04) Jerking through Striaton City

MEGAH96 Current Team

L10 Oshawott

Tackle, Tail Whip, Water Gun

L9 Patrat

Tackle, Leer, Bite, Bide

Current Season: Summer

Total Money: 4100

C04-01: Route 2

Go through the grass. There is a potion. Wild Pokémon encounters:

Now you run to Youngster Jimmy.

L7 Patrat (Normal)

At the bottom he teaches you how to jump on ledges.

Next, keep walking east and you may encounter Lass Mali.

L7 Purrloin (Dark)

Walk east and go through grass and face Youngster Roland.

L7 Lillipup (Nortmal)

Go to the right and you get 2 items:


Poké Ball

Go back to the youngster that you have battle and go north.

Bianca is coming, she wants the battle.

Boss Battle

PKMN Trainer Bianca

L6 Lillipup (Normal)

L7 Oshawott (Water and if you choose Snivy)

L7 Snivy (Grass and if you choose Tepig)

L7 Tepig (Fire amd if you choose Oshawott)

Safe Type: Your Starter

Dangerous Type: NaN

Money won: 700

After the battle, Bianca ran away, so you go through Striaton City.

C04-02: Striaton City

You are in Striaton City. Go to the west to the bridge, Go down and you found a Great Ball.

Go back to the same place. Go to the south building, enter, talk to the man sit at the right, you get another Great Ball.

Go down, go through the trees and you get X Speed.

Next go up to Pokémon Center and Gym, Go right, go down between the building and trees, he give you Dusk Ball.

Now, go up and go right to Dreamyard.

C04-03: Dreamyard

From here you can obtain the elemental monkeys.

Go right, Lass Eri wants to battle you!

L8 Purrloin (Dark)

L8 Purrloin (Dark)

Go right, it's Youngster Joey:

L7 Patrat (Normal)

L7 Patrat (Normal)

L7 Lillipup (Normal)

Go inside and X Defend is there.

Go down. Talk to her and she give you elemental monkey.


Type: Grass

EV: 1Speed

Dex No: No.511

Catch Rate: 65

Height: 2'0"

Weight: 23.1lbs.


Type: Fire

EV: 1Speed

Dex No: No.513

Catch Rate: 65

Height: 2'0"

Weight: 24.3lbs.


Type: Water

EV: 1Speed

Dex No: No.515

Catch Rate: 65

Height: 2'0"

Weight: 29.8lbs.

C04-04: Striaton City

Return to Striaton City, Enter Trainer's School.

Talk to the boy at the northeast. He want you to answer the questions about status conditions.

The correct answer is underlined.

So here is the question: Which of the following items cures poison:

Antidote Parlyz Heal Awakening

Which of the following items wakes up a sleeping Pokémon?

Antidote Parlyz Heal Awakening

After you answer, he give you Full Heal!

And... Cheren is at the blackboard! He wants to battle you.

Boss Battle

PKMN Trainer Cheren

(When you picked Snivy)

L8 Tepig (Fire)

(When you picked Tepig)

L8 Oshawott (Water)

(When you picked Oshawott)

L8 Snivy (Grass)


L8 Purrloin (Dark)

Safe Type: Elemental monkey

Dangerous Type: Your Starter

Money won: 800

After you defeated Cheren, he gives you 3 Oran Berry!

You can go out. He is standing at the Gym. It's Cilan!

Talk to him and you can go to the gym!

Next episode