39) Challenger's Cave

MEGAH96 Current Team

L72 Samurott

Surf, Blizzard, Dive, Waterfall

L72 Simisear

Rock Slide, Flame Burst, Brick Break, Flamethrower

L72 Watchog

Crunch, Dig, Strength, Thunderbolt

L71 Unfezant

Detect, Sky Attack, Air Slash, Fly

L71 Leavanny

Cut, Leaf Storm, X-Scissor, Leaf Blade

L24 Joltik (Only use it for Flash)

Fury Cutter, Electroweb, Bug Bite, Flash

Current Season: Autumn

Total Money: 2046634

C39-01: Challenger's Cave 1F

Challenger's Cave is located on the south end of Route 9. You can only enter until you completed the main storyline.

It's so dark inside and can't see the whole thing, use TM70, Flash.

Wild Pokémon:

Map of Challenger's Cave:


There is Backpacker Toru is at the entrance.

L65 Golbat (Poison & Flying)

To the northeast is a staircase to B1F.

C39-02: Challenger's Cave B1F

Is there a hidden Ether at the rock and to the east is Ace Trainer Terry.

L63 Dratini (Dragon)

L63 Sudowoodo (Rock)

L63 Manectric (Electric)

L63 Scyther (Bug & Flying)

Go northeast is Ace Trainer Beverly.

L64 Furret (Normal)

L64 Gabite (Dragon & Ground)

L64 Grumpig (Psychic)

Continue north from Ace Trainer Beverly, walk up the stairs, and cross a bridge to find a Nugget. Northwest of the stairs is a PP Up. West directly of Ace Trainer Beverly is a staircase to B2F.

C39-03: Challenger's Cave B2F

First, north to water, surf east until the water ends. The southern path to a rock with a hidden Full Restore. Talk the northern path and follow it until Veteran Shaun.

L62 Gyarados (Water & Flying)

L62 Druddigon (Dragon)

L62 Gigalith (Rock)

L62 Excadrill (Ground & Steel)

L62 Crobat (Poison & Flying)

L63 Snorlax (Normal)

East of him is the path and cross the second bridge. There is Max Ether hidden in the rock. Continue on the path until you find a big set of stairs going west. East of these stairs is a Timer Ball. Go upstairs to west and cross the long bridge over the water. Southwest to hidden Star Piece in a rock, the middle path. Follow northeast to Veteran Julia.

L64 Wormadam (Trash Cloak, Bug & Steel)

L64 Cloyster (Water & Ice)

L64 Ninetales (Fire)

L64 Leavanny (Bug & Grass)

Surf east 1, keep surf north, surf east to Oval Stone. Surf southeast, underneath the bridge to Black Belt. There is also hidden Heart Scale in the middle of the rock in the water east of her. Walk downstairs west of Veeteran Julia to find Rare Candy northwest is Protein. Northeast of Protein is TM71, Stone Edge. Hop down the ledge and this is the end of the Challenger's Cave.

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