21) Heading through Opelucid City

MEGAH96 Current Team

L58 Emboar

Rock Slide, Hammer Arm, Bulldoze, Flamethrower

L56 Unfezant

Air Slash, Facade, Fly, Detect

L56 Golduck

Blizzard, Zen Headbutt, Surf, Aqua Tail

L56 Ampharos

Strength, Discharge, Flash, Signaal Beam

L57 Simisage

Cut, Payback, Dig, Energy Ball

Current Season: Autumn

Total Money: 587828

C21-01: Route 12

Go on and head north straight from the entrance to find a Timer Ball. There's also a hidden Ultra Ball nearby. Just a bit southwest of that is a hidden Rare Candy, as well as a Battle Girl walking around in circles.

L41 Gurdurr (Fighting)

L41 Mienfoo (Fighting)

Northwest of the Battle Girl is a PP Up and then a Yellow Shard. To the west of that is a hidden Max Repel, plus there's a Black Belt south of that.

L42 Heracross (Bug & Fighting)

South of him is a Green Shard over by a sign, as well as the Backers.

L40 Roselia (Grass & Poison)

L40 Roselia (Grass & Poison)

Right above them is a break in the fence that leads you to a Max Potion.

Head on to the west to reach your next stop, Village Bridge.

C21-02: Village Bridge

Wild Pokémon:


Type: Water & Ice


Dex No: No.131

Catch Rate: 45

Height: 8'2"

Weight: 485.0 lbs.

As you enter the area, go into the first house on the northern portion of the bridge to find a "makeshift" Pokémon Center - basically, speak with the woman inside to be healed.

Leave the house and go south from the end of the bridge. Head to the tennis court and you'll find the first Smasher.

L44 Whimsicott (Grass)

Another Smasher:

L44 Lilligant (Grass)

Then go north of the western one to find a Carbos.

Continue west past the courts and follow the path leading under the bridge. You'll find an Artist on the other side, willing to battle.

L42 Sunflora (Grass)

Continue north past him and you'll notice a secluded little path heading back east. Turn your Dowsing MCHN on and enter the path. Use the MCHN to find the Big Mushrooom. Continue past the clearly insane person over to the other side of the area to find a Rare Candy just lying around. Grab it then head back out, past the Artist and back under the bridge.

Use Surf and start move west across the river. Halfway you'll find a small island with a Fisherman on it. Head onto it. Grab the Heart Scale next to him, then challenge him.

L42 Basculin (Water)

You can Surf ahead to the other side, but for completion's sake, this walkthrough will take you back and over the bridge itself. Surf back to the western bank and head back to the foot of the bridge. Start heading up the bridge. Heal your Pokemon in the first house if you want. The other houses contain nothing of interest, so head towards the centre of the bridge. A Gentleman will stop you. He'll say he wants to have 1000 consecutive wins and he's all the way up to 999. He'll ask if you'll fight him so you can be his 1000th. Answer Yes to battle.

L43 Durant (Bug & Steel)

L43 Lucario (Fighting & Steel)


Type: Bug & Steel

EV: 2Def

Dex No: No.632

Catch Rate: 90

Height: 1'0"

Weight: 72.8 lbs.


Type: Fighting & Steel

EV: 1Atk, 1Sp. Atk

Dex No: No.448

Catch Rate: 45

Height: 3'11"

Weight: 119.0 lbs.

Continue over the centre of the bridge and begin heading down the stairs on the other side. Skip past the first house, but enter the second. If you talk to the Baker inside and she'll battle.

L42 Heatmor (Fire)


Type: fire

EV: 2Sp. Atk

Dex No: No.631

Catch Rate: 90

Height: 4'7"

Weight: 127.9 lbs.

Head back outside and head down off the bridge onto the western bank. Let's take the path north first and get the majority of the battles out of the road. Just before the basketball courts, you'll notice a musician next to a Vending Machine. Next to the machine is a bin containing a PP Up. Grab it, talk to the musician then head into the courts.

There are two Hoopsters here and both are looking to partake in Triple Battles! The Hoopster running on the outside of the other Hoopster has the following party:

L42 Magby (Fire)

L42 Magmar (Fire)

L42 Magby (Fire)

The Hoopster running on the inside of the two has the following party:

L42 Elekid (Electric)

L42 Electabuzz (Electric)

L42 Elekid (Electric)

Once they're defeated, backtrack to the foot of the bridge. This time take the path south. When you reach the Tall Grass, find the hidden Max Ether nearby. Now head east through the Tall Grass. Battle the Youngster when you reach him.

L42 Sandslash (Ground)

Continue east and grab the Ultra Ball lying in the grass. Head through the gap in the fence and move over to the man near drum. Move north a little and you'll notice a doorway in the side of the bridge. Enter to find a girl singing. She'll notice you, become embarrassed and push you out. Continue north, underneath the bridge. At the very end of the path you'll find a Blue Shard. To your east is an island partway across the river. Surf there and grab the Big Pearl from amongst the Tall Grass. Surf back to the western bank and backtrack all the way to the foot of the bridge. You're done! Head through the gate to your west.

C21-03: Route 11


Type: Grass & Poison


Dex No: No.591

Catch Rate: 75

Height: 2'0"

Weight: 23.1 lbs.


Type: Ground & Flying

EV: 2Def

Dex No: No.472

Catch Rate: 30!

Height: 6'7"

Weight: 93.7 lbs.

A Pokémon Breeder will stop and battle you.

L41 Emolga (Electric & Flying)

L41 Altaria (Dragon & Flying)

Head west and enter the trailer. The Pokémon Ranger inside will hand you some Favored Mail. Thank her then head back outside. Continue west and you'll be challenged by the other Pokémon Ranger.

L42 Tympole (Water)

L42 Palpitoad (Water & Ground)


Type: Water

EV: 1Spd

Dex No: No.535

Catch Rate: 255

Height: 1'8"

Weight: 9.9 lbs.


Type: Water & Ground


Dex No: No.536

Catch Rate: 120

Height: 2'7"

Weight: 37.5 lbs.

He'll give you an Aspear Berry.

Without Waterfall you can't explore the rest of this route just yet, so keep moving west. When you reach the bridge, use Surf and start surfing on the water south of it. Jump onto the grass south of the fence to your west, then move along it to the end and you'll find a Full Heal. Backtrack and Surf back onto the bridge.

Alright, go ahead and cross the next bridge and then you'll spot something up on top of a cliff. It's Virizion. It will jump down from a cliff to your north. Feel free to fight and even try to catch this Pokemon.

L45 Virizion (Grass & Fighting)

Helpiing Hand, Retaliate, Mega Drain, Sacred Sword


Type: Grass & Fighting

EV: 3Sp. Def

Dex No: No.640

Catch Rate: 3!!!

Height: 6'7"

Weight: 440.9 lbs.

If you fought, or not, continue along to the next patch of grass. Go into it, then head northwest. Use the Dowsing Machine to find a Max Potion, then return to the main path and head west into Opelucid City.

Next episode