32) The first post battles

Team not updated

C32-01: Floccesy Town

Return to Alder's house in the northwest part of town and you'll be able to challenge him to a battle.

Boss Battle

PKMN Trainer Alder

L60 Accelgor (Bug)

Will have Focus Blast

L60 Bouffalant (Normal)

L60 Conkeldurr (Fighting)

Will have Stone Edge

L60 Braviary (Normal & Flying)

L60 Escavalier (Bug & Steel)

L62 Volcarona (Bug & Fire)

Will have Psychic, Quiver Dance, Heat Wave

Safe Type: Fire, Fighting, Psychic, Rock

Dangerous Type: Normal, Grass, Bug

Money won: 12400


Type: Bug & Steel

EV: 2Atk

Dex No: No.589

Catch Rate: 75

Height: 3'3"

Weight: 72.8 lbs.

After beating him, a young boy with similar hair will run in. It's Benga, Alder's grandson! He'll talk for a bit and then run off. Alder tells you that you can find him in either Black City/White Forest.

C32-02: Castelia City

Now that you've beaten the game, you can return to Castelia City to do a few new things. The most important thing, though, is returning to Fennel and Amanita's lab in the 3rd floor of the building across from the Castelia Gym.

Talk to Amanita up there with a free space in your party and you'll be given a free Eevee, it has its Hidden Ability, Anticipation.

You can also return to the Game Freak building on the eastern side of town(22F) to battle against Game Freak Morimoto and Game Freak Nishino again, except this time they'll use much stronger Pokémon against you! You can battle them each once a day, although due to their higher levels, you may not be in a position to challenge them right away.

Boss Battle

Game Freak Morimoto

L76 Liepard (Dark)

Will have Fake Out

L76 Simisear (Fire)

Payback, Acrobatics, Crunch, Flamethrower

L76 Simipour (Water)

Payback, Acrobatics, Crunch, Surf

L76 Simisage (Grass)

Payback, Acrobatics, Crunch, Energy Ball

L76 Swoobat (Psychic & Flying)

Will have Air Slash, Endeavor

L78 Zebstrika (Electric)

Pursuit, Wild Charge, Giga Impact, and Flame Charge

Safe Type: Fighting, Fire, Water, Electric, Rock

Dangerous Type: Normal, Psychic, Ghost

Money won: 6240

Boss Battle

Game Freak Nishino

L76 Clefable (Normal)

Will have Sing, Cosmic Power, Stored Power

L76 Lickilicky (Normal)

Power Whip, Earthquake, Fire Blast, and Blizzard

L76 Azumarill (Water)

Aqua Tail, Superpower, Double-edge, and Bulldoze

L76 Wigglytuff (Normal)

Ice Beam, Thunderbolt, and Flamethrower, Hyper Voice

L76 Alomomola (Water)

Will have Toxic, Protect, Wish

L78 Snorlax (Normal)

Body Slam, Superpower, Crunch, Yawn

Safe Type: Fighting, Electric, Grass

Dangerous Type: Ghost, Fire, Steel, Ice, Water

Money won: 6240


Type: Normal


Dex No: No.463

Catch Rate: 30!

Height: 5'7"

Weight: 308.6 lbs.


Type: Normal


Dex No: No.040

Catch Rate: 50

Height: 3'3"

Weight: 26.5 lbs.

After that, you can head on to Skyarrow Bridge.

Next episode