19) Skyla

Team not updated

C19-01: Route 7

There is a raised walkway. You cannot use Bicycle to cycle the raised walkway. If you stand still for 3 seconds, you may fall. You can also jump down from the raised walkway.

Wild Pokémon encounters:


Type: Ice

EV: 1Attack

Dex No: No.613

Catch Rate: 120

Height: 1'8"

Weight: 18.7lbs.

First, walk through the grass and you see 2 Youngsters and you can pick up an Ultra Ball:

Youngster Mikey:

L30 Dwebble (Bug & Rock)

L30 Simisage (Grass)

Youngster Parker:

L29 Palpitoad (Water & Ground)

L29 Scolipede (Bug & Poison)

L29 Shelmet (Bug)


Type: Bug & Poison

EV: 3Speed

Dex No: No.545

Catch Rate: 45

Height: 8'2"

Weight: 442.0lbs.


Type: Bug

EV: 1Defense

Dex No: No.616

Catch Rate: 200

Height: 1'4"

Weight: 17.0lbs.

Walk south to the beginning and walk upstairs to the west. A Battle Girl give you TM57, Charge Beam.

Walk northwest is Backpacker Terrance.

L31 Simisear (Fire)

You come across a house to north. Inside the house is a Hiker that will trade his Emolga for a Boldore. Go east from the house to battle Ace Trainer Elmer in Rotation Battle(Triple Battle in White).

L32 Liepard (Dark)

L32 Swoobat (Psychic & Flying)

L32 Watchog (Normal)


Type: Psychic & Flying

EV: 2Speed

Dex No: No.528

Catch Rate: 45

Height: 2'11"

Weight: 23.1lbs.

Walk north is Backpacker Ruth.

L31 Minccino (Normal)

Ignore the raised walkway and keep north. Pokémon Ranger Mary wants to battle you!

L30 Swadloon (Bug & Grass)

L30 Simipour (Water)

L30 Tranquill (Normal & Flying)

Then she give you Aspear Berry. West of her is PP Up. Walk north to Pokémon Ranger Pedro.

L31 Solosis (Psychic)

L31 Axew (Dragon)


Type: Dragon

EV: 1Attack

Dex No: No.610

Catch Rate: 75

Height: 2'0"

Weight: 39.7lbs.

He also give you Aspear Berry. East of him is Max Ether. Walk north is Celestial Tower. Before you enter, walk south to Backpacker Ruth. Walk up the raised walkway to east. There is a house that heals your Pokémon. Walk east and receive a call from your mom by Xtransceiver. Then, keep walking east to the raised walkway with dark grass to battle Harlequin Pat.

L30 Emolga (Electric & Flying)

L30 Sigilyph (Psychic & Flying)

You can find TM81, X-Scissor on the east side. go to northwest to battle Harlequin Ian.

L29 Tynamo (Electric)

L29 Ducklett (Water & Flying)

L29 Tranquill (Normal & Flying)

But you can't go further north now, go back to Celestial Tower.

C19-02: Celestial Tower 1F



In 1F just nothing else, go upstairs. when you go upstairs or go downstairs, it is in 3D rotation.

C19-03: Celestial Tower 2F

Wild Pokémon encounter in every floor:


Type: Ghost & Fire

EV: 1SP Attack

Dex No: No.607

Catch Rate: 190

Height: 1'0"

Weight: 6.8lbs.


Type: Psychic

EV: 1SP Attack

Dex No: No.605

Catch Rate: 255

Height: 1'8"

Weight: 19.8lbs.

Walk north between tombstones is Psychic Doreen.

L30 Elgyem (Psychic)

L30 Solosis (Psychic)

L30 Sigilyph (Psychic & Flying)

Walk east to battle Lass Kara.

L30 Deerling (Normal & Grass)

L30 Gothita (Psychic)

L30 Sigilyph (Psychic & Flying)

East of her is Hyper Potion. Northwest is Pokéfan Jude.

L30 Emolga (Electric & Flying)

L30 Herdier (Normal)

West around tombstones is Pokéfan Georgia.

L31 Swadloon (Bug & Grass)

Southwest is TM61, Will-O-Wisp. In northwest, walk upstairs to 3F.

C19-04: Celestial Tower 3F

The Psychics on this floor rotate each time you press B. You can use this to your advantage if you don't feel like battling them.

Walk east and at the south is Psychic Belle.

L32 Musharna (Psychic)

Walk west and at the south is Psychic Micki.

L31 Yamask (Ghost)

L31 Golett (Ground & Ghost)


Type: Ground & Ghost

EV: 1Attack

Dex No: No.622

Catch Rate: 190

Height: 3'3"

Weight: 202.8lbs.

Walk west to battle Psychic Lin.

L31 Litwick (Ghost & Fire)

L31 Swoobat (Psychic & Flying)

South and then east is Psychic Bryce.

L32 Duosion (Psychic)


Type: Psychic

EV: 2SP Attack

Dex No: No.578

Catch Rate: 100

Height: 2'0"

Weight: 17.6lbs.

East of him is Spell Tag. South is Nurse Sachiko.

L31 Gothita (Psychic)

L31 Alomomola (Water)


Type: Water


Dex No: No.594

Catch Rate: 75

Height: 3'11"

Weight: 69.7lbs.

Walk west is to upstairs.

C19-05: Celestial Tower 4F

You can also rotate these Ace Trainers by "B", not even this, some trainers in some areas can be rotated!

Walk northeast is Ace Trainer Beckett.

L33 Stoutland (Normal)

Please note his Stoutland have all it's elemental fangs, becareful when you battle it.

East of him is a Revive. Walk northwest is Ace Trainer Kassandra:

L32 Swoobat (Psychic & Flying)

L32 Gothorita (Psychic)


Type: Psychic

EV: 2SP Defense

Dex No: No.575

Catch Rate: 100

Height: 2'4"

Weight: 39.7lbs.

West of her is TM65, Shadow Claw. Keep walking north, then east to staircase.

C19-06: Celestial Tower Rooftop

Don't be fun and happy! There is also wild Pokémon in the rooftop! Walk up and you see...... Skyla! She is Mistralton Gym Leader. She is looking at the bell. Go over and ring the bell. Then, she leaves you can go back and battle her in the gym. Use Fly to fly back to Mistralton City.

C19-07: Mistralton Gym

Talk to Clyde and give you Fresh Water. Here is the map:


And this is my Current Team:

MEGAH96 Current Team

L40 Simisear

Rock Tomb, Flame Burst, Rock Smash, Incinerate

L41 Samurott

Water Pulse, Slash, Revenge, Razor Shell

L40 Unfezant

Detect, Razor Wind, Air Slash, Fly

L40 Leavanny

Slash, Protect, X-Scissor, Leaf Blade

L40 Watchog

Crunch, Dig, Strength, Cut

Current Season: Summer

Total Money: 191631

First, go straight to the cannon and launching north. Walk left to enter the cannon. Then launch you to west. Walk right to the same cannon. Then you see Worker Cliff.

L32 Tranquill (Normal & Flying)

L32 Tranquill (Normal & Flying)

Walk up stairs and walk south to Worker Brady.

L32 Ducklett (Water & Flying)

L32 Woobat (Psychic & Flying)

Enter the cannon south of worker Brady. Walk past the cones and battle Pilot Ted.

L32 Ducklett (Water & Flying)

L32 Sigilyph (Psychic & Flying)

There is a cannon on northeast. Walk into cannon from south. Then, walk into cannon to thr right. Just another Pilot, called Pilot Chase.

L33 Unfezant (Normal & Flying)

Walk into the same cannon to left. Walk up stairs and you see Worker Arnold.

L33 Swoobat (Psychic & Flying)

Use the cannon and launching south. Then to east, to north, then to west to Skyla. Heal your Pokémon, save your game and battle!

Boss Battle

Leader Skyla

L33 Swoobat (Psychic & Flying)

Heart Stamp, Assurance, Acrobatics, Amnesia

L33 Unfezant (Normal & Flying)

Air Slash, Quick Attack, Leer, Razor Wind

L35 Swanna (Water & Flying)

Aqua Ring, Air Slash, Bubblebeam, Aerial Ace

Safe Type: Rock, Electric, Ice, Dark(Use for Swoobat)

Dangerous Type: Fighting, Grass, Bug

Money won: 4200


Type: Water & Flying

EV: 2Speed

Dex No: No.581

Catch Rate: 45

Height: 4'3"

Weight: 53.4lbs.

After beating Skyla, she reward you Jet Badge. She also give you TM62, Acrobatics. Take the cannon behind Skyla. So exit the gym.

It's N! He says some about about your Lead Pokémon. He also says about 2 legendary stones, called Light Stone and Dark Stone. Then, he leaves. Talk to the Youngster in the house directly to the north of the Pokémon Center. He'll be impressed that you got the badge and will say something about an item he left behind on the runway of the airport or something. Go back to the runway after talking to the boy and then search the southwest corner of it to find an item sitting there for you — it's TM40, Aerial Ace.

Go and heal your Pokémon, return to Route 7, head north to Celestial Tower, head east, followed by north to Twist Mountain.

Next episode