33) Skyarrow Bridge and Pinwheel Forest

MEGAH96 Current Team

L82 Emboar

Rock Slide, Hammer Arm, Bulldoze, Falmethrower

L79 Unfezant

Air Slash, Sky Attack, Fly, Detect

L79 Golduck

Blizzard, Zen Headbutt, Surf, Waterfall

L79 Ampharos

Strength, Thunderbolt, Flash, Signal Beam

L79 Simisage

Cut, Payback, Dig, Energy Ball

Current Season: Winter

Total Money: 1027029

C33-01: Skyarrow Bridge

The bridge itself is very straightforward. There's a man you'll run into on the bridge who will offer to sell you Fresh Water for 300. If you decline, he'll try even harder to sell it to you, decline again to cancel.

As the bridge starts to spiral over on the other side, there's a thirsty man who is in need of some Fresh Water. How convenient! If you give him some, he'll dash off to the Driftveil Drawbridge. If you give him Fresh Water there, then at the Tubeline Bridge, then at the Village Bridge, then the Marvelous Bridge, then the Marine Tube, he'll give you a dozen Moomoo Milk when you talk to him on the Skyarrow Bridge after doing all of that.

Keep following the bridge until you reach the gate leading into Pinwheel Forest.

C33-02: Pinwheel Forest

There're several wild Pokémon:


Type: Normal

EV: 2Spd

Dex No: No.288

Catch Rate: 120

Height: 4'7"

Weight: 102.5 lbs.


Type: Normal


Dex No: No.289

Catch Rate: 45

Height: 6'7"

Weight: 287.7 lbs.

There's a ton of trainers here looking to do battle! Right at the start of the area is a Preschooler looking to hustle you.

L60 Wooper (Water & Ground)

L60 Tympole (Water)

Continue on from the Preschooler. The nearby Hiker doesn't want to battle, thankfully. Continue down to the Nursery Aide near the north end of the bridge.

L61 Exeggcute (Grass & Psychic)

L61 Miltank (Normal)

Head over to the bridge to the second Preschooler there.

L59 Dratini (Dragon)

L59 Gible (Dragon & Ground)

L59 Bagon (Dragon)

Continue to yet another Preschooler moving up and down along the right side of the road.

L59 Burmy (Bug)

L59 Paras (Bug & Grass)

L59 Scyther (Bug & Flying)

Continue south until you see a grassy path leading off west with Cheren at the start. Move over to him, talk and tell him 'Yes' when he asks if you'd like him to travel with you. He will then help out during any Double Battles that you're in. After every battle (even Single Battles which Cheren doesn't take part in) that he's travelling with you for, all of your Pokémon, as well as all of his, will be fully healed. And even normal Grass also lead Double Battles!?

Tag Team

PKMN Trainer Cheren

L67 Stoutland (Normal)

L65 Watchog (Normal)

L65 Cinccino (Normal)

Head west along the grassy path, deeper into the forest. You'll find a Preschooler and Nursery Aide here. If you move between them, they'll simultaneously challenge you and you'll take part in a Double Battle with Cheren as your partner. You can also talk to the Preschooler first and force him into a battle then take the Nursery Aide on seperately afterwards.

Nursery Aide:

L61 Chansey (Normal)

L61 Leavanny (Bug & Grass)


L60 Pineco (Bug)

L60 Ferrothorn (Grass & Steel)

Once they've both been dealt with, move south-west to the Pokémon Ranger moving through the Tall Grass.

L65 Sudowoodo (Rock)

L62 Gloom (Grass & Poison)

L62 Beartic (Ice)

She'll give you a Sitrus Berry. Now grab the item, a Max Repel, to her south-east. Move back past the Pokémon Ranger and continue heading west. If you move right up to the Pokémon Ranger hidden under the leaf here, he'll jump out and challenge you too.

L62 Weepinbell (Grass & Poison)

L62 Luxray (Electric)

L62 Ursaring (Normal)

He'll give you a Sitrus Berry. From there, continue west through the gap in the fence. Move south through the Tall Grass immediately past the gap. At the bottom is an Ultra Ball. Grab it, move back north out of the Tall Grass and continue west over to a Youngster who will stop and challenge you.

L60 Mankey (Fighting)

L60 Snubbull (Normal)

L60 Crawdaunt (Water & Dark)


Type: Water & Dark

EV: 2Atk

Dex No: No.342

Catch Rate: 155

Height: 3'7"

Weight: 72.3 lbs.

Turn on your Dowsing MCHN and head through the Tall Grass now. Halfway through you should be able to find a hidden Ultra Ball. Snatch it up, then continue north until you're out of the Tall Grass. Grab the Max Revive in the hollow of the tree, then run through the hollow, dead tree trunk. Continue north under the next one over until you reach the Tall Grass with the next Pokémon Ranger moving through it, and this Pokémon Ranger gives you Lum Berry.

L62 Electrike (Electric)

L62 Rapidash (Fire)

L62 Farfetch'd (Normal & Flying)

Once he's defeated, head west, then south, then east east until you're at the foot of the hollow trunk that you moved under before. Move through it and up it to the area above. From there, move through the tree trunk taking you back down, this time to your north. There's a Veteran couple here, waiting for an opponent.


L64 Ludicolo (Water & Grass)

L64 Electivire (Electric)

L64 Forretress (Bug & Steel)


L64 Crobat (Poison & Flying)

L64 Magmortar (Fire)

L64 Leafeon (Grass)


Type: Electric

EV: 3Atk

Dex No: No.466

Catch Rate: 30!

Height: 5'11"

Weight: 305.6 lbs.


Type: Fire

EV: 3Sp.Atk

Dex No: No.467

Catch Rate: 30!

Height: 5'3"

Weight: 149.9 lbs.


Type: Grass

EV: 2Def

Dex No: No.470

Catch Rate: 45

Height: 3'3"

Weight: 56.2 lbs.

Once you overcome that massive battle, continue east until you reach another tree hollow, this time containing a Net Ball. Grab it, then head east until you reach one last hollow tree trunk. Don't go through just yet, otherwise Cheren will prematurely leave your party. Instead, head south and down the small set of steps. Move south to the next set and move down those too. From there, head north, then east over to the Youngster.

If you move into the space north of him, you'll start a double battle with both the Lass and the Youngster, but if you wish to, you can do these battles seperately by first talking to the Youngster from his west side, then taking the Lass on afterwards. Feel free to do it either way.


L60 Nidoran♀ (Poison)

L60 Nidoqueen (Poison & Ground)

L60 Nidoran♂ (Poison)


L60 Cascoon (Bug)

L60 Scolipede (Bug & Poison)

L60 Silcoon (Bug)

Now continue up the steps and head west to the end. Turn that Dowsing MCHN on and use it to find the hidden BalmMushroom. Now backtrack to that hollow log and head through. You'll stop before a crazy old dude screams out behind you, surprising both you and Cheren. You'll speak with him and he'll leave. After he does, Cheren will hand you an Up-Grade. How sweet of him. He'll then leave too. You're once again alone.

There's one last Pokémon Ranger hidden under a leaf to your north-east, in front of an item. Move next to the leaf and the Ranger will jump out and enthusiastically challenge you!

L62 Munchlax (Normal)

L62 Zebstrika (Electric)

L62 Kricketune (Bug)

She'll give you a Lum Berry.

Collect the item behind her, TM86 - Grass Knot. Head south-east until you reach the ledge. Jump over it and continue back to the main path. Head south, back down to the bridge. You should notice that the gap in the fence on the east side of the road is no longer blocked by a person, so you can go through and explore the area there! move through and head down the stairs into the Dark Grass. Move south-west, along the short path to a tile at the end without Dark Grass on it. This tile hides a Green Shard. Grab it, then head east to the end of the Dark Grass. Move out of the Grass and head over to the Youngster.

L60 Phanpy (Ground)

L60 Doduo (Normal & Flying)

L60 Fearow (Normal & Flying)

Head north-east, up the stairs. Follow the path around until you reach a hollow log. Move through it, then move through the next one leading east. Turn on that Dowsing MCHN of yours and use it to find the Bug Gem around here. You can head north-west and enter the Rumination Field, but it contains nothing but a Pokémon Ranger that just talks at length. Instead, backtrack to the Youngster. Head down the stairs to his south-east and back up the next set. Take the three sets of stairs east, through the Dark Grass. At the end of the path is TM22 - SolarBeam with your name on it. Pick it up, then head back up the three sets of stairs.

Now head along the thin path west along the south edge of this area. Continue around to the stairs leading down to the water. Move down them and continue around west. Turn the Dowsing MCHN on and use it to find the Rare Candy. Now use Surf and move onto the water. Head west under the bridges and continue to the land at the end. Head up the stairs and grab the PP Max. Now jump down the ledge, head north through the Tall Grass, then up the stairs. Now go north and head through the hollow log, then finally east until you reach the ledge. Jump down it and move back onto the main path one last time. Now head south, over the bridge and continue until the path turns east. Follow it east and continue until you reach the Twins at the exit to the inside of the forest. It's the last battle of this area!

L60 Plusle (Electric)

L60 Minun (Electric)

Head through the exit, into the outside part of Pinwheel Forest!

C33-03: Pinwheel Forest (Outer)

Wild Pokémon:


Type: Bug & Flying

EV: 1Spd

Dex No: No.193

Catch Rate: 75

Height: 3'11"

Weight: 83.8 lbs.


Type: Bug & Flying

EV: 2Atk

Dex No: No.469

Catch Rate: 30!

Height: 6'3"

Weight: 113.5 lbs.

Right near the exit from the forest, you'll be able to head south into the grass or north on over to Nacrene City. Unless you're in a hurry, you might as well check out the southern part, as there are a few items and Pokemon you can run into there, not to mention Trainers.

The first Trainer you'll have to fight moving south is a School Kid.

L60 Oddish (Grass & Poison)

L60 Bellossom (Grass)

L60 Tangela (Grass)

Before you proceed much further south, head east of the School Kid to walk behind the fence. That leads you over to a Full Heal.

Head south of the School Kid and you'll find a Battle Girl, although she won't battle you. Walk on over to the east to find a Protein sitting by the trees. Keep going south from the Battle Girl and you'll eventually find a huge puddle of water with dark grass over to the west, there's an Ace Trainer.

L63 Furret (Normal)

L63 Braviary (Normal & Flying)

L63 Seismitoad (Water & Ground)

North of him is a Nugget while south of him is an HP Up. There's also a hidden Max Elixir in the giant puddle of water. East of the puddle of water is another Ace Trainer.

L63 Linoone (Normal)

L63 Mandibuzz (Dark & Flying)

L63 Toxicroak (Poison & Fighting)

Keep going east and up the steps to fight a Black Belt.

L61 Tyrogue (Fighting)

L61 Scrafty (Dark & Fighting)

L61 Makuhita (Fighting)

Additionally, there's a Battle Girl.

L61 Tyrogue (Fighting)

L61 Machop (Fighting)

L61 Poliwrath (Water & Fighting)

There's a valuable PP Max right between them. On top of that, the challenge rock you see in the middle of this little area can be chipped away by a Fighting-type Pokémon (such as Emboar) of yours once per day. you'll be able to break part of the rock off and receive a Star Piece, which you can sell for some money.

Head down the northern flight of stairs until you see a ledge you can jump down. Before jumping down, though, pick up the hidden Fighting Gem right at the edge of the ledge. Now you can jump down it and return to the School Kid at the beginning of the area.

From the School Kid, head north this time and fight the second School Kid running around.

L60 Venonat (Bug & Poison)

L60 Yanma (Bug & Flying)

L60 Venomoth (Bug & Poison)

Keep heading past him and you'll arrive in Nacrene City. However, as soon as you enter, walk behind the fence and return in the outer part of the Pinwheel Forest to find a hidden Ultra Ball.

Next episode