
Websites are stored on powerful computers are servers. Servers can also send messages called e-mails between computers.

Website address are called URL:

xxx in third row

xx in fourth row

this is replaced as:

com, net, org, mil, int, edu, gov, info, biz, aero

if xx in fourth row is uk, nz, jp, kr, th, id:

co, ne, ac, or

this is replaced as:

my(Malaysia), sg(Singapore), uk(United Kingdom), nz(New Zealand), au(Australia), hk(Hong Kong), tw(Taiwan), cn(China), jp(Japan), kr(South Korea), th(Thailand), id(Indonesia)

For some websites, they don't have this row.

To find a site, use a browser, and a machine is a modem.

They are many types of sites, they are:

portal, wiki, e-mail, downloads, entertainment, sharing information, chatting, news, shopping, blog, business, search engine, etc.

In a site, there are many types of page:

home page, news, list, blog, forum, download page, video page, music page, photo album page, contact page, about page, games page, etc.

In a site, they have group into the following elements:

image, music, video, text, table, link, embed gadget, AdSense, text box, note, components such as option box, search, flash player, shockwave player, java, Twitter widget, Facebook social plugin, etc.

There are more than ten billion sites. Not only that, most site creators and site designers have {Twitter and Facebook(both of them)}.