
megah961107 database was founded on 7 August 2009. (Valid to GMT+8 regions, DD-MM-YYYY format)

Timeline (Valid to GMT+8 regions):

  • On 7 August 2009, megah961107 database uploaded our first video, Windows 95 looking like Windows 98. An Italian YouTuber, TheComputerGuy96, subscribe megah961107 database and he has becomes our first subscriber.
  • On 14 December 2009, Our videos have too many poor ratings, We'll gonna disable ratings making users not allowed to rate my videos again. After a short while, I'll only re-enable ratings for videos with 5-star ratings. Anybody who want to rate my videos with good ratings can ask request.
  • On 3 January 2010, we redesigned our YouTube channel for the first time.
  • On 17 September 2010: The offical name "The megah961107 database" as well as the logo, has be revealed.
  • On 30 October 2010: This site has been launched. While on 16 February 2011, Our website has been redesigned for the first time.
  • After I played a Nintendo DS game Pokémon Black and White on 24 September 2011, I started the walkthrough for this game.
  • My site contains too many BMP format pictures which are too large, I delete all BMP pictures and site storage decreased by 75% on 17 January 2012.
  • "The megah961107 database" was now officially renamed as "Megah961107 database" on 25 February 2012. While on 8 March 2012: Our first spin-off site "Megah961107's flash tutorials" was opened and completed on 7 April 2012.
  • We have become a YouTube partner on 13 January 2013.
  • While nobody used ourforum (megah961107.freeforums.org), megah961107 database forums will permanently shut down on 22 March 2013.
  • Sometimes megah961107 database receive some poor reception, we'll have to take action by start making megah961107 database much better than before on 15 November 2016.

Logo history

