16) Exploring Mistralton City

MEGAH96 Current Team

L43 Emboar

Rock Slide, Hammer Arm, Bulldoze, Flamethrower

L42 Unfezant

Air Slash, Razor Wind, Fly, Detect

L42 Golduck

Water Pulse, Zen Headbutt, Surf, Aqua Tail

L42 Ampharos

Strength, Discharge, Flash, Signal Beam

L42 Simisage

Cut, Payback, Dig, Energy Ball

Current Season: Winter

Total Money: 419902

C16-01: Mistralton City

Enter the Pokémon Center and heal. Enter the house to the east, talk to the girl and receive HP Up. Check the trashcan in the bottom-left corner to get an Iron.

Go west, and along the path north and west of the Pokémon Center. As you walk along it, Professor Juniper finally meets you in person. She'll give you the Master Ball. Skyla, the Mistralton City Gym Leader will appear and talk with Professor Juniper and yourself. Juniper will then leave, Skyla will talk to you, then she'll leave herself, heading back to her Gym.

Heading east at the T-intersection which take you into Route 7 and heading west will take you onto the runway, before we go on, let's check for everything in this city.

Just before the runway however is a large building known as the Mistralton Cargo Service, which doubles as a control tower. Head inside. Talk to the woman next to the main counter and you'll receive a Sharp Beak from her. Go northeast. Show the man a Tranquill and you'll get a Net Ball.

Over on the runway, you can find a Flying Gem between two of the planes just to the north. The Gym is also to the north, but there's still something to go.

Go south, down the runway, although swing over to the right by one of the planes over there to pick up TM58, Sky Drop. There's a Backpacker on the runway that will give you the Funfest Mission.

Down in the Greenhouse(Black2)/Crops(White2), you can find a Max Repel sitting there.

Anyway, that's all there is to do here for now, so head on over to the northeastern part of town to enter Route 7.

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