40) Rematch with Cheren

MEGAH96 Current Team

L73 Simisear

Rock Slide, Flame Burst, Brick Break, Flamethrower

L74 Samurott

Surf, Blizzard, Dive, Waterfall

L73 Watchog

Crunch, Dig, Strength, Thunderbolt

L73 Leavanny

Cut, Leaf Storm, X-Scissor, Leaf Blade

L73 Unfezant

Detect, Sky Attack, Air Slash, Fly

Current Season: Autumn

Total Money: 2069154

C40-01: Route 5

Cheren can be found on Route 5. Talk to him, he will be waiting at the top of Victory Road.

C40-02: Victory Road

Fly to Pokémon League. Go south. He is inside the doorway to the right. You can battle Cheren once a day.

Boss Battle

PKMN Trainer Cheren

L65 Liepard (Dark)

Fake Out, Night Slash, Shadow Claw, Aerial Ace

L65 Unfezant (Normal & Flying)

Air Slash, Quick Attack, Facade, U-Turn

L65 Haxorus (Dragon, has Dragon Gem)

Outrage, Surf, Rock Slide, X-Scissor

L65 Gigalith (Rock)

Stone Edge, Earthquake, Giga Impact, Stealth Rock

Liepard always start with Fake Out, Aerial Ace can hurt Fighting-type and Bug-type Pokémon. Unfezant has U-Turn. Haxorus uses Outrage because Dragon Gem can DOUBLE THE POWER of Outrage! Gigalith has Sturdy cannot OHKO. His elemental monkey has some great moves like Brick Break, Rock Slide and Payback. Emboar has Wild Charge so keep away the Water-type Pokémon. Use Psychic-type or Ground-type Pokémon. Samurott has X-Scissor and Blizzard keep Grass-type Pokémon away. Also, try to not joke around about Serperior, becuase if it gets happy with Coil, it can be powerful.

Safe Type: Your elemental monkey, Ground, Ice, Fighting, Electric

Dangerous Type: Your starter, Bug, Normal, Ghost

Money won: 6700