17) Did you meet Skyla again

Team not updated

C17-01: Route 7


Type: Ice

EV: 1Stk

Dex No: No.613

Catch Rate: 120

Height: 1'8"

Weight: 18.7 lbs.


Type: Normal

EV: 2Atk

Dex No: No.335

Catch Rate: 90

Height: 4'3"

Weight: 88.8 lbs.


Type: Poison

EV: 1Atk, 1Sp. Atk

Dex No: No.336

Catch Rate: 90

Height: 8'10"

Weight: 115.7 lbs.

From the start of the route, head on over to the left and you'll be able to fight a Pokémon Breeder.

L34 Ducklett (Water & Flying)

L34 Tranquill (Normal & Flying)

Please note that he'll even rematch. Over in the tall grass, you can fight a Youngster in a Rotation Battle.

L33 Stoutland (Normal)

L33 Deerling (Normal & Grass)

L33 Deerling (Normal & Grass)

Move east past the Youngster to reach a small gap in the tall grass with two items. One is a Zinc and the other actually a L36 Foongus (Grass & Poison)!

Move back west to the path and continue north. Head into the shack when you reach it. Inside is a Hiker looking for an Emolga. If you trade one with him, he'll trade you a Gigalith.

To the east of that house is a Lass who'll fight you in a Triple Battle.

L33 Ducklett (Water/Flying)

L33 Unfezant (Normal/Flying)

L33 Ducklett (Water/Flying)

Once the Lass is defeated, continue along the path north. You'll reach a Nursery Aide.

L34 Cleffa (Normal)

L34 Cinccino (Normal)

Now move north. You'll see a Preschooler moving around in the tall grass to your left.

L34 Sunflora (Grass)


Type: Grass

EV: 2Sp. Atk

Dex No: No.192

Catch Rate: 120

Height: 2'7"

Weight: 18.7 lbs.

Once defeated, head west over to the small clearing with the item in it. Grab the Leaf Stone. Now head north. There's what seems to be another item here, but it's actually just another L36 Foongus!

Move north, over to the entrance to the Celestial Tower. Now move around the right side of it over to the back. Find the hidden TinyMushroom.

Take the path back south. You'll see tall grass to your east. There's a Preschooler.

L34 Darumaka (Fire)

Grab the Elixir behind her. Head back to the path and continue back south. Move back south until you reach the ramp leading up onto the walkway taking you north, then east. Move up onto it and follow it to the other side. Check the rock in front of the shack to find a Revive. Head into the shack.

Talk to the woman sitting on the mat in front of the TV at any time to heal your Pokemon. Talk to the old guy and he'll show you pictures of Tornadus, Thundurus, and Landorus.


Type: Flying

EV: 3Atk

Dex No: No.641

Catch Rate: 3!!!

Height: 4'11"

Weight: 138.9 lbs.

Tornadus Therian


Type: Electric & Flying

EV: 3Atk

Dex No: No.642

Catch Rate: 3!!!

Height: 4'11"

Weight: 134.5 lbs.

Thundurus Therian


Type: Ground & Flying

EV: 3Sp. Atk

Dex No: No.645

Catch Rate: 3!!!

Height: 4'11"

Weight: 149.9 lbs.

Landorus Therian

There's a Revive hiding in the rock just outside of the house, but otherwise head east. As you climb the steps, you'll receive a call on your Xtransceiver from your mom. Continue north and move in front of the twins in Double Battle.

L33 Seviper (Poison)

L33 Zangoose (Normal)

Move onto the walkway with its ramp to your south. Move along it until you move next to the Harlequin.

L35 Baltoy (Ground & Psychic)

As soon as you finish the battle, keep moving along the walkway so that you don't fall off. Continue to the eastern ramp and head down it. Grab the, TM81, X-Scissor. Head back over the walkway to where the Twins are. Move north onto the ramp there. Move along it to the next Harlequin.

L35 Baltoy (Ground & Psychic)

If you keep heading north, you'll find Twist Mountain, but the entrance to it is being blocked off by Marshal from the Elite Four. You won't be able to go through there.

Backtrack to Celestial Tower.

C17-02: Celestial Tower 1F


Type: Ghost & Fire

EV: 1Sp. Atk

Dex No: No.607

Catch Rate: 190

Height: 1'0"

Weight: 6.8 lbs.

When you arrive, head north to find Professor Juniper nearby. Speak with her and you'll receive a Lucky Egg. This hold item will boost EXP.

Continue upstairs.

C17-03: Celestial Tower 2F

Move north-west through the gravestone over to the first trainer, a Psychic.

L36 Musharna (Psychic)


Type: Psychic


Dex No: No.518

Catch Rate: 75

Height: 3'7"

Weight: 133.4 lbs.

To the left of her and up a bit is a Hyper Potion. Head on over to the right now and fight the School Kid.

L35 Litwick (Ghost & Fire)

Right next to her is TM61, Will-O-Wisp. Lastly on this floor is a Pokéfan.

L35 Clefairy (Normal)

Go towards the stairs to the next floor.

C17-04: Celestial Tower 3F

Go on and fight the Pokéfan right near the entrance.

L35 Cubchoo (Ice)

There's a Psychic right beneath her.

L36 Espeon (Psychic)


Type: Psychic

EV: 2Sp. Atk

Dex No: No.196

Catch Rate: 45

Height: 2'11"

Weight: 58.4 lbs.

Just past him is a Revive. Alright, now go back east and fight the other Psychic.

L35 Elgyem (Psychic)

L35 Duosion (Psychic)


Type: Psychic

EV: 2Sp. Atk

Dex No: No.578

Catch Rate: 100

Height: 2'0"

Weight: 17.6 lbs.

Now, just south of all of the action, there's a Nurse you can talk to.

L35 Leavanny (Bug & Grass)

Have the Nurse heal your Pokemon, then move up the stairs to your west. Feel free to backtrack and heal your Pokemon here whenever you need.

C17-05: Celestial Tower 4F

Move north-west and take on the Socialite.

L35 Roselia (Grass & Poison)

Head north, then west and grab the PP Up! Move over and battle the Gentleman to your north-east.

L35 Umbreon (Dark)


Type: Dark

EV: 2Sp. Def

Dex No: No.97

Catch Rate: 45

Height: 3'3"

Weight: 59.5 lbs.

Head on over and fight the Psychic.

L35 Yamask (Ghost)

L35 Gothorita (Psychic)


Type: Psychic

EV: 2Sp. Def

Dex No: No.575

Catch Rate: 100

Height: 2'4"

Weight: 39.7 lbs.

Grab the item, the TM65, Shadow Claw to the east of the Psychic. Head over to the stairs on the north side of the room and go upstairs.

C17-06: Celestial Tower Roof

NEVER BE HAPPY of no wild Pokémon! There's a Ghost Gem hiding over on the west side of the bell. Otherwise, ring the bell while you're up here.

After we're done, level up your Pokémon and enter Mistralton Gym.

C17-07: Mistralton Gym

As soon as you enter, Clyde will be blown towards you and will then give you Fresh Water.

Rules of Mistralton Gym:

When the wind is weak, it will go stronger and it will blow you backwards towards!

Run into green areas to prevents blowing you back.

Press and hold B button to run quickly to the green areas!

From the start, wait for the wind to blow, then run on over to the green area to the east. You're going to want to run to the north and fight the Pilot.

L37 Swoobat (Psychic & Flying)

Quickly run in front of the green area. The wind will knock you against the back of it.

Once it dies down, sprint north and wait in the green area there. Once it dies down again, sprint south, then west into the next green area. Wait. Continue south-west when you can. Wait at the next green area, or let yourself be blown to the back left wall of the gym where the Pilot is to initiate a battle.

L37 Sigilyph (Psychic & Flying)

You're really going to have to make a run for it to get to this next spot! Run north from the Pilot and then quickly head east. There's a green area. Wait for the wind to blow, then hurry on over west and north. Fight the Pilot in there.

L36 Archen (Rock & Flying)

L36 Unfezant (Normal & Flying)

Follow the snaking path east until you reach the Pilot in front of the wall to your south. Move in front of him to make him challenge you.

L37 Unfezant (Normal & Flying)

Continue east, then north to the next green area. Wait, then run north, then west as soon as you can. Continue until you see another green area to your north, then run over and hide there. Take the thin path third from the top (second from the bottom) leading east. Run as far along it as you can before you're blown back against the wall to your south. You should get far enough that you move into the wall with the Pilot.

L36 Ducklett (Water & Flying)

L36 Swoobat (Psychic & Flying)

From here, just head over to the east, wait for the wind to die down, then run north until you reach the red area. Now you're in the clear! Heal up your Pokemon, then get ready to fight against Skyla!

Boss Battle

Leader Skyla

L37 Swoobat (Psychic & Flying)

Assurance, Heart Stamp, Attract, Acrobatics

L37 Skarmory (Steel & Flying)

Agility, Fury Attack, Air Cutter, Steel Wing

L39 Swanna (Water & Flying)

BubbleBeam, FeatherDance, Air Slash, Roost

Safe Type: Electric, Rock, Ice, Dark

Dangerous Type: Ground, Grass, Bug, Fighting, Poison

Money won: 4680

Swoobat, has Attract, be-careful of it.

Skarmory, It has Sturdy, can't direct KO, Use Fire or Electric types only.

Swanna, Use Electric type to direct hit!! Roost, it reecovers HP and becomes "Normal" type......


Type: Steel & Flying

EV: 2Def

Dex No: No.227

Catch Rate: 25!

Height: 5'7"

Weight: 111.3 lbs.


Type: Water & Flying

EV: 2Spd

Dex No: No.581

Catch Rate: 45

Height: 4'3"

Weight: 53.4 lbs.

After the fight, you'll receive the Jet Badge. You'll also receive TM62, Acrobatics.

C17-08: Mistralton City

Once you're outside, Skyla will appear behind you and ask where Professor Juniper is. She'll show up and says she needs to get to Opelucid City, but Twist Mountain is inaccessible, so she suggests coming in from Lentimas Town.

Before doing anything else, though, make sure you go over and talk to the kid inside of the house above the Pokemon Center. He'll notice your Jet Badge and will tell you he hid an item. Go over to the southwest corner of the runway and then pick up TM40, Aerial Ace.

Now, head into the airport and then talk to Skyla. She'll ask if you're ready to go, select YES. Then Bianca shows up. She tells you about Reversal Mountain and decides to tag along.

What the heck!?

If no one is inside of the airport waiting for you, you'll need to make sure that you've...

1) Beaten the Gym Leader, Skyla, in the Mistralton Gym

2) Talked to Professor Juniper in the first floor of the Celestial Tower