follow the path back around west and continue west through the Dark Grass. There's a hidden Max Potion at the end, in the grass. Head back out of the grass.

You'll see a path leading south. This will take you to Route 13. You can head there if you really want, but we have more important things to do! There are a couple of items that you can only get from this entrance though. Follow the path south until you reach some stairs leading down to the water. Head down and run through the shallows to grab the Hyper Potion. There's also a Heart Scale hidden in a rock here. Don't forget to use Strength so you can go to Lacunosa Town. Head back into the cave. Head down the steps and enter the other doorway leading out of the cave there.

C26-04: Giant Chasm Forest


Type: Normal


Dex No: No.132

Catch Rate: 35!

Height: 1'0"

Weight: 8.8 lbs.


Type: Ice & Ground

EV: 3Atk

Dex No: No.473

Catch Rate: 50

Height: 8'2"

Weight: 641.5 lbs


Type: Steel & Psychic

EV: 2Def

Dex No: No.375

Catch Rate: 3!!!

Height: 3'11"

Weight: 446.4 lbs.


Type: Steel & Psychic

EV: 3Def

Dex No: No.376

Catch Rate: 3!!!

Height: 5'3"

Weight: 1212.5 lbs.

Head north and you'll see Hugh watching a couple of Old Team Plasma Members facing off against New Team Plasma. Hugh, the reckless bastard, will scream at them all to get their attention. He'll shout at them and the Old Team Plasma Members will be rather confused. A couple of New Team Plasma Grunts will move up to you and Hugh and take you on. You're each fighting a single battle though.

L47 Weezing (Poison)

L47 Muk (Poison)

The New Team Plasma Grunts will back off and the leader of Old Team Plasma will speak with you and hand you a Max Revive. More New Team Plasma Grunts will appear from the north-east. Old Team Plasma will hold them off and Hugh will run off to the north-east. Now you can head after him yourself!

First though, head west into the Dark Grass. Move through it the south-west corner and collect the Razor Claw there. Move out of the Dark Grass and move around the right side of the Old and New Team Plasma Members. Instead of following after Hugh immediately, head north-west through the Tall Grass. At the north-west corner you'll find a Moon Stone. Move back to the Team Plasma Members and now head east through the trees, after Hugh. Move up the icy steps onto the ice.

I'll give you directions on how to navigate the ice:

East, east again, north, west, south, west, south, south, south again, then east.

You're now on the Plasma Frigate.

Next episode