42) Elite Four rematch

C42-01: Pokémon League

Before you battle the Elite Four and the Champion, you must:

1) Levels of Elite Four (71/71/71/71/71/73) and Champion (75/75/75/75/75/77)

2) This time they have 4 Full Restores.

3) Go to Giant Chasm Forest and make the grass shake, battle wild Audino with Level 52-55. Level 54-55 Recommended.

4) Go to buy important items like 25 Hyper Potions, 30 Max Potions, 45 Full Restores, 30 Revives, 16 Full Heals, X Items.

5) Make sure your Pokémon must have higher than L73, but 77 recommended.

After that, and this is my current team:

MEGAH96 Current Team

L82 Watchog

Crunch, Dig, Strength, Thunderbolt

L82 Simisear

Rock Slide, Flame Burst, Brick Break, Flamethrower

L84 Samurott

Surf, Blizzard, Dive, Waterfall

L82 Leavanny

Cut, Leaf Storm, X-Scissor, Leaf Blade

L82 Unfezant

Detect, Sky Attack, Air Slash, Fly

Current Season: Winter

Total Money: 2045498

All of the following items:

45 Full Restores

25 Revives

16 Full Heals

5 Lum Berries

8 X Accuracy

12 X Specials

12 X Attacks

Expert Belt

Scope Lens

Destiny Knot

This is not the only way to beat the Elite Four! Not at all. "The best way to defeat with my team" that might show you how did I battle the Elite Four. But you can follow me.

If you check the PC, you notice "Records" section says "First game clear", you are not a Pokémon League Champion yet!

Here is the Pokémon you recommend:

NOTE: From Pokémon Emerald onwards, defeat the Elite Four with an inappropriate save type will corrupt the save file.

Heal your Pokémon, save the game, and then enter the start point to start battle the Elite Four!


Be careful when you continue! So this is best experienced while playing by yourself.

Heal your Pokémon, save the game, and then enter the start point.

Boss Battle

Elite Four Shauntal

L71 Cofagrigus (Ghost)

Energy Ball, Shadow Ball, Psychic, Will-o-wisp

L71 Golurk (Ghost & Ground)

Hammer Arm, Earthquake, Shadow Punch, Curse

L71 Jellicent (Water & Ghost)

Hydro Pump, Shadow Ball, Psychic, Sludge Wave

L71 Froslass (Ice & Ghost)

Shadow Ball, Psychic, Ice Shard, Blizzard

L71 Drifblim (Ghost & Flying)

Thunder, Shadow Ball, Acrobatics, Psychic

L73 Chandelure (Ghost & Fire)

Fire Blast, Psychic, Shadow Ball, Payback

Safe Type: Dark, Water, Grass, Fire

Dangerous Type: Normal, Fight, Psychic

Money won: 8760

Cofagrigus has Mummy Ability if make contact (If you Pokémon has a useless ability, so don't worry). Golurk has Hammer Arm so keep away Dark-type Pokémon. Use Water-type or Grass-type move instead. Jellicent has Cursed Body and can disable move by 30% (even without making contact) and Jellicent has Sludge Wave so keep away Grass-type Pokémon. Froslass has massive speed, but not difficult, just use Fire-type or Rock-type moves. Drifblim has Thunder so keep away Water-type Pokémon if your Water-type Pokémon has Ice-type move. Chandelure is her powerful Pokémon. Use Water-type move or Ground-type move.

Boss Battle

Elite Four Grimsley

L71 Sharpedo (Water & Dark)

Waterfall, Aqua Jet, Earthquake, Night Slash

L71 Scrafty (Fighting & Dark)

Head Smash, Poison Jab, Brick Break, Crunch

L71 Liepard (Dark, gender is ♀)

Aerial Ace, Attract, Fake Out, Night Slash

L71 Drapion (Poison & Dark)

Crunch, Fire Fang, Poison Fang, Thunder Fang

L71 Krookodile (Ground & Dark)

Outrage, Knock Down, Earthquake, Foul Play

L73 Bisharp (Steel & Dark)

Aerial Ace, Night Slash, Guillotine, X-Scissor

Safe Type: Ground, Bug, Fighting, Grass

Dangerous Type: Normal, Psychic, Ghost, Dragon, Rock

Money won: 8760

Sharpedo has Rough Skin so may hurt upon contact. Scrafty has Head Smash so you must use Fighting-type move or a very powerful Flying-type move. Liepard has Attract, also start with Fake Out, Aerial Ace can hurt Dark-type or Bug-type and there's no choice...... Drapion only has ONE weakness, Ground-type. Krookodile, it has Outrage. Bisharp has OHKO move, Guillotine. But is very inaccurate. It has X-Scissor and Aerial Ace, because you should use Fire-type move or Ground-type move.

Boss Battle

Elite Four Caitlin

L71 Musharna (Psychic)

Dream Eater, Hypnosis, Reflect, Psychic

L71 Reuniclus (Psychic)

Energy Ball, Thunder, Psychic, Focus Blast

L71 Sigilyph (Psychic & Flying)

Ice Beam, Air Slash, Flash Cannon, Psychic

L71 Gothitelle (Psychic)

Thunderbolt, Psychic, Payback, Flatter

L71 Bronzong (Steel & Psychic)

Psychic, Payback, Charge Beam, Flash Cannon

L73 Metagross (Steel & Psychic)

Giga Impact, Earthquake, Bullet Punch, Zen Headbutt

Safe Type: Ghost, Dark, Bug, Electric, Fire

Dangerous Type: Normal, Fighting, Poison

Money won: 8760

This time she leads with Musharna. Hypnosis and then Dream Eater!!! Reuniclus has Focus Blast and avoid using Dark-type Pokémon. Sigilyph has Flash Cannon can hurt Rock-type or Ice-type Pokémon. Use Electric-type or Dark-type move. Gothitelle has Payback so can't use Ghost-type move. Bronzong has Levitate and only use Fire-type move. Metagross, has Earthquake so keep away Fire-types.

Boss Battle

Elite Four Marshal

L71 Breloom (Grass & Fighting)

Spore, Sky Uppercut, Grass Knot, Mach Punch

L71 Throh (Fighting)

Grass Knot, Retaliate, Superpower, Earthquake

L71 Sawk (Fighting)

Stone Edge, Poison Jab, Retaliate, Close Combat

L71 Mienshao (Fighting)

High-Jump Kick, U-Turn, Fake out, Acrobatics

L71 Toxicroak (Poison & Fighting)

Venoshock, Earthquake, Toxic, Low Sweep

L73 Conkeldurr (Fighting)

Hammer Arm, Stone Edge, Grass Knot, Retaliate

Safe Type: Flying, Psychic, Fire, Ground

Dangerous Type: Normal, Rock, Steel, Ice, Grass, Water, Bug, Dark

Money won: 8760

Breloom has Spore can make you sleep, Sky Uppercut cannot miss when Flying types use Fly. Throh has higher HP. Superpower can be massive power. Sawk has Sturdy so use weaker Flying-types or Psychic-types move first. Mienshao has U-Turn so keep away Psychic-types, use Flying-type move. Toxicroak, use Psychic-type to OHKO. Conkeldurr, his strongest Pokémon. Use a ultra powerful Flying-type or Psychic-type moves.

After you defeated all the Elite Four, activate the statue by pressing A, you will go down.Keep going up the save until you see a shrine. Before you enter the shrine, heal, save the game before you enter!


Be careful when you continue! So this is best experienced while playing by yourself.

Walk to the middle of the glowing statue, go down by pressing A, climb upstairs, heal your Pokémon, save the game and then enter the shrine.

Now you can fight the Champion!

Boss Battle

Champion Alder

L75 Accelgor (Bug)

Me First, Energy Ball, Bug Buzz, Focus Blast

L75 Bouffalant (Normal)

Earthquake, Stone Edge, Megahorn, Afro Break

L75 Escavalier (Bug & Steel)

Aerial Ace, Giga Impact, Iron Head, X-Scissor

L75 Vanilluxe (Ice)

Flash Cannon, Acid Armor, Light Screen, Blizzard

L75 Druddigon (Dragon)

Superpower, Payback, Outrage, Night Slash

L77 Volcarona (Bug & Fire)

Quiver Dance, Bug Buzz, Hyper Beam, Overheat

Safe Type: Fire, Rock, Fighting, Ice, Flying

Dangerous Type: Grass, Bug, Psychic, Dark

Money won: 15400

Accelgor is the fastest Generation V Pokémon! Me First can snatch moves that we use, I'm explaining you when Shelmet evolves into Accelgor, it's base speed sharply higher but lowers Defense when it levels up. Bouffalant, just use Fighting-type moves. Escavalier, it's slow, but powerful. Vanilluxe, don't use Rock-type move because Flash Cannon can hurt Rock-types. Druddigon, it's more powerful! His main, Volcarona, it may use Quiver Dance to made it power up, it will becomes more powerful than Hydreigon.

After defeating Alder, he take you to the Hall of Fame! Alder advice the player about the player's name, account of your journey and the history of the player's battle will be recorded. When Hall of Fame is recorded, the game will save and the credits will appear! It's same as completing the main storyline, but no Zekrom/Reshiram background.


If you don't want the Hall of Fame and the credits to be spoiled, don't continue until the game save and credits start rolling.

After the game continues, you're returned to Nuvema Town.

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