Unova Zodiac Pokémon

The Unova Zodiac Pokémon can be known if you watch TV program at every locations (including in Nuvema Town). This program also depends on time. Here is the screenshot:

If you were born in January, your sign is Sawsbuck! You could be described as an honest and serious person! I believe that you would never betray your friends. Try to be a big-hearted person, and all will be well!

Lucky Item: Carry a White Flute! The humorous tone will put a smile on the faces around you!

If you were born in February, your sign is Simipour! You could be described as a very free-spirited and unique person! You can attract the interest of those around you with your mysterious charm. Try to be a more empathetic person, and all will be well!

Lucky Item: Have your Pokémon carry Mail! The fun content of the Mail will put smiles on the faces around you!

If you were born in March, your sign is Alomomola! You are very kind and caring, aren't you? Everyone around you is saved by your love. Try to be a strong and enduring person, and all will be well!

Lucky Item: Carry a Hard Stone! Everyone around you will understand your kind, reliable aura.

If you were born in April, your sign is Whimsicott! You could be described as hating to lose and having a strong sense of justice. Everyone around you probably respects your strong character. Try to be a kind and gentle person, and all will be well!

Lucky Item: Carry a Hyper Potion! Everyone around you will appreciate your generous kindness.

If you were born in May, your sign is Bouffalant! You are a very calm and relaxed person. Everyone feels at peace when they're around you. Try to be a little more assertive, and all will be well!

Lucky item: Carry an X-Attack! Everyone around you will be surprised when you aggressively attack.

If you were born in June, your sign is Klink! You are a very curious and fun person! Everyone is impressed by your knowledge. Try to be a strong and enduring person, and all will be well!

Lucky Tip: Use a slow Pokémon! You'll overwhelm everyone with a well-thought-out attack!

If you were born in July, your sign is Crustle! You are very intuitive and smart! Your businesslike mood makes the entire room feel sharp. Try to be a better listener, and all will be well!

Lucky Item: Carry a Dowsing MCHN! Everyone around you will be surprised when you find one item after another.

If you were born in August, your sign is Braviary! You are a hard worker, and you take care of people! Everyone can relax when you're on the job! Try to be a little more restrained, and all will be well!

Lucky Item: Carry Calcium! Raise the Special Attack stat of a reserved Pokémon and everyone will be in awe of its aggressive attacking style!

If you were born in September, your sign is Gothorita! You are good at reading the room, aren't you? Everyone around you also agrees that your judgments are accurate! Try to be a more generous person, and all will be well!

Lucky Item: Carry an Xtransceiver! People will be comforted by you, because you're always concerned about everyone.

If you were born in October, your sign is Lampent! You have good sense and are a very balanced person! You make evenhanded choices. Try to show an enthusiastic spirit, and all will be well!

Lucky Item: Carry a Choice Scarf! It's fashionable, and you will shine as you attack with only one move!

If you were born in November, your sign is Scolipede! You are a fiery person with strong beliefs! No one can imitate the fire you have! Try to have a supple mind, and all will be well!

Lucky Item: Carry a White Herb! Its ability to heal everything and its cleanliness give you a surprising charm!

If you were born in December, your sign is Fraxure! You work hard at everything and can do anything! People around you respect your abilities. Try to be a polite person, and all will be well!

Lucky Item: Carry a Poké Ball! The sight of you daringly closing in on a Poké Ball capture is sure to change the impression people have of you!

You should remember!