British and American English


Theyare different in pronunciation, here are the examples:

Stresses vowels are usually longer in American, In packet, for example, /æ/ is longer.

In British, consonant /r/ is pronounced only beefore the vowel like red and bedroom. /r/ is silent such as car, learn and over. In American the /r/ is pronounced.

In American, the t between vowels is pronounced as a soft d /d/.British English sspeakes usually t /t/.



They are commonly difference in spelling between British and American respectively. -our/-or, -re/-er, -yse/-yze, and -lling/-ling.

British can be -ise or ize, while American use -ize.

Americancan be -logue or -log, while British is -logue only.

The table below are the examples: