30) The Elite Four

C30-01: Pokémon League

Before you continue, here is the following steps:

1) Go to Route 23 to make the grass shake and battle wild Audino with Level 48-51, L51 recommended.

2) Buy many types of Medicine such as: 15 Hyper Potions, 16 Max Potions, 30 Full Restores, 25 Revives, 12 Full Heals in everywhere.

3) Buy X items in Shopping Mall Nine. Because I don't increase status of my Pokémon very frequently. I also don't use Status-based move frequently.

4) Make sure your Pokémon must have higher than 56 but 59 is recommended. So keep going!

5) Buy 12 Casteliacones and sell it in Route 5 to have 24000 a day. You cna also enjoy Funfest Missions.

6) To have 3 times gaining EXP, make sure both Lucky Egg is held and "Exp Points Power 3" is used. However, Exp Points Power 3 is free for Black2 but not White2 because it requires Black Level for this.

After that, and this is my current team:

MEGAH96 Current Team

L77 Emboar

Rock Slide, Hammer Arm, Bulldoze, Flamethrower

L76 Unfezant

Air Slash, Sky Attack, Fly, Detect

L76 Golduck

Blizzard, Zen Headbutt, Surf, Waterfall

L76 Ampharos

Strength, Thunderbolt, Flash, Signal Beam

L76 Simisage

Cut, Payback, Dig, Energy Ball

Current Season: Winter

Total Money: 986269

36 Full Restores

8 Max Revives

17 Revives

13 Full Heals

12 X Accuracies

You ready yet? Once you are, save the game ,speak with the man in front of the staircase and say "Yes", enter it so we can begin.


In the Unova region, you can battle the Elite Four in any order you want. This is still the smae order:

Southwest: Shauntal

Northwest: Grimsley

Northeast: Caitlin

Southeast: Marshal

Each L58 Pokémon of the Elite Four members is holding Sitrus Berry.

Boss Battle

Elite Four Shauntal

L56 Cofagrigus (Ghost)

Will-O-Wisp, Shadow Ball, Psychic, Grass Knot

L56 Drifblim (Ghost & Flying)

Shadow Ball, Thunderbolt, Psychic, Acrobatics

L56 Golurk (Ground & Ghost)

Shadow Punch, Heavy Slam, Earthquake, Brick Break

L58 Chandelure (Ghost & Fire)

Psychic, Shadow Ball, Fire Blast, Energy Ball

Safe Type: Dark, Electric, Rock, Ground, Grass

Dangerous Type: Normal, Fighting, Bug, Poison

Money won: 6960

Cofagrigus, which is a bit of a pain to take down thanks to its defensive stats. It packs Psychic, Grass Knot, and Shadow Ball for attacking moves, but it loves to start off with Will-O-Wisp to burn you right away.

Drifblim, It has a lot of HP, but its attacking stats aren't really the best. You've still gotta be careful, though, because it packs a lot of attacking moves.

Golurk is a big ol' ghost golem thing, and it has several attacking moves.

Chandelure, has outrageously high Special Attack, so be careful! Its Fire Blast hits very, very hard, but Shadow Ball will also hit very hard as well. It has Grass Knot and Psychic just for some extra coverage. Try to hit it as quickly as possible, though since it does have some fair defenses, you may still have to suffer a hit.


Type: Ghost & Fire

EV: 3Sp.Atk

Dex No: No.609

Catch Rate: 45

Height: 3'3"

Weight: 75.6 lbs.

Boss Battle

Elite Four Grimsley

L56 Liepard (Dark)

Fake Out, Night Slash, Aerial Ace, Attract

L56 Scrafty (Dark & Fighting)

Brick Break, Crunch, Rock Tomb, Poison Jab

L56 Krookodile (Ground & Dark)

Crunch, Earthquake, Dragon Claw, Rock Tomb

L58 Bisharp (Dark & Steel)

Metal Claw, Night Slash, Aerial Ace, X-Scissor

Safe Type: Fighting, Bug, Flying, Grass, Water, Fire

Dangerous Type: Psychic, Ghost, Dragon

Money won: 6960

Liepard, and this thing loves to use Fake Out on the first turn to force you to flinch. This is a good time for you to use an X Defend to give your lead Pokemon some extra defenses not just against Liepard, but against the rest of his Pokemon. The rest of its attacks won't hit so hard, but it does have Attract to potentially cause some trouble for your male Pokémon.

Scrafty, on the other hand, is not so frail. This thing has a lot of defensive power. Thankfully, it doesn't pack its most deadly attack.

Krookodile, though, packs Intimidate to lower your Attack, plus it has some powerful moves. Earthquake is the one you've gotta worry most about, but Crunch and even Dragon Claw can hit very hard. Rock Tomb is laughable power-wise.

Bisharp, It doesn't have the best of attacks, but Night Slash and Metal Claw will hit fairly hard. Aerial Ace and X-Scissor are just thrown in for good measure.


Type: Dark & Steel

EV: 2Atk

Dex No: No.625

Catch Rate: 45

Height: 5'3"

Weight: 154.3 lbs.

Boss Battle

Elite Four Caitlin

L56 Musharna (Psychic)

Reflect, Charge Beam, Dream Eater, Yawn

L56 Sigilyph (Psychic & Flying)

Air Slash, Psychic, Ice Beam, Shadow Ball

L56 Reuniclus (Psychic)

Recover, Psychic, Focus Blast, Energy Ball

L58 Gothitelle (Psychic)

Psychic, Calm Mind, Thunderbolt, Shadow Ball

Safe Type: Ghost, Dark, Bug, Electric, Rock, Ice

Dangerous Type: Fighting, Poison, Water

Money won: 6960

Musharna , it's got Reflect to half the damage of your Physical-based attacks for a couple of turns, while Yawn will put you to sleep at the end of the following turn unless you switch out, so sometimes switching out is your better option (or just using an Awakening/Full Heal on the following turn). Dream Eater will do some good damage and also heal it afterwards, so don't let it do that. The only other move it has is Charge Beam, which, if left unchecked, can raise its Special Attack in an annoying way.

Sigilyph, as this thing has alright defensive stats and all, but it's certainly the frailest of the bunch, plus it has a lot more weaknesses.

Reuniclus has a ton of Special Attack and will hit pretty hard with any of its attacks. Psychic is the most obvious threat it has, but it also has Focus Blast to spell trouble for any of your Dark-type Pokemon looking to take advantage of its Psychic-type.

Gothitelle, which loves to get set up by using Calm Mind to raise its Special Attack and Special Defense by one stage. From there, she'll unleash powerful Psychic, Shadow Ball, and Thunderbolt attacks. Try to take it out as quickly as possible, and with Physical-based attacks if you can, otherwise her streak of Calm Minds could prove fatal.

Boss Battle

Elite Four Marshal

L56 Throh (Fighting)

Storm Throw, Rock Tomb, Payback, Bulldoze

L56 Sawk (Fighting)

Brick Break, Retaliate, Payback, Rock Slide

L56 Mienshao (Fighting)

U-Turn, Bounce, Hi Jump Kick, Retaliate

L58 Conkeldurr (Fighting)

Bulk Up, Hammer Arm, Stone Edge, Retaliate

Safe Type: Psychic, Flying

Dangeorus Type: Dark, Bug, Normal, Rock

Money won: 6960

Throh, which is very bulky and more than ready to take a hit.

Sawk, but it will quite often use Retaliate after you've knocked out one of his Pokémon to hit for some extra damage. Sawk also has Sturdy, which means you won't be able to knock it out in one hit, so be ready to endure one of its attacks.

Mienshao is a definite threat to watch out for, because it has high Speed and high Attack, plus it's got the powerful Hi Jump Kick to hit for massive damage. If you can outspeed it and use Fly or Dig (or if you have Protect), it'll miss and receive 50% of its max HP in recoil damage, making the fight much easier. Like Sawk, it has Retaliate to avenge a fallen comrade, but it also packs U-Turn for switching out to something else and Bounce just to be weird.

Conkeldurr. This thing has a ton of Attack and Defense, but its Bulk Up attack only makes that even more of a problem for you to take down, raising each by one stage. Hammer Arm will hit very hard, but lowers its Speed afterwards — but its Speed is already so low anyway that it doesn't even matter. Stone Edge is a dangerous attack, particularly if you're using Flying-type Pokemon, so be careful around it. Retaliate also hits hard right off the bat if you just got done knocking out one of his Pokemon.

Once all four members of the Elite Four have been defeated, head back to the main area connecting the four members. You'll see a statue. Move up to the statue and press the orange buttton on its front side. You, along with the statue, will move underground. Once you stop, you'll find yourself in a massive room. Head north up the three lots of steps to the building back above ground. Enter the building and move up one last lot of steps to the Champion. Wut? It's Iris?! The room will light up. Move up to her when you're ready to and talk to begin the battle. Be sure to fully Revive and heal your Pokemon first. Also, if any needed moves are dangerously low on PP, use an Ether or the like to restore its PP. When you're ready, talk to Iris and the final battle will begin.

Boss Battle

Champion Iris

L57 Hydreigon (Dark & Dragon)

Dragon Pulse, Flamethrower, Charge Beam, Surf

L57 Druddigon (Dragon, has Life Orb)

Dragon Tail, Flamethrower, Focus Blast, Rock Slide

L57 Aggron (Rock & Steel)

Autotomize, Double-Edge, Earthquake, Rock Slide

L57 Archeops (Rock & Flying)

Acrobatics, Endeavor, Rock Slide, Dragon Claw

L57 Lapras (Water & Ice)

Sing, Ice Beam, Thunderbolt, Surf

L59 Haxorus (Dragon, has Focus Sash)

Dual Chop, Dragon Dance, Earthquake, X-Scissor

Safe Type: Ice, Water, Ground, Electric, Fighting, Water-type Pokémon with Ice-type moves

Dangerous Type: Normal, Fire, Psychic, Ghost, Dark

Money won: 11800

Hydreigon, giving it only a single weakness to Ice, but also giving it a weakness to Dragon-, Fighting-, and Bug-type attacks. It has a very wide selection of moves to fight you@!#?@!

Druddigon packs both the Sheer Force ability and the Life Orb, meaning its attacks are going to hit super hard, but it'll take 1/10th of its HP in recoil damage each time it damages you. Dragon Claw is the most obvious threat, while Rock Slide, Flamethrower, and even Focus Blast are all still options.

Aggron is a bulky Pokemon with a ton of Attack and an absolute mountain of Defense. It has both Earthquake and Rock Slide to deal some heavy damage, while its Double-Edge attack will not suffer from recoil damage thanks to its Rock Head ability. Autotomize raises its Speed by two stages and also lowers its weight, meaning Grass Knot and Low Kick will do less to it.

Archeops is a very fast, powerful Pokemon with stats reaching legendary status. Its Attack is through the roof! However, the major downside to its awesome strength is its ability, Defeatist, which halves its Attack and Special Attack when its HP falls below 50%, rendering it much weaker. Try to get it down to 50% as quickly as possible, but be careful not to get it too weak (in the red), otherwise Iris will just use a Full Restore and you'll have to start fresh against it. It packs Acrobatics for massive damage, plus Rock Slide and Dragon Claw for additional support. Endeavor will do enough damage to effectively give both your Pokemon and Archeops the same amount of HP, if yours has more HP, so that's it's exit strategy if you get its HP too low.

Lapras, it packs Ice Beam. Surf will also hit for a lot of damage, while Thunderbolt completes a pretty beautiful selection of attacks. Be wary of what it might hit you with. Sing, while inaccurate, is also capable of putting you to sleep

Haxorus, which is two levels higher than any of her other Pokemon. Haxorus has massive Attack power plus some respectable Speed. The rest of its stats are all pretty good, too, plus it has the Focus Sash, which will prevent it from being knocked out in one hit if its HP are full when it's damaged. She'll likely heal up afterwards with a Full Restore, too. For moves, it has Dual Chop to hit you twice with a Dragon-type attack, Earthquake for some powerful damage, and then, oddly enough, X-Scissor. It's capable of using Dragon Dance, though, which raises its Attack and Speed by one stage each, and if it uses that even once, it could have enough power and speed to rip your team apart, so avoid letting it pull it off if you can! Burning it with Will-O-Wisp is a decent idea, plus it will disable her Focus Sash, but Iris can always heal it with a Full Restore.

After you've beaten Iris, you're the new Pokémon League Champion!

You'll be guided into the Hall of Fame, where your team will be recorded, and where your game will be saved prior to showing the game's credits.

Before the credits roll, you'll unlock Challenge Mode if you're playing Black2 or Easy Mode if you're playing White2.

Alright, well let the credits roll, and then get ready to do some more exploring in the post-game.

In addition, you're unlocked the first 4 PC Storage wallpapers and Opelucid City is back to normal again as shown in the credits: