25) Preparation after 8 badges

MEGAH96 Current Team

L65 Emboar

Rock Slide, Hammer Arm, Bulldoze, Flamethrower

L62 Unfezant

Air Slash, Facade, Fly, Detect

L63 Golduck

Blizzard, Zen Headbutt, Surf, Aqua Tail

L63 Ampharos

Strength, Discharge, Flash, Signal Beam

L64 Simisage

Cut, Payback, Dig, Energy Ball

Current Season: Autumn

Total Money: 722414

C25-01: Humilau City

After leaving the Gym, your rival will halt you and chat with you. Marlon then comes along to also engage in the chat. When you're asked the question, respond as you desire and the conversation will end shortly.

You can either go to Route 21 or 22, but I prefer to go to Route 22, so I'll made the walkthrough to Route 22 first.

C25-02: Route 22

Wild Pokémon:


Type: Ice & Flying

EV: 1Spd

Dex No: No.225

Catch Rate: 45

Height: 2'11"

Weight: 35.3 lbs.

Head south towards the stairs and take on the Ace Trainer here.

L47 Starmie (Water & Psychic)

L47 Drapion (Poison & Dark)

Continue west up the stairs. Head north through the Tall Grass when you reach the top. Continue past the steps leading west until you reach the end. In the north-east corner there is a tile that oddly doesn't contain Tall Grass. It instead contains a hidden Carbos though. Grab it, head back south and head down those steps leading west.

Now head south down to the steps to your west taking you north up onto the elevated area. Move over and challenge the Backpacker here.

L45 Vanillite (Ice)

L45 Bouffalant (Normal)


Type: Ice

EV: 1 Sp.Atk

Dex No: No.1'4"

Catch Rate: 255

Height: 1'4"

Weight: 12.6 lbs.


Type: Normal

EV: 2Atk

Dex No: No.626

Catch Rate: 45

Height: 5'3"

Weight: 208.6 lbs.

Head down the steps to your west. Now move north and head east into the Dark Grass north of the elevated area you were just on. Keep heading east until you find the L47 Amoonguss posing as an item in the grass.

Head back west and move to the north-west corner of the Dark Grass patch. There you'll find a PP Up. Head back out of the Dark Grass and move back to the stairs. This time move up the stairs leading west. You'll come upon another of the Legendary Musketeers. When you do, Colress will appear from the east! He'll have stolen the key item that you lost from the Shadow Triads back in Opelucid City and after you answer a question (it doesn't matter what answer you give), you'll be given it. It turns out to be a Colress MCHN. Cool! This is the item that you need to explore Seaside Cave, so feel free to head onto that section of the walkthrough now if you so wish. It is, however, recommended that you explore the rest of Route 22 first, so you can collect the rest of the goodies! Let's continue on with it!

Save your game before fighting Terrakion, just in case you knock it out on accident. If you do knock it out or run, you'll have to wait until after you beat the game for it to reappear, so try to get it right the first time.

L45 Terrakion (Rock & Fighting)

Helping Hand, Retaliate, Rock Slide, Sacred Sword


Type: Rock & Fighting

EV: 3Atk

Dex No: No.639

Catch Rate: 3!!!

Height: 6'3"

Weight: 573.2 lbs.

Once you're done, move up the ramp onto the thin walkway. Now purposely drop down into the Dark Grass below and grab the Rare Candy on the west side of the area. Move south-east, toward the ledge you can jump over to get back to where you were. Just before the ledge is a Hiker who wants to battle with somebody.

L45 Nosepass (Rock)

L45 Steelix (Steel & Ground)


Type: Steel & Ground

EV: 2Def

Dex No: No.208

Catch Rate: 25!

Height: 30'2"

Weight: 881.8 lbs.

Jump over the ledge and move up the ramp onto the thin walkway to your east. Circle around and move west off the ramp to the north of where you moved onto the walkway. You'll be on an elevated section. Use your Dowsing MCHN to find the hidden Green Shard then move back onto the walkway and follow it east. When it turns south, continue to follow it and move down onto the area below. Take on the Pokémon Breeder!

L45 Camerupt (Fire & Ground)

L45 Grumpig (Psychic)

Now use Strength to push the nearby boulder into the hole. If you need to head back to Humilau City to heal, I'd recommend doing it now when you have the shortcut back. Once you're ready, use Surf on the water to the Breeder's south. Head down the pond until you reach the western shore. Move onto the shore and move left behind the trees. There's an obscured Calcium tucked away here. Grab it then Surf back to the other shore. Now use the thin walkways to head all the way back to the Terrakion. Now head south from the Terrakion through the Tall Grass.

When you reach the two sets of stairs, continue south past them and grab the Poison Barb. Now head down the western set of stairs, then head north and head down a second set of stairs leading west. Move north up the side of the Tall Grass here. Just before you reach the Backpacker, look for the item in the Tall Grass to your west. It's actually an L47 Amoonguss.

There'll be an actual item to your south-west. Move over and grab it, a Red Shard. Move back north-west. You'll find a male Backpacker looking for a battle.

L45 Swinub (Ice & Ground)

L45 Darmanitan (Fire)


Type: Ice & Ground

EV: 1Atk

Dex NO: No.220

Catch Rate: 225

Height: 1'4"

Weigght: 14.3 lbs.

Circumvent the Tall Grass by moving counter-clockwise around it. You'll see an entrance to a cave known as the Giant Chasm. You can head in there now, if you want, but let's keep heading south first. You'll eventually reach an Ace Trainer. Move up to her and battle her.

L47 Arcanine (Fire)

L47 Excadrill (Ground & Steel)

Move up the steps leading east to her south. Now move along the walkway taking you north. Take the path leading directly north and follow it until you reach the end. Move down onto the ground and grab the Max Potion. Now move onto the walkway and drop down to the ground below. You've done everything! As you can't yet explore Giant Chasm, you should head to Route 21 and past it to the Seaside Cave! Don't forget to heal your Pokemon first. Once you're done, head south from the Pokémon Center and use Surf to move onto the water there. Head south into Route 21.

C25-03: Route 21

Right near the start of the route is a female Swimmer.

L46 Wailord (Water)

Head over to the southeast of her and you'll find another female Swimmer.

L45 Remoraid (Water)

L45 Remoraid (Water)

There's a lot of rocks around, but swimming over to the west will find you a male Swimmer.

L46 Octillery (Water)


Type: Water

EV: Atk, 1Sp.Atk

Dex No: No.224

Catch Rate:

Height: 2'11"

Weight: 75

In between the male Swimmer and the female one, you can surf south to find a patch of shallow water with a Big Pearl on it. South of that is a Black Belt on the shore.

L47 Crustle (Bug & Rock)

Go back to that one male Swimmer, but head east and then south instead, where you'll find another male Swimmer.

L45 Wingull (Water & Flying)

L45 Wingull (Water & Flying)


Type: Water & Flying

EV: 1Spd

Dex No: No.278

Catch Rate: 190

Height: 2'0"

Weight: 20.9 lbs.

Head south until you find a shore, and then make your west. You'll see a Doctor outside of the entrance to the Seaside Cave.

L46 Alomomola (Water)

Before you enter the cave, cut through the trees just to the west and fight the Fisherman.

L44 Frillish (Water & Ghost)

L44 Frillish (Water & Ghost)

L44 Frillish (Water & Ghost)

Make sure your Pokemon are healed, then enter the Seaside Cave!

C25-04: Seaside Cave 1F


Type: Water

EV: 1Sp.Def

Dex No: No.086

Catch Rate: 190

Height: 3'7"

Weight: 198.4 lbs.


Type: Water & Ice

EV: 2Sp.Def

Dex No: No.087

Catch Rate: 75

Height: 5'7"

Weight: 264.6 lbs.

Head south to where the Battle Girl will be to your east. Move over and take her on!

L47 Heracross (Bug & Fighting)

Head south down the steps and grab the Full Restore to the east. Head back up the steps and move back west past the Battle Girl. Move south and jump over the ledge. There'll be a Pokémon Ranger here keen for a battle.

L46 Vibrava (Ground & Dragon)

L46 Gligar (Ground & Flying)

She'll give Persim Berry. Before you jump over another ledge, turn on your Dowsing MCHN and use it to find the Blue Shard here. Now jump down the next ledge to your south. Continue in that direction and collect the Dive Ball as you move past it. Continue over yet another ledge. There's a male Pokémon Ranger also give you Persim Berry.

L46 Onix (Rock & Ground)

L46 Lairon (Steel & Rock)


Type: Steel & Rock

EV: 2'11"

Dex No: No.305

Catch Rate: 90

Height: 2'11"

Weight: 264.6 lbs.

Move south to the Black Belt who was guarding the entrance to the cave from Undella Bay. If you answer 'Yes' to his question, he'll initiate a battle. If you win this battle, he'll leave and allow you to freely move between Undella Bay and Seaside Cave.

L44 Roggenrola (Rock)

L44 Roggenrola (Rock)

L44 Roggenrola (Rock)

L44 Roggenrola (Rock)

Head back north and take the bridge east. Follow it to the end, then follow it when it turns north. Head all the way back to the Battle Girl and once again jump over the ledge to her west leading south. This time jump over the ledge taking you east. Move down the stairs and follow the path until you reach the water. Continue south and you'll reach another Black Belt.

L47 Scrafty (Dark & Fighting)

He will have blocked you from moving further south, but there's nothing important there anyway. Instead, use Surf and move over the water leading east. There's a little island with a Heart Scale on it. Grab the Scale then continue Surfing north. You'll eventually reach solid ground. Move onto it. You can now move up the steps leading outside, but you'll need to battle a Crustle blocking your way first. It's assumed that you'll explore B1F first though. Head west and move down the steps to the floor below.

C25-05: Seaside Cave B1F


Type: Bug & Rock

EV: 1Def, 1Sp.Def

Dex No: No.213

Catch Rate: 190

Height: 2'0"

Weight: 45.2 lbs.

Move south-west first. Continue down past the steps to the very bottom left corner of the floor. Now move through the gap and follow along the wall going east. You'll find a Max Repel here. Now move back to the steps and move up them. Use Strength and push the boulder into the hole. Continue over it and move down the steps. You'll catch the eye of another Battle Girl.

L47 Mienfoo (Fighting)

Continue past her and move up the steps. Strength will already be activated, so there's no need to re-activate it. Simply push the first boulder west into the hole. Push the boulder to its north-west, north into the hole. Push the boulder north of that, north, then east into the hole. Push the next boulder to its south, south into the hole. Push the boulder next to it east, then north into the hole. Grab the nearby Rare Candy, then push the final boulder into the hole to its north. Move over it and down the steps. Final battle for Seaside Cave, against another Black Belt.

L47 Gurdurr (Fighting)

Move up the steps leading back to 1F. Head west up the steps in 1F.

C25-06: Seaside Cave 1F

You'll see an item sitting snugly between two rocks. Grab it to find that it's TM06 - Toxic. Now move back down the steps and jump over the ledge leading back south. Heads up the steps to the east, leading out of the cave. If you haven't already, you'll need to battle the L42 Crustle to clear it. Select 'Yes' when given two options after interacting with it. The battle will ensue.

Once Crustle is defeated, Colress MCHN will disappear from the Bag and you may exit.

Next episode