34) Version's exclusive area

MEGAH96 Current Team

L63 Leavanny

Cut, Leaf Storm, X-Scissor, Leaf Blade

L62 Simisear

Rock Slide, Flame Burst, Brick Break, Incinerate

L64 Samurott

Surf, Blizzard, Hydro Pump, Waterfall

L62 Unfezant

Detect, Facade, Air Slash, Fly

L63 Watchog

Crunch, Dig, Strength, Thunderbolt

Current Season: Autumn

Total Money: 258284

Version: Black

Black City is exclusive to Black.

White Forest is exclusive to White.

You can access the Entralink by choosing "Wireless" in your C-Gear and then choosing "Entralink" to warp there. On the east and west ends of the Entralink are bridges. Each of the two bridges have an aura-like barrier. In order to pass through the barrier you need to connect with someone locally, not over WiFi, who is in their own Entralink at the same time. Once this happens, pass through the barrier on the bridge, go to their Black City/White Forest, and talk to the residents there. Keep talking to people until you eventually find someone who you can invite to Black City/White Forest. That is all you have to do in order to populate Black City/White Forest.

C34-01B: Black City

There are also Trainers:

Ace Trainer Lena Sun Stone


Gardevoir Lv. 61 Psychic

Gallade Lv. 61 Psychic/Fighting



Ace Trainer Vincent Fire Stone


Magmortar Lv. 62 Fire



Backpacker Carlos Oval Stone


Staraptor Lv. 30 Flying/Normal



Backpacker Emi Fluffy Tail


Blissey Lv. 30 Normal



Backpacker Herman Dusk Stone


Porygon-Z Lv. 30 Normal



Backpacker Molly Shiny Stone


Azumarill Lv. 30 Water



Battle Girl Karenna Leaf Stone


Slaking Lv. 67 Normal



Black Belt Ryder Nugget


Machamp Lv. 56 Fighting



Clerk Britney Rare Bone


Jumpluff Lv. 40 Grass/Flying



Clerk Collin Yellow Shard


Alakazam Lv. 40 Psychic



Clerk Doug Red Shard


Luxray Lv. 40 Electric



Clerk Piper Star Piece


Victreebel Lv. 40 Grass/Poison



Gentleman Frederic Luxury Ball


Roserade Lv. 40 Grass/Poison



Hiker Gene Big Mushroom


Aggron Lv. 40 Steel/Rock



Lady Lynette Heart Scale


Vileplume Lv. 34 Grass/Poison

Bellossom Lv. 34 Grass



Lass Miki Max Repel


Togekiss Lv. 30 Normal



Nursery Aide Miho Big Pearl


Shiftry Lv. 40 Grass/Dark



Pokemon Ranger Eliza Blue Shard


Flygon Lv. 61 Ground/Dragon



Pokemon Ranger Ralph Water Stone


Ludicolo Lv. 61 Water/Grass



Rich Boy Pierce Poke Ball


Ampharos Lv. 35 Electric



Roughneck Dave Tinymushroom


Gengar Lv. 30 Ghost/Poison



School Kid Leo Stardust


Pidgeot Lv. 45 Normal/Flying



School Kid Shane Berry Juice


Rhyperior Lv. 45 Ground/Rock



School Kid Silvia Pearl


Beautifly Lv. 44 Bug/Flying

Dustox Lv. 44 Bug/Poison



Scientist Jacques Poke Doll


Nidoqueen Lv. 50 Poison/Ground



Scientist Marie Green Shard


Magnezone Lv. 50 Electric/Steel



Socialite Grace Dawn Stone


Salamence Lv. 40 Dragon/Flying



Veteran Ken Thunderstone


Nidoking Lv. 67 Poison/Ground



Veteran Rosa Moon Stone


Exploud Lv. 67 Normal



Youngster Robbie Fresh Water


Electivire Lv. 30 Electric


These trainers participate in a Rotation Battle:


Backpacker Kiyo


Heatmor Lv. 65 Fire

Beartic Lv. 65 Ice

Excadrill Lv. 65 Ground/Steel



Roughneck Johnny


Galvantula Lv. 65 Bug/Electric

Gothitelle Lv. 65 Psychic

Krookodile Lv. 65 Ground/Dark


Items in Black City:

Poké Ball, Luxury Ball, Max Repel, Fresh Water, Berry Juice, Fluffy Tail, Poké Doll, Fire Stone, Water Stone, Thunderstone, Leaf Stone, Moon Stone, Sun Stone, Shiny Stone, Dusk Stone, Dawn Stone, Oval Stone, Red Shard, Blue Shard, Yellow Shard, Green Shard, TinyMushroom, Big Mushroom, Pearl, Big Pearl, Stardust, Star Piece, Heart Scale, Rare Bone, Nugget

C34-01W: White Forest

In White forest, there are Wild Pokémon:




Aron Steel/Rock Hiker Gene

Abra Psychic Clerk Collin

Azurill Normal Backpacker Molly

Bagon Dragon Socialite Grace

Bellsprout Grass/Poison Clerk Piper

Budew Grass/Poison Gentleman Frederic

Elekid Electric Youngster Robbie

Gastly Ghost/Poison Roughneck Dave

Happiny Normal Backpacker Emi

Hoppip Grass/Flying Clerk Britney

Lotad Water/Grass Pokemon Ranger Ralph

Machop Fighting Black Belt Ryder

Magby Fire Ace Trainer Vincent

Magnemite Electric/Steel Scientist Marie

Mareep Electric Rich Boy Pierce

Nidoran ♀ Poison Scientist Jacques

Nidoran ♂ Poison Veteran Ken

Oddish Grass/Poison Lady Lynette

Pidgey Normal/Flying School Kid Leo

Porygon Normal Backpacker Herman

Ralts Psychic Ace Trainer Lena

Rhyhorn Ground/Rock School Kid Shane

Seedot Grass Nursery Aide Miho

Shinx Electric Clerk Doug

Slakoth Normal Battle Girl Karenna

Starly Flying/Normal Backpacker Carlos

Togepi Normal Lass Miki

Trapinch Ground Pokemon Ranger Eliza

Whismur Normal Veteran Rosa

Wurmple Bug School Kid Silvia




Wooper Water/Ground Grace, Frederic, Herman, Lena

Lotad Water/Grass Collin, Doug, Eliza, Jacques, Karenna, Marie,

Molly, Rosa, Ryder

Surskit Bug/Water Britney, Dave, Gene, Leo, Lynette, Miho, Miki,

Pierce, Piper, Ralph, Robbie, Shane, Silvia

Corphish Water Carlos, Emi, Ken, Vincent


Items in White Forest:

Poké Ball, Great Ball, Ultra Ball, Dive Ball, Nest Ball, Repeat Ball, Timer Ball, Red Shard, Blue Shard, Yellow Shard, Green Shard, Fire Stone, Thunderstone, Water Stone, Leaf Stone, Shiny Stone, Dusk Stone, Dawn Stone, Oval Stone, Dusk Stone, Dawn Stone (no Sun or Moon Stone!), Oval Stone, TinyMushroom, Big Mushroom, Stardust, Heart Scale, Rare Bone

When you done, go to Route 14.

Next episode