34) Back to Nacrene City

MEGAH96 Current Team

L85 Emboar

Rock Slide, Hammer Arm, Bulldoze, Flamethrower

L82 Unfezant

Air Slash, Sky Attack, Fly, Detect

L81 Golduck

Blizzard, Zen Headbutt, Surf, Waterfall

L81 Ampharos

Strength, Thunderbolt, Flash, Signal Beam

L82 Simisage

Cut, Payback, Dig, Energy Ball

Current Season: Winter

Total Money: 1066635

C34-01: Nacrene City

But let's start with Café Warehouse, which is the first building you'll find upon entering. Inside, you can talk to the maid and she'll give you a free Soda Pop on Wednesdays and Saturdays.

Further to the east you'll find the Nacrene Museum. It's no longer a Gym, but you can go inside of it to meet with Lenora.

Inside of the museum, you'll run into Hawes. He'll talk for a little bit before his wife, Lenora, shows up and introduces herself, but not before asking which fossil you'd rather have. Yes, she cuts straight to the point!

You can choose between the Cover Fossil (top option) or the Plume Fossil (middle option). You are able to get only one of these fossils, so you'll need to trade for the other one. You can also just decline by saying no (you'll get another chance the next time you talk to Lenora). Regardless, Lenora will give you the fossil of your choice (if you chose to accept one) and will then head off to the basement. Hawes will show you around, showing you a few different sites. One of the things he shows you is a collection of meteorites that are said to have a connection to Deoxys. You can use them to change the form of your Deoxys. He also shows you a replica of the Light Stone.

You can choose between the Cover Fossil (top option) or the Plume Fossil (middle option). You are able to get only one of these fossils, so you'll need to trade for the other one. You can also just decline by saying no (you'll get another chance the next time you talk to Lenora). Regardless, Lenora will give you the fossil of your choice (if you chose to accept one) and will then head off to the basement. Hawes will show you around, showing you a few different sites. One of the things he shows you is a collection of meteorites that are said to have a connection to Deoxys. You can use them to change the form of your Deoxys. He also shows you a replica of the Light Stone.


Helix Fossil turns into the Rock/Water-type Omanyte.

Dome Fossil turns into the Rock/Water-type Kabuto.

Old Amber turns into the Rock/Flying-type Aerodactyl.

Root Fossil turns into the Rock/Grass-type Lileep.

Claw Fossil turns into the Rock/Bug-type Anorith.

Skull Fossil turns into the Rock-type Cranidos.

Armor Fossil turns into the Rock/Steel-type Shieldon.

Cover Fossil turns into the Rock/Water-type Tirtouga.

Plume Fossil turns into the Rock/Flying-type Archen.

In the back of the museum, you'll find a library, which served as the Gym in the old games. The stairs lead down to Lenora's room, where you can talk to her again.

South of the museum is the Pokémon Center. The first house to the west of it has a guy who will sell you all of the X items, although since you can buy them on Shopping Mall Nine, it isn't quite as exciting as it was in the original games. However, what is exciting is that this house also contains the final Move Tutor, who will teach your Pokemon moves in exchange for Green Shards!

The house adjacent to it has nothing overly exciting in it, but keep heading west to find a hidden PP Up on the train tracks.

The first house you can enter to the east of the Pokémon Center has a girl in there that will see how much effort your lead Pokemon has put in, which is useful to determine whether or not your Pokemon has maxed out its Effort Values or EVs.

Well, that's all there is to do in Nacrene City, so make your way onto the southeast part of town to reach Route 3.

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