38) Nuvema west sea

MEGAH96 Current Team

L87 Emboar

L85 Unfezant

L84 Golduck

L84 Ampharos

L84 Simisage

Due to wasting time, I just list the level and my Pokémon used on my current team.

C38-01: Route 1

Around the middle of the route, you can use Surf to ride on the water. Follow the watery path until you reach the shoreline.

First, head west. In a small alcove you'll find a Full Restore. From there, head up the stairs taking you east. Move south into the Dark Grass, then west over to the Ace Trainer moving about.

L66 Durant (Bug & Steel)

L66 Espeon (Psychic)

L66 Honchkrow (Dark & Flying)

Head south from there and you'll find another Ace Trainer wandering about a hill.

L66 Heatmor (Fire)

L66 Umbreon (Dark)

L66 Mismagius (Ghost)

On the top of the hill that the Ace Trainer was circling is a hidden item. Obviously, use your Dowsing MCHN to find what turns out to be Protein. Fromt here, head south-west down to the female Pokémon Ranger. Take her on!

L64 Wigglytuff (Normal)

L64 Vileplume (Grass & Poison)

L64 Girafarig (Normal & Psychic)

She'll give you a Lum Berry. Move down, south past the fence. Now head east until you reach the male Pokémon Ranger.

L64 Vigoroth (Normal)

L64 Victreebel (Grass & Poison)

L64 Stantler (Normal)

He'll give you a Lum Berry. Move down the thin little path leading south along the trees to the right of the Ranger. At the end is a Prism Scale. Pick it up, backtrack to the Ranger then head west until you reach the gate. Head through to Route 17 on the other side.

C38-02: Route 17

Move down the steps and out to the water. Use Surf to move onto the deeper water. Once you do, move off onto the closest shallow. Head over to the Fisherman here.

L66 Feebas (Water)

L66 Finneon (Water)

L66 Lumineon (Water)

Once he's been defeated, head around to the western side of the current shallows. Use your Dowsing MCHN here to locate and grab the hidden Blue Shard. Once you have it Surf over to the shallows to your north. There's an item sitting in the shallow water here. Grab it to find that it's another Blue Shard! Head over to the south-west corner of this shallow and Surf west, then south. There's a Swimmer swimming about here. Challenge!

L65 Tentacool (Water & Poison)

L65 Huntail (Water)

To the south are two currents taking you west. The upper of the two, which starts slightly further west, is the one that you want to take, otherwise you'll simply get spat out at the next route, Route 18, which we don't really want quite yet. Once you've ridden the upper of the two currents, you'll end up to the west of a female Swimmer. Nonchalantly stroll up to her and ask her if she'd like to partake in a battle with you.

L65 Clamperl (Water)

L65 Shellder (Water)

Head east past her, avoiding all of the currents. You'll reach more shallows. Move onto them. Grab the Dive Ball to the Fisherman's north, then take the Fisherman on himself.

L64 Krabby (Water)

L64 Qwilfish (Water & Poison)

L64 Kingler (Water)

Once he's defeated, move out onto the water east of the shallow. Surf into the current and let it take you back to the male Swimmer. This time take the bottom current flowing west. You'll be spat at near a beach. You're now officially in Route 18! We need to head through here to access the rest of Route 17, so let's get onto it!

C38-03: Route 18

The surfing encounters is same as in Route 17


Type: Grass & Flying


Dex No: No.357

Catch Rate: 200

Height: 6'7"

Weight: 220.5 lbs.


Type: Grass

EV: 2Atk

Dex No: No.455

Catch Rate: 200

Height: 4'7"

Weight: 59.5 lbs.

Move west and move onto the beach. Move up both sets of stairs until you reach the Tall Grass at the top. Move north through it over to the Veteran in Triple Battle.

L68 Kingdra (Water & Dragon)

L68 Skarmory (Steel & Flying)

L68 Donphan (Ground)

Once she's been taken down, head north, then west along the path to the shack. Enter it. Talk to the female Ace Trainer inside at any time to heal your Pokemon. The shady-looking man in the north-east corner of the room will buy any Rare Bones off of you for a grand total of $10000 each, so feel free to sell them to him if you want. Once you're done, head back outside.

Head south to the bridge. Move over it and use Strength to push the boulder into the hole. Move over the boulder to the Black Belt moving around in circles.

L65 Hariyama (Fighting)

L65 Throh (Fighting)

L65 Hitmontop (Fighting)

Head to the south-east corner of this area. Find the hidden Rare Candy using your Dowsing MCHN, then head back to the Black Belt. Now head south-west and grab the Zinc sitting in the Tall Grass. Head back to the Black Belt and head back over the bridge. Once you're over, head west to the stairs leading down. Move down them to the sand below. First head south right down to the water. Use your Dowsing MCHN to find the Pearl String hidden in the rock. Move back north and move up the steps leading east to the boulder. Use Strength on the boulder and push it into the hole. Once it's in the hole, head east under the bridge and down the steps to an out-of-the-way sandy area. There's a Veteran here.

L70 Tyranitar (Rock & Dark)


Type: Rock & Dark

EV: 3Atk

Dex No: No.248

Catch Rate: 45

Height: 6'7"

Weight: 445.3 lbs.

Grab the Star Piece north of the Veteran then backtrack all the way past the boulder, down the stairs to the sand there. Head north up the stairs to the Hiker.

L64 Hippopotas (Ground)

L64 Hippowdon (Ground)

L64 Crustle (Bug & Rock)

From there, move west, then south through the Tall Grass until you come upon the Veteran.

L70 Salamence (Dragon & Flying)

Continue south past her to the very end where you'll find TM19, Telekinesis! Snatch 'er up and head back north until you're out of the Tall Grass. Now just continue along the main path leading north. When you finally hit some stairs taking you north, move up them. At the top you'll find a familiar face, if you played BW at least. It's Crasher Wake, a former Gym Leader! After speaking with him for a bit, he'll eventually leave. Follow the path taking you east.

Head over the bridge when you reach it. Halfway across is a Veteran in Triple Battle.

L68 Staraptor (Normal & Flying)

L68 Relicanth (Water & Rock)

L68 Krookodile (Ground & Dark)

Head over to the other side of the bridge and grab the Magma Stone. Guess what? This can be used in Reversal Mountain to take on Heatran.

Now head down the stairs all the way down to the beach. Use your Dowsing MCHN to find the Heart Scale buried in the sand. Use Surf to head out onto the water. Head east and take the lower of the two currents taking you east. Time to go back and explore the rest of Route 17!

C38-04: P2 Laboratory

The surfing encounters is same as in Route 17

You'll find yourself parked right at the shore of the P2 Lab. There's a Team Plasma Grunt outside, although he won't fight you, don't worry. Inside of the building, you can pick up a Dubious Disc.

Perhaps most important is the plank leading onto the docked Plasma Frigate.

C38-05: Plasma Frigate

The main place you want to go, though, is inside the door on the southern part of the frigate — not down the stairs there, if they're open for you, but just in the door. Take the teleporter there and then head north. You'll find a little collection of grunts. Back there, head east and take the teleporter to find Colress again!

Boss Battle

PKMN Trainer Colress

L72 Magneton (Electric & Steel, has Eviolite)

L72 Rotom (Electric & Water, has Life Orb)

L72 Magnezone (Electric & Steel, has Wise Glasses)

L72 Metagross (Steel & Psychic, has Muscle Band)

L72 Beheeyem (Psychic, Leftovers)

L74 Klinklang (Steel, has Air Balloon)

Safe Type: Fire, Fighting, Ground, Grass, Dark

Dangerous Type: Ice, Flying, Water

Money won: 14800

If you win, he gives you a second Master Ball! YAHOO! Black2 and White2 are the first games to have 2 Master Balls!

Leave the Frigate and return to Route 17.

C38-06: Route 17

It can be a little hectic traversing these currents, so be careful. When you're ready to, move south from where you got spat out. Move between the two currents moving east, down to some shallows below. Move onto them and grab the Pearl String and the hidden Shoal Shell. Once you've done that, backtrack to where you got spat out of the current heading from Route 18 back into Route 17.

Now head between the two currents to the west of where you got spat out (one current's heading east, the other north). There'll be a small gap between them. You'll reach some shallows after heading past them. Move onto it and use your Dowsing MCHN to find the hidden Shoal Salt. Move to the south edge of the shallow and move off into the water below. Surf west between the gaps into the currents, over to the Swimmer.

L65 Carvanha (Water & Dark)

L65 Sharpedo (Water & Dark)

Now head back east to the small rock in the water. You should be able to move south, then west between the currents here. When you do, you'll reach the final trainer in the area, another Swimmer!

L65 Chinchou (Water & Electric)

L65 Gorebyss (Water)

Guess what? There's a little more to do in Route 18 that can only be access by heading south from the female Swimmer until you hit the wall, then heading west between the current and the wall until you come back out into open water. Let's head to Route 18 Again!

C38-07: Route 18

There's a Pearl hiding on the beach when you arrive, but before you land there, you should swim south to another beach area. There's a PP Max sitting out in the open for you, as well as another Prism Scale hiding just south of it by the rock.

Back on the northern beach, head west and fight the Battle Girl.

L65 Poliwrath (Water & Fighting)

L65 Sawk (Fighting)

L65 Medicham (Fighting & Psychic)

There's an Iron sitting in the thick grass for you to pick up, plus there's also a hidden PP Max in the corner of the dark grass.

Finishing everything in south-east Unova, next, we are going to catch the legendary Dragons in Unova, which is Zekrom/Reshiram and Kyurem.

Next episode