29) Tricky paths to the final

MEGAH96 Current Team

L74 Emboar

Rock Slide, Hammer Arm, Bulldoze, Flamethorwer

L72 Unfezant

Air Slash, Sky Attack, Fly, Detect

L72 Golduck

Blizzard, Zen Headbutt, Surf, Waterfall

L72 Ampharos

Strength, Discharge, Flash, Signal Beam

L72 Simisage

Cut, Payback, Dig, Energy Ball

Current Season: Winter

Total Money: 969011

C29-01: Victory Road

Depending on which version you're playing, the path you'll take to the Pokemon League will be different. All areas are accessible in both versions, but the directions to get there will vary. Additionally, some of the Trainers are different between the versions.

I put the wild Pokémon encounters like this to save the page size and time to complete this walkthrough.

Encounters in Cave 1F:


Type: Ground & Ghost

EV: 2Atk

Dex No: No.623

Catch Rate: 90

Height: 9'2"

Weight: 727.5 lbs.

Encounters in Outside River:

Encounters in Cave 2F:

Encounters in Forest:

Encounters in Outside Cliffside:

Encounters in Cave 3F:


Type: Dark & Dragon

EV: 2Atk

Dex No: No.634

Cath Rate: 45

Height: 4'7"

Weight: 110.2 lbs.


To make my instructions a little easier, I'm going to refer to this point as Checkpoint 1, so if I tell you to go back here, this is where I'm referring to. That should make it easier for you to know what I'm talking about, plus it'll give you the freedom to explore whatever sections you want.


From the start, head north and fight the Ace Trainer.

L55 Golurk (Ground & Ghost)

L55 Sigilyph (Psychic & Flying)

Head north of him and then push the boulder into the hole using Strength, pushing it once to the left, and then three times north.

Walk over the filled hole and then head west, over to the Psychic.

L54 Lampent (Ghost & Fire)

L54 Musharna (Psychic)

The path to the south is, unfortunately, blocked, so just head north instead to reach the outside river.

Victory Road (Outside River)

Pick up the Full Restore over to the right and then wade through the thick grass to the north until you find some water you can Surf on. This takes you over to a landing with a nearby Ultra Ball and a there's Veteran.

L55 Sigilyph (Psychic & Flying)

L55 Crobat (Poison & Flying)


Type: Poison & Flying

EV: 3Spd

Dex No: No.169

Catch Rate: 90

Height: 5'11"

Weight: 165.3 lbs.

To the north of the Veteran is a Max Repel sitting in the grass, as well as an Ace Trainer.

L55 Whimsicott (Grass)

L55 Unfezant (Normal & Flying)

And a Doctor:

L54 Clefable (Normal)

He'll heal you after you beat him, along with every time you talk to him afterwards. Over to the east leads you to the bridge you saw from the start, along with an Ace Trainer.

L55 Swoobat (Psychic & Flying)

L55 Lilligant (Grass)

Once you've taken all of the Trainers out, go on and head into the cave!

Victory Road (Cave, 2F)

Right near the entrance to the cave, you can find a hidden Max Revive just to the north, which you should definitely pick up. There are two Ace Trainers over to the west.

This is the female one:

L55 Heatmor (Fire)

L55 Galvantula (Bug & Electirc)

And this is the male one:

L55 Durant (Bug & Steel)

L55 Ferrothorn (Grass & Steel)


Type: Grass & Steel

EV: 2Def

Dex No: No.598

Catch Rate: 90

Height: 3'3"

Weight: 242.5 lbs.


When 2 trainers looking you at the same time, you'll enter Double Battle.

Just past them, you'll find some steps that lead you up to a massive fork in the road. From here, you can go either north, south, or west. If you're looking to get through Victory Road as quickly as possible, you'll want to go north, but there are some other neat areas to explore, too.

South Path (from Checkpoint 1)

Head south of Checkpoint 1 and you'll reach an exit leading you back outside to the river area.

Victory Road (Outside River)

Immediately outside is a Backpacker.

L54 Sawsbuck (Normal & Grass)


Type: Normal

EV: 2Atk

Dex No: No.586

Catch Rate: 75

Height: 6'3"

Weight: 203.9 lbs.

Surf across the water to find an Escape Rope, but then go ahead and use Waterfall to swim down the nearby waterfall.

Swim over to the east and you'll find an entrance to another cave. Where does that take you? It actually takes you back to the beginning room, except in a different part of it.

Victory Road (Cave, 1F)

Use Surf right near the entrance and then swim far south, wrapping around to the west until you find some land. Land there, then fight the two Veterans in a Double Battle.

The man uses:

L55 Braviary (Normal & Flying)

L55 Carracosta (Water & Rock)

The woman uses:

L55 Mandibuzz (Dark & Flying)

L55 Archeops (Rock & Flying)


Type: Rock & Flying

EV: 2Atk

Dex No: No.567

Catch Rate: 45

Height: 4'7"

Weight: 70.5 lbs.

Before jumping down the ledge to the east, make sure you pick up TM93, Wild Charge just south of the Veterans.

Now go ahead and jump down the first ledge to the east and fight the Psychic.

L54 Metang (Steel & Psychic)

L54 Cofagrigus (Ghost)

Do NOT jump down the ledge further east or you'll wind up at the beginning! Instead, head north and fight the Ace Trainer up there.

L55 Drifblim (Ghost & Flying)

L55 Claydol (Ground & Psychic)


Type: Ground & Psychic

EV: 2Sp.Def

Dex No: No.344

Catch Rate: 90

Height: 4'11"

Weight: 238.1 lbs.

To the west of the Ace Trainer leads you to a an area with a boulder, but you can only push it from the other side, so you'll have to go back to Checkpoint 1 and then head west instead.

West Path (from Checkpoint 1)

Keep going west of Checkpoint 1 and you'll find a hidden Full Restore inside a rock. Keep going west and you'll also run across a Veteran, using a

L55 Gigalith (Rock)

L55 Skarmory (Steel & Flying)

Head outside and you'll be back in the outside river section again, except on the far west side.

Victory Road (Outside River)

Just to the right is a Max Repel, and since the bridge to the south is broken in Black 2, you'll have to head further to the east instead. There's an Ace Trainer.

L55 Swanna (Water & Flying)

L55 Ampharos (Electric)

Now use Surf and then surf across the river to the other side, where you can head west and then visit the foresty area of Victory Road, which is where you'd usually come in from in White 2.

Victory Road (Forest)

There's a tree you can cut near the beginning, but it's not necessary. Instead, first head over to the right and fight the Ace Trainer.

L55 Darmanitan (Fire)

L55 Tangrowth (Grass)

To the northeast of her is an Ultra Ball. If you have Cut, you can actually head over to the west and cut down a shrub to gain access to a Full Restore. Otherwise, just head south until you're back in the starting room again.

Victory Road (Cave, 1F)

Over here, you'll be able to push a boulder into a pit to allow for slightly easier traveling, but you have to get crafty with it. Push it to the left twice, then down twice, then all the way to the right until it gets stuck. Push it up once, then right three times, then down once to fit it into the hole, giving you access to the end part of the Southern Path from Checkpoint 1, meaning you may have some Trainers to fight if you haven't gone there yet already.

Otherwise, that's it, so head on back to Checkpoint 1!

Checkpoint 1

Alright, back at Checkpoint 1, head north and you'll find two boulders that can be moved with Strength, although the one on the left is inaccessible from your current location. Push the right one north into the hole so you can walk across it. The path in the middle of the boulders leads you to a cave that requires Flash to explore, whereas the path to the right is a slightly longer route, but still good. Both eventually take you to the outside cliffside part of Victory Road, though since you can come back to the Flash cave by following my directions, I'm going to advise you just head east and come back for the Flash cave later.

To the east is a Pokémon Ranger.

L54 Electabuzz (Electric)

L54 Probopass (Rock & Steel)

He'll give you a Cheri Berry after beating him. Afterwards, exit out into the outside cliffside.

Outside (Cliffside)

Climb on up the steps, pick up the Max Elixir to the west and then fight the Black Belt.

L54 Pinsir (Bug)

L54 Heracross (Bug & Fighting)

Climb the steps near him, but take a quick detour to the west and pick up the hidden Normal Gem in the rocks. Alright, now climb even more steps to the north, fighting the Ace Trainer.

L55 Fraxure (Dragon)

L55 Vanilluxe (Ice)

Keep going north, up all of the stairs, until you hit the top. From there, you just need to head west until you find the stairs leading up (as well as some small stairs leading down). For reference, the small stairs leading down take you to where the Flash cave would lead you to. For now, though, defeat the Veteran blocking the stairs.

L54 Zebstrika (Electric)

L54 Starmie (Water & Psychic)

L54 Sawk (Fighting)

Right where these stairs are and all of the branches going off in different directions... let's call this Checkpoint 2.

If you really want to get through Victory Road right away, you're going to want to go north here and fight the second Veteran.

L54 Beartic (Ice)

L54 Golurk (Ground & Ghost)

L54 Throh (Fighting)


Type: Ice

EV: 2Atk

Dex No: No.614

Catch Rate: 60

Height: 8'6"

Weight: 573.2 lbs.

Take him down and then feel free to head inside the cave, though make sure your Pokémon are healed enough for a fight, though, because you're going to have to face Hugh inside! This is covered later on, in the subsection "Victory Road (Cave, 4F)", though it is the direction you'll want to go to finish this up.

Southern Path (from Checkpoint 2)

Climb down the steps and you'll find it branches off twice, which makes this even more confusing. Pick up the Dragon Fang nearby.

Start by taking the path to the right, which leads you over to a cave. (The path to the left takes you to the cave that required Flash, although the directions I'll give you will take you that route anyway.)

Head on south instead of climbing the stairs up to the north and you'll find a Veteran.

L54 Fraxure (Dragon)

L54 Flygon (Ground & Dragon)

L54 Zweilous (Dark & Dragon)

Now head down the stairs to the west of the Veteran and pick up the Dragon Scale.

Jump down the ledge and then head south to reach the cliffside part again.

Out there, you'll run into a Zoroark guarding a cave entrance. You're not going to be able to move it until after you've beaten the game, though, but make sure you check back here afterwards.

That's all there is over here, though, so head on all the way back to Checkpoint 2. Don't worry about the Flash cave for now, though, because I'll lead you there from the next branch.

Western Path (from Checkpoint 2)

Head on over to the west and then south a bit. You'll find a Battle Girl.

L54 Throh (Fighting)

L54 Sawk (Fighting)

Down the steps nearby her, and then over to the east, you can find a hidden Rare Candy, while heading south leads you to a less-than-hidden Max Revive. South of that is another Ace Trainer.

L55 Zweilous (Dark & Dragon)

L55 Eelektross (Electric)

Finally, you'll find an entrance back into the cave from earlier, except from the opposite side.

Victory Road (Cave, 2F)

Inside here, there's a Pokémon Ranger.

L54 Magmar (Fire)

L54 Camerupt (Fire & Ground)

She'll give you a Rawst Berry after you've beaten her. Keep going east and you'll be able to push a boulder into the hole, which will grant you access to the Flash cavern from earlier. Now's a good time for you to go and check it out, too, so head on inside!

Victory Road (Cave, 2F) (Inner)

Start by using Flash to light up this part of the cave, then head a little west and then north. There's a valuable PP Max sitting nearby, so definitely pick that up.

Climb up the steps and pick up the Red Shard hiding in one of the rocks. Follow the path east until you see a pool of water. Use Surf to cross the water and pick up the Rare Candy to the south, then head north. There's actually a hidden Max Elixir nearby, so use your Dowsing MCHN to help find it.

Now head all the way to the north and you'll wind up in a cave leading you out to the cliffside part, which is actually directly south of Checkpoint 2. Climb up the stairs and you'll be right back at Checkpoint 2.


From the start, head north and then cross the bridge to the left. You'll have to fight an Ace Trainer there.

L55 Drifblim (Ghost & Flying)

L55 Claydol (Ground & Psychic)

Both south and north of her just lead to dead ends for now (one-way ledges), so head west until you find a boulder there you can shove into a nearby hole. Do that and then head to the north, fighting against a Psychic along the way.

L54 Metang (Steel & Psychic)

L54 Cofagrigus (Ghost)

Beat him, and then head up the stairs to the foresty area.

Victory Road (Forest)

The Ace Trainer right near the entrance.

L55 Swoobat (Psychic & Flying)

L55 Lilligant (Grass)

In the northeast part of this little forest, you can find an Ultra Ball. West of that is another Ace Trainer.

L55 Whimsicott (Grass)

L55 Unfezant (Normal & Flying)

Over to the west and then south is a shrub you can use Cut on to find a Full Restore. Otherwise, just go north to reach the outside part.

Victory Road (Outside River)

Out here, you have two choices as far as direction goes: you can head north, across the bridge, or you can head east and head down by the water. There's really nowhere the water takes you in White 2 (the bridge is broken in Black 2), so just walk on across the bridge and fight the Veteran.

L55 Sigilyph (Psychic & Flying)

L55 Crobat (Poison & Flying)

Right past her is a Doctor.

L54 Clefable (Normal)

He'll heal you after you beat him, along with every time you talk to him afterwards.

Before you enter the cave, though, be sure to pick up the Max Repel over in the grass to the east first, though.

Victory Road (Cave, 2F)

Near the very entrance, you'll find a Veteran.

L55 Gigalith (Rock)

L55 Skarmory (Steel & Flying)

Head on over to the east, but pick up the hidden Full Restore in the nearby rock. There are two Ace Trainers over to the east.

This is the female one:

L55 Heatmor (Fire)

L55 Galvantula (Bug & Electirc)

And this is the male one:

L55 Durant (Bug & Steel)

L55 Ferrothorn (Grass & Steel)

Past the two of them, you'll find a whole bunch of stairs and pathways leading in various directions. The path off to the east takes you to the route where Black 2 players had to go through. The path to the south leads you to the Outside area and eventually back to the front room, while the path north takes you further on and will lead you closer to the Pokémon League.

Bottom Path (from Checkpoint 1)

Outside, you'll find a Backpacker.

L54 Sawsbuck (Normal & Grass)

There's also an Escape Rope just across the water. If you have Waterfall, though, you can use it to climb down the waterfall. Surf east from there until you find the entrance to a cave, which you should enter.

Victory Road (Cave, 1F)

You're now in the first room you entered, except down in the waterway. Surf as far south as you can, then surf west until you see a place you can land. Land there, climb the steps, and then you'll have to fight two Veterans in a Double Battle. There's no way you can fight them individually.

The man uses:

L55 Braviary (Normal & Flying)

L55 Carracosta (Water & Rock)

The woman uses:

L55 Mandibuzz (Dark & Flying)

L55 Archeops (Rock & Flying)

Further east is a ledge that takes you back to the beginning if you jump down it, so DON'T JUMP DOWN IT, and instead climb up the steps nearby that take you back to the west. That'll give you access to TM93, Wild Charge.

That's all there is down here, though, so go on and return to Checkpoint 1 and decide where you want to go from there.

Right Path (from Checkpoint 1)

Head on over to the right of Checkpoint 1 and, before you leave the cave, be sure to pick up the hidden Max Revive in the nook right above it.

Once you're outside (same outside part as before), you'll find some grass with a Max Repel sitting in the middle of it. There's nothing for you over to the east except for a broken bridge (it's fixed in Black 2), so you'll have to Surf on the water down to the southeast instead, through the thick grass. Pick up the Ultra Ball as you go.

You'll have to fight an Ace Trainer down there.

L55 Swanna (Water & Flying)

L55 Ampharos (Electric)

Surf to the east, climb up the steps, and then keep following the path until you find another Ace Trainer.

L55 Darmanitan (Fire)

L55 Tangrowth (Grass)

There's a Full Restore right near her, too.

Now head on over west until you reach the entrance back to the first room.

Victory Road (Cave, 1F)

There's a Psychic.

L54 Lampent (Ghost & Fire)

L54 Musharna (Psychic)

Cross the bridge to the east, then you're going to have to push that boulder from beneath it, so use Strength on it and push it up one, then walk around to the other side of it and push it three spaces forward, then push it down three, then to the left once, and then down twice in order to fit it into the hole.

Shortly after that boulder, you'll find an Ace Trainer.

L55 Golurk (Ground & Ghost)

L55 Sigilyph (Psychic & Flying)

Past him is a ledge that will take you back to the very beginning if you jump down it, so DON'T JUMP DOWN. Instead, just go back to Checkpoint 1, because you'll seen everything there is to see here.

Checkpoint 1

Alright, back at Checkpoint 1, heading north leads you to a boulder you must move with Strength. (In Black 2, you push the boulder on the opposite side instead.) Doing so gives you access to a room just ahead, but you'll need Flash in order to see much of anything in there. Otherwise, you can head to the west (east in Black 2), fight a Pokémon Ranger.

L54 Magmar (Fire)

L54 Camerupt (Fire & Ground)

You'll receive a Rawst Berry after beating her, and make your way to the cliffside part. Either path will take you there.

To make things a little simpler to write, I'm actually going to take you around the long way and head outside by the Pokémon Ranger, then come back to the cave that requires Flash. You're free to explore it, though, and it's the best path to take if you're in a hurry to get to the Pokemon League, but I like to explore everything (and so should you!), so I think this route will be just a bit better at that.

Outside (Cliffside)

Up the stairs near the entrance, you'll have to fight an Ace Trainer.

L55 Zweilous (Dark & Dragon)

L55 Eelektross (Electric)

Past him, up the stairs, you'll find a Max Revive.

Up past the Max Revive, you'll be able to head either left or right. There's a hidden Rare Candy over in the rocks to the right. To the left and up is a Battle Girl.

L54 Throh (Fighting)

L54 Sawk (Fighting)

Keep going north, up all of the stairs, until you hit the top. From there, you just need to head east until you find the stairs leading up (as well as some small stairs leading down). For reference, the small stairs leading down take you to where the Flash cave would lead you to. For now, though, defeat the Veteran blocking the stairs.

L54 Zebstrika (Electric)

L54 Starmie (Water & Psychic)

L54 Sawk (Fighting)

Right where these stairs are and all of the branches going off in different directions... let's call this Checkpoint 2, because it's where several other paths meet up and is an important point to tell you to return to.

If you really want to get through Victory Road right away, you're going to want to go north here and fight the second Veteran.

L54 Beartic (Ice)

L54 Golurk (Ground & Ghost)

L54 Throh (Fighting)

ake him down and then feel free to head inside the cave, though make sure your Pokemon are healed enough for a fight, though, because you're going to have to face Hugh inside! This is covered later on, in the subsection "Victory Road (Cave, 4F)", though it is the direction you'll want to go to finish this up.

Let's take a look at some of the other branches you can explore now, though.

Southern Path (from Checkpoint 2)

Climb down the steps and you'll find it branches off twice, which makes this even more confusing. Pick up the Dragon Fang nearby, which boosts the power of Dragon-type attacks.

Start by taking the path to the right, which leads you over to a cave. (The path to the left takes you to the cave that required Flash, although the directions I'll give you will take you that route anyway.)

Victory Road (Cave, 3F)

Head on south instead of climbing the stairs up to the north and you'll find a Veteran.

L54 Fraxure (Dragon)

L54 Flygon (Ground & Dragon)

L54 Zweilous (Dark & Dragon)

Now head down the stairs to the west of the Veteran and pick up the Dragon Scale.

Jump down the ledge and then head south to reach the cliffside part again.

Out there, you'll run into a Zoroark guarding a cave entrance. You're not going to be able to move it until after you've beaten the game, though, but make sure you check back here afterwards.

That's all there is over here, though, so head on all the way back to Checkpoint 2. Don't worry about the Flash cave for now, though, because I'll lead you there from the next branch.

Eastern Path (from Checkpoint 2)

To the east of Checkpoint 2, you'll eventually find some stairs leading down. There's an Ace Trainer.

L55 Fraxure (Dragon)

L55 Vanilluxe (Ice)

Keep going down the stairs until you find a path leading over to the west. That takes you to a hidden Normal Gem in the rocks there.

Going south instead takes you to a Black Belt.

L54 Pinsir (Bug)

L54 Heracross (Bug & Fighting)

Pick up the Max Elixir over to the west, then head south until you find stairs leading down into a cave.

Victory Road (Cave, 2F)

This is in the same cave from earlier, where Checkpoint 1 is, except from the other side, where Black 2 players would have had to go through. There's a Pokémon Ranger.

L54 Electabuzz (Electric)

L54 Probopass (Rock & Steel)

He'll give you a Cheri Berry after beating him.

To the west of him, you'll find a boulder that you can push into a hole, which conveniently enough leads you right to where the Flash cave is, just a bit north of Checkpoint 1. Now it's time to go inside!

Victory Road (Cave, 2F) (Inner)

Start by using Flash to light up this part of the cave, then head a little west and then north. There's a valuable PP Max sitting nearby, so definitely pick that up.

Climb up the steps and pick up the Red Shard hiding in one of the rocks. Follow the path east until you see a pool of water. Use Surf to cross the water and pick up the Rare Candy to the south, then head north. There's actually a hidden Max Elixir nearby, so use your Dowsing MCHN to help find it.

Now head all the way to the north and you'll wind up in a cave leading you out to the cliffside part, which is actually directly south of Checkpoint 2. Climb up the stairs and you'll be right back at Checkpoint 2.

This is continued in both versions

Victory Road (Cave, 4F) (North from Checkpoint 2)

Enter the cave at the top. Head through until you're near the end of it and you'll be stopped by Hugh. He challenges you to one final battle. Let's go!

Boss Battle

PKMN Trainer Hugh

L55 Unfezant (Normal & Flying)

L55 Bouffalant (Normal)

(If you choose Snivy)

L55 Simipour (Water)

L57 Emboar (Fire & Fighting)

(If you choose Tepig)

L55 Simisage (Grass)

L57 Samurott (Water)

(If you choose Oshawott)

L55 Simisear (Fire)

L57 Serperior (Grass)

Safe Type: Elemental Monkeys, Your Starter, Fighting, Electric, Rock

Dangerous Type: Ghost

Money won: 5700

Most of his Pokemon should be pretty familiar to you by now, but the new addition to his team, Bouffalant: Packs powerful and surprising moves such as Earthquake and Wild Charge, so be careful!

After beating him, he'll reward you with TM24 (Thunderbolt). He'll then head off after you beat him, leaving you free to exit the cave and reach the gate to the Pokémon League right outside!

Next episode