32) 6 Plasma Sages

Team not updated

When you go to turn on Amanita's PC, the first 4 secret wallpapers unlocked!

1) Zinzolin------>Cold Storage

It's inside th freezer! Zinzolin give you TM01, Hone Claws. In the marketplace of Driftveil City is Team Plasma Grunt sell you different types of Incense.

2) Bronius------>Chargestone Cave B2F

Fly to Mistralton City and then enter the cavern from the south. You're going to want to head west, then north and down the stairs, down the flight of stairs to the west so you're in the basement, and then make your way south. When you get to the female Ace Trainer walking around on the cliff with some steps to the west, walk down the steps and then head south until you find Sumura. Talk to him and he'll summon some Team Plasma Grunts to fight you!

There are two Team Plasma Grunt, the first one:

L63 Watchog (Normal)

L63 Scrafty (Dark & Fighting)

There is another grunt:

L62 Liepard (Dark)

L62 Garbodor (Poison)

L62 Liepard (Dark)

And then Bronius reward you TM69, Rock Polish.

3) Ryoku------>Relic Castle

C32-01: Desert Resort

When you try to enter Relic Castle, Prof. Juniper appears and give you RageCandyBar. This awake L35 Darmanitan. Enter Relic Castle.

C32-02: Relic Castle

Keep going to the B5F of Relic Castle. Walk northeast to the door.

It's Team Plasma Grunt! Who gets scared and runs, don't be scared, follow him, and grunt attacks you!

L64 Krookodile (Ground & Dark)

It's just a maze, map:


He tells you Plasma Sage Ryoku is looking for something in the Relic Castle. This portion of the Relic Castle is somewhat of a maze. Don't worry, though, because there are only two places you need to go, both of which are very east to find. The first room you want to find holds Ryoku. To get there from the first room that had the battle with the Plasma Grunt go down, left, down, left, and left. Talk to Ryoku in this room and he will give you TM 04 Calm Mind. Looker will eventually take him away for questioning. The doorway Ryoku was standing in front of holds Volcarona. Wild Pokémon Encounters in Volcarona's room:

L70 Volcarona (Bug & Fire)

Silver Wind, Quiver Dance, Heat Wave, Bug Buzz


Type: Bug & Fire

EV: 3SP Attack

Dex No: No.637

Catch Rate: 15!!

Height: 5'3"

Weight: 101.4lbs.

Volcarona is the evolution of Larvesta, doesn't evolve until L59. You can catch a L70 Volcarona in Relic Castle, this is faster than evolve a Larvesta. It's very powerful, amazing, and can deal a lot damage by Special-move. And base stats is 550.

After you catch Volcarona, from the room Ryoku was in go left, left, up, left, up, and left. Alternatively, you can get to this room from the first room with the Plasma Grunt battle by continuously going left. Either way, this room has a huge set of stairs. Walk up the stairs and go north through the doorway. There are going to be a total of six sets of stairs to walk up. At the top of the stairs is TM 26 Earthquake. However, Volcarona cannot learn this move, hop over the ledge and is over.

4) Gorm------>Dreamyard


From the Dreamyard entrance, walk east past the girl who gave you the elemental monkey and then northeast to find a tiny opening between a wall and a barrel. You may remember that an orange traffic cone blocked the way before you completed the main storyline. Continue east to walk down a set of stairs to the basement of the Dreamyard.

C32-03: Dreamyard B1F

Unlike most areas, the patrolling trainers in the Dreamyard basement will change directions when they see you. If you want to battle them, you must get close and talk to them.Walk west around debris to battle Scientist Markus.

L63 Drowzee (Psychic)

L63 Hypno (Psychic)

L63 Musharna (Psychic)

Scientist Chan patrolling around debris to south.

L63 Poliwhirl (Water)

L63 Musharna (Psychic)

L63 Parasect (Bug & Grass)

Southwest to Psychic Tommy patrolling around a wall.

L63 Beldum (Steel & Psychic)

L63 Metang (Steel & Psychic)

L63 Beheeyem (Psychic)

L63 Reuniclus (Psychic)

Battle Scientist Katherine to southeast.

L64 Jigglypuff (Normal)

L64 Musharna (Psychic)

Southwest to battle Psychic Rudolf.

L65 Starmie (Water & Psychic)

L65 Wobbuffet (Psychic)

West of him is TwistedSpoon. There are 2 Trainers to the east:

Scientist Luke:

L64 Musharna (Psychic)

L64 Stantler ((Normal)

Psychic Future:

L64 Natu (Psychic & Flying)

L64 Banette (Ghost)

L64 Xatu (Psychic & Flying)

C34-04: Dreamyard 1F

East to the staircase. Climb the stairs and you'll find Gorm, another Plasma Sage, to your south. He'll say a whole bunch of stuff before finally giving you TM75 (Swords Dance), a great move that boosts the user's Attack by two stages. Afterwards, he'll be arrested by Looker and dragged off to prison.

Wild Pokémon:

Before leaving, though, pick up the Revive to the northeast, and then make your way through the dark grass. Wade through that, pick up the Hyper Potion to the far east, a hidden Max Potion (use your Item Finder), and then, if you have Strength handy, use it to push that boulder that's been taunting you since nearly the beginning of the game. That will give you quick and easy access to the back chambers of the basement. Return down to the basement, head north and pick up TM85, Dream Eater.

Days of the week

Day: Friday

You can find a level 50 Musharna down here, ready to battle you. Also, another Musharna appears on next Fridays. Even you catch or knock out.

5) Rood------>Route 18

If you've visited one of the optional sections of this walkthrough, you might have already been to Route 18. You'll need to go back there in order to find Rood and earn his gift: TM32, Double Team.

He can be found on the southeastern beach on Route 18, over by where you find HM05, Waterfall.


If you haven't go to Route 1,17 or 18, refer to Route 1 in Episode 21) Route 17 & 18 near Nuvema Town

6) Giallo------>Route 14

Just very sorry...... We haven't visit to Route 14, so let's continue to Marvelous Bridge! Fly to Nimbasa City, Walk east to Route 16, and then enter the entrance to Marvelous Bridge. Also, you can either start from Route 11, east of Opelucid City or start from Marvelous Bridge on Route 16, east of Nimbasa City. So I choose start from Marvelous Bridge.

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