G) Managing Party Pokémon

Open Party Pokémon list

1) Press X button, tap on "POKéMON":

2) Arranged by numbers:

View Pokémon Summary

1) Tap on the Pokémon you want to view summary.

2) Select "SUMMARY"

Status Information:

Database(Nature, caught date, obtained location and met level)

Pokémon's nickname, gender, level and status

Pokédex No and name

Pokémon type

OT's name and ID No.

EXP Data

Held Item



Stats Information:

Pokémon Stats


Learned moves

Rearrange Party Pokémon

1) Tap on the Pokémon you want to arrange.

2) Select "SWITCH"

3) Tap on the another Pokémon to arrange. Otherwise, tap on the same Pokémon to cancel the arrangement.

Take away items

1) Tap on the Pokémon which the held item is holding.

2) Select "ITEM"

3) Select "TAKE"

4) Held item is taken to the BAG. Otherwise, it says: "XXXXX isn't holding anything."

You can everytime tap the red X button on the touch screen to return to the overworld