01) Tips and Tutorials

Welcome to the Pokémon Black and White Version Walkthrough! Release on March 2011 in USA. It is a NINTENDO DS game. But I don't have a NINTENDO DS, I load this ROM by using the NINTENDO DS emulator, DeSmuME.

What is the NINTENDO DS?

C01-01: Game Tutorial

C01-02: FAQs

Q) How does shaking grass occurs?

A) One new feature introduced to Pokemon Black and White is the mysterious "rustling grass patches," which you'll be able to encounter on any route with tall grass on it after you've earned the Trio Badge. If you hear a rustling, like you're walking through grass when you're not, stop moving! Then, look around at all of the nearby patches of grass. Are any of them shaking suspiciously? If so, you're going to want to head directly to that shaking patch, because there's a rare Pokemon in there!

Early on, this is usually the healing Pokemon, Audino, which is fortunate because you gain a lot of EXP if you knock it out (and you can catch it if you want, too), but later on, you can find some pretty cool stuff in those rustling patches.

It is always good to have a couple of Repels on hand just in case you see a rustling patch, because if you get into a battle between here and there, you'll lose the rustling patch!

Oh yeah, and in different terrains, like caves and water, it'll be different, so just be on the lookout for them! Inside of caves, you'll see a little dust cloud swirling around (referred to as "dust cloud"), while in the water, you'll see a little blue circle signifying a ripple near the surface (referred to as "rippling water").

If you want to encounter some rustling grass, the best way to do so is to run up and down directly outside of the tall grass. Right along the border of it. Keep doing that, preferably with your volume up, and you should see some grass shake within a minute or two at the most. If you're not seeing it shake and have tried for several minutes, perhaps leave the area and come back later.

Q) Once I start a new game, I can't save?

A) I you want to save a new game, erase your save file. During the title screen, press Up+Select+B, Select YES twice.

Please note before erasing the save data:

The battery life must be FULL, HIGH or MEDIUM. If the battery life is LOW, don't erase it.

Do not remove the NINTENDO DS game card when erasing.

Your DS/3DS system must not link with other players. When linking, disconnect it.

Remove any GBA games from SLOT 2.

Q) Trade a Pokémon with Generation IV Games?

A) Yes. Obtain the National DEX via the Poké Transfer Lab on Route 15.

Q) What is the relocator?

A) Unlock relocator in Northern Castelia City in 11th floor with the name rater, Fill in the first two words:

And then

Save the game, relocator is unlocked!

Q) Can you rebattle trainers?

A) No, no more VS Seeker.

Q) When the Pokémon appear during swarms?

A) Here is it:

Route 1: Farfetch'd

Route 2: Wynaut

Route 3: Volbeat (Black) or Illumise (White)

Route 4: Hippopotas

Route 5: Smeargle

Route 6: Plusle (Black) or Minun (White)

Route 7: Sentret

Route 8: Croagunk

Route 9: Houndour (Black) or Poochyena (White)

Route 10: Tyrogue

Route 11: Shroomish (Black) or Paras (White)

Route 12: Doduo

Route 13: Shuppet

Route 14: Yanma

Route 15: Mankey

Route 16: Pineco

Route 18: Exeggcute

Q) During the walkthrough in this site, can let you know how the Generation V Pokémon looks like?

A) Yes, here is an example:






Type: Grass

EV: 1Speed

Dex No: No.495

Catch Rate: 45

Height: 2'0"

Weight: 17.9lbs.


Type: Fire


Dex No: No.498

Catch Rate: 45

Height: 1'8"

Weight: 21.8lbs.


Type: Water

EV: 1SP Attack

Dex No: No.501

Catch Rate: 45

Height: 1'8"

Weight: 13.0lbs.

Pokémons from the previous generations #001-#493, does not appear at all.

Q) Why wild Pokémon keep appearing for few steps, for many times???

A) Because in Generation V Pokémon Games(Black & White), the likelihood of meeting wild Pokémon is higher than in previous generations.

Q) My Pokémon won't gain EXP?!

A) You should need an anti piracy patch for the ROM. In the real NINTENDO DS game card, I can't do this. If your Pokémon won't gain EXP, please report to Nintendo about Pokémon can't gain EXP after the battle.

Q) Is there a move called "Tombstoner" introduced in Pokémon Black and White Version?

A) No. It does not. The only thing that a move called "Tombstoner" appears in Red, Blue, Yellow, FireRed & LeafGreen. This appeared when you answer the Pokémon Quiz of TM28 contains Tombstoner.

Q) Can you transfer Pokémon from Generation III games to Generation V games?

A) Sorry, you can't. Because there is no Dual-slot mode in Generation V games. Players will not be able to transfer Pokémon separately.

C01-03: Gender Ratio

♂: Male

♀: Female

C01-04: Using this walkthrough

EP) This is the episode no.

MEGAH96 Current Team

LXX XXXXXXXXXX (This display Level & Pokémon that I used)

XXXXX, XXXXX, XXXXX, XXXXX (This display moves of my Pokémon)

Current Season: Season (This is the current season during my walkthrough)

Total Money: (This is the total money during my walkthrough)

This is the current area during the walkthrough

Here is the walkthrough that I wrote.

......"Trainer Class""Trainer's name".


LXX XXXXXXXXXX (Type 1 & Type 2)

Trainer's Pokémon

Boss Battle

"Trainer Class""Trainer's name"

LXX XXXXXXXXXX (Type) (This display Level & Pokémon that the trainer used)

XXXXX, XXXXX, XXXXX, XXXXX (This display moves of trainer's Pokémon

Safe Type: This is your recommended types

Dangerous Type: This is your unrecommended types

Money won: How much money you earn after you won

Here is the useful tips


This is for you to remember the game mechanics, functions of the game, etc.


This is for you to remeber the walkthrough data you have previously remembered it.

Next episode (Click here to continue to the next episode)

Don't Forget......

1) The Start Menu is on the touch screen.

2) You can enter nicknames with QWERTY mode.

3) You can buy items in Pokémon Center.

4) You can register more Key Items.

5) Tackle is now Power 50 and Accuracy 100%. There are some more moves are modified.

6) An ability, Sturdy, it's quite better and useful. It will stop at 1HP at full health.