11) Sandstormed Desert

MEGAH96 Current Team

L24 Watchog

Crunch, Confuse Ray, Hypnosis, Cut

L26 Dewott

Water Pulse, Fury Cutter, Water Gun, Razor Shell

L25 Tranquill

Detect, Air Cutter, Roost, Quick Attack

L25 Swadloon

Tackle, Protect, Bug Bite, Razor Leaf

L26 Simisear

Bite, Flame Burst, Rock Smash, Incinerate

Current Season: Summer

Total Money: 45025

C11-01: Route 4 Gateway

Pass through the gateway, Bianca appears.

Boss Battle

PKMN Trainer Bianca

L18 Herdier (Normal)

L18 Munna (Psychic)

(Snivy users) L18 Pansear (Fire)

L20 Dewott (Water)

(Tepig users) L18 Panpour (Water)

L20 Servine (Grass)

(Oshawott users) L18 Pansage (Grass)

L20 Pignite (Fire & Fighting)

Safe Type: Fighting, Dark, Your starter for starter, Elemental monkey for elemental monkey

Dangerous Type: Your starter for elemental monkey

Money won: 2000


Type: Grass

EV: 2Speed

Dex No: No.496

Catch Rate: 45

Height: 2'7"

Weight: 35.3lbs.


Type: Fire & Fighting

EV: 2Attack

Dex No: No.499

Catch Rate: 45

Height: 3'3"

Weight: 122.4lbs.


Type: Water

EV: 2SP Attack

Dex No: No.502

Catch Rate: 45

Height: 2'7"

Weight: 54.0lbs.

She leaves after battle go through Route 4.

C11-02: Route 4

Run straight up. Wait, at the sand, it's X Accuracy. Go straight up, Cheren want to battle you!

Boss Battle

PKMN Trainer Cheren

L20 Pidove (Normal & Flying)

L20 Liepard (Dark)

(Tepig users) L20 Pansear (Fire)

L22 Dewott (Water)

(Oshawott users) L20 Panpour (Water)

L22 Servine (Grass)

(Snivy users) L20 Pansage (Grass)

L22 Pignite (Fire & Fighting)

Safe Type: Rock, Electric, Fighting, Elemental monkeys

Dangerous Types: Your Starter, Ghost

Money won: 2200


Type: Dark

EV: 2Speed

Dex No: No.510

Catch Rate: 90

Height: 3'7"

Weight: 82.7lbs.

After battle, Player and Cheren receive a Xtransceiver tramsmission from Prof. Juniper. After transmission, Cheren gone away. Now explore everywhere.


Type: Fire

EV: 1Attack

Dex No: No.554

Catch Rate: 120

Height: 2'0"

Weight: 82.7lbs.


Type: Dark & Fighting

EV: 1Attack

Dex No: No.559

Catch Rate: 180

Height: 2'0"

Weight: 26.0lbs.

You can head south first, head west, there is a house for healing your Pokémon. Walk west and a staircase.

There is Fisherman Hubert.

L18 Basculin (Water)

L18 Basculin (Water)

Fisherman Andrew is at the south.

L16 Basculin (Water)

L16 Basculin (Water)

L16 Basculin (Water)

L16 Basculin (Water)

At the bottom, there is a hidden Pearl!

Walk up the stairs in the north, in the northeast, it's Ultra Ball. Go to the west and north it's Parasol Lady April.

L18 Tympole (Water)

L18 Tympole (Water)

Northeast of Parasol Lady April and near steel beams is Hyper Potion. Walk north is Worker Gus.

L17 Roggenrola (Rock)

L17 Roggenrola (Rock)

L17 Timburr (Fighting)

Walk down the staircase at the east. Around the steel beams is Worker Shelby

L19 Timburr (Fighting)

Up the stairs northwest is TM41, Torment. Return to the main road and walk north and find Backpacker Keane by Burn Heal.

L19 Darumaka (Fire)

Backpacker Anna is at the west.

L19 Cottonee (Grass)

East of her is an Ether. Backpacker Jill is at the north.

L18 Petilil (Grass)

There is a Super Potion to the North. Followed by Backpacker Waylon.

L19 Blitzle (Electric)

Wait! The north is... Backpacker Jerome!

L19 Pidove (Normal & Flying)

Return to the south, to the west. It's Worker Scott.

L18 Roggenrola (Rock)

L18 Timburr (Fighting)

Keep west is Worker Zack.

L19 Timburr (Fighting)

There is a house in the west. A Worker give you TM28, Dig. Walk north to Desert Resort.

C11-03: Desert Resort Entrance

Wild Pokémon at the entrance:


Type: Grass

EV: 2SP Attack

Dex No: No.556

Catch Rate: 255

Height: 3'3"

Weight: 61.7lbs.

Walk directly to the gateway and you reach Desert Resort.

C11-04: Desert Resort

Here is the Wild Pokémon encounters:


Type: Psychic & Flying

EV: 2SP Attack

Dex No: No.561

Catch Rate: 45

Height: 4'7"

Weight: 30.9lbs.

Near the gateway Doctor Jerry wants to battle.

L23 Solosis (Psychic)


Type: Psychic

EV: 1SP Attack

Dex No: No.577

Catch Rate: 200

Height: 1'0"

Weight: 2.2lbs.

He will heal your Pokémon. Talk to him again to heal.

To the west, on top of the hill, is Backpacker Kelsey.

L23 Tranquill (Normal & Flying)


Type: Normal & Flying

EV: 2Attack

Dex No: No.520

Catch Rate: 120

Height: 2'0"

Weight: 33.1lbs.

Northeast of him is Backpacker Liz.

L23 Watchog (Normal)

West of her is Blackglasses. Continue north and talk to the man in Black. He give you Soft Sand. Walk Northwest and it's Darmanitan. South of Darmanitan is Fresh Water and then Psychic Cybil.

L24 Gothita (Psychic)


Type: Psychic

EV: 1SP Defense

Dex No: No.574

Catch Rate: 200

Height: 1'4"

Weight: 12.8lbs.

Northwest is Backpacker Elaine.

L23 Maractus (Grass)

West of her is Super Potion. West again is Heart Scale.

Also, there are also hidden items. From the episode you have obtained Dowsing MCHN, I want you to find the hidden items by yourself. So be simple.

Walk south past the tower is Psychic Low running around.

L22 Yamask (Ghost)

L22 Munna (Psychic)


Type: Ghost

EV: 1Defense

Dex No: No.562

Catch Rate: 190

Height: 1'8"

Weight: 3.3lbs.

Continue south you battle Pokémon Ranger Mylene.

L24 Ducklett (Water & Flying)


Type: Water & Flying


Dex No: No.580

Catch Rate: 190

Height: 1'8"

Weight: 12.1lbs.

She gives you Rawst Berry and walk south, talk the passageway west between the rocks to battle Pokémon Ranger Jaden.

L23 Darumaka (Fire)

L23 Blitzle (Electric)

He gives you Rawst Berry. Walk south and it's TM39, Rock Tomb. Make your way back to Pokémon Ranger Mylene and walk south until you find a Fire Stone. Walk east and it's Psychic Gaven.

L23 Solosis (Psychic)

L23 Woobat (Psychic & Flying)

Walk directly north to pick up Stardust. There is Backpacker Nate wants to battle in the east.

L23 Dwebble (Bug & Rock)

Make the way back to the Darmanitan (statues) and enter Relic Castle.

C11-05: Relic Castle

There are also Wild Pokémon:

I give you an instructions about quicksand. If you walk through the middle of the quicksand, you fall. If you run or cycle at the quicksand before the middle, you fall. But there is a Revive.

Psychic Perry is near the quicksand.

L24 Sigilyph (Psychic & Flying)

Another Psychic called Psychic Dua.

L23 Woobat (Psychic & Flying)

L23 Munna (Psychic)

There is a Backpacker that give you fossil.

My choice: Cover Fossil


Type: Water & Rock

EV: 1Defense

Dex No: No.564

Catch Rate: 45

Height: 2'4"

Weight: 36.4lbs.


Type: Rock & Flying

EV: 1Attack

Dex No: No.566

Catch Rate: 45

Height: 1'8"

Weight: 20.9lbs.

Bring this fossil back to Nacrene Gym Entrance. All of them can learn Smack Down, Earthquake, Rock Polish by TM. And L25.

Head back to Route 4 and...... Nimbasa City!

Next episode