
Why happiness is important?

1) Because this let the Pokémon evolve by happiness

2) Because Return move may power up

A lady in Nacrene City will rate the happiness of the player's Pokémon. A woman in the building to the right of the Pokémon Center with a Cottonee(B)/Petilil(W) will rate a Pokémon's happiness.

Another lady, in the Pokémon Fan Club located in Icirrus City will also rate the happiness of the player's Pokémon.

Happiness rate: 0 to 255

Want to know base happiness of Pokémon? Here is the List of Pokémon by base happiness in Bulbapedia.

NOTE 1: Lady in Castelia City will massage one of your Pokémon per day, raising its happiness. She is located in the first building on the left side of Castelia Street.

NOTE 2: Holding a Soothe Bell will still apply a multiplier of 1.5 (rounding down) to only positive changes and that use of Luxury Balls will not reduce the effects of negative changes.

NOTE 3: Pokémon evolves when Pokémon's happiness is 220.

Base=Reset to base happiness



Happiny---(Oval Stone)--->Chansey------>Blissey

Eevee---(Daytime happiness)--->Espeon

Eevee---(Night time happiness)--->Umbreon


Cleffa------>Clefairy---(Moon Stone)--->Clefable

Igglybuff------>Jigglypuff---(Moon Stone)--->Wigglytuff

Togepi------>Togetic---(Shiny Stone)--->Togekiss


Budew---(Daytime happiness)--->Roselia---(Shiny Stone)--->Roserade


Chingling---(Night time happiness)--->Chimecho


Riolu---(Daytime happiness)--->Lucario



(24)=Pokémon evolve at Level 24

So remember, happiness is IMPORTANT to Pokémon evolve by happiness!