35) Route 3 and Wellspring Cave

Team not updated

C35-01: Route 3

In the gate between Nacrene City and Route 3, you can talk to the PKMN Breeder there and she'll offer to give you a Pokemon Egg. If you say Yes and have room in your party, you'll receive an egg that will eventually hatch into a Happiny.

Wild Pokémon:


Type: Water

EV: 1Atk

Dex No: No.341

Catch Rate: 205

Height: 2'0"

Weight: 25.4 lbs.

Move east into the Tall Grass and take on the School Kid in a Rotation Battle here.

L61 Skiploom (Grass & Flying)

L61 Jumpluff (Grass & Flying)

L61 Bellossom (Grass)

Grab the nearby Quick Ball, then head onto the bridge. As soon as you're on, use Surf to move onto the water north of the bridge. Surf north, then north-west and you'll reach an area with a Fisherman. Talk to the Fisherman.

L58 Magikarp (Water)

L58 Magikarp (Water)

L58 Magikarp (Water)

L58 Magikarp (Water)

L58 Magikarp (Water)

L58 Magikarp (Water)

Once you barely win, move up the steps. In the north-east corner of this grassy area is a Full Restore, in the north-west some Calcium. Grab them both, then head back down the stairs. Move west and check the gap in the Tall Grass to find a hidden Ultra Ball. Head back over to the water and Surf back to the bridge. Move over to the eastern bank. When you do, move through the Tall Grass leading south at the end of the bridge. Head around to the Fisherman.

L61 Slowpoke (Water & Psychic)

L61 Goldeen (Water)

L61 Seaking (Water)

Grab the Zinc near the Fisherman, then head back to the main dirt path. Continue following it east. When you reach the Dark Grass, move into it, find the School Kid wandering through it and take him on in a Triple Battle.

L61 Natu (Psychic & Flying)

L61 Xatu (Psychic & Flying)

L61 Fearow (Normal & Flying)

Collect the Big Nugget in the Dark Grass nearby, then move back to the main path. Head north now and continue doing so until you meet the two Backers.

L62 Emolga (Electric & Flying)

L62 Pachirisu (Electric)

Continue north from the Backers once they've been defeated. Once you reach the T-intersection, move into the nearby patch of Tall Grass and grab the Ultra Ball there. Move back out and take the path leading west. Follow it until it ends, then continue north. You'll see a nearby cave. It's Wellspring Cave! Feel free to head into it. It's only small and gives a few items in return, so it may be a nice idea. Skip to that section, then come back to here once you're done. Oh, and make sure you have a Pokemon that can use Flash!

Once you're ready, move east from the entrance to the cave over to the Tall Grass. Move east through the Grass until you reach the Lass.

L62 Vulpix (Fire)

L62 Flareon (Fire)

Move to the small clearing just before the ledge to your south and employ your Dowsing MCHN to find the hidden Nugget. Jump down the ledge and continue back east to the T-junction. This time take the eastern path. The Twins just before the steps won't want to battle you, so don't worry about them. Move up the steps and head west first. Enter the red-roofed building.

It's a children's day care center! Talk to the woman near the entrance at any time to have all your Pokémon healed. There's an item in the north-east corner. Grab it to find that it's a Rare Candy. Once you're done, head back outside.

The Nursey Aide a little south-west of the children's day care will want to battle.

L61 Jigglypuff (Normal)

L61 Purugly (Normal)

L61 Lickitung (Normal)


Type: Normal


Dex No: No.039

Catch Rate: 170

Height: 1'8"

Weight: 12.1 lbs.


Type: Normal


Dex No: No.108

Catch Rate: 45

Height: 3'11"

Weight: 144.4 lbs.

Once she's defeated, head west to the three Preschoolers. You can battle each of them. Let's take on the one on the grounding standing still first.

L61 Kirlia (Psychic)

L61 Pikachu (Electric)

Next let's take on the Preschooler moving in circles.

L61 Beldum (Steel & Psychic)

L61 Deino (Dark & Dragon)


Type: Steel & Psychic

EV: 1Def

Dex No: No.374

Catch Rate: 3!!!

Height: 2'0"

Weight: 209.9 lbs.

Lastly, move up the slide and take on the Preschooler at the top.

L61 Riolu (Fighting)

L61 Ledian (Bug & Flying)

Once you've defeated the last Preschooler, head into the sandpit. One of them has buried an item here. Use your Dowsing MCHN to find it, a Rare Candy. Once you have it, head back to the stairs. This time head east from the stairs and enter the building there. It's the Pokemon Day Care! Awesomeness. Here it's all about Breeding Pokemon. There are various rules to breeding, but the main idea is to have two Pokemon of opposite genders, but of the same Egg Group placed in Day Care so that they can breed and create eggs. If you come back after a time this should have happened and you should have an Egg that you can carry around. If you walk around enough with the Egg in your party, it will eventually hatch. These are the basics of breeding.

The second, but less important function of the Day Care is to level Pokemon. Placing them in Day Care will cause them to slowly level up as you travel about. When you come back, you'll be able to take your Pokemon back out, but at a cost of $100 plus $100 per level gained. Pokemon that level in Day Care and reach a level where they'd learn a new move, they do so and forget the move on the top of the list. The new move is then placed on the bottom of the list and all others are shuffled up a slot. In this way, your Pokemon may learn moves that you don't want it to and it may forget ones that you want it to keep. For this reason, it's generally not a great idea to use the Day Care as a form of training your strong Pokemon. Still, if you want to, feel free to.

Once you're done at the Day Care, head back outside and move down the steps to the road. Follow the road around south and into Striaton City. Before we go to Striaton City, I know, the one thing is Wellspring Cave.

C35-02: Wellspring Cave 1F

Move west until you hit water. When you do, move south and move up the stairs taking you east. Head east until you reach the Hiker. Yep, it's a battle!

L61 Hippowdon (Ground)

L61 Marowak (Ground)

L61 Rhydon (Ground & Rock)

Grab the Max Repel to your east, then head back west, over to the water there. Move onto it with Surf, then head west over to the bit of land with the Battle Girl on it. Another battle!

L62 Medicham (Fighting & Psychic)

L62 Mienshao (Fighting)

L62 Hitmonlee (Fighting)

Collect the Escape Rope here. Now move south and continue following the path as it turns east. Continue to the stairs at the very end. Enter them.

C35-03: Wellspring Cave B1F

Use Flash to light up this floor because it is DARK in the basement of Wellspring Cave!

From there head north along the path cutting between the two pools of water. Continue east until you're stopped by the Black Belt.

L62 Sawk (Fighting)

L62 Conkeldurr (Fighting)

L62 Breloom (Fighting)

Once he's defeated, move onto the water to his south. Surf across to the eastern side and move off onto the land. Move around until you reach the item just before the ledge. Pick it up to find that it's a Max Revive. Move back to the water and Surf back across. Now move up the path north of the Black Belt. You'll reach a Battle Girl.

L62 Primeape (Fighting)

L62 Hitmonchan (Fighting)

L62 Scrafty (Dark & Fighting)

Now head north up the stairs and take the western path. Move up the stairs then move south to the end. Grab TM47, Low Sweep from there, then head back and head down the steps. Head east past the set of steps leading south over to a slightly larger set leading south down to an item. Move down and grab the Protector at the bottom. Move back up then take the path south to the west of the stairs. At the end you'll be able to find a hidden Carbos by using your Dowsing MCHN. Backtrack to the stairs then head north to the next set. Move down them and take the Black Belt on here.

L62 Throh (Fighting)

L62 Hitmontop (Fighting)

L62 Machamp (Fighting)

Move north, onto the water. Surf across to the northern side. Move onto the land there. If you're up for a tough battle, talk to the Veteran here.

L62 Gyarados (Water & Flying)

L62 Gigalith (Rock)

L62 Snorlax (Normal)

L62 Excadrill (Ground & Steel)

L62 Druddigon (Dragon)

L62 Crobat (Poison & Flying)

Head east and turn that Dowsing MCHN of yours on. Use it to find the nearby Max Revive. Now move back west and head up the stairs. Grab TM52, Focus Blast at the top. Now head back down the stairs and head onto the water. There's a little bit of land just south-west of where the stairs at that you can Surf to. Do so and use your Dowsing MCHN once more to find the Ultra Ball. That's it! Use an Escape Rope to exit, or backtrack to the entrance. You can use the water running up and down the eastern side of this area to quickly get back to 1F then head back to the entrance from there.

Now, go to Striaton City.

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