
Computer is a machine that can store and find huge amounts of information and solve difficult number problems very fast. Computer contain parts, called microchips to make them work. They use programs to tell them what to do.

Computer types

Desktop Computer: A computer placed on the desktop. It consists of monitor, keyboard, mouse and computer case.

Notebook Computer: A mobile computer build in keyboard and touchpad. E.g. IBM Thinkpad R51

Netbook: A very small and protable notebook computer.

Tablet PC: Provides stylus for tapping on the screen and sometimes provides keyboard. E.g. Sony VAIO UX

PDA: A handheld computer provides stylus that used outside or inside the building. E.g. O2 XDAIIi

Smartphone: A mobile phone that have many kinds for applications and advanced communicating. E.g. Nokia N95

Computer Devices

Horizontal Computer Case: Place the monitor on the computer case.

Vertical Computer Case: Place the monitor at the side of the computer case.

Processor: The main brain in the system unit. E.g. Intel Pentium D

Motherboard: The circuitboard of the computer. E.g. ASUS VMCSM02

Memory: Known as Random-Access Memory. Used to store during and after processing the information. E.g. Kingston KVR 1GB DDR2 memory

Hard Disk Drive: Stores data and information. E.g. Seagate Hard Disk

Display Card: Connects to the monitor and this card connect to the AGP expansion slot. E.g. PowerColorX850XT

Monitor: Display the information. E.g. IBM ThinkVision L170

Keyboard: Input commands. E.g. IBM 101 keyboard

Mouse: Move cursor. E.g. Sony VAIO Laser mouse

Modem/Router: Connect to the Internet/Network among your home/work/world.