05) Trio Badge

MEGAH96 Current Team

L13 Oshawott

Tackle, Tail Whip, Water Gun, Water Sport

L12 Patrat

Tackle, Detect, Bite, Bide

L12 Pansear

Scratch, Leer, Lick, Incinerate

Current Season: Summer

Total Money: 6176

C05-01: Striaton Gym

Once you enter, he give you Fresh Water. So he called Clyde.

There is a fire element. Step on water.

It's Waiter Maxwell.

L11 Lillipup (Normal)

Next, it is water element. Step on grass.

Wait! This is Waitress Tia!

L10 Patrat (Normal)

L10 Purrloin (Dark)

Next you see grass element and you should step on fire.

OK! Now you go near Cilan. The Fire type, Chili and The Water type, Cress.

Because I choose Oshawott, so I battle Cilan.

Boss Battle

Chili, Cress and Cilan

L12 Lillipup (Normal)

Bite, Work Up, Odor Sleuth, Helping Hand

(When you battle Chili)

*L14 Pansear (Fire)


(When you battle Cress)

*L14 Panpour (Water)

Water Gun

(When you battle Cilan)

*L14 Pansage (Grass)

Vine Whip

*Each elemental monkeys have Work Up, Lick, Fury Swipes

Safe Type: Elemental monkey

Dangerous Type: Your starter

Money won: 1680

Once you defeated these Gym Leader, you have the first badge, Trio Badge! You have TM83, Work Up. So you can go out.

Next episode