36) Undella Town & Abyssal Ruins

MEGAH96 Current Team

L69 Leavanny

Cut, Leaf Storm, X-Scissor, Leaf Blade

L70 Samurott

Surf, Blizzard, Hydro Pump, Waterfall

L69 Watchog

Crunch, Dig, Strength, Thunderbolt

L69 Simisear

Rock Slide, Flame Burst, Brick Break, Flamethrower

L69 Unfezant

Detect, Sky Attack, Air Slash, Fly

Current Season: Autumn

Total Money: 151077

C36-01: Route 14

When you keep north to water, west, north, east to Undella Town.

C36-02: Undella Town

Season Control

The background music of Undella Town is different during Summer.

Wild Pokémon:

There are 2 set of steps. To the right is Pokémon Center. There is the guy to the left give you Prism Scale. This is used when Feebas evolve into Milotic when you trade Feebas because NO MORE Pokéblocks case and evolve with Max Beauty! Also, NO MORE Cool, Beauty, Cute, Tough and Smart! These are contest types.

The lady to the west is give you HM06, Dive. The house right is Cynthia. After some dialogue, she ask you want to battle. Select YES when you ready, select NO when you are not ready. And then My Current Team to battle:

MEGAH96 Current Team

L84 Samurott

Surf, Blizzard, Dive, Waterfall

L83 Simisear

Rock Slide, Flame Burst, Brick Break, Flamethrower

L82 Watchog

Crunch, Dig, Strength, Thunderbolt

L82 Leavanny

Cut, Leaf Storm, X-Scissor, Leaf Blade

L83 Unfezant

Detect, Sky Attack, Air Slash, Fly

Current Season: Winter

Total Money: 2095938

Boss Battle

PKMN Trainer Cynthia

L75 Spiritomb (Ghost & Dark)

Sucker Punch, Shadow Ball, Will-O-Wisp, Double Team

L75 Milotic (Water)

Hydro Pump, Blizzard, Bulldoze, Dragon Tail

L75 Eelektross (Electric)

Wild Charge, Dragon Claw, Crunch, Flamethrower

L75 Braviary (Normal & Flying)

Brave Bird, Crush Claw, Shadow Claw, Retaliate

L75 Lucario (Fighting & Steel)

Extremespeed, Dragon Pulse, Close Combat, Aura Sphere

L77 Garchomp (Dragon & Ground)

Dragon Rush, Crunch, Earthquake, Stone Edge

Spiritomb is a Ghost & Dark type because this Multi-type has no weaknesses. Spiritomb has pressure ability can double PP usage. Milotic has powerful moves and inaccurate. Eelektross has no weaknesses due to Levitate. Braviary is quite powerful. Brave Bird has massive damage. Lucario packs both special and physcial moves. Hard to defend. Her strongest Pokémon is Garchomp. Has massive Attack and Speed. Just use Ice-type move. This is one the most difficult.

Season Control

During Spring, you can battle her once per day. During Spring or Summer, she reappears. During Spring, female Elite 4 visit Cynthia. During Summer, female Gym Leader visit Cynthia. During Autumn, Winter, it's empty, but she appears before you see her once.

To the west, there are 2 empty houses. Not sure if anyone goes in them later, but it might just be because the weather is so nice or something. To the far west is a big resort sort of thing with a kid outside of it. Talk to him and YES.

The Riches Draco

L60 Buizel (Water)

He takes you inside of his Dad's villa where he tells you to come back again the next day. If you battle Draco the next day and defeat him, Susan will appear for a battle in the villa. You can continue this process to battle Clairdonna, Zillion, Trish, and Miles. Unfortunately, there isn't any prize for finishing this other than the experience your Pokemon gain from the battles.


The Riches Susan


Teddiursa Lv. 61 Normal

Lopunny Lv. 61 Normal



The Riches Clairdonna


Bronzor Lv. 62 Steel/Psychic

Kangaskhan Lv. 62 Normal

Golurk Lv. 62 Ground/Ghost



The Riches Zillion


Shuckle Lv. 63 Bug/Rock

Lickilicky Lv. 63 Normal

Krookodile Lv. 63 Ground/Dark

Politoed Lv. 63 Water



The Riches Trish


Weavile Lv. 64 Dark/Ice

Excadrill Lv. 64 Ground/Steel

Heatmor Lv. 64 Fire

Vespiquen Lv. 64 Bug/Flying

Kingdra Lv. 64 Water/Dragon



The Riches Miles


Donphan Lv. 65 Ground

Bisharp Lv. 65 Dark/Steel

Lanturn Lv. 65 Water/Electric

Tangrowth Lv. 65 Grass

Braviary Lv. 65 Normal/Flying

Haxorus Lv. 65 Dragon


Black Belt is very rich. He will buy relics you find in the Abyssal Ruins underneath Undella Bay. Before you get too excited about selling some treasure, there's a nice chunk of treasure you can pick up right outside of the mansion. Just to the right of the mansion, behind some hedges, is a Big Nugget, a very, very valuable hunk of gold that can be sold to the man in the Icirrus City Pokemon Center for some massive cash!

Season Control

During Summer, you can stop by one of the houses near the big mansion and trade a guy inside a Cinccino for a hard-to-obtain Munchlax. Munchlax are a rarity in the Unova region, so this might be your only chance to get one, shy of trading or using the Poke Transfer! However you'll need to either do a lot of searching in rustling grass for a Cinccino or use a Shiny Stone on a Minccino you have in order to get one, so it's still not the easiest trade in the world to do.

Now you have two choices as to where you want to go from here. There's Undella Bay off to the east of the Pokemon Center, which requires Surf and Dive and all that stuff.

C36-03: Undella Bay

Wild Pokémon:

Here is the map:


There are 6 trainers:

Swimmer Tyra:

L64 Seel (Water)

L64 Alomomola (Water)

Swimmer Rebecca:

L63 Shellder (Water)

L63 Chinchou (Water & Electric)

L63 Jellicent (Water & Ghost)

Swimmer Matt:

L64 Wailmer (Water)

L64 Wailmer (Water)

Swimmer Tim:

L64 Quagsire (Water & Ground)

L64 Golduck (Water)

Swimmer Bart:

L63 Staryu (Water)

L63 Jellicent (Water & Ghost)

L63 Wingull (Water & Flying)

Swimmer Larissa

L65 Corsola (Water & Rock)

The most intriguing part of Undella Bay is what's hiding underneath the water's surface. Use Dive on any of the dark spots in the water to go to the Abyssal Ruins.

C36-04: Abyssal Ruins

Keep pressing "Up" to enter Abyssal Ruins. I give you instructions. No wild Pokémon, no trainers, but only limited no. of steps! It's only 500 steps to go, if 500 steps, you're returned to Undella Bay. Look the map on top.


You see various types of Plate for Arceus.

Restrictions of the purple block in 1F is before 190 steps.


You see different types of Relic treasures.

Restrictions of the purple block in 2F is Flash.


There are some more Relic treasures.

Restrictions of the purple block is Strength.


And there is Relic Crown! Sold for 300000!

All of the treasure you picked up in the Underwater Ruins is worth a lot of money! But you need to make sure you give it to the right person. Inside of Undella Town, there's a mansion off to the west. The Black Belt inside of it is the guy you want to talk to if you're looking to peddle your newly obtained wares to. How much is he willing to pay for these items? Here's a list of his rates!

Relic Copper: 1,000

Relic Silver: 5,000

Relic Gold: 10,000

Relic Vase: 50,000

Relic Bracelet: 100,000

Relic Statue: 200,000

Relic Crown: 300,000

All of them is 1706000!!! YEAH!!! Unlike previous generations, can have more than six nine(999999), up to seven nine(9999999). Which the 1000000 in previous generations which the offer price is more than the maximum.

In Generation I and III, Bicycle is the worth price

In Generation II and IV, Slowpoketail is offered

The 2 plates, Splash Plate & Draco Plate can be found in Route 13, between the 3 houses and Pokémon Center in Undella Town, walk north to Route 13.

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