21) Route 17 & 18 near Nuvema Town

MEGAH96 Current Team

L42 Simisear

Rock Slide, Flame Burst, Rock Smash, Incinerate

L42 Watchog

Crunch, Dig, Strength, Cut

L43 Samurott

Surf, Slash, Revenge, Razor Shell

L43 Unfezant

Detect, Razor Wind, Air Slash, Fly

L42 Leavanny

Slash, Protect, X-Scissor, Leaf Blade

Current Season: Summer

Total Money: 200132

NOTE: During the adventure, you're given a Pokémon Egg. So leave room for your party.




C21-01: Route 1

You will see a set of stairs to the west leading to a body of water. This eventually leads to Route 17. Surf west until you find land.

First, Max Ether in the trees further west. To the east is Pokémon Ranger Brenda.

L35 Swoobat (Psychic & Flying)

L35 Simisear (Fire)

She give you...... Persim Berry. Walk southwest is Fisherman Sean.

L34 Frillish (Water & Ghost, male)

L34 Frillish (Water & Ghost, female)

Then go south is Pokémon Ranger Claude east of signpost.

L35 Cinccino (Normal)

L35 Zebstrika (Electric)

He also give you Persim Berry. Walk west to the gateway. In the gateway, you see the broken electric bulletin board! Now walk west to Route 17.

C21-02: Route 17

Route 17-18 map:


Wild Pokémon while surfing in Route 17:


Type: Water & Ghost

EV: 2SP Defense

Dex No: No.593

Catch Rate: 60

Height: 7'3"

Weight: 297.6lbs.

Surf west to the shallow water to battle Fisherman Lydon.

L34 Basculin (Water, Blue-striped)

L34 Basculin (Water, Red-striped)

Northwest of Fisherman Lydon is TM06 Toxic. Surf southwest to battle Swimmer Joyce.

L35 Alomomola (Water)

Surf south you see 3 currents. Use the middle current. When you stop, surf southeast to battle Swimmer Wright.

L32 Basculin (Water)

L32 Basculin (Water)

L32 Basculin (Water)

L32 Basculin (Water)

On the shallow water northeast is DeepSeaTooth. go back to the 3 currents and take the bottom one. Keep going to Route 18.

C21-03: Route 18

Keep walking up the two staircase and you're spotted Hiker Jeremiah.

L34 Boldore (Rock)

L34 Crustle (Bug & Rock)


Type: Bug & Rock

EV: 2Defense

Dex No: No.558

Catch Rate: 75

Height: 4'7"

Weight: 440.9lbs.

Walk northwest and it's a house! She(A female Ace Trainer) will heal your Pokémon. Talk to the Pokémon Ranger and give you a Pokémon Egg! This hatches a Larvesta. No. of steps to hatch is 10455! How long!!! But hatch in Level 1, just like in Generation IV games. But now NOT like Generation II and Generation III games that Pokémon Egg hatches in Level 5. And then, Larvesta evolves into Volcarona at Level 59!


Type: Bug & Fire

EV: 1Attack

Dex No: No.636

Catch Rate: 45

Height: 3'7"

Weight: 63.5lbs.

Walk outside and there is Backpacker Kumiko.

L35 Emolga (Electric & Flying)

Wait......! Sorry! I forget something! Wild Pokémon!

When you walk south over the bridge, use Strength to push the boulder. There is also Max Elixir. Go down stairs west of Backpacker Kumiko. Use Strength to push the boulder to the east and there is also Backpacker Sam.

L35 Whimsicott (Grass)

North of him is Dragon Scale. Walk back to the beach and walk north to staircase. Walk south through the grass and HM05, Waterfall! Head north to staircase and you battle Veteran Ray.

L35 Basculin (Water)

L35 Darmanitan (Fire)

L35 Simisage (Grass)


Type: Fire

EV: 2Attack

Dex No: No. 555

Catch Rate: 60

Height: 4'3"

Weight: 204.8lbs.


You need 1 RageCandyBar to attack Darmanitan with an ability Zen Mode instead of Sheer Force. And it is in Desert Resort outside Relic Castle.

Walk east and go down 2 set of stairs. Surf east and you see 2 currents. The middle current take you to P2 Laboratory.

C21-04: P2 Laboratory

Inside the lab is Dubious Disc. Wild Pokémon outside lab:

Get out the lab and you see Scientist Nathan.

L35 Garbodor (Poison)


Type: Poison

EV: 2Attack

Dex No: No.569

Catch Rate: 60

Height: 6'3"

Weight: 236.6lbs.

Southwest of him is TM24, Thunderbolt. Walk down stairs and surf again. Surfing in between the north-traveling current and the east-traveling current will lead you to Swimmer Berke to battle.

L34 Frillish (Water & Ghost)

L34 Simipour (Water)

Avoiding contact with all water currents, Surf south from the little rock by Swimmer Berke and then west to battle Swimmer Caroline.

L34 Ducklett (Water & Flying)

L34 Frillish (Water & Ghost)

Keep avoiding the currents while Surfing west back to a beach. There is a Heart Scale on the southern end of the beach. To the northeast is Battle Girl Hillary.

L35 Scraggy (Dark & Fighting)

L35 Gurdurr (Fighting)

Walk north and west through the grass is TM19, Telekinesis.

C21-05: Lostlorn Forest

Now you can use Waterfall to get up the Waterfall. But there is also Rare Candy. Now return to Twist Mountain.

Next episode