38) Jerking through Village Bridge

MEGAH96 Current Team

L70 Unfezant

Detect, Sky Attack, Air Slash, Fly

L71 Leavanny

Cut, Leaf Storm, X-Scissor, Leaf Blade

L70 Simisear

Rock Slide, Flame Burst, Brick Break, Flamethrower

L71 Watchog

Crunch, Dig, Strength, Thunderbolt

L71 Samurott

Surf, Blizzard, Dive, Waterfall

Current Season: Autumn

Total Money: 2003461

C38-01: Route 12

Wild Pokémon encounters:

By going anti-clockwise, head north to Pokémon Breeder Eustace.

L63 Makuhita (Fighting)

L63 Riolu (Fighting)

L63 Tyrogue (Fighting)

He give you Sitrus Berry. North of him is Revive.

Dark Grass is on the northern part of Route 12. To the west is TM53, Energy Ball. To the west is Pokémon Breeder Ethel.

L61 Shuppet (Ghost)

L61 Phanpy (Ground)

L61 Skitty (Normal)

L61 Snorunt (Ice)

L61 Cacnea (Grass)

She also give you Sitrus Berry. School Kid Jem to the southeast.

L63 Weedle (Bug & Poison)

L63 Kakuna (Bug & Poison)

L63 Beedrill (Bug & Poison)

To the west is fence. This lead to Village Bridge. The southern, narrow path between fence and trees is Full Heal. To the east is Backers Fey and Sue force you double battles.

L65 Swoobat (Psychic & Flying)

L65 Swoobat (Psychic & Flying)

East of them is School Kid Ann.

L64 Paras (Bug & Grass)

L64 Wormadam (Sandy Cloak, Bug & Ground)

There are also hidden items. Keep west to Village Bridge.

C38-02: Village Bridge

Wild Pokémon:


Type: Dark & Flying

EV: 2SP Attack

Dex No: No.630

Catch Rate: 60

Height: 3'11"

Weight: 87.1lbs.


Type: Normal & Flying

EV: 2Attack

Dex No: No.628

Catch Rate: 60

Height: 4'11"

Weight: 90.4lbs.

Village Bridge is the oldest bridge in the Unova region. 200 years ago! Village Bridge is built on about year 1810. A house heading west is a girl heals your Pokémon. To the west is another house is a girl with 4 Patrat. Talk to her and they leave.

Daily Event

When to talk to the girl with 4 Patrat, go to Marvelous Bridge and play a mini-game and find a Big Mushroom when you choose a correct Patrat. If you choose an incorrect Patrat, don't worry, you can retry on the same day.

The another house to the west is a Fisherman called Hip Waders. He ask you different types of Pokémon. You have Dive Ball when you show him the correct Pokémon. Cross the bridge. The 3 houses to the west is NOTHING. To the north is Aickman is a guitarist also have guitar music. Walk south back through the grass, east to battle School Kid Serena.

L60 Zubat (Poison & Flying)

L60 Slugma (Fire)

L60 Nosepass (Rock)

L60 Doduo (Normal & Flying)

L60 Electrike (Electric)

L60 Poochyena (Dark)

East of her is Koontz. Talk to him and he sing the japanese song for you. Inside the trash is Leftovers. Go underneath the bridge and east to a little island is Calcium. Surf east, to the east is dark grass, hidden items and Derleth. When you talk to Derleth, he'll playing some sort of flute. Head south, under the bridge is Scientist Shannon.

L62 Amoonguss (Grass & Poison)

L62 Ekans (Poison)

L62 Grimer (Poison)

L62 Seviper (Poison)

Continue east is Baker Chris.

L64 Combee (Bug & Flying)

L64 Ursaring (Normal)

Daily Event

After defeating Baker Chris, she lets you play a mini-game of being working in Village Bridge Restaurant. I give you instructions.

1) There are four trainers.

2) Read carefully what the trainers tell you what kind of Berry they like.

3) If the top left people wanted a Pecha Berry, top right people wanted a Chesto Berry, bottom left people wanted a Persim Berry, bottom right people wanted a Persim Berry, write down on the paper as the following:

___________________ ___________________

| 1 | | 2 |

| Pecha Berry | | Chesto Berry |

___________________ ___________________

| 3 | | 4 |

| Persim Berry | | Persim Berry |

4) So talk to her and select as order: Pecha Berry, Chesto Berry, Persim Berry, Persim Berry. And then deliver to the correct trainer as order: Top left, top right, bottom left, bottom right. THIS IS ONLY THE EXAMPLE.

5) When you have 100% success, talk to her and she'll give you Lum Berry!

Well, keep northeast, keep west to Route 11. Also, if you return to Village Bridge, music from Koontz, Aickman and Derleth will be canceled.

C38-03: Route 11

Wild Pokémon encounters:

To the west is Backpacker Corin, As in French!

L65 Snover (Grass & Ice)


Backpacker Corin

Language: French

Start Battle Text: You would never imagine how many countries I visited, and the number of Trainers I fought!

Defeated Text: Wah! Another great souvenir!

Other Text: When I have a lot, traveled a lot, I get home, and I can tell lots of things my family!

I translate by using Google Translate and this is more helpful that you don't understand French, like me I don't understand French.

To the west, cross the bridge is Pokémon Ranger Thalia. Don't worry. She does not speak French, you should understand this.

L64 Rapidash (Fire)

L64 Mantine (Water & Flying)

L64 Cacturne (Grass & Dark)

She gives you Leppa Berry. If you have HM05, Waterfall, to the north is the waterfall. Climb up, to the west is some grass and hidden Max Revive. To the east is TM50, Overheat. Surf to the south. West is hidden Hyper Potion. East is the waterfall. You see some dark grass. You see Pokémon Ranger Crofton.

L64 Dewgong (Water & Ice)

L64 Pelipper (Water & Ice)

L64 Pinsir (Bug)

He also give Leppa Berry. There is also Protector. Afterwards, or if you don't have Waterfall , just head back to the bridge and then west to find Backpacker Talon, It's French! (In the Japanese version, he speaks English)

L65 Croagunk (Poison & Fighting)


Backpacker Talon

Language: French

Start Battle Text: Let me challenge you to a duel so I can burn us meet together in my memory.

Defeated Text: Our struggle is forever etched in my lifetime!

Other Text: The landscapes we admired ... The people we've met ... Pokémon with whom we have crossed swords ... They will remain forever etched in my memory.

Start Battle Text is what did they talk before the battle starts. Defeated Text is the text that they said before the money won displayed. Other Text is when you talk to the trainer that you have already defeated.

There is Hyper Potion through the grass. There is a gateway to Opelucid City. Now...... We should go to Challenger Cave. It's west of Opelucid City, on Route 9. Pass through the grass to the south near gateway, west through dark grass. You can enter the Challenger Cave.

Next episode