41) Morimoto and Royal Unova

MEGAH96 Current Team

L81 Simisear

Rock Slide, Flame Burst, Brick Break, Flamethrower

L82 Samurott

Surf, Blizzard, Dive, Waterfall

L81 Watchog

Crunch, Dig, Strength, Thunderbolt

L81 Leavanny

Cut, Leaf Storm, X-Scissor, Leaf Blade

L81 Unfezant

Detect, Sky Attack, Air Slash, Fly

Current Season: Winter

Total Money: 2026954

44 Full Restores

12 Max Revives

25 Revives

16 Full Heals

4 Lum Berries

C41-01: Castelia City

Go to an alley right of the Pokémon Center, there is a big black building on your right called GAME FREAK. Take the elevator to 22F. Talk to the spiky hair man sitting next to 2 employees, and the right one. You need L75 or higher, but L77 is recommended. You can battle him once a day.

Boss Battle


L75 Liepard (Dark)

Night Slash, Sucker Punch, Grass Knot, Fake Out

*L75 Simisage (Grass)

Payback, Acrobatics, Crunch, Energy Ball

*L75 Simisear (Fire)

Payback, Acrobatics, Crunch, Flamethrower

*L75 Simipour (Water)

Payback, Acrobatics, Crunch, Surf

L75 Swoobat (Psychic & Flying)

Air Slash, Psyshock, Endeavor, Psychic

L77 Zebstrika (Electric)

Flame Charge, Wild Charge, Pursuit, Giga Impact

Each elemental monkeys has Petaya Berry

Safe Type: Fire, Water, Electric, Ground, Fighting

Dangerous Type: Bug, Psychic

Money won: 6160

Liepard always start with Fake Out! His elemental monkeys boost the power of Acrobatics. Swoobat is fast but more simple. And then...... Zebstrika! It has massive speed! Just use Ground-type moves with very high power.

So you can come back and battle him. This time go to Royal Unova.

C41-02: Royal Unova

South of the Pokémon Center is Royal Unova. You can only enter the Royal Unova once a day, but depending on the time:

Spring & Autumn






During Summer, evening is the shortest. Only has 2 hours instead of 3 hours. It's price is only 1000. Also C-Gear is disabled. When you board this ship, she tells you no. of trainers. You only have the limited time to battle the trainers. However, you only has the limited time you can stay in the ship. North on the start point to see the tracking:

Castelia City------>Skyarrow Bridge------>Marvelous Bridge---(Sky turns dark)--->Skyarrow Bridge------>Castelia City

If turn back to Castelia City when the sky is dark, you're out.


Ace Trainer Mariana


Rotom Lv. 65 Electric/Ghost

Butterfree Lv. 65 Bug/Flying

Alomomola Lv. 65 Water



Ace Trainer Henry


Tauros Lv. 66 Normal

Wailord Lv. 66 Water



Lass Sibyl


Chingling Lv. 64 Psychic

Wormadam Lv. 64 Bug/Grass



Rich Boy Brad


Aipom Lv. 64 Normal

Murkrow Lv. 64 Dark/Flying



Lady Elizandra


Meowth Lv. 63 Normal

Vulpix Lv. 63 Fire

Eevee Lv. 63 Normal


Socialite Cassandra


Liepard Lv. 64 Dark

Arbok Lv. 64 Poison



Gentleman Robert


Houndour Lv. 63 Dark/Fire

Noctowl Lv. 63 Normal/Flying

Houndoom Lv. 63 Dark/Fire



Maid Tanya


Emolga Lv. 65 Electric/Flying



Clerk Chaz


Ariados Lv. 64 Bug/Poison

Floatzel Lv. 64 Water



Youngster Abe


Spearow Lv. 63 Normal/Flying

Fearow Lv. 63 Normal/Flying

Linoone Lv. 63 Normal


Can you find it yourself?

This time go and battle the Elite Four and Champion!

Next episode