14) Trouble after the tournament

MEGAH96 Current Team

L41 Emboar

Rollout, Hammer Arm, Bulldoze, Flame Charge

L39 Unfezant

Air Slash, Razor Wind, Fly, Detect

L39 Golduck

Water Pulse, Zen Headbutt, Confusion, Aqua Tail

L39 Ampharos

Strength, ThunderPunch, Flash, Power Gem

L40 Simisage

Cut, Payback, Dig, Seed Bomb

Current Season: Winter

Total Money: 324941

C14-01: Plasma Frigate

You'll follow Hugh and Cheren onto the ship. The three of you will converse before you're approached by a Grunt. He will raise the alarm and an entire group of Grunts will appear from the north, followed by a group to the south. You'll be completely surrounded and the epic fighting will ensue!

L30 Koffing (Poison)

Then again!

L30 Trubbish (Poison)

If you need to, you can leave and do what you want at this point, including healing, but you need to come back and fight the other battles before the plot can advance. Talk with Cheren to begin the next battle, a double battle where you'll team up with him.

Tag Team

PKMN Trainer Cheren

L33 Stoutland (Normal)

L31 Watchog (Normal)

L31 Cinccino (Normal)

L29 Grimer (Poison)

L29 Krokorok (Ground & Darrk)

L29 Golbat (Poison & Flying)

L29 Liepard (Dark)


Type: Poison & Flying

EV: 2Spd

Dex No: No.042

Catch Rate: 90

Height: 5'3"

Weight: 121.3 lbs.

Talk to Hugh to intitiate the final Double Battle. This time you're teaming up with Hugh!

Tag Team

PKMN Trainer Hugh

(If you choose Snivy)

L33 Pignite (Fire & Fighting)

L31 Simipour (Water)

(If you choose Tepig)

L33 Dewott (Water)

L31 Simisage (Grass)

(If you choose Oshawott)

L33 Servine (Grass)

L31 Simisear (Fire)


L31 Tranquill (Normal & Flying)

L29 Grimer (Poison)

L29 Raticate (Normal)

L29 Koffing (Poison)

L29 Watchog (Normal)


Type: Normal

EV: 2Spd

Dex No: No.029

Catch Rate: 127

Height: 2'4"

Weight: 40.8 lbs.

Once the battle's over, the Grunts won't know what to do. Hugh and Cheren will say a few words, then a man known as Zinzolin will appear. You'll speak with him, then some Pokemon will appear out of nowhere. Next thing you know, you're back on the docks and the ship's gone! Hugh freaks and runs off. Cheren will reminiscently look out to see and say a few things before leaving. Now you'll be on your way too!

If you haven't entered the Relic Passage - PWT Entrance yet, you may want to do so now.

C14-02: Relic Passage Area 1

As soon as you enter the Relic Passage, there's a Worker there who will give you the Funfest Mission. Continue south down the stairs. You'll come upon a few paths. Head down the west one around to a Backpacker.

L32 Sandslash (Ground)

Follow the path along and you'll come out near some stairs. Follow them down and take the northern of the two paths leading east (the southern one's blocked). When you reach an intersection with a wider path leading north, follow it. You'll reach a male Backpacker running back and forth. Go up and challenge him to a battle.

L32 Raticate (Normal)

After he's been beaten, head east along the path. At the end you'll find a Protein. Head back west, then south until you're back at the intersection. This time head east. You'll come upon a Hiker.

L31 Drilbur (Ground)

L31 Roggenrola (Rock)

Next to the Hiker is a boulder which can be pushed into the hole to the west using Strength, but there's no real need to so instead press east. You'll reach a doorway leading to another area. Enter it.

C14-03: Relic Passage Area 2

There's a Hiker right near the start of this place.

L31 Roggenrola (Rock)

L31 Timburr (Fighting)

Now head south down the path past the Hiker. When you reach the bottom, head west. You'll come upon a single lonesome rock. Click on this rock to find a Blue Shard. Now head east past the path leading back north. Use your Dowsing Machine and find a hidden Max Repel, lying in a puddle of water. Now head back north to where the Hiker is and take the path east. When you reach two paths leading south, follow one of them. There's a Psychic here keen for a battle.

L33 Swoobat (Psychic & Flying)

Move past the Psychic to his south where there's yet another rock. This one's hiding a Green Shard. Now take the path leading east. From here you'll come upon two paths, one leading north and the other south. The north one leads to the Relic Castle and the south to the Relic Passage Castelia Sewers.

First, let's take the southern path. The path will fork out into three separate paths. When it does, take the western-most one. You'll reach a female Backpacker and another rock containing an item, this time a Yellow Shard!

L32 Watchog (Normal)

If you want to head back to the Castelia Sewers part of the Relic Passage, continue south and follow the path around until you reach some stairs. Go up these stairs and head through the doorway to head back into the Castelia Sewers section. It's recommended that you do so because you'll receive four items that you wouldn't have been able to grab otherwise.

Once you've entered the Relic Passage Castelia Sewers Entrance, follow the path around until you reach a ledge and a boulder. Use Strength on the boulder and push it into the hole. Don't jump over the ledge unless you know that you don't want to head back. Once the boulder's in the hole, take the path north. It's a long run, but you'll eventually reach a doorway leading back to Relic Passage PWT Entrance, Second Area. This area contains four items, an Ultra Ball, Rare Candy, Rocky Helmet and a hidden Rock Gem! Grab them then head back.

Feel free to explore the Castelia City Sewers Relic Passage area, but remember that once you jump over those ledges, there's no way back, except if you have an Escape Rope handy which will warp you straight back to PWT, unless you've exited into Castelia City before you do.

There's an item here that you can only collect by jumping over the western-most of the three ledges though. If you do so, you'll be able to grab a Max Repel, but you'll be forced to jump over the next ledge down into the main part of the area below, meaning you'll have to exit through the Sewers and back into Castelia City instead. Once you're done, head back to the PWT Entrance area.

Backtrack north until you're back where you were with the paths leading south, west and north. Now take the north-eastern path north. Follow it and you'll come upon the final trainer in this area, a Psychic.

L32 Baltoy (Ground & Psychic)

L32 Yamask (Ghost)

Next to Psychic is the last rock, which contains a Red Shard. Grab it then continue north. Use Strength on the boulder to push it into the hole and open up the path to Relic Castle.

C14-04: Relic Castle

Go northeast and through the eastern door. Go east and through the next door. There, flip on the Dowsing Machine and head to the middle of the room where you will find a Sun Stone, then go east to another room. Repeat. Here, go to the northeast corner and you'll find an Ultra Ball. Return to the room with the northbound door, then use it. Continue along to the end of the hall there.

SAVE THE GAME before battling Volcarona,

I REPEAT, SAVVE THE GAME before battling Volcarona.

It has a very low catch rate, 15!!

L35 Volcarona (Bug & Fire)


Type: Bug & Fire

EV: 3Sp. Atk

Dex No: No.637

Catch Rate: 15!!

Height: 5'3"

Weight: 101.4 lbs.

Afterwards, backtrack to the PWT. Fly to Driftveil, heal up, and progress northwest to Route 6.

C14-05: Route 6

When you are moving past the Season Research Lab you'll come upon Cheren. He'll stop you and take you inside, where he'll present you with HM03, Surf!

First, head back east along the path. Head over the bridge and south through the Tall Grass. When you reach the next bridge, use Surf to move onto the water south of the bridge. You should see an item sitting on the land to the south-west of the bridge. Move onto the land and grab the Heart Scale. Surf back onto the bridge. Move north back through the Tall Grass east of the bridge until you reach the next bridge. Now use Surf on the water north of the bridge. Move north and you'll see some Tall Grass to your right. Move into it. There's a gap in the Tall Grass in the bottom-right corner of the area containing a hidden Big Mushroom. Collect it, then grab the item to your north, a PP Up. Use Surf and head over the water to the land on the western side. Move west and you'll be back at the Season Research Lab.

Now and continue on towards Chargestone Cave. When you cross the bridge north of the Parasol Lady moving around in the puddle, a wild Pokemon will suddenly appear, scare your character, then disappear. An old couple will appear behind you. I seriously feel for the old guy; his wife won't shut up! Once they've left, head east to the house of the lady that heals your Pokemon. Head into the water just east of the house. Surf east along the water. When you're behind the Season Research Lab, you'll notice that there's a strip of land there with an item on it. Move onto it and grab the item to find that it's TM56, Fling!

You can now continue Surfing east to the entrance to Mistralton Cave and enter and explore it, but explore later. So we enter Chargestone Cave.

C14-06: Chargestone Cave 1F

Head through Chargestone Cave to the point where Bianca and the Worker were talking just before the bridge. They will now have left and you'll be free to continue along the bridge. Do so and you'll be stopped half way with someone calling out to you. Once they finish, continue on to the other side. Push the large crystal south into the huge crystal to unblock the path, then move south. Follow the path until you come upon an Ace Trainer. He challenges you to a Triple Battle!

L33 Klink (Steel)

L33 Unfezant (Normal & Flying)

L33 Sandslash (Ground)

Once he's beaten, continue past the staircase leading down, around to the two large crystals. Push the bottom one west into the huge crystal, then move through the gap that you've created. Move to the very edge of the platform jutting out from the cliff and grab the Magnet. Enter the staircase to B1F.

C14-07: Chargestone Cave B1F

Follow the path along until you come upon the NUGGET BROTHERS. Talk to either of them to receive a Nugget and a Big Nugget.

Head west. You'll reach stairs leading back to 1F. Go up them. If you jump down the ledge next to the steps, you'll be back at the start of the cave. Talk to the woman above the stairs, then head south to the Pokémon Ranger looking for a battle.

L34 Ampharos (Electric)


Type: Electric

EV: 3Sp. Atk

Dex No: No.181

Catch Rate: 45

Height: 4'7"

Weight: 135.6 lbs.

She'll even give you Chesto Berry.

Head south and find the hidden Carbos. Head back to the Nugget Brothers.

From the two guys, move north up the steps. Take the western-most path. Find the hidden Ultra Ball. Continue until you reach a Doctor.

L32 Solosis (Psychic)

L32 Gothita (Psychic)

You're healed and you can talk to him at anytime. Head east and grab the Iron along the path. You'll find a Pokémon Ranger to your south.

L33 Minccino (Normal)

L33 Excadrill (Ground & Steel)

She gives you Chesto Berry.

Head back to where the Doctor is then continue north. You'll eventually reach a Scientist walk around in circle spinning about.

L32 Joltik (Bug & Electric)

L32 Golbat (Poison & Flying)

From there, move down the somewhat obscured steps leading west. Push the first large crystal west and the second north. Head south path and you'll find a Revive. Then, head back north and you'll find Bianca here. Move over and talk with her, then move up the staircase...... What? Staircase to B2F?

C14-08: Chargestone Cave B2F

Near the stairs, you'll run into a Guitarist.

L33 Zebstrika (Electric)

Push the magnetic rock beneath her to the right or down (you save a little time pushing it to the right), grabbing the Escape Rope.

Head over to the east and head up to fight an Ace Trainer.

L34 Archen (Rock & Flying)

L34 Electabuzz (Electric)


Type: Electric

EV: 2Spd

Dex No: No.125

Catch Rate: 45

Height: 3'7"

Weight: 66.1 lbs.

Just to the north of him you'll find a Thunderstone.

Now go south until you find an Ace Trainer who'll fight you in a Rotation Battle.

L33 Stoutland (Normal)

L33 Krokorok (Ground & Dark)

L33 Ferroseed (Grass & Steel)

Climb down the nearby stairs and you'll have to fight a Hiker.

L32 Onix (Rock & Ground)

L32 Boldore (Rock)

Follow the path over until you find the Metal Coat. If you keep following the path, you can find a hidden Electric Gem, too, but that's all there is down here, so go on back up the stairs to where Bianca was, except go up the stairs back to 1F.

C14-09: Chargestone Cave 1F

Move east, then south. At the intersection you can move east and you'll find the doorway leading out into Mistralton City, but not so fast, we must search for everything in the cave.

If you want to first explore the rest of the cave, move next to the Ace Trainer moving east and west looking north and south.

L34 Tirtouga (Water & Rock)

L34 Magmar (Fire)


Type: Fire

EV: 2Sp. Atk

Dex No: No.126

Catch Rate: 45

Height: 4'3"

Weight: 98.1 lbs.

Now take the south path of the four. Continue until you reach some steps taking you to a Hiker standing in front of an item.

L32 Aron (Steel & Rock)

L32 Nosepass (Rock)


Type: Rock & Steel

EV: 1Def

Dex No: No.504

Catch Rate: 180

Height: 1'4"

Weight: 132.3 lbs.

Behind of the Hiker is a Carbos. Grab it then head back to the intersection. That's really it! If you want to, you can take the path west which will lead back to the rest of 1F, including the entrance. If you do, you'll reach a large crystal blocking your way. Push it west into the huge crystal. Move through and head south down the stairs and you'll be back near the start of the dungeon. Once you're done, head back to the intersection and take the path east to the exit. Move through the doorway into Mistralton City.

Heal your Pokémon in Mistralton City, then use surf on Pokémon for surf areas!

Next episode