B) Interface

Overworld and menu

1) Player Character: This is you!

2) Trainer: Talk to them to battle. If the Trainer look at you, you'll be forced to battle!

3) Tall Grass: Wild Pokémon are hiding in these patch of grass!

4) C-Gear: Operates the C-Gear. Go to D) Using the C-Gear for more information about C-Gear.

5) Menu: Used to manage party Pokémon, open the bag, view the trainer card, save the game and change game options. Go to F) The Menu for more information.

6) X button: Return to the overworld.

The Bag

1) Item Name

2) Icon

3) Quantity

4) Effect

5) Pockets(Items, Free Space, Key Items, Berries, TMs and HMs and Medicine)

6) Select an Item

7) Current Pocket

8) Sort by

9) X button: Return to the overworld

10) Return button: Return to the last page

Name entry system

1) Tap on it to clear all characters.

2) Here is the given name.

3) Tap on the character to input one.

4) Case selection: UPPER, lower, Others and real PC qwerty layout keyboard.

5) Delete: Delete one charatcer.

6) OK: Confirm.

You can everytime tap the red X button on the touch screen to return to the overworld