30) Completing the main storyline

C30-01: Pokémon League

Before you continue, here is the following steps:

1) Go to Route 10 or Badge Check Gate (Basic Badge room) to make the grass shake and battle wild Audino with Level 33-36, L36 recommended.

2) Buy many types of Pokéball such as: 25 Ultra Balls, 10 Quick Balls, 16 Timer Balls, 24 Dusk Balls in Pokémon League.

3) Buy many types of Medicine such as: 15 Hyper Potions, 16 Max Potions, 30 Full Restores, 25 Revives, 12 Full Heals in everywhere.

4) Buy X items in Shopping Mall Nine. Because I don't increase status of my Pokémon very frequently. I also don't use Status-based move frequently.

5) Make sure your Pokémon must have higher than 50 but 54 is recommended. So keep going!

6) Bring the Fighting-type Pokémon to the challenge rock in outer Pinwheel Forest and obtain Star Piece, so you can obtain 9800 when you go to Icirrus City, once per day.

After that, and this is my current team:

MEGAH96 Current Team

L59 Watchog

Crunch, Dig, Strength, Thunderbolt

L59 Simisear

Rock Slide, Flame Burst, Brick Break, Incinerate

L60 Samurott

Surf, Blizzard, Retaliate, Waterfall

L59 Leavanny

Cut, Leaf Storm, X-Scissor, Leaf Blade

L59 Unfezant

Detect, Facade, Air Slash, Fly

Current Season: Autumn

Total Money: 161236

36 Full Restores

7 Max Revives

24 Revives

8 Full Heals

6 X Accuracy

8 Dusk Balls

40 Ultra Balls

20 Quick Balls

25 Timer Balls

When you reach Pokémon League, to the north directly to start the Elite Four Battle. West of the start point is Pokémon Center for heal your Pokémon, using PC and buy items. There are 3 battle categories:




Hit the Pokémon and test the Pokémon's based Attack and Defense, Physical moves sometimes atttacked upon contact.

The Pokémon runs over the enemy and hits the enemy.

Hit the Pokémon and test the Pokémon's based SP. Attack and SP.Defense.

The Pokémon use moves direct to the enemy.

This moves doesn't hit the Pokémon, but make your Pokémon or enemy Pokémon increase or decrease base stats, make different status problems and use protect moves to protect itself. Because I don't like this battle category.

Are you ready? there is a Veteran blocking the start point. If you go in, you can't exit because the door close the start point. Run through the start point and Veteran and tell you something. Select YES. Save the game, and then enter the start point!


Be careful when you continue! So this is best experienced while playing by yourself.

Walkthrough the start point and Veteran tells you something, select YES, save the game, enter the start point.

First, I give you instructions.

1) Unlike previous generations, you can battle any Elite Four in order enter the door as you can.

2) Walk up and you see animations of going up. Talk to the Elite Four and battle.

3) Each of them has the same level. They have 2 Full Restores.

4) After you win, each of them give you the same value of money. Walk through the green teleporter. You see the floor light glows up.

5) Keep going, I hope you can win! So battle all other Elite Four!

Walk through the southwest door, go up and you see the ghostly flames and rush you upstairs, and drop you to Shauntal.

Boss Battle

Elite Four Shauntal

L48 Cofagrigus (Ghost)

Shadow Ball, Psychic, Grass Knot, Will-O-Wisp

L48 Golurk (Ground & Ghost)

Shadow Punch, Curse, Brick Break, Earthquake

L48 Jellicent (Water & Ghost)

Shadow Ball, Surf, Energy Ball, Brine

L50 Chandelure (Ghost & Fire)

Shadow Ball, Psychic, Fire Blast, Payback

Safe Type: Ghost, Dark, Grass, Water

Dangerous Type: Psychic, Bug, Poison, Fighting, Normal

Money won: 6000

Cofagrigus has an ability Mummy becareful when you use Physical moves, your Pokémon ability changes into Mummy when make any contact. Golurk haas Brick Break if you have Dark-type Pokémon. Jellicent has Cursed Body with 30% chance if also make any contact. Chandelure is Shauntal's main. But it's more easy.


Type: Ground & Ghost

EV: 2Attack

Dex No: No.623

Catch Rate: 90

Height: 9'2"

Weight: 727.5lbs.


Type: Ghost & Fire

EV: 3SP Attack

Dex No: No.609

Catch Rate: 45

Height: 3'3"

Weight: 75.6lbs.

Walk through the northwest door, go up to the moving platform, torches light as you passed through, and lock you so you must battle Grimsley.

Boss Battle

Elite Four Grimsley

L48 Scrafty (Dark & Fighting)

Sand-Attack, Crunch, Brick Break, Poison Jab

L48 Liepard (Dark)

Night Slash, Aerial Ace, Fake Out, Attract

L48 Krookodile (Ground & Dark)

Earthquake, Foul Play, Dragon Claw, Crunch

L50 Bisharp (Dark & Steel)

Aerial Ace, Night Slash, Metal Claw, X-Scissor

Safe Type: Bug, Fighting, Fire, Water, Flying

Dangerous Type: Dragon, Psychic, Ghost, Rock

Money won: 6000

Scrafty has a high defense. This annoy you with Sand-Attack. Liepard start with Fake Out or Attract, but liepard is female! Liepard uses Aerial Ace if Bug off Fighting... Krookodile has Intimidate can lower Attack. Bisharp is Grimsley's main. Use Fighting-type move but hurts with Aerial Ace!


Type: Ground & Dark

EV: 3Attack

Dex No: No.553

Catch Rate: 45

Height: 4'11"

Weight: 212.3lbs.


Type: Dark & Steel

EV: 2 Attack

Dex No: No.625

Catch Rate: 45

Height: 5'3"

Weight: 154.3lbs.

Walk through the northeast door, you see falling stars, Walk up and take you up to the transparent road, when you reach the top, and you make Caitlin awake!

Boss Battle

Elite Four Caitlin

L48 Reuniclus (Psychic)

Focus Blast, Psychic, Thunder, Energy Ball

L48 Sigilyph (Psychic & Flying)

Shadow Ball, Psychic, Ice Beam, Air Slash

L48 Musharna (Psychic)

Shadow Ball, Psychic, Charge Beam, Reflect

L50 Gothitelle (Psychic)

Thunderbolt, Psychic, Grass Knot, Calm Mind

Safe Type: Bug, Ghost, Dark, Electric

Dangerous Type: Fighting, Poison, Flying, Water

Money won: 6000

Did you remember Caitlin in HeartGold, SoulSilver, Platinum? She starts with Reuniclus and has Focus Blast and can hurt Dark-type Pokémon. Use Ghost-type or Bug-type Pokémon instead of Dark-type Pokémon. Sigilyph is very fast and powerful. Musharna also used by Bianca, has massive HP, Also uses Reflect to higher defense and boost SP. Attack with Charge Beam. Caitlin's main, Gothitelle. This is more simple than others.

Walk through the southeast door, you see a platform, start moving and reack the top to Marshal.

Boss Battle

Elite Four Marshal

L48 Throh (Fighting)

Payback, Bulldoze, Stone Edge, Storm Throw

L48 Sawk (Fighting)

Karate Chop, Retaliate, Stone Edge, Grass Knot

L48 Conkeldurr (Fighting)

Hammer Arm, Stone Edge, Retaliate, Grass Knot

L50 Mienshao (Fighting)

Jump Kick, Rock Slide, U-Turn, Retaliate

Safe Type: Psychic, Flying with Fly and protection moves(Protect or Detect)

Dangerous Types: Fire, Normal, Dark, Steel, Ice, Water, Bug

Money won: 6000

Elite Four Marshal is very difficult, because all of them has Rock-type moves, they has Retaliate. Throh is slow and has Bulldoze can make you slower. Sawk has Sturdy can block from OHKO. Conkeldurr is very powerful and has very high attack, Mienshao has U-Turn for Psychic-type Pokémon and Rock Slide for Flying-type Pokémon.


Type: Fighing

EV: 2Attack

Dex No: No.620

Catch Rate: 45

Height: 4'7"

Weight: 78.3lbs.

When you defeated all Elite Four, statue in the middle starts glowing. Press A, you will go down. Climb up the staircase to the shrine.


Be careful when you continue! So this is best experienced while playing by yourself.

Walk to the middle of the glowing statue, got down by pressing A and climb up the stairs.

If you try to activate the statue again, what it says:

Nothing happends!

It seems you can't go back until you win.

Walk up the stairs and you see... N defeated Alder! However, once you show up, he'll say some stuff about your Light Stone and how his Zekrom is way better than that (or the Dark Stone and Reshiram in White, of course). Then N's Castle appears! After you recover from what just happened, Cheren just runs in like it was nothing and says some stuff to Alder. The two of them then tell you that you need to go on! You just need to! Alder says he lost.

Go ahead and then climb up the stairs to N's Castle!


Be careful when you continue! So this is best experienced while playing by yourself.

Go ahead and then climb up the stairs to N's Castle.

C30-02: N's Castle 1F

6 of the Plasma Sages are all inside, stepping forward and telling you how good and stuff they are. You're definitely outnumbered by a lot of old dudes. That's not good! But, just when you need it the most, you receive a very welcome surprise! Driftveil Gym Leader shows up, then followed by Nacrene Gym Leader, Castelia Gym Leader, Nimbasa Gym Leader, Mistralton Gym Leader, Icirrus Gym Leader, Opelucid Gym Leader battles you, Opelucid Gym Leader teaches your Pokémon Draco Meteor shows up! But not including 3 Striaton Gym Leader. They step in and stop the sages, because you have Light Stone in Black, Dark Stone in White. Walk northwest to the 2 pillars, east to staircase.

C30-03: N's Castle 2F

Here is the map:


Continue to the middle door and Shadow Triad appears and show you where you can heal your Pokémon. The purple-haired woman heals your Pokémon. The east door is Max Potion. Go upstairs.

C30-04: N's Castle 3F

The east door is for you to use PC. The middle one has Max Revive. In the west door, the Team Plasma Grunt in the northwest gives you Ultra Ball and the northeast send you back to Pokémon League. You can return to Pokémon Center and talk to Team Plasma Grunt to the west and send you back to N's Castle. When you go upstairs, Shadow Triad and you can go up.

C30-05: N's Castle 4F

When you go through, Shadow Triad appears and show you is a room provided by N. Walk in, It's N's playroom. N, what's a shame! It's just toys like train set, basketball, half-pipe. Rare Candy is on the half-pipe. Here is a screenshot:

1) Have you played a train set with recently?

2) A basketball used a lot and says Harmonia on it and a home-style basketball hoop.

3) A skateboard is resting on a pile of wheels.

4) A half-pipe for skateboards has Pokémon scratch marks.

5) A toy box with a pieces of train set.

6) An art panel print with geometric pattern.

7) A toy box with new toys

8) A panel has a dart stuck in it.

Can you find all these? It's very easy to find out.

The middle room is Full Restore. Keep go east to upstairs.

C30-06: N's Castle 5F

Walk towards the door and it's Ghetsis about your Light/Dark Stone. Walk in the door.


Be careful when you continue! So this is best experienced while playing by yourself.

Go ahead and then enter the next room.

It appears you've reached the fancy throne room. N is sitting there and suddenly his legendary will bust through the wall! It will be a fancy 3D cutscene of Zekrom (in Black) or Reshiram (in White). Then, suddenly your Dark or Light Stone will begin floating and shining. It will be the entrance of the other legendary. Take this moment to SAVE YOUR GAME (this is your last chance before the credits, which you must wait through in order for your progress to save!), and then get ready to take on Reshiram or Zekrom!

Black Only:

L50 Reshiram (Dragon & Fire, more Special moves)

Fusion Flare, Extrasensory, Slash, Dragonbreath

White Only:

L50 Zekrom (Dragon & Electric, more Physical moves)

Fusion Bolt, Zen Headbutt, Slash, Dragonbreath


Type: Dragon & Fire

EV: 3SP Attack

Dex No: No.643

Catch Rate: 45

Height: 10'6"

Weight: 727.5lbs.


Have you seen this Pokémon in the title of Pokémon Black Version?


Type: Dragon & Electric

EV: 3Attack

Dex No: No.644

Catch Rate: 45

Height: 9'6"

Weight: 760.6lbs.


Have you seen this Pokémon in the title of Pokémon White Version?

Catch it with different type of Poké Balls.


If you knock out one of these, so don't worry. This says:

Reshiram/Zekrom is gazing at player as if to say, "Try to catch me!"

After catching Reshiram/Zekrom, If you have 6 Pokémon on your team, you choose want to switch to Reshiram/Zekrom select YES. Then store unused Pokémon. This always put in front. If don't press B and YES. Then N heals your Pokémon and N battles you!

Boss Battle

Team Plasma N

(Black only) L52 Zekrom (Dragon & Electric)

Giga Impact, Fusion Bolt, Zen Headbutt, Light Screen

(White only) L52 Reshiram (Dragon & Fire)

Hyper Beam, Fusion Flare, Extrasensory, Reflect

L50 Carracosta (Water & Rock)

Waterfall, Stone Edge, Crunch, Aqua Jet

L50 Archeops (Rock & Flying)

Crunch, Stone Edge, Acrobatics, Dragon Claw

L50 Vanilluxe (Ice)

Blizzard, Hail, Frost Breath, Flash Cannon

L50 Klinklang (Steel)

Flash Cannon, Thunderbolt, Metal Sound, Hyper Beam

L50 Zoroark (Dark)

Night Slash, Focus Blast, Retaliate, Flamethrower

Safe Type: Dragon, Fighting, Water, Grass, Fire

Dangerous Type: Ice, Psychic, Ghost, Bug

Money won: 10000

N lead with Reshiram/Zekrom and use Dragonbreath to defeat, this is very easy. Carracosta has Sturdy ability, slow and high defense. Archeops is fast and powerful. Vanilluxe made it pretty strong with Hail and Blizzard, Don't use Rock-type because of Flash Cannon. Klinklang has massive Defense, but is more simple. Then... Zoroark. Has Illusion ability. Has Flamethrower if Bug-type. First give advice, when N take out Klinklang, after one round, Klinklang turns into Zoroark!


Type: Water & Rock

EV: 2Defense

DexNo: No.565

Catch Rate: 45

Height: 3'11"

Weight: 178.6lbs.


Type: Rock & Flying

EV: 2Attack

Dex No: No.567

Catch Rate: 45

Height: 4'7"

Weight: 70.5lbs.


Type: Ice

EV: 3SP Attack

Dex No: No.584

Catch Rate: 45

Height: 4'3"

Weight: 126.8lbs.


Type: Steel

EV: 3Defense

Dex No: No.601

Catch Rate: 30!

Height: 2'0"

Weight: 178.6lbs.

So notice you, if you're blacked out, return to Pokémon Center and talk to the Team Plasma Grunt and send you back to N's Castle. Because Veteran blocked you to retry the Elite Four.

After defeated N, Ghetsis battle you.

Boss Battle

Team Plasma Ghetsis

L52 Cofagrigus (Ghost)

Psychic, Shadow Ball, Toxic, Protect

L52 Bisharp (Dark & Steel)

Night Slash, Stone Edge, X-Scissor, Metal Burst

L52 Seismitoad (Water & Ground)

Earthquake, Muddy Water, Slime Wave, Rain Dance

L52 Bouffalant (Normal)

Poison Jab, Wild Bolt, Earthquake, Afro Break

L52 Eelektross (Electric)

Wild Bolt, Flamethrower, Crunch, Acrobatics

L54 Hydreigon (Dark & Dragon)

Fire Blast, Surf, Focus Blast, Dragon Pulse

Safe Type: Dragon, Fighting, Dark, Grass

Dangerous Type: Bug, Fire, Psychic, Electric

Money won: 9720

But you start with Reshiram/Zekrom, use the most powerful to attack Cofagrigus or change into Dark-type Pokémon to attack it. Bisharp is also easy. Don't use Fire becaause Bisharp may use Stone Edge. Seismitoad can only be defeated easily with Grass-types. Bouffalant is strong and high defense. So be careful! Eelektross has no weaknesses because of Levitate ability. Ghetsis's main, Hydreigon. This is ultra powerful! This is very fast and massive SP. Attack, don't be fun!


Type: Dark & Dragon

EV: 3SP Attack

Dex No: No.635

Catch Rate: 45

Height: 5'11"

Weight: 352.7lbs.

After defeated Ghetsis... Cheren says Ghetsis without human heart. Cheren and Alder take Ghetsis away. N takes you to the end part of N's Castle. He remembers you in Accumula Town. Then, he released Zekrom/Reshiram. The last thing, he said farewall! And then Credits!


If you don't want the credits to be spoiled, don't continue until the game saves!

After credits, the game saves and GOOD LUCK!

Next episode