37) Heading back to Nuvema Town

MEGAH96 Current Team

L86 Emboar

Rock Slide, Hammer Arm, Bulldoze, Flamethorwer

L85 Unfezant

Air Slash, Sky Attack, Fly, Detect

L84 Golduck

Blizzard, Zen Headbutt, Surf, Waterfall

L84 Ampharos

Strength, Thunderbolt, Flash, Signal Beam

L84 Simisage

Cut, Payback, Dig, Energy Ball

Current Season: Winter

Total Money: 1173890

C37-01: Route 2

Move south and take the Youngster on that's moving through the Tall Grass.

L61 Beedrill (Bug & Poison)

L61 Volbeat (Bug)

L61 Scolipede (Bug & Poison)

L61 Dustox (Bug & Poison)

L61 Mothim (Bug & Flying)

From there, head west over to a small tree. Use Cut to chop it down, then move into the path that you've opened. Continue until you reach a Lass. Take her on!

L61 Butterfree (Bug & Flying)

L61 Illumise (Bug)

L61 Leavanny (Bug & Grass)

L61 Beautifly (Bug & Flying)

L61 Wormadam (Bug & Grass)

Once the Lass is defeated, head south and grab the Carbos there. Head back to the Lass and turn your Dowsing MCHN on. Use it to find the hidden PP Max to your west. Now backtrack all the way to where the Youngster was. Head up the stairs to his east. The girl north of the top of the stairs won't stop for a battle, so continue south. There will be two items here, a Repeat Ball and a Full Heal. Grab both then head back down the stairs. Once again head back to the Youngster. This time, head west, then south down to the ledge. Jump over the first one and turn your Dowsing MCHN on. Use it to find the hidden Max Revive. After that, jump down the next ledge and take on the Veteran at the base.

L66 Masquerain (Bug & Flying)

L66 Magnezone (Electric & Steel)

L66 Dragonair (Dragon)

L66 Slowbro (Water & Psychic)

From there, head east into the Tall Grass. Grab the nearby Ultra Ball to the Youngster's south, then head up to the Youngster and battle him.

L61 Rattata (Normal)

L61 Bidoof (Normal)

L61 Sentret (Normal)

L61 Watchog (Normal)

L61 Zigzagoon (Normal)

Move back out of the grass to your south-west, then head west. When you reach the Youngster next to the sign, don't worry about him, he's not looking to fight. Continue past him and you'll be stopped by a Lass.

L61 Pidgey (Normal & Flying)

L61 Starly (Normal & Flying)

L61 Hoothoot (Normal & Flying)

L61 Unfezant (Normal & Flying)

L61 Tailow (Normal & Flying)

Once she's done with, head west to the next patch of grass. Move south-west through it until you're stopped by a Veteran wanting to battle. Last one before the Route ends!

L66 Wormadam (Bug & Ground)

L66 Magcargo (Fire & Rock)

L66 Jumpluff (Grass & Flying)

L66 Exploud (Normal)

After she's been beat, grab the Max Revive next to her, then head south out of the Tall Grass. You'll see a boulder nearby. Use Strength and push it into its hole to the south. Move over it and grab the Calcium that was hiding behind. Move back north, then head east into and through the gateway. You'll be in Accumula Town.

C37-02: Accumula Town

Up in the second floor of the first building you see when you arrive, a man will give you a Poké Ball. There's also a person in the very back of the second floor who will quiz you on a Pokemon's height and weight. If you guess both correctly, she'll reward you with a Gem of that Pokemon's type.

A man in the upstairs of the adjacent house gives you a BalmMushroom when you talk to him.

Inside of the house up the stairs, the people there will change the melody of the town's music slightly when you talk to them.

There's a Max Repel hiding in the trash can by the benches in the centre of town.

The house down the stairs south of the little park has a Lass in there who will trade an Ambipom for your Excadrill. Its a Jolly nature, holds a Sitrus Berry, and is at level 40, so it's your call if you want it or not.

Well, that's all there is to do in town, surprisingly. Whenever you're done and all healed up (the Pokémon Center is pretty easy to find), head on south onto Route 1.

C37-03: Route 1

After wading through a patch of grass, you can fight a Backpacker.

L62 Omanyte (Rock & Water)

L62 Anorith (Rock & Flying)

L62 Archeops (Rock & Bug)

L62 Shieldon (Rock & Steel)

A lady in the grass south of her gives you a Potion when you talk to her, but be sure to pick up the hidden Ultra Ball right near her. There's also a Backpacker to the west of her.

L62 Kabuto (Rock & Water)

L62 Carracosta (Water & Rock)

L62 Cranidos (Rock)

L62 Lileep (Rock & Grass)

About halfway through the route, there's some water over to the west that you can Surf on. While you can feel free to check that out now.

There's a man that talk about the old character of the original B/W.

Head south to Nuvema Town.

C37-04: Nuvema Town

In the western part of town, you can find a hidden Zinc on the ground. Professor Juniper's lab is also on the northern part of town. Stop by there and she'll check to see how many Pokémon you've seen for your Pokédex. If you've seen all of the Pokémon in the new Unova Dex, she'll reward you with the Permit, which can be used to travel from the Mistralton City airport to the Nature Preserve, where you can find a Shiny Haxorus.

If you complete your Unova Dex by catching, you'll receive the very rare Round Charm Key Item, which increases the rate your Pokemon produce eggs as long as you have it in your inventory.

Additionally, Cedric Juniper will check your entire National Dex for caught. If you've completed your National Dex, he'll reward you with the Shining Charm, which is similar to the Round Charm in the fact that it's a Key Item that has a constant effect, but the effect of the Shining Charm increases the odds of encountering a Shiny Pokemon substantially.

Cedric Juniper will give you the Super Rod after talking to him for the first time.

The house in the middle of town is where the old hero from Black and White once lived; you'll run into his or her mom, who reminisces about N. She will heal up your Pokémon whenever you talk to her, too. Upstairs, be sure to pick up the King's Rock.

The house in the southwest part of town is Bianca's family's house, although they'll do nothing more than just talk about her being Juniper's assistant.

The southeastern house is Cheren's family's house. Talk to his dad and he'll give you some Berry Juice. Well, that's just great.

Head back to Route 1 and you can use Surf to explore the several routes.

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