35) Route 14 and Giallo

MEGAH96 Current Team

L68 Simisear

Rock Slide, Flame Burst, Brick Break, Incinerate

L69 Samurott

Surf, Blizzard, Hydro Pump, Waterfall

L68 Watchog

Crunch, Dig, Strength, Thunderbolt

L68 Leavanny

Cut, Leaf Storm, X-Scissor, Leaf Blade

L68 Unfezant

Detect, Sky Attack, Air Slash, Fly

Current Season: Autumn

Total Money: 131309

C35-01: Route 14

Wild Pokémon encounters:

Ace Trainer Junko is just to the east of the entrance.

L68 Purugly (Normal)

L68 Lapras (Water & Ice)

L68 Espeon (Psychic)

Head down the steps and then north to find some dark grass. You can surf across the water up there to find a Reaper Cloth. If you have Waterfall handy, use it to scale the waterfall to the left. Up there, you'll find another of the Team Plasma sages, Giallo! Talk to him and he'll say some stuff before giving you TM08, Bulk Up. Looker will show up and will arrest that guy.

West is Hiker Jebediah:

L63 Hippopotas (Ground)

L63 Piloswine (Ice & Ground)

L63 Probopass (Rock & Steel)

Then drop down the waterfall. To the west is Abundant Shrine. This is recommended to bring both Tornadus & Thundurus.

What should I do?

Tornadus is exclusive to Black, Thundurus is exclusive to White, For Black, trade from White with Thundurus, For White, trade from Black with Tornadus. Must trade Pokémon other than Tornadus/Thundurus. If you like me, you cannot do this in emulators. Because emulator has no IR(Infared)/DS Wireless Communication/Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection.

C35-02: Abundant Shrine

Here is the wild Pokémon:

First, walk up the stairs and west around the patch of grass to a house. Inside the house is a man who will tell you about Landorus but there isn't anything else inside. Back outside, continue west past the water to find TM 35 Flamethrower. Go back to the house and walk north up the stairs to battle Youngster Wes.

L61 Caterpie (Bug)

L61 Pineco (Bug)

L61 Scolipede (Bug & Poison)

L61 Spinarak (Bug & Poison)

L61 Masquerain (Bug & Flying)

There is a Hyper Potion east of Youngster Wes. Lass Lurleen beyond the stairs north of the Hyper Potion.

L63 Horsea (Water)

L63 Ponyta (Fire)

L63 Sunkern (Grass)

Head back to Youngster Wes and walk west to find a Razor Fang. Walk upstairs is Lass Maki.

L63 Burmy (Bug)

L63 Sawsbuck (Normal & Grass)

L63 Tangela (Grass)

Northeast to Youngster Lester.

L63 Yanma (Bug & Flying)

L63 Ledyba (Bug & Flying)

L63 Ninjask (Bug & Flying)

Southeast is Rare Candy. Walk upstairs is a shrine. They says cause a bad storm, incorrect... Bring bad windstorms is different Pokémon, got in wrong, Landorus punished Pokémon than did a bad thing, wreck the shrine can't punish the stormy shrine. If Pokémon does a bad thing, Landorus help us.

So bring both Tornadus and Thundurus to make Landorus appear. If not, what it says:

It's a small, weathered shrine.

L70 Landorus (Ground & Flying)

Rock Slide, Earthquake, Sandstorm, Fissure


Type: Ground & Flying

EV: 3SP Attack

Dex No: No.645

Catch Rate: 3!!!

Height: 4'11"

Weight: 149.9lbs.

Surfing over the lake to the east will lead to TM 92 Trick Room on the other side. So go back to Route 14.

C35-03: Route 14

Keep heading east until Ace Trainer Kipp.

L68 Absol (Dark)

L68 Dodrio (Normal & Flying)

L68 Walrein (Ice & Water)

Hop down the ledge to Backpacker Vicki

L65 Numel (Fire & Ground)

North of her is Black Belt Jay

L64 Primeape (Fighting)

L64 Scrafty (Dark & Fighting)

L64 Poliwrath (Water & Fighting)

Beat him, cross the bridge, but then use Waterfall to climb up the waterfall by the next bridge. There's an Ultra Ball up there in the corner. Keep surfing east to Fisherman Sid.

L62 Barboach (Water & Ground)

L62 Whiscash (Water & Ground)

L62 Corphish (Water)

L62 Carvanha (Water & Dark)

That's all. Keep going north to Undella Town.

Next episode