20) A tale of two towns without gym

MEGAH96 Current Team

L55 Emboar

Rock Slide, Hammer Arm, Bulldoze, Flamethrower

L53 Unfezant

Air Slash, Razor Wind, Fly, Detect

L53 Golduck

Water Pulse, Zen Headbutt, Surf, Aqua Tail

L53 Ampharos

Strength, Discharge, Flash, Signal Beam

L53 Simisage

Cut, Payback, Dig, Energy Ball

Current Season: Autumn

Total Money: 568764

C20-01: Undella Town


Type: Water

EV: 1Spd

Dex No: No.120

Catch Rate: 225

Height: 2'7"

Weight: 76.1 lbs.


Type: Water & Psychic

EV: 2Spd

Dex No: No.121

Catch Rate: 60

Height: 3'7"

Weight: 176.4 lbs.

As soon as you arrive in Undella Town, go north and pick up the hidden Shiny Stone right on by the front of the bulldozer.

As you head into town, you can also head south on the other side of the fence and wrap it around to find some Berry Juice.

Walking eastbound, you'll find a house that has nothing of interest in it, followed by a weird blue tunnel thing. That's the Marine Tube, which is an underwater tunnel leading to Humilau City. However, you won't be able to go into it yet.

The house right next to that is apparently Caitlin's villa.

Finally, farther east is the Pokemon Center. Talk to the guy in the left side of the room and he'll give you the Prism Scale.

There's also a shady guy who will say something about wanting to buy a Sitrus Berry for $1000, but it turns out he gives you a Funfest Mission.

As you head towards the Route Gate, Hugh will show up and then immediately challenge you to a battle!

Boss Battle

PKMN Trainer Hugh

L39 Unfezant (Normal & Flying)

(If you choose Snivy)

L39 Simipour (Water)

L41 Emboar (Fire & Fighting)

(If you choose Tepig)

L39 Simisage (Grass)

L41 Samurott (Water)

(If you choose Oshawott)

L39 Simisear (Fire)

L41 Serperior (Grass)

Safe Type: Your starter, Electric, Rock

Dangerous Type: Bug, Ghost

Money won: 4100


Type: Grass

EV: 3Spd

Dex No: No.497

Catch Rate: 45

Height: 10'10"

Weight: 138.3 lbs.


Type: Fire & Fighting

EV: 3Atk

Dex No: No.500

Catch Rate: 45

Height: 5'3"

Weight: 330.7 lbs.


Type: Water

EV: 3Sp. Atk

Dex No: No.503

Catch Rate: 45

Height: 4'11"

Weight: 208.6 lbs.

Make sure you heal up before fighting him, but take he and his trio of Pokemon out, and then he'll head further north onto Route 13.

You can find a whole ton of hidden items if you comb the beach, too. Whip out that Dowsing MCHN! There's a Pearl between Caitlin's villa and the Pokemon Center. Further to the west, on the beach, is a Heart Scale. Keep going west and then a little south to find another hidden Pearl. Further south leads over to Route 14.

At this point, you can surf to the east to explore the optional Undella Bay, head south of Undella Town to check out Route 14 (which is also optional), or you can follow Hugh onto Route 13 and proceed with things. But I choose to go to the Undella Bay.

C20-02: Undella Bay


Type: Water

EV: 1Sp.Atk

Dex No: No.223

Catch Rate: 190

Height: 2'0"

Weight: 26.5 lbs.


Type: Water & Flying

EV: 1Sp. Def

Dex No: No.458

Catch Rate: 25!

Height: 3'3"

Weight: 143.3 lbs.


Type: Water & Flying

EV: 3Sp. Def

Dex No: No.226

Catch Rate: 25!

Height: 6'11"

Weight: 485.0 lbs.


Type: Water


Dex No: No.320

Catch Rate: 125

Height: 6'7"

Weight: 286.6 lbs.


Type: Watter


Dex No: No.321

Catch Rate: 60

Height: 47'7"

Weight: 877.4 lbs.


Type: Ice & Water


Dex No: No.363

Catch Rate: 255

Height: 2'7"

Weight: 87.1 lbs.


Type: Ice & Water


Dex No: No.364

Catch Rate: 120

Height: 3'7"

Weight: 193.1 lbs.


Type: Ice & Water


Dex No: No.365

Catch Rate: 45

Height: 4'7"

Weight: 332.0 lbs.

On the northeast shore of Undella Bay, you can find a hidden Heart Scale.

There's also a Draco Plate further north of that.

Battle the male Swimmer right near the Draco Plate.

L39 Mantyke (Water & Flying)

Just north of him is a female Swimmer.

L39 Alomomola (Water)

There's a cave right past her, but it's blocked off by a guy and his pack of Roggenrola.

To the east of the male Swimmer is a female Swimmer.

L38 Spheal (Ice & Water)

L38 Wailmer (Water)

Further east leads to a dead end, with a suspicious black hole in the water. What's that for? That's for where you can use Dive to dive underwater in, but you won't be able to get the HM for Dive until after you've beaten the game.

Go on west and you should find a male Swimmer.

L39 Basculin (Water)

Keep going west until you find the shore again, then head a little south and you'll find some shallow water you can land at. There's an Ace Trainer.

L40 Pelipper (Water & Flying)

L40 Starmie (Water & Psychic)


Type: Water & Flying

EV: 2Def

Dex No: No.279

Catch Rate: 45

Height: 3'11"

Weight: 61.7 lbs.

She's right near a Splash Plate.

Head east from her and you'll find yet another male Swimmer.

L39 Sealeo (Ice & Water)

At this point, you can either head south of Undella Town to Route 14 if you haven't done so already to pick up some extra loot, or you can just go ahead and proceed to Route 13 to the north of Undella Town to continue on your adventure.

We still need to explore Route 14.

C20-03: Route 14

Here's several wild Pokémon:


Type: Normal & Flying

EV: 1Sp. Def

Dex No: No.333

Catch Rate: 255

Height: 1'4"

Weight: 2.6 lbs.


Type: Dragon & Flying

EV: 2Sp. Def

Dex No: No.334

Catch Rate: 45

Height: 3'7"

Weight: 45.4 lbs.


Type: Dark

EV: 2Atk

Dex No: No.359

Catch Rate: 30!

Height: 3'11"

Weight: 103.6 lbs.

Right near the start of the route, still on the beach, a Socialite will fight you.

L39 Lopunny (Normal)

East of her is a Big Pearl.

Now move up the steps leading south. There's a Gentleman there who'll take you on.

L39 Delcatty (Normal)

Continue south down onto the bridge and move over it. There's a Battle Girl here.

L40 Gurdurr (Fighting)

Simply follow the path over the next bridge to the Ace Trainer and take her on. This battle's a Triple Battle.

L39 Gligar (Ground & Flying)

L39 Lilligant (Grass)

L39 Basculin (Water)


Type: Ground & Flying

EV: 1Def

Dex No: No.207

Catch Rate: 60

Height: 3'7"

Weight: 142.9 lbs.

Go south-west over yet another bridge then head up the stairs taking you west. Instead of continuing up the second set of stairs, head north into the Dark Grass. You'll see an item to your east. Grab it to find that it's a Max Potion. Now head west and speak with the Fisherman to initiate a battle.

L38 Staryu (Water)

L38 Buizel (Water)

Now jump on your Pokemon and Surf over the steam to the north-east. In the grass there you'll find a Backpacker.

L38 Skorupi (Poison & Bug)

L38 Pinsir (Bug)

Head over the water to his north. At the end you'll find a small amount of land with an item on it. Grab it. It's a Heart Scale! Now, backtrack all the way to the Fisherman, then head back out of the Tall Grass. Head up the small set of stairs taking you west, to the male Ace Trainer there, but it's rotation battle.

L39 Tangela (Grass)

L39 Zebstrika (Electric)

L39 Skarmory (Steel & Flying)


Type: Grass

EV: 1Def

Dex No: No.114

Catch Rate: 45

Height: 3'3"

Weight: 77.2 lbs.

You cannot head into Black City or White Forest after completed the game. It's the time to Route 13!

C20-04: Route 13

Due to being lazy of typing too many, Red Basculin appears in Black2, While Blue Basculin appears in the shaking water in Black2.


Type: Rock & Psychic

EV: 2Sp. Atk

Dex No: No.337

Catch Rate: 45

Height: 3'3"

Weight: 370.4 lbs.


Type: Rock Psychic

EV: 2Atk

Dex No: No.338

Catch Rate: 45

Height: 3'11"

Weight: 339.5 lbs.


Type: Grass

EV: 2Def

Dex No: No.465

Catch Rate: 30!

Height: 6'7"

Weight: 283.5 lbs.

Head north over to the Black Belt running around in the sand and challenge him.

L41 Gurdurr (Fighting)

Continue west up the steps onto the grass. Follow the grassy path along until you reach the Battle Girl.

L41 Scrafty (Dark & Fighting)


Type: Dark & Fighting

EV: 1Def, 1Sp.Def

Dex No: No.560

Catch Rate: 90

Height: 3'7"

Weight: 66.1 lbs.

Continue along the grassy path all the way until you reach the stairs leading back down onto the sand. Just before you go down them, head south. You'll find a tree which you can Cut. Do so move through and grab the Max Repel. Move back to the stairs and head down them. Head south, back onto the grass. Now head west, up the very long flight of stairs. At the top you'll come upon a large patch of tall grass.

Search through the grass to find a Zinc hidden in a small gap in the tall grass.

Continue north through the grass until you reach a large boulder blocking your path. Use Strength to push it into the hole. Move over it and grab the Red Shard on the cliff. Backtrack down the large flight of stairs and head north out onto the beach. You'll see a thin sliver of the beach head back east. Follow it. Feel free to take on the Ace Trainer splashing back and forth along the shallows.

L41 Delcatty (Normal)

L41 Eelektrik (Electric)


Type: Electric

EV: 2Atk

Dex No: No.603

Catch Rate: 60

Height: 3'11"

Weight: 48.5 lbs.

Continue along the beach until you reach the Ultra Ball next to the large rock. On the other side of the rock, hidden in the sand, is a Heart Scale. Continue east. You'll reach a Fisherman.

L40 Vaporeon (Water)


Type: Water


Dex No: No.134

Catch Rate: 45

Height: 3'3"

Weight: 63.9 lbs.

Backtrack past the Ace Trainer and continue north. You'll find a Parasol Lady relaxing near a deckchair and umbrella.

L40 Castform (Normal)

Take the path west, over to another Ace Trainer. This one's not looking for a battle though. In fact, he'll give you a Yellow Flute! Fist bump him in thanks, then head back to the Parasol Lady (the nearby shack has nothing to offer).

Find the hidden Big Pearl to the Lady's north. Now use Surf to head onto the water in the east.

Just across a small strip of water east of the Parasol Lady is a small island with Dark Grass on it. Move over and onto it.

In the centre of the patch of Dark Grass is an item, a Luxury Ball. Head over to the eastern side of the island and use Surf to head off the island. There are shallows here we can be stood on. Move over and jump onto the shallow with the Fisherman and the TM29, Psychic.

L40 Golduck (Water)

Now Surf back to where the Parasol Lady was. Continue north, along the sandbar with water to either side. You can battle either of the Fishermen here.

The first Fisherman

L39 Basculin (Water)

L39 Staryu (Water)

The second Fisherman

L40 Alomomola (Water)

Continue along to the beach on the other side of the sandbar. Search for the hidden Pearl. Grab it then move up the large flight of steps to your north-west. Move south-west and take the bridge south. You'll see a female Ace Trainer in the tall grass here.

L41 Lopunny (Normal)

L41 Lampent (Ghost & Fire)


Type: Ghost & Fire

EV: 2Sp. Atk

Dex No: No.608

Catch Rate: 90

Height: 2'0"

Weight: 28.7 lbs.

Continue south over the next bridge. Grab the Star Piece on the cliff, then head back over both bridges. Before the small trees which can be Cut to the north, there is a gap in the trees leading west. Follow along this gap and you'll reach some stairs leading down. Take these stairs down and battle the Pokémon Ranger here in a Rotation Battle and he'll give you a Sitrus Berry.

L39 Jolteon (Electric)

L39 Nosepass (Rock)

L39 Galvantula (Bug & Electirc)


Type: Electric

EV: 2Spd

Dex No: No.135

Catch Rate: 45

Height: 2'7"

Weight: 54.0 lbs.


Type: Bug & Electric

EV: 2Spd

Dex No: No.5596

Catch Rate: 75

Height: 2'7"

Weight: 31.5 lbs.

Once he's beaten, move through the grass and follow the small bit of sand leading west between the cliff and the water. You'll come upon a secluded shack. Talk to the Lass playing with her Wingull to receive a Power Lens, ignore the senile old people and leave the shack. Head back past the Pokémon Ranger, up the stairs and back to the main area.

This time head north. Instead of using Cut on the small trees, let's first head into the tall grass leading north, to the east of the small trees. Follow it along until you reach the Pokémon Ranger in Triple Battle.

L39 Larvesta (Bug & Fire)

L39 Flareon (Fire)

L39 Vibrava (Ground & Dragon)


Type: Bug & Fire

EV: 1Atk

Dex No: No.636

Catch Rate: 45

Height: 3'7"

Weight: 63.5 lbs.


Type: Fire

EV: 2Atk

Dex No: No.136

Catch Rate: 45

Height: 2'11"

Weight: 55.1 lbs.

She'll give you Sitrus Berry. There are two items nearby, sitting in the tall grass. One's a Blue Shard, the other a Max Ether. Grab them, then either continue to the other side or go back and Cut the trees, they'll both take you to the same place. If you continue through, move back to the small trees. Cobalion will call out to you. If you decide to go back and Cut the trees first, you'll come upon the Pokemon as you're heading north.

L45 Cobalion (Steel & Fighting)

Helping Hand, Retaliate, Iron Head, Sacred Sword


Type: Steel & Fighting

EV: 3Def

Dex No: No.638

Catch Rate: 3!!!

Height: 6'11"

Weight: 551.2 lbs.

Anyway, now you've finally done everything there is to do on Route 13, so head on northwest into Lacunosa Town!

C20-05: Lacunosa Town

Shortly after entering, both Bianca and Professor Juniper will greet you. Juniper will take you to a house, where an older lady there will talk about the legend of Lacunosa Town and the Giant Chasm, explaining some stuff about it as well as a Pokemon over there. Hmm. Well anyway, Juniper and Bianca then head outside. Out there, they'll ask you about Reshiram/Zekrom (depending on your version). Just go ahead and say Yes, then they'll talk about how the Light/Dark Stone was used to revive them. Anyway, Juniper then tells you to go talk to Drayden in Opelucid City, because he's bound to know more.

Head on up the stairs to the west and then north, before wrapping around to the east. You'll arrive at a lone house up there, but you can talk to the Clerk inside and he'll give you a Pecha Berry, plus there's a Metronome sitting in the house as well.

Now head back to the northwest corner of town, but head south instead. Down there, you'll find a Full Heal, then cross the bridge to the east and you'll wind up over at the Pokemon Center, which is probably where you were headed when Bianca and Juniper interrupted.

Inside the Pokemon Center, you can talk to the Psychic and she will tell you which Pokemon were in your party when you earned a certain Gym Badge. Now head west and you'll be stopped by Hugh. Zinzolin and a Team Plasma Grunt will suddenly show up! Zinzolin will say something to piss Hugh off and he'll begin raging. Select 'Yes' when asked and you'll team up with Hugh to take these guys down. It's a fight in the streets!

Hugh uses his fully evolved starter Pokemon at level 43, but will also substitute for his other two Pokemon (at level 41) if they get knocked out. He does pack a Hyper Potion of his own to heal. So I did not need to write the Tag Team here.

Boss Battle

Team Plasma Zinzolin and Team Plasma Grunt

L42 Cryogonal (Ice)

L44 Sneasel (Dark & Ice)

L39 Golbat (Poison & Flying)

L39 Garbodor (Poison)

Safe Type: Psychic, Fighting, Rock

Dangerous Type: Grass, Bug, Flying

Money won: 9480


Type: Ice

EV: 2Sp. Def

Dex No: No.615

Catch Rate: 25!

Height: 3'7"

Weight: 326.3 lbs.


Type: Dark & Ice

EV: 1Spd

Dex No: No.215

Catch Rate: 60

Height: 2'11"

Weight: 61.7 lbs.


Type: Poison

EV: 2Atk

Dex No: No.569

Catch Rate: 60

Height: 6'3"

Weight: 236.6 lbs.

After they'll promptly leave and Hugh will chase after them. I'd suggest going back and healing your Pokemon, then follow after them too. You'll head straight into Route 12.

Next episode