B) Interface

Overworld Interface

1) Player character: When menu is closed, you can only move it.

2) Trainer: If you go through, you see "!" and the trainer will go through you and then battle you.

3) Grass: Wild Pokémon appears here

4) C-Gear: Use the touch screen to operate it

5) Menu selction: Select a menu item

6) Exit button: Close the menu and then return to the overworld


If a trainer looks at you, the trainer will force you to battle. Because the (!) appears on top of the trainer and walk towards at you.

Bag menu

1) Item Name: what item is this

2) Quantity: Number of same items, up to 999

3) Item Desc: Effect and appearance of the item

4) Item Category: tap to change category

5) Category Name: There are 5 categories:

Items store hold item, stones, repels, mails, Poké Balls, and more.

Medicine store HP, PP and status restore items and revives.

TMs & HMs store TMs and HMs. Unlike previous generations, TMs can last forever.

Berries store Berries in Order.

Key Items store tools, utilities and In-game devices.

6) Items: Tap on the items to choose. Drag the scroll the menu.

7) Exit button: Return to the overworld

8) Return button: Return to the previous page

Battle Screen when FIGHT is chosen

1) Enemy's Info(Name, gender, level and HP bar)

2) User's Info(Name, gender, level, HP bar, Current HP value, Max HP value and EXP

3) Current time

4) List of move(Tap to use)

5) No of Pokemon in your party

6) Return button: Tap to return to the battle menu (Fight, Bag, Run and Pokémon)

Name entry system

1) Name: Name you have entered (Press R button to shift between Uppercase or lowercase of the previous letter)

2) Symbols and characters: Tap to insert character or symbol

3) Case selection: 4 types of choices: UPPER, lower, Others and qwerty

UPPER: Upper case, numbers and basic symbols

lower: Lower case, numbers and basic symbols

Others: Various types of symbols

qwerty: Real qwerty keyboard, like the PC/Mac keyboard

4) Delete: Delete the symbol

5) OK: Approve

6) Clear all character: Tap to clear all the characters and symbols you have entered

You can everytime tap the red X button on the touch screen to return to the overworld