37) Route 13, Giant Chasm & Lacunosa Town

MEGAH96 Current Team

L69 Simisear

Rock Slide, Flame Burst, Brick Break, Flamethrower

L70 Samurott

Surf, Blizzard, Dive, Waterfall

L70 Watchog

Crunch, Dig, Strength, Thunderbolt

L70 Leavanny

Cut, Leaf Storm, X-Scissor, Leaf Blade

L69 Unfezant

Detect, Sky Attack, Air Slash, Fly

Current Season: Autumn

Total Money: 1936705

C37-01: Route 13

Wild Pokémon:

North, west and then north to Socialite Marian.

L64 Kricketot (Bug)

L64 Chimecho (Psychic)

North is Gentleman Yan:

L64 Farfetch'd (Normal & Flying)

L64 Granbull (Normal)

To the west is Twins Emy & Lin.

L64 Plusle (Electric)

L64 Minun (Electric)

To the south is the tree can Cut down, there is Electrizer.

Heading north, west and there is 2 pathway, north and west upstairs.

Walk west upstairs, walk north to boulder and you found TM29, Psychic! Walk back to the 2 pathway. So now walk north.

To the north is Fisherman Vince.

L64 Krabby (Water)

L64 Octillery (Water)

Walk along the narrow pathway southeast is Black Belt Benjamin.

L65 Sawk (Fighting)

L65 Hitmonlee (Fighting)

Keep walking until you found an island with full of dark grass to the north and then surf north. There are hidden items.

I don't want to go to the dark grass because of stronger wild Pokémon also leads double wild Pokémon!

Little kid, don't worry, just use Repels, Super Repels or Max Repels and lead stronger Pokémon.

Northeast corner is DeepSeaScale. To the southeast is Fisherman Pete.

L63 Feebas (Water)

L63 Kingler (Water)

L63 Remoraid (Water)

Surf back where Fisherman Vince is there, run north to 2 Parasol Ladies. The south Parasol Lady talk to her later. The north Parasol Lady battles you, so she called Laura.

L63 Surskit (Bug & Water)

L63 Seaking (Water)

L63 Goldeen (Water)

Daily Event

Head west to a guy with black suit. He give you random items.

Big Pearl (Useful when you want to earn money, go to Pokémon Center in Icirrus City and sell to the man)

Black Flute

Blue Flute

DeepSeaScale (Useful when you have Clamperl and can trade with others)

DeepSeaTooth (Useful when you have Clamperl and can trade with others)

Dragon Scale (Useful when you have Seadra and can trade with others)

Dubious Disc (Useful when you have Porygon2 and can trade with others)

Electrizer (Useful when you have Electabuzz and can trade with others)

Heart Scale (Useful when you want to relearn moves in Mistralton City)

King's Rock (Useful when you have Poliwhirl or Slowpoke and can trade with others)

Lucky Egg (Useful when you want to save time to have more EXP)

Lucky Punch (Useful when you have Chansey)

Magmarizer (Useful when you have Magmar and can trade with others)

Metal Coat (Useful when you have Onix or Scyther and can trade with others)

Metal Powder

Protector (Useful when you have Rhydon and can trade with others)

Razor Claw (Useful when you have Sneasel)

Razor Fang (Useful when you have Gligar)

Reaper Cloth (Useful when you have Dusclops and can trade with others)

Red Flute

Shoal Salt

Shoal Shell

Stick (Useful when you have Farfetch'd)

Thick Club (Useful when you have Cubone or Marowak)

Up-Grade (Useful when you have Porygon and can trade with others)

White Flute

Yellow Flute

In the NINTENDO DS emulators with Save State function, Save State before you talk to him. If you received items that you don't want, Load State, wait for several seconds and receive another item.

Inside the house there is a guy teaches your Pokémon The Elemental Hyper Beams.

Frenzy Plant, Blast Burn and Hydro Cannon.

Surf northwest is a secret house! There is a Veteran gives you Splash Plate and Draco Plate. There is also a hidden Pearl String. Surf back somewhere there are 2 Parasol Ladies. And walk north to Fisherman Mick.

L60 Magikarp (Water)

L60 Magikarp (Water)

L60 Magikarp (Water)

L60 Magikarp (Water)

L60 Magikarp (Water)

L60 Magikarp (Water)

Walk northwest to battle Fisherman Jones.

L63 Tentacool (Water & Poison)

L63 Qwilfish (Water & Poison)

L63 Tentacruel (Water & Poison)

Pass him, walk upstairs, until you see Youngster Astor.

L63 Nincada (Bug & Ground)

L63 Mothim (Bug & Flying)

L63 Metapod (Bug)

Head south and talk to the girl standing near Wingull.

Keep south through the grass and you see Artist Zach.

L65 Camerupt (Fire & Ground)

To the south is Razor Claw and Gram 2. Take that back to the girl, talk to her, and she'll give it to her Wingull. That leaves you left finding two more packages. Go back down the steps and talk to the old man from earlier that I told you to remember. He'll give you Gram 1. Before you head back to the Wingull, head further south and pick up the Gram 3 from the Parasol Lady that didn't battle you earlier on. Take them back to the girl and her Wingull. Wingull will then fly off and leave behind a present for you, TM89, U-Turn.

Keep walking to the north. There is a tree that can be Cut down, it's Max Ether. Walk north to Lass Fey.

L63 Buneary (Normal)

L63 Snubbull (Normal)

L63 Shroomish (Grass)

To the west is Lacunosa Town. To the east is still inaccessible. Go to the Pokémon Center in Lacunosa Town and heal or buy items.

Now go back to Route 13. Now we want to make the path accessible!

Head back to where the old man was: Down the steps and on the eastern side of the bridge. He's the one that gave you one of the packages. However, rather than heading west, instead use Surf and surf through the water to the east, heading north when you're able to. You'll surf along the side of the wall, only to discover there's land far back there!

Pick up the Prism Scale before climbing up the stairs leading you to the Giant Chasm... although be sure to push the boulder properly in place with Strength beforehand so you can get back there easier.

C37-02: Giant Chasm Entrance

Wild Pokémon Encounters same as in Route 13

Keep walking until you walk in the cave!

C37-03: Giant Chasm Cave

Wild Pokémon appears in cave:



First, heading west, pickup the Big Mushroom in the rock down the steps. Keep heading west to the corner, push the boulder until the Star Piece. Keep north until the northwest corner, TinyMushroom is hiding in the rock, east to another boulder and there is also Star Piece, east is the TinyMushroom hiding in the rock, east is the boulder lead to Comet Shard, cost 60000 when you bring to Icirrus City! To the northeast corner, the west side is surf to the end, the east side is the ledge return to the beginning, but there is a boulder you can push and reach to the end, the centre exit to Giant Chasm Forest.

C37-04: Giant Chasm Forest

Wild Pokémon:

You also look the map on top. There is a Max Elixir to the west through dark grass. Go northeast to find a Max Potion. There is a north-facing ledge west of the Max Potion you need to hop over. Northeast of this ledge is a Revive near the rock face. There is a Carbos southeast of the Revive. Travel east of the Carbos to find two ledges facing east. Don't use the top ledge. Instead, you can find TM 13, Ice Beam before the bottom of the two ledges. Southeast of the two ledges is a Full Heal. Continue to the southeast corner of the area to find a Max Revive. In some grass northwest of the Max Revive is TM 03, Psyshock. Do not use the ledge southwest of TM 03, Psyshock because it will lead back to the beginning of the area. Instead, go northwest of TM 03, Psyshock to find a north-facing ledge. Hop over the ledge and go east, then south through the path between the trees. You will find a pond that seems like it has evaporated. You will hear a Pokemon cry as you approach the pond and a blizzard will start. All of the trees and rocks will disappear leaving only snow. Go north and use the entrance to the next cave.

C37-05: Giant Chasm Kyurem's Lair

Wild Pokémon Encounters same as in Giant Chasm Cave, but each Pokémon has a level +10 except for Water, Shaking Water, Fish, Fish on Shaking Water.

Straight directly to Kyurem.

L75 Kyurem (Dragon & Ice)

Glaciate, Dragon Pulse, Imprison, Endeavor


Type: Dragon & Ice

EV: 1HP, 1Attack and 1SP Attack

Dex No: No.646

Catch Rate: 3!!!

Height: 9;10"

Weight: 716.5lbs.


The only Generation V Pokémon has Pressure ability

After you've caught or knocked out Kyurem, when you leave the cave, you'll find that all of the snow is gone and you're now in the northeastern corner of the forest. Only one way to go from here and that's south, jumping down the ledge, and appearing closer to the southeastern part. Now return back to Lacunosa Town.

C37-06: Lacunosa Town

At night, nobody outside. At the daytime, there are outside.

Hidden items:

Elixir is south of manhole

Max Repel is next to wall north of PokeCenter

First things first, the Pokémon Center is south and then to the west from when you enter via Route 13. 2 people are in Pokémon Center.

1) She will give you a Gracidea when you have Shaymin. Use it to switch your Shaymin between Land and Sky Forms.

2) Tell you which Pokemon you had on your party when you earned a certain Gym Badge.

Days of the week

Day: Sunday nights

Talk to a Clerk ♂ inside of one of the buildings and he'll give you a berry. He's handing out either a Pecha Berry, Bluk Berry, Leppa Berry, or the very-useful Lum Berry.

Head southwest to Route 12.

Next episode