24) Humilau City and Marlon

MEGAH96 Current Team

L65 Emboar

Rock Slide, Hammer Arm, Bulldoze, Flamethrower

L62 Unfezant

Air Slash, Facade, Fly, Detect

L63 Golduck

Blizzard, Zen Headbutt, Surf, Aqua Tail

L62 Ampharos

Strength, Discharge, Flash, Signal Beam

L63 Simisage

Cut, Payback, Dig, Energy Ball

Current Season: Autumn

Total Money: 674314

C24-01: Undella Town

Back in Undella Town, head west of the Pokemon Center towards the previously inaccessible Marine Tube. As you head that way, Hugh will call you up on the Xtransceiver, telling you to take the Marine Tube to Humilau City.

C24-02: Marine Tube

A pretty linear path. Go along it towards the end and through the door. Here, speak with the Parasol Lady to get TM42, Facade.

Continue onto the final Gym's city.

C24-03: Humilau City


Type: Water & Rock

EV: 1Def, 1Sp. Def

Dex NO: No.222

Catch Rate: 60

Height: 2'0"

Weight: 11.0 lbs.

Right near the entrance, you'll see Hugh to your north as well as a little signboard with two lovey Frillish (one male and one female) that you can poke your head in to make it look like you're a Frillish.

Anyway, Hugh says that the Gym Leader isn't at the Gym, so you've gotta go find him. Oh, joy. The Pokemon Center is over to the west. Nothing too exciting in it, so do your business and then get out. To the south is Route 21, which leads you to the other side of that Seaside Cave you ran across earlier.

Now head on over to the northern part of town. It's basically an tropical village, with docks connecting all of the raised houses. As you try to enter the first house you run across up there, a man will jump out of the water and onto the dock (that's a pretty impressive feat!). He'll introduce himself as the Gym Leader, Marlon, and will then head back to the Gym. Well, that was easy. You can take him on now whenever you feel like it.

But there some more.

That house has the Move Tutor of Yellow Shards.

Learn any of the moves you want, then head on over to the east and quite a bit north. The house up there has a Doctor and a Nurse, but neither will give you anything, so keep going west until you find stairs leading down into the water. Pick up the Heart Scale nearby in the water (to the right), then head south, underneath a bridge. There's a hidden Heart Scale.

Head over to the west, underneath a bridge there, and you'll find stairs leading up. To the north is a house with a Protein just past it, while to the west leads you to Route 22. Inside of the house is a Socialite who will ask for you to watch after her Mienfoo for a few minutes. You have to make sure it doesn't cause any trouble, so don't go digging around in the trash or watching TV! Just run around with it... yeah... After running around for a minute or two with it, go ahead and talk to the Socialite and she'll give you a Pearl. Well wasn't that nice.

Now go back to the watery part in the middle, around where the hidden Heart Scale was, and then head south. Over to the west, up some stairs, is another house, plus an old man outside of it. He'll give you the Funfest Mession. Cool. Inside the house, a Roughneck will offer to trade you a Tangrowth for your Mantine. Your call, though. Be sure to pick up the Full Restore in the trash before leaving, though.

Use Surf on the southern section of the watery part of the city and you'll find a beach down there. Follow it to the west and you'll find steps leading up behind the Gym, giving you access to a second Shell Bell.

Anyway, at this point, you're actually free to explore Route 21 and the Seaside Cave to the south or Route 22 and the first room of the Giant Chasm to the northwest. You'll be checking out both of these locations after you've gotten your Gym Badge, though, and each will be blocked so you can't actually explore them thoroughly, but you may still find some Trainers and Pokemon there for you to help your team out.

Then go to the Gym.

C24-04: Humilau Gym

Go forward and speak with Clyde to get some Fresh Water.

Move onto the first walkway and take the path west. Jump onto the first lilypad and ride it west. Jump off onto the next walkway. Move north and take on the Ace Trainer.

L47 Floatzel (Water)

L47 Mantine (Water & Flying)

Jump onto the lilypad to the right and ride it east. You'll stop halfway along. Jump onto the walkway to the north. If you want to head back to the beginning of the Gym, simply jump back on it and ride it south back to the first walkway. If not, move north and ride the next pad east. You'll stop halfway again. Jump off and challenge the female Ace Trainer here. If you time it right, you'll be able to jump on and back off the walkway before she'll even see you.

L48 Alomomola (Water)

Once defeated, jump back onto the lilypad and ride it south. Move onto the walkway here, then move east. If you want to skip back to the start of the Gym, to heal your Pokemon or something, you can head over the lilypad taking you south. If not, head north and use that lilypad to reach the next walkway. Follow this walkway along, over the bridge and around to the lilypad near the end of it.

You have a choice here, you can either take the lilypad east and skip one of the Ace Trainers, or take it south, jump off it then take it east and take on the trainer first. It's assumed that you'll do this, but feel free to skip ahead.

L48 Walrein (Ice & Water)

Assuming that you battled the Ace Trainer, jump onto the lilypad to the south, then jump off onto the walkway to the south. Move east back over the bridge and continue until the walkway starts heading south. There'll now be a lilypad allowing you to head north. Do so. Now head north until you reach the female Ace Trainer pacing up and down the walkway looking around.

L47 Pelipper (Water & Flying)

L47 Wailord (Water)

Take the lilypad just south-west of the Ace Trainer west. Move west onto the next walkway. Take the lilypad to your north, north. Move onto the walkway to your east with the female Ace Trainer on it.

L47 Golduck (Water)

L47 Starmie (Water & Psyhic)

Take the next Lilypad south. Jump onto the walkway to your east and take on the male Ace Trainer here.

L46 Basculin (Water)

L46 Basculin (Water)

L46 Azumarill (Water)

Jump back onto the lilypad and ride it west. Now jump on it from the south and ride it north. Finally, jump on it from the west and ride it east. Jump off onto the walkway to the north. Head north and you'll be standing before Marlon. If you want, you can take the lilypad back south and you'll be back at the beginning of the Gym. You can then head to the Pokemon Center to heal your Pokemon and restock items, if you need to of course. Head back to Marlon using the same lilypad that you used to get back to the start of the Gym and, when you're ready, talk to him to begin the battle.

Boss Battle

Leader Marlon

L49 Carracosta (Water & Rock)

Crunch, Smack Down, Shell Smash, Scald

L49 Wailord (Water)

Rollout, Amnesia, Bounce, Scald

L51 Jellicent (Water & Ghost)

Recover, Ominous Wind, Brine, Scald

Safe Type: Electric, Grass

Dangerous Type: Fire, Rock , Ground, Flying, Ice, Bug, Steel

Money won: 6120

First up we have Carracosta. Thankfully this Pokemon's not too difficult. Watch out for its crazy Shell Smash move, which lowers Defense and Special Defense, but greatly raises Attack, Special Attack and Speed, which can turn it into a killing machine.

Next up will be Wailord. Rollout. You want to defeat Wailord extremely quickly, before Rollout builds up. If you fail to do so, ride the wave of Rollouts out with Hyper Potions and Revives, then try and wittle the rest of its health down. Abuse type match-ups to hopefully make it a quick win.

Jellicent, the last of Marlon's Pokemon, has a Sitrus Berry. It's actually surprisingly weak, but you need to watch out for its Scald move. Using a Grass-type here is definitely the way to go as Water-type moves (such as Scald) will be weak against them and will allow them to quickly defeat Jellicent.


Type: Water & Rock

EV: 2Def

Dex NO: No.565

Catch Rate: 45

Height: 3'11"

Weight: 178.6 lbs.

After the fight, you'll receive the eighth and final badge of the Unova region. The Wave Badge will grant you access to the Pokémon League Championships and will guarantee that all Pokémon, no matter their level, nationality, or being traded, will obey you without question.

Okay, back to business. You'll also get TM55, Scald. Then, leave the gym.

Next episode