11) We're got talent

MEGAH96 Current Team

L36 Emboar

Rollout, Arm Thrust, Assurance, Flame Charge

L35 Unfezant

Air Slash, Roost, Fly, Detect

L35 Golduck

Water Pulse, Zen Headbutt, Confusion, Aqua Tail

L35 Ampharos

Strength, ThunderPunch, Flash, Power Gem

L36 Simisage

Cut, Rock Tomb, Dig, Seed Bomb

Current Season: Winter

Total Money: 260346

C11-01: Nimbasa City

Before you can head to Route 5, in the northwest part of town, you'll run into Hugh having a stand off against Team Plasma! You'll have to split the task with Hugh, taking on two Team Plasma Grunts on your own.

Top of two Grunts:

L27 Trubbish (Poison)

Bottom of two Grunts:

L27 Watchog (Normal)

After that fight, they will run off, and then Hugh will heal up your Pokemon before heading off himself. Now head into Route 5.

C11-02: Route 5

Move west, over to the crowd surrounding Motorcyclist Charles. Feel free to talk to him; he'll challenge you to a battle. Answer 'Yes' to battle Rotation Battle in Black2, Triple Battle in White2.

L26 Sigilyph (Psychic & Flying)

L26 Tirtouga (Water & Rock)

L26 Archen (Rock &Flying)


Type: Water & Rock

EV: 1Def

Dex No: No.564

Catch Rate: 45

Height: 2'4"

Weight: 36.4 lbs.


Type: Rock & Flying

EV: 1Atk

Dex No: No.566

Catch Rate: 45

Height: 1'8"

Weight: 20.9 lbs.

After beating him, he'll drive off on his motorcycle. Before heading over to the Driftveil Drawbridge.

C11-03: Driftveil Drawbridge


Type: Water & Flying


Dex No: No.580

Catch Rate: 190

Height: 1'8"

Weight: 12.1 lbs.

As soon as you enter the route, talk to the first guy you see and he'll give you a Funfest Mission.

You can run around on the drawbridge and find shadows, with rustled feather sounds along with them. If you run over that shadowy patch, you'll find either one of several feather items (which raise your Pokemon's stats ever so slightly, except for one feather, which does nothing), or you'll run into a Ducklett. Keep west to Driftveil City!

Next episode