12) Driftveil City

MEGAH96 Current Team

L37 Emboar

Rollout, Arm Thrust, Assurance, Flame Charge

L35 Unfezant

Air Slash, Roost, Fly, Detect

L35 Golduck

Water Pulse, Zen Headbutt, Confusion, Aqua Tail

L35 Ampharos

Strength, ThunderPunch, Flash, Power Gem

L36 Simisage

Cut, Rock Tomb, Dig, Seed Bomb

Current Season: Winter

Total Money: 294538

C12-01: Driftveil City

At the entrance to the city sits a fountain, use your Dowsing Machine to find an Ultra Ball. Once you have it, continue west up the steps onto the bridge and you'll find NEW Team Plasma fighting OLD Team Plasma. The former will shove the latter, speaking about N, the leader of Team Plasma in the original B/W who soon saw the light and dissented their criminal organization. Hugh shout suddenly fills the text box while he rushes the New Plasma Grunt, who quickly flees. The Old Plasma Grunt will briefly speak with you before walking off.

The first house you run across upon entering the city has a guy that will give you a Shell Bell if you've seen 70 Pokémon. Take the elevator on up to the 19th Floor (Nothing on the 14th Floor!), then talk to the Axew to receive a free Haban Berry.

Leave the building and then head further west. You can either go north or south, go south. The Lady in there will ask to see a Pokemon knowing a certain TM move if you answer yes to her question. This is usually an easy TM move to teach. If you show her a Pokemon with that move, she'll reward you with a Heart Scale.

Now head up to the 23rd Floor and talk to the Waiter there and he'll give you an Everstone.

Just to the north of that building is the Driftveil Market. The Old Team Plasma Grunt selling various incenses.

The Maid directly above the Team Plasma person will sell you Moomoo Milk.

The person in the shades in the top-right stall will give you an Expert Belt if you have a Pokemon in your team that is at L30 or higher.

The man just south of him sells the herbal medicine. THEY CAN DECREASE FRIENDSHIP, WHICH IS STRONGLY UNRECOMMENDED.

At the west side of the market is Motorcyclist Charles, he'll ask to battle again, this time is in Triple Battle (Black2)/Rotation Battle (White2).

L26 Sigilyph (Psychic & Flying)

L26 Tirtouga (Water & Rock)

L26 Archen (Rock & Flying)

Enter the secret door at the left side to find TM63 Embargo.

The house directly north of the market is a Move Tutor, this one use Red Shards. There's a Gentleman on 25F of this building, too, that gives you an Air Balloon.

In the Pokemon Center, there's a person up top that will give you 3 Luxury Balls.

On the top floor of the building to the east of the Pokemon Center, a Veteran on 25F will give you a Big Root.

In the north part of town, there's a path west that leads to Route 6. But wait, climb up the steps, then head east. You'll come upon the Old Team Plasma Grunt from before. He'll come over and begin talking with you. You'll be brought over to his leader and you'll begin talking to him. He'll challenge you to a battle to test your strength. Answer 'Yes' to battle Rood.

Boss Battle

PKMN Trainer Rood

L27 Herdier (Normal)

L27 Swoobat (Psychic & Flying)

Safe Type: Fighting, Dark, Rock, Electric

Dangerous Type: Grass, Bug

Money won: 2700


Type: Psychic & Flying

EV: 2Speed

Dex No: No.528

Catch Rate: 45

Height: 2'11"

Weight: 23.1 lbs.

After defeating Rood, Hugh will appear and Rood will disappear inside. You and Hugh will both follow him and the three of you will talk. Hugh will start freaking out and will leave. You will then be asked by Rood to run an errand for him. Answer 'Yes' and you'll be sent on your way! There's not much else to do here unless you want to talk with everyone.

Rood will then ask if you'd like to take care of a L25 Zorua.


Type: Dark

EV: 1Sp. Atk

Dex No: No.570

Catch Rate: 75

Height: 2'4"

Weight: 27.6 lbs.

Now you'll be able to head to the Gym, which is down the steps and then to the east. You'll see Hugh waiting outside there. Wait! Head west to Route 6.

C12-02: Route 6


Type: Normal & Grass

EV: 1Spd

Dex No: No.585

Catch Rate: 190

Height: 2'0"

Weight: 43.0 lbs.


Type: Bug

EV: 1Def

Dex No: No.616

Catch Rate: 200

Height: 1'4"

Weight: 17.0 lbs.


Type: Bug

EV: 1Atk

Dex No: No.588

Catch Rate: 200

Height: 1'8"

Weight: 13.0 lbs.


Type: Grass & Poison


Dex No: No.590

Catch Rate: 190

Height: 0'8"

Weight: 2.2 lbs.


Type: Normal & Flying

EV: 3Atk

Dex No: No.521

Catch Rate: 45

Height: 3'11"

Weight: 63.9 lbs.


Type: Water


Dex No: No.184

Catch Rate: 75

Height: 2'7"

Weight: 62.8 lbs.


Type: Normal (Fire for Sunny Day) (Water for Rain Dance) (Ice for Hail)


Dex No: No.351

Catch Rate: 45

Height: 1'0"

Weight: 1.8 lbs.

Head over the bridge and into the Tall Grass. Follow the path until you reach the Pokémon Breeder.

L27 Minccino (Normal)

L27 Deerling (Normal & Grass)

She'll even rematch after the battle! Continue following the path until you reach the next bridge. Move over it and challenge the Parasol Lady.

L28 Castform (Normal)

North of her is a School Kid.

L27 Deerling (Normal & Grass)

L27 Shelmet (Bug)

There's an Elixir to the School Kid's east. There's an "item" to the north, that is actually L29 Foongus (Grass & Poison)!

Move west, over the bridge and follow the path around to the Season Research Lab. You'll see a Scientist standing out the front, next to the sign.

L28 Deerling (Normal & Grass)

Enter the Season Research Lab. you can talk to the Scientist at the very back of the room to find that he'll give you a L30 Deerling, then leave the lab.

Head into the little fenced-off area next to the lab. Grab the Moon Stone there then head back to the dirt path. You'll see a female Scientist here.

L27 Shelmet (Bug)

L27 Karrablast (Bug)

There's a fenced-off area south of this trainer. You can get inside through a gap on the west side. Move through it into the area and run to the right side of it. You'll see a bare patch with no Tall Grass on it. This tile contains a TinyMushroom. Pick it up, head back out to the main path then head west across the next bridge. There's another L29 Foongus posing as an item in the grass here!

Move over and talk to the School Kid looking into the puddle.

L27 Foongus (Grass & Poison)

L27 Karrablast (Bug)

The next item in the grass is an Ultra Ball. The supposed item to the south of the Parasol Lady trudging through the puddle is...... Another L29 Foongus! Then move north to battle the Parasol Lady.

L28 Castform (Normal)

Head over the bridge to your north then head east. Enter the shack here. The woman inside will heal your Pokemon if you talk to her, and the small girl will give you a Shiny Stone. exit the shack and head around to the right side of the house. Move into the Dark Grass and head right when you reach the path heading that way. You'll find a Pokémon Ranger at the end of the path.

L28 Whirlipede (Bug & Poison)

L28 Foongus (Grass & Poison)

She'll give you Pecha Berry. Now move back to the shack and continue west, back over to the bridge. Find a hidden Protein. Head north up the steps and you'll enter Chargestone Cave.

C12-03: Chargestone Cave


Type: Gras & Steel

EV: 1Def

Dex No: No.597

Catch Rate: 255

Height: 2'0"

Weight: 41.4 lbs.


Type: Bug & Electric

EV: 1Spd

Dex No: No.595

Catch Rate: 190

Height: 0'4"

Weight: 1.3 lbs.


Type: Rock

EV: 1Def

Dex No: No.299

Catch Rate: 255

Height: 3'3"

Weight: 213.8 lbs.


Type: Electric

EV: 1Spd

Dex No: No.602

Catch Rate: 190

Height: 0'8"

Weight: 0.7 lbs.


1) No weaknesses

2) Cannot learn any TMs and HMs

Go along the path to find Bianca looking at a glowing, electrified crystal. She will notice you, speak with you, and walk off. Stalk her and you'll find that she blocked you with a large crystal.

Move to its right side and push it into the huge crystal east of you. Move through the gap that was created, then around the huge crystal to grab the Full Heal below it. Move back around the huge crystal and continue on north.

You'll reach another large crystal. Push it towards the huge crystal to its east to open up the next area. Move through the opening then move up the eastern set of steps to start a battle with a Scientist.

L30 Magneton (Electric & Steel)


Type: Electric & Steel

EV: 2Sp. Atk

Dex No: No.082

Catch Rate: 60

Height: 3'3"

Weight: 132.3 lbs.

Move south from the Scientist and push the north-eastern of the two crystals east, into the huge crystal. Do so and grab the Max Repel that was hiding behind them. Backtrack down the stairs, then take the the northern set of steps to initiate a battle with a Guitarist.

L30 Emolga (Electric & Flying)

Turn on your Dowsing Machine. There's an item hidden above the ridge to the Guitarist's north. Move east then around onto the ridge above. You'll find the hidden Yellow Shard underneath the floating crystal. Move back east then continue along, past the two crystals blocking the past south. You'll see a Hyper Potion to your north-east. Go over and grab it then move back to the two crystals. Push the top one west, and the bottom one south. Follow it south, then continue down the steps.

Move east to the huge crystal there. If you go south, you'll come upon Bianca talking with a Worker, who are blocking your path.

Once you've ran up them, make sure your Dowsing Machine's on then move east, then south and grab the hidden Hyper Potion.

But you can't continue until you obtain Quake Badge! This time go to Driftveil Gym.

C12-04: Driftveil Gym

Enter the Gym and then press A while facing the computer thing on the lift to be taken deep down into the mine. Talk to Clyde down there and he'll give you a Fresh Water.

Here is the map:


Move onto the conveyer belt and you'll transported to a platform to your north. A Worker is here.

L31 Baltoy (Ground & Psychic)


Type: Ground & Psychic

EV: 1Sp. Def

Dex No: No.343

Catch Rate: 255

Height: 1'8"

Weight: 47.4 lbs.

Move over the conveyer belt to your east. From there, take the conveyer belt south. If you use the yellow control panel here, you'll be able to see eight of the platforms to your west, east and north. Check if you want, then take the next conveyer belt east is another Worker!

L29 Drilbur (Ground)

L29 Baltoy (Ground & Psychic)

L29 Sandile (Ground & Dark)

From here things begin to get a little confusing as you now suddenly have more than one option. The direct route, which doesn't include any of the last five Gym Members is as follows: From here, take the extended pink conveyer belt north. Move to normal conveyer belts north twice, one east, then take an extended one south. Take a normal one east, then finally take the last extended belt north and you're at Clay! If you want to take this route, do so then skip ahead to Clay's battle information.

From the conveyer belt with the Worker on it, head one platform east, one north, then one west. It's another Worker!

L30 Baltoy (Ground & Psychic)

L30 Sandile (Ground & Dark)

Head three platforms east, then three platforms north.

L30 Sandile (Ground & Dark)

L30 Drilbur (Ground)

Move one platform south, three west and two north.

L31 Drilbur (Ground)

Move one platform south, two west and two south.

L30 Drilbur (Ground)

L30 Baltoy (Ground & Psychic)

Move north three platforms and east four platforms (including one extended one). You'll reach the seventh Worker.

L31 Sandile (Ground & Dark)

Now it's onto Clay! Head west two platforms, south two, east one and finally north one. You should now be on an orange platform with Clay. Walk up and talk to him to initiate the Gym Leader battle!

Boss Battle

Leader Clay

L31 Krokorok (Ground & Dark)

Torment, Sand Tomb, Crunch, Bulldoze

L31 Sandslash (Ground)

Rollout, Fury Cutter, Crush Claw, Bulldoze

L33 Excadrill (Ground & Steel)

Metal Claw, Slash, Rock Slide, Bulldoze

Safe Type: Water, Grass, Fighting

Dangerous Type: Fire, Normal, Electric, Poison, Rock, Flying

Money won: 3960

They all have Rock-type moves, this is why I place "Flying" on "Dangerous Type".

He leads with his Krokorok, which has Intimidate to lower your lead Pokemon's Attack stat.

Sandslash, it has pretty high Attack and also very high Defense.

Excadrill has outrageously high Attack, great HP, and it is also very fast. Thankfully, aside from the resistances its types give it, it doesn't have all that great of defenses, so hit as hard as you can.


Type: Ground & Dark

EV: 2Atk

Dex No: No.552

Catch Rate: 90

Height: 3'3"

Weight: 73.6 lbs.


Type: Ground

EV: 2Def

Dex No: No.028

Catch Rate: 90

Height: 3'3"

Weight: 65.0 lbs.


Type: Ground & Steel

EV: 2Atk

Dex No: No.530

Catch Rate: 60

Height: 2'4"

Weight: 89.1 lbs.

You'll be rewarded with the Quake Badge, which ensures traded Pokemon up to level 60 obey you without question. He'll also give you TM78, Bulldoze. He'll be kind enough to use his private lift to take you out of the Gym afterwards. Outside, Hugh will be waiting there, as will Clay. They'll talk for a bit, and then Clay will head off over to the Pokemon World Tournament, telling you two that you should take part as well. Needless to say, that's all it takes for Hugh to run off.

Exit the gym, heal your Pokémon and head south to PWT!

Next episode