07) Movie at PokéStar Studios

MEGAH96 Current team

L24 Pignite

Rollout, Arm Thrust, Ember, Flame Charge

L23 Tranquill

Gust, Roost, Air Cutter, Detect

L23 Psyduck

Water Pulse, Scratch, Confusion, Water Gun

L23 Flaaffy

Tackle, Charge, Thunder Wave, ThunderShock

Current Season: Winter

Total Money: 50701

C07-01: PokéStar Studios

After entering the Pokéstar Studios, you'll see the guy you saw earlier as well as their boss, Mr. Stu Deeoh. He says some stuff and then runs off to the studios. The guy from earlier then takes you along and shows you some of Pokestar Studios. The first stop is the theatre.

You'll run into Roxie's dad, Pop Roxie, who wants to show you the debut of a new movie. Get ready to watch an interesting movie.

It starts off with Brycen-Man versus Riolu-Man (Roxie's dad).

After they end up fighting in a battle, although Riolu-Man's Riolu winds up losing in the end to the Vullaby, leaving the audience bored and confused(Bad Ending).

It's time for you to do something about that! You're taken over to the Studio.

Go ahead and talk to the guy right outside of the entrance. He'll ask if you want to take the challenge.

Select Rental Pokémon.

First, your Rental Pokémon is:

L13 Riolu (Fighting)

Force Palm, Ice Punch


L15 Pawniard (Dark & Steel)

L13 Vullaby (Dark & Flying)

Follow the script:

Scene 01: Use Force Palm.

When choosing a line between Scene 01 and Scene 02, select:

"Bring it on!"

Scene 02: Use Ice Punch.

So, you'll get a good ending.

After 2 scenes, he'll ask you to release a movie. Save it and then released it!

Head back over to the theatre and talk to the receptionist to watch the movie. Select it from the bottom screen and then enjoy the show! You'll be able to see the audience's reaction on the bottom screen.

After the show, as you try to leave, Mr. Stu Deeoh will show up and will then watch the show himself.

There are 3 types of endings:

Good Ending:

    • Represented by a smiley with two stars.
    • The good ending means you completed the stated Mission of the movie as per the script. It is usually achieved by using the Rental Pokemon for the movie (as it has everything the movie needs). However, it can be done with a custom Pokemon. Good Endings boost your popularity, as well as letting you unlock the sequel movie (if a series) most of the time.
    • A director will make positive comments at the end of the filming, indicating you got the Good Ending.
    • The audience will have a heart beat above their head, as they watch in anticipation, and clap at the end during a good ending.

Bad Ending:

    • Represented by a sad face with a red X.
    • The bad ending means you failed to complete the Mission stated as per the script, such as being KO'd rather than KO'ing the opponent.
    • A director will often make negative comments at the end of the filming, indicating you got a Bad Ending.
    • The audience will get up and leave, as well as have "?"'s over their head during these movies.

Very Good Ending:

    • Represented by a gasping face with a white ?.
    • These endings happen when you go away from the script in a very particular way, varying depending on the mission or the movie. They are often odd endings that change the story completely, but not in a bad way.
    • These endings boost your popularity significantly, and make much more than Good Ending movies.
    • A director will often make an unsure comment at the end of filming indicating you got a Very Good Ending.
    • The audience will display "!"'s above their head when watching the film.

Anyway, go ahead and leave, heading back to the harbour in Virbank City in the southeastern part of town.

C07-02: Virbank City

Head east of the Pokémon Center, then south on that path to reach Roxie and your rival. Fight the Team Plasma Grunt right in front of you!

L14 Patrat (Normal)

Once you defeat the Grunt, he will barge past you and the others will quickly follow. After more chatter, Roxie will give you HM01, Cut.

Head back on over to Route 20 to the west. But wait:

If you head back to the Virbank Complex, right before you enter the main part of it, there's actually a path heading west that you can follow to find a small tree, it's a Super Potion.

C07-03: Route 20

Back track to where the Hiker is. Just to his west is Hugh, who's lost him. Simply jump down the ledges to your west so that you're back at the beginning of the route. Head east over the bridge and you'll see the Team Plasma Grunt to your south.

L14 Purrloin (Dark)

After the battle the grunt will leave and Hugh will talk to you. Head back to Virbank City.

C07-04: Virbank City

Back at the docks, you'll meet up with Roxie and a boat captain. After the conversing ends, follow the captain into the building. Your rival is already buying a ticket and heading aboard.

Answer YES and you'll board the boat to Castelia City!

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