28) 8 Badges checking

Team not updated

C28-01: Route 10

Wild Pokémon:


Type: Dark & Flying

EV: 1Defense

Dex No: No.629

Catch Rate: 190

Height: 1'8"

Weight: 19.8lbs.


Type: Normal & Flying

EV: 1Attack

Dex No: No.627

Catch Rate: 190

Height: 1'8"

Weight: 23.1lbs.


Type: Normal

EV: 2Attack

Dex No: No.626

Catch Rate: 45

Height: 5'3"

Weight: 208.6lbs.


Type: Grass & Poison


Dex No: No.591

Catch Rate: 75

Height: 2'0"

Weight: 23.1lbs.

There are 2 Foongus and 1 Full Heal in the grass. Battle Girl Amy is near the grass.

L39 Scrafty (Dark & Fighting)

L39 Mienfoo (Fighting)


Type: Dark & Fighting

EV: 1Defense and 1SP Defense

Dex No: No.560

Catch Rate: 90

Height: 3'7"

Weight: 66.1lbs.

Walk up the two eastern stairs to battle Ace Trainer Johan.

L39 Fraxure (Dragon)

L39 Eelektrik (Eletric)

L39 Accelgor (Bug)


Type: Electric

EV: 2Attack

Dex No: No.603

Catch Rate: 60

Height: 3'11"

Weight: 48.5lbs.


No weaknesses!


Type: Bug

EV: 2Speed

Dex No: No.617

Catch Rate: 75

Height: 2'7"

Weight: 55.8lbs.

Continue east to battle Veteran Karla.

L39 Maractus (Grass)

L39 Alomomola (Water)

L39 Cryogonal (Ice)

Cross the bridge and stop by Cheren and then, Cheren battle you!

Boss Battle

PKMN Trainer Cheren

L43 Unfezant (Normal & Flying)

L43 Liepard (Dark)

(If you picked Snivy)

L43 Simisage (Grass)

L45 Emboar (Fire & Fighting)

(If you choose Tepig)

L43 Simisear (Fire)

L45 Samurott (Water)

(If you picked Oshawott)

L43 Simipour (Water)

L45 Serperior (Grass)

Safe Type: Rock, Electric, Fighting, elemental monkey

Dangerous Type: Psychic, Ghost, your starter

Money won: 4500

After defeating Cheren, he heal your Pokémon. then, Bianca gives you 2 Max Revives. Then, 2 of them head off.

Dark Grass is north ahead. There are also items. First 2 items are actually Amoonguss, the evolution of Foongus. The 2 western balls is Hyper Potion and Dawn Stone. Black Belt Corey is at the dark grass.

L40 Sawk (Fighting)

At the end of the dark grass is a bridge is Hiker Bret.

L38 Gurdurr (Fighting)

L38 Boldore (Rock)

Talk to the male Veteran on the south side of the bridge gives you Dusk Stone. Walk east along the river to find TM05, Roar. Hop down the ledge and go east. Keep walking east to the patch of grass is Full Restore. Battle Ace Trainer Cheyenne.

L40 Sawsbuck (Normal & Grass)

L40 Jellicent (Water & Ghost)

Battle Veteran Chester to the east.

L39 Beartic (Ice)

L39 Seismitoad (Water & Ground)

L40 Escavalier (Bug & Steel)


Type: Bug & Steel

EV: 2Attack

Dex No: No.589

Catch Rate: 75

Height: 3'3"

Weight: 72.8lbs.

The building to the north is Badge Check Gate. There are 8 gates. You must have 8 badges to complete the gate to victory road.

1) In the entrance of Badge Check Gate, It's empty. you can enter the door or talk to the Veteran to open each gates. The background music of Victory Road is filled in every time you enter the gate.

2) In the Trio Badge room, you see a bridge, plants, rivers, fire, circular table and 2 chairs like a café.

3) In the Basic Badge room, you see grass and dark grass which is the same encounters as in Route 10.

4) In the Insect Badge room, there is a giant stone insect that you cross over.

5) In the Bolt Badge room, you see generators and Ace Trainer is talking you about the gates enter into different world and cannot keep going without Quake Badge.

6) In the Quake Badge room, you see the very earth looking.

7) In the Jet Badge room, it is a huge pit on the windy part and run with running shoes is prohibited.

8) In the Freeze Badge room, there is an ice that you can simply slide to the north.

9) In the Legend Badge room, there are 2 dragons and the background music of Victory Road is completed! Keep north to Victory Road.

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