Theology of Algoron


Within the walls of Gareth Keep, there has been much discourse as to the gods of light, but little to those of neutrality and evil. This work intends to give an indication of what to expect from the priests and clerists of the Gods of Algoron.

Included in this text is the Gods of Good, Neutrality and Evil and how they all affect the Knighthood of Gareth. I shall endeavour to show the core teachings and tenets of each deity where they exist. This has been cross-referenced to historical events which have occurred and been recorded in the past against each god.

Of the Good gods, I shall endeavour to show how each fits into our virtuous code, and an avenue a theologian of evil might endevour to defeat our way through argument.

Of the Neutral gods, I shall endeavour to explain the nature the deity and its influence on Algoron.

Of the Evil gods, I shall endeavour to explain the evil position, then expose the unvirtuous avenue of evil - particularly if it is disingenuous. Evil is more likely to attack the position of good and give their own explanation of why evil is better or more deserving. These are easily unwindable by philosphical discourse.

Most of the work is of divine origin, and most of them again from the tenets of the theology of Algoron. Some faiths have not yet have their tenets presented, and an explanation has been requested from the leading figure in that church. Any response to such divine word is in blue.

Be aware that this is but one Clerist's interpretation, as people have been arguing this since the dawn of time, and will continue to do so well after the publication of this book.

Clerist Acre St John of Gareth.

The Origins of Theology

In the beginning the High God created the Land and begat the three Paternal Gods - Austinian, Kwainin and Necrucifer. To them were married three other immortals with whom each had a number of children.

The High God made His creations divine in their abode, but should they walk upon Algoron then they shall be mortal in that time. The discredited writings of Ta'plak the Heretic suggested that the High God then departed Algoron. Unfortunately there are few written works around this era, so there is little to compare it to for corroboration. However, there have been so many visitations by His creations and He himself has not been heard of since the creation of Algoron.

Austinian married Taliena whom represented love and was born with the rising sun. Together, they would create their children of honour, healing, good magicks, and peace.

Kwainin married Zandreya whom represented nature was born of the land, and only offered immortality when she came of age. Together they would create the weather, creation, neutral magicks and war.

Necrucifer married Drakkara whom represented evil magicks and was born of the black moon. It is of interest that Drakkara was not the offspring as the other gods of magic were, which may explain why the black moon is invisible to all but those of darkness.

The Nature of Theology on Algoron

It is unknown if the High God is omnipotent, all-knowing, all-powerful and all-seeing. Certainly nothing has been heard from him since the dawn of time. The nature of the gods and goddesses He created are not considered to be omnipotent. Certainly they are not perfect beings, they squabble amongst themselves much in the way that their followers do on Algoron.

  1. They appear not to be all-knowing but there is no logical proof to hang ones hat on.

  2. At least within their own churches they are all-powerful in that they are the leader of that communion and have the power to divinely give and take from his followers.

  3. They appear not to be all-seeing, yet retain the ability to hear anything which is prayed by one of their followers, but again there is no logical proof to support more than this.

Giants are the product of union of a god with a mortal. Though not widely understood if they are the direct product of copulation between immortal and mortal then there are some marital and ethical questions surrounding that.

The Parable of Two Divine Councils

Caenarfon Corwen

When one negotiates Theology on Algoron, one must be mindful of the many

views one might take of Good, Neutrality and Evil. Due to it's nature, Evil

often attempts a picture more rosy than what their actions would make them

do. Good on the other hand has a high moral position which, although aspired

to with best intentions, mortal flaws can expose a lesser height.

There are those of Evil who would claim that they are Good and

honorable, who aspire to virtue and morality, peace and love and everything

Good stands for. I think they are deluded as to the purpose of their Gods intentions

if they believe that Evil can be anything but Evil. These followers of Evil

looked at the principles of the gods they follow, of murder, lies and disease

then interpreted how their Evil gods are filled with love, peace and honor

then perhaps they need to sincerely look at the principles they used to choose

their path in life, and their God.

I have written "The Parable of Two Divine Councils" for them. It is a tale

of what might have once happened long ago.

Disclaimer: I have not written this to be inflammatory. This is a work of

fiction to prove a point. I am genuinely pleased that some Evil sincerely

lives and breathes the principles of Good. It is a far cry from darker days

when death to the Sons of Malice resulted in losing everything you owned,

and that the word of someone Evil meant nothing. How they consider Good,

noble and moral action part of the remit of Evil I have not come to terms

with, yet I will pray for their sincerity. As in my parable, I believe that

goodness and honor comes from good and honorable action, rather than the God

we serve and it is our responsibility to reconcile that knowing the nature

of our God.

All conversation appearing in this work is fictitious. Any resemblance to

real conversations, divine or mortal, is purely coincidental.

Caenarfon Corwen, High Clerist

The Divine Council of Evil

A deep crimson blur faded to reveal a family of six red-auraed divine


"We have a problem." Said Necrucifer, vexed.

"What problem is this Father?" Frowned Fatale.

"Ever since I tried to assassinate Austinian, the followers of Austinian and

Kwainin have been more plentiful and willing to do their Gods bidding.

Meanwhile our followers of Evil are in disarray. They argue, lie, cheat and

kill one another. They don't work together at all." Grumbled Necrucifer.

"We're losing ground in our efforts to make Algoron our own."

The Gods of Evil looked between one another nervously. They knew he was


A maniacal laugh reverberated amongst the divine red aurans, enough to chill

even a divine spine.

"Oh Father. Everyone is just doing it wrong!" Cackled Devion, the Lord of


Necrucifer frowned darkly at his most irreverent Son. "I am listening."

"What you need Father, is a complete rework of your public relations. Why

are the followers of Good doing well? They're working together! They're

helping one another. They're following of morality and virtue, you know all

that stuff we hate, and it's inspiring those foolish mortals to jump on the

bandwagon of Good." Laughed Devion pausing before continuing in a whisper.

"But what if we stole their ideas? What if we took all the things that are

making Good thrive? Then our followers would stop killing each other and

start working together!"

The group of divine red-aurans looked at each other, looking completely


He flounced up to Dragoth, picking up a fallen diseased finger, and gave it

to Drakkara for reattachment.

"You who are the Lord of Disease and Decay. Have you looked in a mirror

recently? You're a public relations disaster. You want to marry evil to

'disease and decay' for all living things. Not exactly building up a

sustainable following are we! Not a crowd-pleaser at all. I tell you what,

let's take a lesson from Zandreya from this one, and claim that not only do

you wither and decay everything, but that you are also responsible for

nature's circle of life. Now there's a product you can sell."

Devion rounded to Fatale, carefully dodging the armory of death that he


"You who are the Lord of Murder. "Murder"? That won't do at all. Let's

call it "Death". Much more of a neutral connotation. No mention of

'murder' in your tenets ya'hear? One day we'll give you a sick and bloody

kingdom where you can murder to your heart's content. All death is certain,

which is fine - you just get involved to hurry up the process is all."

Laughed Devion before prancing over to Mencius.

"You who are the Lord of Vengeance and Rage. All that anger and wrath. No

good, can't sell that. How about we call it passion and divine justice?

People can believe in that. Not everyone works by logic you know. Some

people just have to lash out." Grinned Devion, patting Mencius on the head.

The Gods of Evil watched Devion skip over to Drakkara then collapse

dramatically in Her arms.

"Dear, dear Mother, who raised Us in our evil ways, who with our Father are

responsible for what We have become. Tarry with evil magic no longer. Let

us call it "Magic of the Black Moon". Far better. We can't have people

worrying about consequences and ideology whilst casting their evil spells

now can we? Don't forget to tell them that Your magic is more powerful than

the magic of Kantilles or Sebatis." Giggled Devion, stroking his mother's


"And Father, the Lord of Evil and of all things tainted immorality and

vice. You will inspire a Knighthood of Honor!" Chortled Devion


"Honor?" Asked Necrucifer, his aura deepening to a darker red.

"Of course! Do you see Austinian's steadfast knights? They are ordered,

well trained and disciplined. They will give their lives for each other,

and inspire the general populace of Algoron to follow them with their noble

deeds. What do you have? A bunch of uncouth bullies who are looking out

for themselves, fight alone and will flee at the first sight of the battle

going against them. Wouldn't you like some of Austinian and Nadrik's

Knighthood instead?"

Necrucifer sneered, and then his expression relaxed as He paused


"I could have an order of Knights?" He asked suspiciously.

"We're Gods Father, they listen to anything we say! You just have to dress

it up right! The Lord of Knighthood is weak. A couple of Your choice words

in his ear and he will be yours. You don't mind lying do you? Haven't

grown a conscience have we?" Laughed Devion rudely.

Necrucifer took a mighty swipe at him, which Devion dodged with ease. "So I

lie, I say I'm a higher evil which is a greater good?" Asked Necrucifer

when he had composed himself. "I can preach things like peace, which

Algoron can have after I have asserted my completely selfish rule of course,

and rule with an iron fist as I have always dreamed! The creations of

Austinian and Kwainin will be wiped from existence and history!"

"That's good copy Father." Agreed Devion, winking at Dragoth as his ear

fell off. "Does that mean you wipe out everyone but the Ogres? What of


The Lord of Evil laughed harshly. "Yes, I see it now." Mused Necrucifer.

"We pose as a greater Good whose morality and virtue will overcome a blinded

Good. Then instead of all our evil followers looking out for themselves,

I'll force them to co-operate under the banner of 'Evil Unity'!"

"Excellent Father, but you can go even further! How about we take this Good

and Evil ideology out of the equation, and call it Blue and Red instead?"

Devion gasped at his own inspiration. "Better yet, let's call it LIGHT and


The Gods of Evil gave him a round of applause and clapped him roughly on the

back. Devion buffed his fingernails modestly.

"And You my Son? What will you do?" Asked Drakkara.

"Me? I'll do what I've always done. LIE!" Cackled Devion. For some

reason, mischief and lies sell a lot better than any of your specialties.

I'll go on about freedom and people being allowed to be all they can be,

when really I'll be fooling everyone!" Laughed Devion, doing handsprings

down the divine chamber.

"So hang on, who gets to be Evil?" Snarled Mencius. "I want RAGE! I want


"MURDER!! Bloood!" Echoed Fatale.

Devion held his head in his hands.

"You're all still Evil you dopes, you just TELL them that you're nice so

that your religions can be popular and you can get a decent following! Have

you been listening at all?" Shrieked Devion, rolling his eyes. "Oh for

goodness sake, just tell them what I've told you. They'll listen, they HAVE


"Wait." Drakkara frowned. "Won't Evil figure out that they're being Good?

It's going to be too obvious."

Necrucifer scratched his head, then smiled. "I suppose we just shun and

punish them if they start asking the wrong questions. Alright, let's do it

Devion's way. Well done my Son."

Devion revelled in His master work, His triumph.

The six red-auraed family of divine beings faded to a deep crimson blur.

The Divine Council of Good

A bright golden blur faded to reveal a family of six golden-auraed divinebeings.

"We have a problem." Said Austinian, vexed.

"What problem is this my Love?" Frowned Taliena, moving swiftly to His


"Evil have understood their shortcomings and have changed their strategy.

They have re-invented themselves." Said Austinian.

The divine golden-aurans looked at each other, perplexed.

"What do you mean Father?" Asked Kantilles.

"They have returned to Algoron professing to be a greater good. They have

already formed a new Knighthood. Necrucifer has bent all his will to San

Gohdam's ear. The Lord Knight has split from Serpantol taking a large

following of our Knights." Said Austinian.

There were cries of dismay and despair from the divine golden-aurans.

"Stealing our following using deceit Father? Surely Devion is at the heart

of this. We must show those of Algoron that this is false, and that there

is only one path to Good, and that is through us." Urged Nadrik.

Kantilles and Siccara gave a shout of approval. Kadiya was silent.

Austinian folded his arms and considered long before speaking. All looked

to him.

"No. We are the Gods of Good. We have given our followers the gift of free

will, to choose. We have issued our divine tenets of Good, our laws which

we ask them to respect and follow." Spake Austinian.

Siccara stepped forward, a faint smell of lavender filling the air.

"When mortals are commanded, their soul is in their keeping alone. When

they stand before Judgment they cannot say "but I was told by others to do

thus" or that "virtue was not convenient at the time. The responsibility of

mortals will be decided by their actions." She said gently.

Nadrik nodded to His sister, his flawless platemail and sword of honor

making the room even brighter.

"Goodness is in right action, and courage on behalf of those who cannot

defend themselves. What we desire of men is in their heads and hearts.

What they decide to do every day determines if they will be good, or evil."

"What man is Good who does not make the world better?" Asked Kadiya


Austinian heard what had been said and smiled.

"Let us consider this holistically. Let Evil preach for doing Good deeds.

Knights of Evil serving our treasured concept of honor. Necrucifer

preaching peace, respect, unity and co-operation. Dragoth preaching life

anew. Devion offering truth and freedom. These virtues were not previously

in the hearts of our enemies. Surely some will begin to look within and

start to understand their responsibility in their choice of path." Spake

Austinian in measured tones.

"Although mortals follow the Evil Gods, they will carry Good in their

hearts. Is it not more important that Our children do so, than on whom they

choose to follow?"

The six golden-auraed family of divine beings faded to a bright golden blur.


Austinian is the champion of all who are good and pure. His followers will espouse that he stands for everything good in the land of Algoron. He is the Father of Goodness and father to all the other gods of good, with the exception of his wife Taliena. Austinian is the patron of the Crown, and the divine leader of Knighthood.

Before the cataclysm, Austinian agreed with the other gods that his followers on Algoron had swayed so much from his teachings and were so disrespectful of his will that he agreed with the other gods that a cataclysm was in order to remind the mortals of their place.

When the infant Malachive was delivered into his hands by Austinis the balanx, Austinian could not condone the death, and ordered Kantilles and Kadiya to raise Him in the arms of good. This decision would return to haunt him later.

Austinian refused to send Fatale to kill Malachive on Algoron on concerns that even if Fatale was successful in slaying Malachive and his Abhorrents that he could lose control and be let loose on the rest of the world. Austinian chose Devion because he deemed mischief to be the least damaging divine evil to be unleashed on Algoron. Austinian himself was expecting Necrucifer to select Nadrik for the task of slaying Malachive, but Necrucifer would rather irk his brother than assist him in the God's communion and chose Kadiya instead.

Austinian joined Nadrik and Siccara in Trinity to bless the new Lord Knight, Gwaine d'Aggravaine upon his election to office.

Sacraments of Faith

These sacraments have been presented to the Father and received His

blessings. They will now be part of His church, to be given to His

children and spread far and wide.

Sanctity of Faith

Place no faith before the Father. His is the embrace of Light and unto each

of His children shall be given His love and understanding. Through His wisdom

shall we know greater understanding and through His strength alone shall we


Have faith in our Father, have faith in each other and in yourself. Tend well

the divine purpose of the true path, fortify the foundations and the

walls will always stand.

Sanctity of Just Actions

Endeavour to protect and take care of all living

creatures knowing that the Father accepts that some are lost to His light

and shall welcome them into His embrace through the Justice visited upon

them and wrought entirely by their own sins.

Seek always the path of right, unencumbered by bias or personal interest.

Recognize that the sword of justice can be a terrible thing, so it must be

tempered by humanity and mercy. Wield it not as a first means but rather as

the final means, bending not to the temptation for expediency and realize

that the ends do not justify the means.

His children are not judges, but administers of justice. We are caretakers

of justice. To those who are lost to the Father we are the bringer of the

Father's judgment upon their sins. In this manner shall His children uphold

the sanctity of His righteousness and light.

Sanctity of Salvation

All those who come before the Father with truth and honesty shall find the

road to salvation from their sins. The penitent heart can seek the road to

salvation through earnest prayer and asking for forgiveness. Chief among

sins that should drive one to seek forgiveness are, lying, stealing, cheating

and wanton disregard for the path of right.

Sanctity of Redemption

Redemption shall be had for all those who have

completed the path of Salvation and are forgiven of their sins. Those who

seek it shall know the Father's embrace in life and death and welcomed into

His fold. The path of salvation shall lead the penitent to redemption and

as the water washes away the dirt so too shall the sin be washed from the


Sanctity of Honesty

Use no hurtful deceit, act justly, speak each word accordingly, take each

step accordingly that no harm shall be received through unintentional or

intentional actions or words.

Be truthful and sincere. Be straightforward in conduct and speech. Be free

of fraud or guile which might drag the integrity and sincerity of Austinian's

child into an unwholesome light.


Be patient, for in patience shall we find our true path.

Be compassionate, for in compassion shall we find true forgiveness.

Be forgiving, for in forgiving shall we find the way out of darkness.

Be wise, for the thoughtless deeds and actions of one can bring about the fall of many.

Be strong, for the weak and needy lest we fall for lack of strength in the one.

Show kindness, for through kindness shall we find the way to His light.

Tenets of Austinian

Temperance - Seek not the extremes of pleasures in drink, gambling or other,

avoid dissipation.

Honesty - Speak no falsehoods that others may know the truth of the

Father's word.

Resolution - Speak not the Father's name as a curse but use it instead as a


Moderation - Spend no coin nor other worth with abandon, live simply and

share of what wealth is blessed upon you

Diligence - Spend the life given you in earnest application, better the life of

yourself and others around you, be mindful of the life given you in praise to His

name. Spend your life in earnest application of the Father's teachings. Be not

wasteful of His gifts. Diligently offer praise and thanks for His many blessings

upon us.

Sins that bring disfavour in His eyes





Austinian provided to his children five sanctities, a mantra and five tenets all of which make up the "Sacraments of Faith". All encompass the moral virtue which we have learned in Gareth Keep by way of the eight virtues which sum together to complement these holy texts.

The sanctities cover salvation and redemption, faith, honesty and justice. The latter affirms the path of the Keep, that is the means justify the ends.

The first three are part of spirituality, and honesty and justice mirror our own virtues.

The mantra covers patience, compassion, forgiveness, wisdom, strength and kindness.

Patience is a part of humility for one must be humble to wait. Compassion mirrors our virtue. Forgiveness stems from justice to know that one has done wrong and spirituality to ask for redemption. Wisdom stems from Justice to show that one has considered carefully, humility to give the time to consideration and honesty to pursue truth. Strength stems from valour and the resolve to act within ones power when necessary. Kindness stems from compassion to understand others and sacrifice to give of ones self.

The tenets cover temperance, falseness, resolution, moderation and diligence.

Temperance is a part sacrifice, to willingly withhold things from ones self which would cause degradation and part spirituality for the knowledge that there is something greater than ones self. Falseness, or to not be false stems solely from honesty. Resolution stems from spirituality for faith and honour for respect. Moderation stems from compassion to think of others and sacrifice to deny self of additional material gain or possession. Diligence has a root in sacrifice for time attributed to a task, honour for application to a task and humility for the respect of others to learn from.

Finally, the sins that bring disfavour to the Austinian are exactly the same as those which Necrucifer allows his Knights to perform in the service of a prophecy. Such premises are the antithesis of law and virtue's honour. Those who would not sin in these three way has easy command of moral high ground, whereas those who will covet and perform these antivirtues cannot be trusted in any way.


Geirhart: Revised Tenets of Austinian

Thu May 6 16:14:38 2021



During my years as a priest I have founded my own views on the Father's

faith. I therefore will provide my revised version of the Tenets. It is up

to you to decide if they have meaning for you outside of what has already

been established.

1. Have faith in your fellow mortal. Believe in others even when they

may not believe in themselves. Austinian teaches through his history that

he has believed in mortals to choose good. He understands that all may not

walk the path of Light and thus redemption is there only when we believe the

possibility exists. Lift them up, help them achieve their goals. In doing

so you foster respect and relasionships with your fellow mortal.

2. Respect the Freedoms of others. The path to domination begins with a

disrepect of the freedoms for people. Only by having choice can individuals

choose to be good. Sometimes we must let people take a different road and

even if we disagree. We can not define what is "best" for someone.

3. Life is to be preserved. We must believe that Life has a purpose,

lives should not be taken unless they are to defend the lives of others who

can not defend themselves. Heal the sick, defend the weak, for in doing so

you preserve their future choices and show you respect their lives. We must

see Life as a gift and we can not take that gift from others.

These three principles form our core. If you believe in the ability of

others to love, seek peace, honor each other, then you understand that it

begins with faith in each other, respect for each other, and that Life has

value. In doing so, you can ensure your actions contribute to the

betterment of society.

Some may believe these ideas naive but this was the God who believed that

Malachive could choose to be good. That very act is a faith in any creature

to rise up. We are also not perfect, we will fail or we will judge. He

does not seek perfection only that you try.

So to the faithful of Austinian, try your best. You have already succeeded

just by choosing the attempt.

Be well,



Nadrik is the god of honour. His followers espouse that all things ought to be considered for their honourable intent before taking an action. They are the natural enemies of Devonites ever since the battle between the gods left Devion without a hand. Nadrik is thought to be patron of the Lance. There is some curiosity around this as the Lance has long been known as the combat arm of Knighthood. Nadrik is thought to be formidable in combat, but with such tendencies towards virtue, specifically honour that he might be more suited there. Nadrik is considered the patron of paladins.

When Vander Holyfield played his part in the death of the first dragon, Qevarris the Red, Nadrik personally came to bless him.

After tolerating the professions he considered to be dishonourable enter and prosper in the ranks of Gareth Keep for some time, Nadrik called for the Exodus of the Unworthy.

Footnote:There is more information on this in the "History of Gareth" under "The Book of Exodus".

During the Godswar, Nadrik assisted His Knighthood in destroying Malice in Gaar Volen.

Once the curse of the witches had been broken in the Temple of Nadrik in Gareth Keep, Nadrik returned to bless his favoured.

Footnote:There is more information on this in the "History of Gareth" under "The Breaking and Cleansing of Gareth Keep".

In a rare move of Trinity of Knighthood, all three patrons of Knighthood, Austinian, Nadrik and Siccara came to bless the new Lord Knight, Gwaine d'Aggravaine upon his election.

In the years before the tenets were written, there were the Scrolls of Nadrik in which His wisdom was directly passed to mortals.

Tenets of Nadrik

1. Remain loyal to Lord Nadrik no matter what occurs in your life. He may

test you, but will not give more than He expects any one of His followers to

be able to handle. Know always that Lord Nadrik will stand by you if you

remain in good faith to Him.

2. Speak truth in your every word, no matter what consequences may follow.

Before making an oath, ensure that it is one that you can keep, for breaking

your word is as telling a falsehood, both tarnish your honor.

This ties into the Principle of Truth and Honesty which the Keep so cherishes. One who is known to keep their word commands respect. The lack of honesty is upon the path to evil. Use ones judgement before commitment to any act to ensure you are certain of reliability and limits.

3. Do not seek friendship with those of the Darkness, for they are the

damned. Also know, by associating with any who are dishonorable of any

creed or ethos, you are seen to condone their actions, and Lord Nadrik

condones no dishonorable action.

While some may find it useful to attempt to comprehend the nature of evil, association is regarded as a bad thing. To gather information for this work this Clerist was reduced to using several intermediatories to gather this comprehension. Others may seek to turn evil from it's path towards the path of good, as the benefits are many. In order to do this effectively one must be assured of the sincerity of the target. Certainly there ought to be no action considered dishonourable committed in His name by His followers.

4. Speak and act with courtesy to all you meet, and of all you've met, no

matter the circumstances you find yourself in. Even the most despicable

tool of Darkness will not cause one of Lord Nadrik's faithful to break from

his courteous nature, for we are not to be baited by anyone.

A Knight of Honour ought always to act like a gentleman, and there ought to be no emotive reaction to evil's taunts. Some may consider that honour be shown to those whom have earned it, but to do so would be less than perfect.

5. Work for justice, not vengeance, for vengeance is the path of darkness and

ruin. Justice is unemotional, it is the law, it is above yourself, and

beyond any personal goals that may be had.

Vengence is emotive, be sure of your moral certainty before pursuing any action.

6. Show loyalty and friendship to others of His faith. Our diversity

strengthens His faith, and allows us to see different facets of worshipping

Him. Unity within His faith is required by the Lord, He frowns on those who

strive against His children.

All followers of Nadrik are deserving of loyalty and friendship, this includes those outside of Gareth Keep. Together in a collective bonded by truth, love and courage good shall prevail over the auspices of evil.

7. Honor and respect yourself completely, only through these acts can you

truly honor and respect others.

Because to know honour in oneself can only then be understood and applied to others.

8. Understand that honor is a way of life, not a cloak that can be worn or

taken off as convenience would dictate. Clever words do not make you

honorable, your daily actions will portray your honor most clearly to

others, thus ensure your every action is one you can be proud of.

Ones reputation will grow only as long as it is consistent. Thoughtfulness is required at all times by a follower of Nadrik.

9. When a goal is set before you, whether by yourself or by another,

persevere with great determination until it is reached. The Lord has little

love for those who cannot see a task through, for it shows a weakness of


If one has a task, whether assigned by a superior officer or the divine, then your honour is at stake if it goes unfulfilled.

10. Understand that you may have pride in yourself and your actions, but mind

that pride does not ever become arrogance. It is a fine line to walk, and

you must be ever conscious of it. Arrogance is a lack of humility, and the

humble nature which those of Nadrik's faith embrace.

Humility and pride are of a balance, which has ever-erred towards humility. Love oneself and others and be proud to serve good, but in that pride be aware that you are the servant and as such humility is the grater virtue. Officers ought especially be aware of the hierarchical nature of the Keep, and how slipping into arrogance to those of lower rank ought to be carefully measured.

11. Know that greed is unacceptable, whether it be greed of money, greed of

attention, or greed in any other manner. Greed is a lack of humility, and

the humble nature which those of Nadrik's faith embrace.

Ancient oaths were taken in Serpantol to poverty, chastity and obedience. A good soul is not here for oneself, but for that of others.

12. Never arbitrarily take the life of an innocent, lest it condemn your soul

to the Darkness. All those are innocent who have not embraced evil or dishonorable ways.

Such are the ways of evil to slay without thought or reason. Let every judgement be measured and within the code of a son of Nadrik.


Siccara is the goddess of healing. Her followers espouse the healing of all things which require it, which covers a great many things indeed from wounds to alliances to friendships and to the land. Siccarans are very suspicious of Devionites as Devion attempted to kidnap Siccara. Siccara is thought to be patron of the Shield.

Siccara joined Nadrik and Austinian in Trinity to bless the new Lord Knight, Gwaine d'Aggravaine upon his election.

Tenets of Siccara

Gathered by Monsignor Llwellyn Breingiton Skye over many years of communion with the Healer

1. Do no harm that thou wouldst not have done unto thee. Be mindful that in Her faith

there is the need for many paths. Accept that, for the greater good, some of Her

children wilt need to defend and protect Her light. Her children will need to walk the

paths of battle, heal those called to serve in that facility and in the arena of peace

where more than wounds but souls need healing and reclamation.

2. Offer, in Her name, the Goddess' healing only to those who accept that it comes from

Her Light. To casually place Her blessings upon the unworthy is to diminish all that is the


3. All healing stems from the Goddess Siccara. While other faiths might have the capacity

to provide healing, it is through Her benevolence and generosity that it exists. Offer Her

blessings with a true and generous heart.

4. She does not seek thy faith in suffering. Suffer not the self imposed rigors of fasting or

other bodily harms in the name of the Goddess. Treat thy body as a temple to Her and in

all things do thy upmost to treat it as She might.

5. Her enemy is the disease that spoils this world. The shadows are where the light is

needed the most. Seek out those who canst be saved from the despair of their lives. In

the darkness there is only death, the light shall prevail through the divine blessings of the

Goddess. Her children form Her order, our dedication to land matters not, only our

dedication to healing those ills that are to come. We will come together in Her name and

heal those that can be healed.

6. Her priests must be faithful to Her teachings in deed and word for they are Her word.

7. Keep thy faith, thou cannot fail Her, if thou doth not give up faith. She is with thee in

all things and in all avenues of life.

8. Do not let pride overcome thy good intentions. It is not our duty to make people listen,

to make them see even if they choose not to see and hear.

9. She expects no tribute save those that would go out and spread Her teachings to

others. There is no wealth that can repay Her blessings therefore accept no restitution

only that the one who receives Her blessings shall someday give to someone in need by

way of thanking Her.

10. Nothing is beneath Her children. We are as servants to the Lady. Whether it is to

those that worship, to directives She gives, or even just the cleaning of Her house. We

are the tenants of Her house and keeper of Her Light.


Her healing is a selfless act. The Daughter's only wish is to see the end of suffering, and in some ways she is the anti-thesis of Dragoth. She has no wish for gain from her personal act, but rejoices seeing others reach their potential.

Her healing touch heals any wound. Devion tried to steal her away from the light, so that she might heal and restore his hand to him which Nadrik had severed, so Her healing power transcends mortal and immortal.

She heals all using good and towards the light. The Healer is a goddess of good, so will always heal with a tendency towards Her ideological aim. It is through the power of good that the target is healed.

Healing takes on many forms, all of which can be used for great goodness. Not restricted to malady and physical hurt, one can be healed of mental, social, psychological and any other number of problems. Family feuds, unforgiven angers, political chaos and unvirtuous acts. All can be soothed with any matter of healing of which Siccara is the Mistress.

The one in need of healing ought always have the option to accept or reject such help. In the event of one rejecting a form of healing, then one must respect that wish. In the event that the target is in a state that they can neither accept nor reject, to bestow Her blessings will be based upon the Servant's good judgment.

She imbues her followers with Her power of healing. Any faith of Algoron might cast a spell of healing, but a follower of Siccara realises that true healing encompasses far more than this. For the body, mind and soul to be at peace prevention and rehabilitation are required in addition.

She heals Algoron, so that it might be a better place. The Healer rights wrongs, and washes away the evil of the land with Her cleansing touch. She makes tainted souls whole and pure. Her wish is that Her gift to her followers empowers them to treat each other how they would themselves wish to be treated.

Four Cures

Four important things a Siccaran needs to remember:

Humility, so to be willing to learn, and be willing to serve others and


Compassion, to understand the pains and troubles of others, and seek to aid


Wisdom, to rightly decide what must be done to cure an illness, disorder, or

fix an evil.

Fortitude, to endure hardship, difficulty, and unpleasantness to see a

treatment through to ensure the patient is healed.

- Lady Datai d'Aggravaine, Songstress of Siccara


Kantilles is the god of good magicks. His followers will espouse that the white moon is almost as sacred as Kantilles himself and that the two are connected. At times in the Conclaves tower, those white robes seeking the restricted books must follow Kantilles.

After the child Malachive was abducted by Austinis, Kantilles was ordered by Austinian to raise Malachive in the way of good with his sister Kadiya.

Tenets of Kantilles

* Walk with wisdom

Walking is something we all do in life. To take a step is an action.

However, even the simplest of actions should not be made blindly. Always be

aware of what lies ahead. Remember that we are children of the light and be

sure that every step you take does not lead you down the wrong path.

* In the Light we serve

As He is a Champion of Good, we should strive to be the same. Every action

we take should be to better ourselves and those of the light. If there is a

time of need, whether big or small, be there to lend your magical talents.

Always remember to use your gift to help, never hinder, your comrades.

* Of the Light, For the Light

His gift is meant for those of the Light, not those of Darkness. You are not

to use your gift in any way to aid those of the dark path. To do such is to

go against Him and His wishes.

* Forgiveness and Acceptance

As He is forgiving and accepting, we should be also. We must understand that

we are mortal and prone to mistakes. We must learn to forgive those who

truly wish to be forgiven and learn to accept one anothers differences. It

is this that sets us apart from those of the dark path.

* Be generous to others

Magic is a gift. He provided us with this so that we may better ourselves

and the other children of the light. Never turn away from those who may need

your help. Provide for those who cannot provide for themselves.

* Joy and Happiness

It was said that He used to be seen performing magic tricks for others in

towns throughout Algoron. He brought joy and laughter to small children.

Never use your gift for deception or to bring sorrow to those of the light.

Use it to bring joy to those who are in need of it.

* Respect his gift

Understand that it is He who makes magic possible. It is a wonderful gift

that many take for granted. There is not one of us who do not use it in some

way. We must understand that this is a gift that he gave to us and it can be

taken away just as easy.

* Share your knowledge with others

Magic can do many things. It can be both destructive and beneficial. For

some it can make the impossible possible. There are those of us who spend

countless hours trying to master it. We must help those who do not know to

understand what can and cannot be done. Teach them to use their gift so that

they may better their magical abilities.

* Unity is the key

We all share the same common goal. In order to achieve it, we must learn to

stand as one, and put aside our differences. Only then will we achieve our

goal. Divided we are like that of a picket fence. Many boards held together

by a couple of timbers, weak and easily penetrated. But united, we are that

of a stone wall, strong and unwavering. Together we are unstoppable, an

impregnable force.

* Actions speak louder than words

It is one thing to say who you are, what you stand for or what you believe

in. It is another to live up to those words. Your actions define who you are

and what you believe more than your words ever could. Do not merely preach

about following the path of the Light, actually walk it.

Zeusef, Deacon of Kantilles.

Further thoughts from the Conclave

I. Benevolence

* As practitioners of the Arcane and followers of the Light, one must always

remember to use their gift for the greater good of Algoron and its

inhabitants. It is this that sets us apart from our brethren followers of

Sebatis and Drakkara.

II. Responsibility

* With such great power comes great responsibility. Be mindful of the way

in which you use your powers. Many have the potential to be destructive and

easily abusive, and an astute intelligence is required to wield and use our

gift effectively.

III. Reserve

* Strength is an admirable quality, but should be only a reward for many

years of study and practice. Do not pursue power before all else in matters

of the Arcane, and maintain a sense of cool humility and discipline in

regards to your aptitude.

IV. Devotion

* It takes many years to gain mortal mastery of spells and, even then,

constant and steadfast dedication to one's tomes to keep such in check.

Devote yourself to your spells and your research. Consider your spellbooks

best friends, those which should always be at your side.

V. Preservation

* Magic must be protected from mortals, and mortals must be protected from

magic. It is our duty to keep both parties mutually safe from harming and,

or corrupting one another. Do so by raising the awareness level of

individuals wishing to pursue the art.

VI. Contribution

* There are countless mysteries of the Arcane yet to be solved and even more

so yet to be discovered. In return for the gift Kantilles has so generously

given, we must in return give something back. Our contribution comes in the

form of teaching and research.

VII. Collaboration

* As with all things, we must remain united in our common goals. Two gifted

minds are better than one, as three are better than two. There is much

headway to be made in our combined efforts. If you feel the knowledge you

possess is of importance, spread it.

- Ramias Thurazindall

White Robe of the Conclave


The distinctions between Kantilles, Sebatis and Drakkara is clear. Whilst all follow the same basic premises of the protection and advancement of magic upon Algoron, Kantilles will not sanction advancement by any means, there is required to be a moral argument for that protection and advancement of good. Other references to sharing and collaboration and responsibility are highlighted in the above texts. Sebatis is similar, only the counterweight to protection and advancement lies in balance, while Drakkara can continue at any moral cost, with no requirement to responsibility.


Taliena is the goddess of love and happiness. Her followers will espouse the importance of love in the life of individuals and organisations, and the happiness of the people of Algoron, and for hostilities to cease. The symbol of Taliena is a red rose.

When the gods convened to discuss what was to be done when Malachive had released the Abhorrents, Taliena protested at the gods plan to slay Malachive and was excused from being sent.

Tenets of Taliena

1. All you need is love - The common and basic emotional need for all is love.

2. All may feel love - From the most evil to the most good soul, all may be touched by Taliena's love.

3. Virtue adds depth to love - the more moral and virtuous your relationship, so deeper shall the potential of your love be.

4. Taliena's love for us is unconditional - Love Her or spurn Her, She will always carry you in Her heart.

5. Taliena's love ought to be aspired to by Her followers - We ought to love not only our friends but show love to our enemies as Taliena does.

6. Taliena gives to us platonic familial love for our friends and family and soul bonding true love for our partner - With these gifts we give our soul to one, and we cherish our family and friends with the other.

7. Love requires trust, compassion and commitment - without these principles love cannot realise its potential and can never be true.

8. Love brings health, happiness, understanding and peace - Those who understand the world and the nature of people seek these things above all other fleeting or material goals.

9. Love is the strongest force in the world - It can destroy all boundaries and unite all peoples in harmony.


Love is an emotional bond between people. In an organisation that is lawful, emotional response might have no place in the face of moral reason and virtue ethics. But the bond between people brought upon by love will strengthen the bond, the sum being greater than the parts.

Love is one of the most powerful forces known to man. Errant love can destroy the world, true love can save it. Love requires discipline to maintain, especially in the instances when one has pledged himself to another cause, such as their God. In this course it ought to be clear which takes precedence of the other. Many holy causes expect you to put that above all else, which must be taken into consideration when making promises of love, both to others and to causes. Such things as infatuation, particularly the young who will need guidance, need to be explained for their relative shallowness, though such things are amongst the most difficult to teach without the experience.

Love cannot survive without trust, which is born of honesty. If any falsehood is present in a relationship, then it becomes tainted and festers, all which detracts from true love.

There are three types of love:

1. Love of the Goddess for her followers

2. Her followers love for the Goddess

3. The love for which mortals have for one another, both

- for brothers, sisters, family and comrades

- for partners between souls

Taliena's love for her followers is unconditional. Whatever the circumstances, Her love remains true to any whom would follow Her. Taliena loves all mortals and calls them Her children, and She will always love no matter how they might feel about her. Her intention is to see all Her children in love, healthy and happy. She shares Kadiya's feelings on war and sues for peace. She feels that every person had love and happiness in their lives, there would be little reason for fighting, killing and the like.

The followers of Taliena ought to aspire to unconditional love. When bad things happen in their lives, their love to the Goddess ought not to waver though it will inevitably through mortal fault. To aspire to Her love is to move closer to the Goddess.

Familial Love

The love for family, friends and comrades will cause them to throw their shield over you should you be struck in battle. Such a bond is hard to find in the realm of evil, and the side of Good is made stronger for it. The fight shall be more ferocious for those whom one might love, yet let this feed ones discipline, rather than detract from it.

Soul bonded Love

When one has found their life-partner then their souls, once seeking their complement, now bond to one another. This bond is holy in the eyes of the gods of good, and pure emotion to be channelled through the gods which we follow and into the eyes of our lovers. Not to be confused with lust nor infatuation. True love will light up the world, where the other two are but falling flames.

Love between those of evil intent is unfulfilling in terms of the depth will never be realised as such things as trust, integrity and honesty are not around in such amounts to sanctify its purity. Such relationships will forever be built upon a foundation of sand, and will never realise their full potential. It is to be viewed with pity. That is not to say that Good 'gets it right' all the time, mistakes will always be made during our lives in love, but we ought to be aware of them and learn from them whilst not making fundamental error which would make the relationship untenable. However love may make allow evil an insight into something better, and cause them to do the right thing because of love.


Kadiya is the goddess of peace. Her followers will espouse that the importance of peace to these dark and shattered lands are paramount to all other things and will act the peacemakers to two sides about to erupt to war. If war is not averted, they will spend a considerable time in mourning the fallen and the innocent.

When Malachive had been abducted as a child, Kadiya assisted Kantilles with attempting to raise him towards good.

When Malachive had turned and released the Abhorrents, Kadiya was chosen by Necrucifer to be one of three gods sent to slay Malachive. She left early with Devion to Algoron to ensure he did not get up to too much mischief before Raije appeared. One of the more naive goddesses, she thought to keep Devion on the straight and narrow whilst upon Algoron. Of the most concern there seems to be an all too mortal infatuation and attraction between the two which does not speak well for the mission.

Kadiya was the first god to die to the treachery of Devion to initate the


Kadiyan Pillars of Faith

The First Pillar of faith: Devotion

Kadiya teaches that the greatest gift we can give Her art our true devotion

to Her as our Patron Goddess and know that She art one of the pantheon of

Light and that She offers the fulfilment to the vision that the Gods of

Light offer. Her divine gift of Peace art what we all strive for, no matter

what God of Light we may follow, we all doth work towards the forming of Her

everlasting gift of a worldwide peace across Algoron. For as long as we

hath faith in her, and praise her as our Goddess and this faith in Her art

true, then we shall never walk alone, for She will be with us and walk by

our side. This She hath promised us. And as long as our faith and devotion

in Kadiya art true, then She will hath faith in us.

The Second Pillar of faith: Unity

Kadiya teaches that we must see beyond what we see when we look upon each

other, we must learn to not see to nationality, race or ideology. This art

the first step to form unity in the community and then the entire society

will prosper and there will be a burst of enlightenment in not just the

personal spiritual life, but also in the ways of art, education and trade.

Kadiya doth not only seek peace, but an enlightenment of the society as

whole. And while a society lives in her peace, the more time it can

dedicate itself to focus upon these fields instead of waging war with its

neighbours. Her teachings show that the Kadiyans must also form a unity

among the followers of light, for She hath always been loved by Her parents

Austinian and Taliena as well as Her siblings; Kantilles, Nadrik and

Siccara. They hath all looked to Her for counsel to settle their arguments

and discussions. So shall the Kadiyans act among the followers of Light.

We will be the ones that maintain the peace and serenity within the kingdoms

and clans so that they will prosper and thrive.

The Third Pillar of faith: Selflessness

Kadiya teaches that a true Kadiyan is never selfish, never looks to them-

selves first, Kadiya teaches us to see, first to Her, then to the community

around us. We art all part of this community and as we share with it the

gifts of our table and life, we will help not only ourselves but also the

community. For when we as a community prosper, we gain so much more as we

will work in unity.

The Fourth Pillar of faith: Kindness

Kadiya teaches that we must always act with kindness and be like that of a

gentle sister or brother to those around us. We shall never raise our

voices in emotional outburst, nor shall we act dishonestly against others.

She doth disapprove against those actions as they may cause others around us

to feel anger, despair and fear, which she tries to counteract by offering

hope and courage, and so must we. It is not the way of the Kadiyans to act

with rage, deceit, anger or in any way dishonourable. Those art the tools

of the Gods of Darkness, instead we shall embrace kindness in all its forms;

caring, courtesy, politeness and through love.

The Fifth Pillar of faith: Serenity

Kadiya teaches us to become free from not only conflicts, commotion and

disorder, but also from mental stress and anxiety. When we have achieved

that, then we will find that we hath found the most precious gift that

Kadiya offers us as a follower, we find the serenity of our souls. This

serenity, this peacefulness, this art what we art to strive to share with

the world around us, for it art not until we find it within ourselves that

we can aid others in finding this divine gift of our so beloved Goddess.

In Her everlasting love to us

Jenikki Silaan, Emissary of Kadiya


Peace is the goal of any enlightened civilisation. It is true that there can be great advances, technological and otherwise as the combatants are forced to spend far more resource finding an upper hand on their enemy. However the consequences of the action means that those benefits are far outstripped by the benefits which peace brings. These benefits of peace over war are strong arguments for the secession of violence in the case of war over a dispute.

1. The death rate of all those involved is greatly reduced.

2. The effort spent upon killing your enemy is not focused upon one's own nation.

3. There is no escalation of ill will of the enemy brethren, of which such exponential anger will not allow war to cease.

4. Both nations can work together to achieve goals of co-operative growth increasing both their living standards.

When peace is not justified

If an ideological war should bring itself to the good people of Algoron, who would otherwise refrain from open warfare then there is scope of moral consideration.

When evil comes to beset Algoron with its moral vacuum of nefarious ways of death, decay, murder, rage, disease, mischief and black magics then good must not stand idly by as these evils are brought to fruition. Taking the moral high ground and coming to the aid and defence of all that is good is required for the correct moral stance. As time and time again has been shown, evil must be vanquished for there for there to be safety for the decent people upon Algoron.

The Just War - Caenarfon Corwen


Kwainin is the Maintainer of Balance, who watches all conflict, and has been known to intervene if the balance starts to fail, a streak that is most strong in his son Raije. In doing so, he has made friend and enemy of each side many times over.

During the cataclysm, Kwainin notably broke the Tower of the Conclave into three, splitting out each mage into towers of their robes.

During a period of consideration for the godless, Kwainin lamented the foolishness of atheists, heretics and non-believers and stripped them of their god-given rights to pray.

During the Althainian-Dolund'ir war, Kwainin in a rare intervention and sick of the noise turned all those fighting into statues.

When Malachive was born, he ordered his balanx Austinis to steal the child Malachive, under the condition he is slain to maintain the balance. Austinian would take charge of the child and the slaying but could not bring himself to do it, rather attempting to turn him to good.

While in argument with Austinian and Necrucifer over what to do with Malachive and the Abhorrents, Kwainin offered the solution for each to select one of the others children to go to Algoron to slay Malachive. Kwainin himself (and most sensibly) sent Raije.

Tenets of Kwainin

1. In balance, you must look further than your senses to surpass illusion and trickery. Change comes in many forms, though balance is maintained.

The balance of the world is ever changing, though historically is has always erred back into balance.

2. In the keeping of such a fragile thing, we must all learn to understand the ways and beliefs of the opposing ends.

To gain knowledge of the spectrum is no mean thing, since lack of knowledge of this will not show where the balance lies.

3. There is a balance in the entirety of the cycle of life and death. This process is necessary and Holy.

4. Chaos stands just beyond the gray line that exists. War nor peace are ever a true balance.

If neither war nor peace are in balance, then morally balance in this area ought to be sought. Chaos breeds creativity when used for good, but ought not be considered within a moral capacity.

5. Your blood does naught but take away a voice that may help others to achieve and continue that balance.

Kwainin does not condone involvement, but to work from the sidelines. He has been known to intervene if this approach has failed.

6. One must take initiative and act independently, for the strong are self-driven. The Lord hath smiled upon those who have the will to act without instruction.

We determine our own fates and one will achieve more who seeks things for oneself without suggestion from either other mortals or the divine.

7. The balance in all things comes before personal feelings. Emotion has no place in seeking true objectivity.

Emotion has its place, but not before questions posed to ones morality.

8. None are worthy of judging others, except the Lord himself.

Only the omnipotent have all the understanding, so it is only under such that true judgement may be found. One cannot hide from one of omnipotence.


Cliath is creation itself, gifted with the power to create from nothing. He is not shy with His gift and bestows his followers with the power to create, though on the side of balance as he will not allow chaotic creation.

Cliath is well known for his gift to the dwarves of the halls of Wargar of his gift of Runesmiths to his most devoted clerics. He came to Algoron personally to bestow the gift, and was badly injured by Deathmeer and his Abhorrents, though he escaped back to the abode of the Gods.

Cliath has a hand in attempting to solve the problem of the voids appearing around the world by sending his messenger to Abbott Wolonda. Though the messenger was slain, the object which was causing the voids was destroyed. This was the Ark of Cliath which brigands had stolen from Shokono and were asking for 1000 eggs for its safe return. Any rumours of Necrucifer coming to the Final Battle were quickly laid to rest.

The Tenets of Cliath - The Pillars of Creation

1. We are all created by the Father in His Wisdom.

2. Life is a gift from the Father Creator, one to be tended and not taken for granted.

3. Our faith comes to us through our Awareness, that which sets us apart from the Father's other creations.

4. All the world is a basis for thanks. From the color of the sky to the earth beneath your feet. In the Father's name we should offer thanks for our world.

5. As the Father's Children, we are never lost or alone. He is always with us, and will always guide our hearts and minds, however unexpected the means.

6. When the end of our time comes as bidden by the Father, He will Welcome us to His side and give us life once more, a never ending cycle of Creation.

7. As His Children, He has placed in each of us the gift of Creation. We can Create in our own images, and tend to the Creation around us. This is our gift, and our duty.

8. By giving care to the Father's Creation we do our part to maintain the Balance.


These tenets lie at a philosophically high level in that creation is all around us. As all creation things like life will cycle, and things like nature will change over time. In some ways, Cliath acts like the High God who created Austinian, Kwainin and Necrucifer before departing as written in the questionable texts of Ta'plak the Heretic. While it is true that Cliath has created both good and evil things, he is a great believer in the natural harmony and against the chaos which normally follows evil like a tail follows a dog. Although the creation has included good, evil and neutral things I believe the inclusion of Knights of Cliath into the fold of Gareth on the basis that they are able to exercise their moral virtue in the form of worship of Cliath. That is a Knight of Cliath may still live by good, virtuous and moral code of Gareth.


The youngest of the gods, Sebatis is consumed with how his neutral magic balances out Algoron. Like Cliath he distains chaos and holds the ideals of neutral harmony above all else.

During the Godswar when the Tower of the Conclave was split into three, Sebatis moved the red tower to Icewall.

The Tenets of Sebatis

1. It is He who presides over magic for magic's sake. He and those who follow

Him love magic even in the absence of additional purpose.

2. Neither the Light, nor Darkness, nor Balance, could sustain the world alone.

With all of these, share His gifts and His words as is fit. Keep an open ear

toward the thoughts of others, as they too compose the world.

3. Power remains with those who command it. Fear it, and it rules the holder.

Crave it, and it eludes the seeker, as water from a clenched fist.

4. Control over magic is essential. Protect it from those who would manipulate

it without mastery. Those who use His gifts must be conscious of magic's

impact. To do otherwise perverts and endangers.

5. His gift of Spirit exists in all mortals and incites all acts of purpose,

whether it works to honor Him. Respect the Spirit that

flows toward a goal, even if it drives the acts of a foe.

6. Those driven by the command of oneself honor the Spirit that He has bestowed

upon us. The obedient are not forgotten, so long as they act with all

their heart.

7. Waste neither the moment not the blood of His pious. A hidden dagger is

secret only once. Seek balance between impulse and patience.

8. Love Him and His magic in the fashion of your own spirit. Worship Him in the

method of your comfort and He shall be pleased.

The Will of Sebatis

The teachings of Sebatis are much as the magic over which He presides.

One may easily name what those of the Lord's faith strive for, however it

takes much time to fully understand. We of Sebatis are devoted to the

study, protection, and furtherment of the magic arts. In our lives, the

Lord has commanded that obstacles that hinder the studies of magi be taken

away so that pure learning may take place. The Crimson Tower of the Red

Robes is home to true teachings of magics where those of true faith to magic

will come to learn from those blessed by the Gods of magic to teach.

In short we of Sebatis are devoted to one teaching above all else, purity of

magic. If an understanding of the Lord's teachings is what you desire, you

must understand too that as with magic, the Lord's teachings cannot be

simply read in a book. A teacher must give this knowledge to one who seeks

it, and as it is the Lord's will, I will always spread the Lord's word to

those who come seeking it.

Bishop Seleti Koehnyn

Voice of Sebatis


This defines Sebatis as teaching and purity of magic through the study, furtherment and protection of the magical arts.

Within this there is no moral code to which it is aligned, as the faith is centred upon the protection and flourishing of magic. As it stands, followers of Sebatis will sacrifice all for the magic, but being not evil would halt short of using such magical power for evil and nefarious means. This is the case in point that followers of Kantilles may seek to protect magic, but virtue may influence their actions, whilst followers of Drakkara are encouraged to have no limits to their magical prowess, and in crossing those moral and ethical lines for selfish reasons step into an arena where they become the most responsible for their actions. Unfortunately they are perhaps the least morally responsible for doing so.


Zandreya was born a mortal and walked Algoron till she was noticed by Kwainin who wooed and wed her. The goddess of nature has a strong hold over all flora and fauna of Algoron, particularly the elves of Shalonesti who regard her at the patron of their homeland.

When the forests of Shalonesti even to its leadership fell to the undead forces of vampirism, it was Zandreya who cast the soulless and lifeless abominations out of her wood. To her credit, most gave up their affliction and returned to her fold.

Seeing Cliath bless the halls of Wargar with Zandreya sought to balance her kindred elven kingdom with the Eldritch.

The Three Lessons of Zandreya

1. She is.

2. Her greatest gift to Her Children was the Gift of Consciousness.

3. We have something to learn from each and every one of Her Children.

Sabrinaela Shalonost - Cardinal of Zandreya


The first lesson is highly open to interpretation. An acknowledgement that She exists is all one can read into it. There may be many other interpretations, and probably many more beyond the comprehension of mortal psyche. Apparently it encompasses the whole of what Her children need to understand, but as it is unlikely that there is further meaning to be found in it by a mortal leads it to hold mainly value to the immortal omniscient. However there is no question that She does exist, so such musings can be left to theory by mortals.

The second lesson encompasses Her gift to Her children in that they may influence the smaller parts of creation and limited control over the harmony of nature in terms of growing and changing things. Taking the seed of life and tending it to fruition.

The third lesson is in humility. Each of Her children has come to learn a different set of knowledge, so even kings can learn from beggars.

That Zandreya can accept followers of all faiths raises some questions. Zandreya is for harmony with nature. With creation, comes destruction. In this way, good and evil represent the change. Good will most likely seek to grow and change to the benefit to life upon Algoron. Neutrality will tend and grow without boundary, more likely maintaining a status quo - an absence of change. Evil's delight is to destroy, and while there is no tangible benefit in the destruction, in fact it might initially seem abhorrant to even Zandreya herself, might be possible the she recognises the need for the harmony and that with the destruction and change of one part of nature, there is room and scope for more creation and change to fill it. Thus is an ever growing sense of harmony and change advancing.

Lastly on the suitability for followers of Zandreya to entrance to Gareth Keep. If we continue the thinking within the last paragraph, that it is the good followers of Zandreya which seek to tend and grow to the benefit of life upon Algoron, I can see no reason not to grant them entrance. They are part of a cycle as are we all in terms of being on the side of goodness and wishing to enhance the position of goodness upon Algoron according to the laws of nature.


The mood of the goddess Turpa can be quickly determined by the state of the weather. In the past he anger has been seen by great storms which have lashed parts of Algoron.

Of Turpa Spoken

It is Her wind, and Her sky, and all that comes from the sky is Hers. Rain. Snow. Clouds. Fog.

And they come because She wills them to be.

Turpa acts because She wishes. She has a whim and She will follow that whim. So She has said.

Her Flock lives simply, without complicated rules of Faith.

We remember Her. We respect and show a kind of love to Her. We respect and show another kind of love to one another.

We try to look beyond the auras of mortals. Our Lady does, so we should live by Her example.

Now, false actions, cruelty, deception, pride, and stupidity - these are part of mortal life and we are allowed to look at them and act as we feel is proper for the occasion.

Tis better, most times, to remove the victim, than it is to confront the offender. The Lord Kwainin and his followers can deal with the minutae of judgement. Aura means little to the Lady Turpa. Wind will blow regardless. Rain will fall when She wishes it to fall. Storms happen when it is Her whim. Red aura, gold aura, no aura - such is only trivial in the nature of the weather. Her wonders encompass all. Naturally, we have our prejudices.

Certain persons will disturb our peace, so to speak. But whether we enjoy the company of another or not, the Flock of Turpa must remember that even those whom we dislike do breathe Her wind.

We are at the same time a humble and proud Flock. We are proud of our Lady, for Her hands work upon the whole of the world. And we are proud to be called Hers. But we know, most of us, that in the end, we are but drops in Her Holy Rain.

Other Gods have Champions chosen, be it by combat or some other criteria. Our Lady Turpa has either no Champion or a great many. We are taught by example not to hold another higher than ourselves in such a manner. One is higher, and She is Turpa. If particular favor is given, it should be looked upon as a time of joy for all Her Flock. We look out for one another. We are in every kingdom, in near every one of the clans.

We of Turpa listen to the winds and watch the skies. While interpretations of Her meanings differ, the actions on their own do not. Rain is always rain.

There are times for violence, times for peace. It depends on what is required by our Lady for the good of Her name and Her Flock.

Take what meaning you will from Her wonders. Everyone will have a different thought on the subject. Such is how it is meant to be. You and I are the same.

From where She is, we are both mortal and both nothing to Her wonders. But, at the same time, we are living, breathing creatures.

We are as different as can be, but exactly the same.

Looking down upon the world from the clouds and whatever realm lay beyond, the shapes disappear and become uniform. We are the same and we are different. To Turpa, we are Her Flock, Her followers,

Her children. None is to be raised higher than the rest.

What is given is given freely, by a grace so immense that mere words could never describe it. Weather seems commonplace because She is ever-working, and we must never forget that fact. The Lady Turpa moves the clouds, sends the winds, pours the rains, and more.

Priest Tief


There are no firm tenets of Turpa which highlights the nature of Her weather. Again, a general philosophical level and this inherently chaos ill befits a Knight of Gareth who follows the rule of law. Followers of Turpa will move with whatever mood or whim which moves with the wind and can be only counted on to act in this way. It is difficult to imagine a good or evil follower of Turpa as the floating existence tends to transcend any moral purpose of good and evil. Rather those followers drift on a wide road partaking in the finer human elements for light and those immoral for those of the darkness.


Raije is probably the most combat skilled of the children of the gods. Should he be pitted against Austinian, Necrucifer or his father then the outcome would be open to question.

A huge minotaur in black platemail loves to fight, and has been known to balance wars regardless of those who are fighting.

While starting wars with whomever just to keep the conflict going, Raije manages to maintain a sense of honour to the battle, and fear from his enemies.

When the halls of Wargar were gifted with the battlerager, it was Raije who became their patron.

Tired of peace in the world, Raije sent out the challenge to all clans to fight in His tournament for His honour. Due to the success of this tournament he holds it yearly.

Kwainin sent his son Raije as one of the three gods to slay Malachive and his Abhorrents, he is also the most capable of delivering. He disdainfully regards the frivolity of which Kadiya and Devion are pursuing their mission when they ought to be working together to defeat Malachive.

Tenets of Raije

The religion of Raije is based upon the three simple tenets of Courage, Loyalty and Victory.


"To fight, to win." sums up the faith which is perhaps the least philosophical upon all of Algoron.

None of these has any requirement for rule of law, moral judgement. They have however, virtue consideration.

1. Courage

Courage is one of the three principles of the Eight Virtues. Valour stems directly from it. To have the courage to enter a fight is no mean thing, for one places his life on the line. But there are other forms of courage, to speak out against the word of a superior if one believes himself to be right. Courage in any form ought to be respected by any gentleman of lady.

Footnote: For more information see "The Book of Virtue" under "The Three Principles".

2. Loyalty

If this meant to an ideal, then it would be raised high indeed. But in the faith of Raije, the loyalty is expected to Raije and to the battle. That there is no consideration to purpose this exists in a moral vacuum.

3. Victory

Raije expects his followers to fight to win and does not suffer those who do not. Whilst in battle there are always winners and losers, this does not bode well for any but the strongest. Raije likes a good fight though, so if even in defeat the battle has been a worthwhile spectacle his wrath will not be as great as to one who would consider fleeing a combat immediately.

A faith that seeks to create physical conflict, and to move from one side to another to ensure the conflict's continuation has little place in the ethos of Knighthood which has the end goal of peace and communal prosperity between like-minded good people of Algoron.

Recently there has been more of a push to fight with honour spear headed by Varenath Gorgoth. This influential priest has brought the concepts of mutual respect of enemies, and to fight the correct and honourable way, which brings the religion more akin to that of Knighthood. Especially now that Evil has brought the Godswar to Algoron, there is more of a common cause between the neutral and good parthenons.

The Book of War

The Book of War is present from Raije's priests.


Necrucifer is the Lord of Evil upon Algoron. The interpretations of his faith are varied and many.

The Divine Doctrine says, "In an attempt to seize the world, Necrucifer sought to assassinate Austinian, the Father of Goodness. Their battle spanned the heavens and land alike, carrying from the immortal stars to the lands below. Each struck blows to one another, causing their immortal blood to flow freely upon the land. The blood of Necrucifer tainted the rivers and oceans, its very essence permeated everywhere in the land, spawning evil creatures and beings alike."

The writings of Ta'plak the Heretic from Pan-toll date from the time of the Rise of Eclipse which many of his evil followers chose to interpret Necrucifer being one of Darkness rather than Evil with the view that Darkness was the 'new' or 'real' good. These writings are in direct contradiction to the Divine Doctrine as above.

Footnote: There is more information on this in "The Falsehood of Necrucifer" and "The Pre-history of Gareth".

In the early days of the world Necrucifer played his part in the cataclysm. It was upon his suggestion that the punishment of destruction came.

Necrucifer gives his blessings to the purist rebellion of the Shadow Knights, and allowed them to settle south of New Thalos as his champions under the protection of his communion.

Conversely when Zayl and his yinnae followers attempted to make Eclipse an order solely for yinnae, they were cast out.

In the most central modern divine development that Algoron has witnessed, Necrucifer and Drakkara sired the god child Malachive without the consent of the other gods. Fearing for his child's safety, he called a contest for three of his follower to be reborn as demons. Each was pledged to the protection of his infant son.

Dissatisfied with Goratrix's development of Malachive, Necrucifer punished him by sending him into the Abyss. Mariana was returned to her mortal form after proving too successful in her task.

Disappointed by those who had been most worthy, Necrucifer placed the soul of the heretic Moargoth into his greatest demon. Moargoth took his place as His champion and general of the armies of darkness.

After Malachive was stolen away and raised by mortals he was unaware of his godly heritage. Necrucifer sends his son a dream of their meeting then goes to the highest mountain of Icewall to await Malachive and inform him of his birthright. Perhaps still angry at Lord Zayl, in order to prove his point to his astounded son, Necrucifer goes to a lot of effort to hurl a meteor at dae'Tok.

During the Godswar, Necrucifer assists his Knights of Necrucifer destroy Valour.

When Malachive released the Abhorrents, Necrucifer foresaw his son's intended purpose and moved to block him. At the gathering of the gods to discuss what was to be done with Malachive, Necrucifer chose Kadiya as the assassin to slay Malachive, mainly to cause anguish to Austinian.

His Will. His Way.

Isadore Schwartz and Cardinal Seethe

An explanation covered by Wyltte Kayen

His Will

Known they are as His Will and His Way. His Will doth guide the Spirit

and Mind of His Chosen. His Way doth guide the actions of His Chosen. Mark

well and remember His Will and His Way, for so shall His Chosen bring forth

His Return.

1. Live only to Serve Him in all ways.

2. Give Praise unto Him in daily devotionals, upon waking, daily activity,

and return to rest.

3. Show respect unto those higher, equal, and beneath thee. All who do stand

to follow the Lord, do stand provided for by His blessings.

4. Never demean Him by boasting, whining or taunting unto His Enemies. Show

unto them the truth of His Dominion, not the falsehood of those that

would defy it.

5. To Honor the Lords of Darkness is to Honor Him for They are of Him.

6. Never speak ill of Him, His Chosen, or any of His Darkness to the Public

or to the Clan.

7. Seek Always to build Unity in His Darkness. As One, His Return shall be

made present. As One, His Dominion shall come upon His Realm.

8. Never involve knowingly or unknowingly be party to treachery that

tarnishes His Glory.

9. Never covet the possessions of others for personal gain.

10. Never speak or use words written to confer an air of impoliteness unto


11. The Honorous are judged by the company they keep. Associate with those

of Honor, limit thy associations otherwise.

12. By His Will shalt thou seek to fulfil His Prophesized Return.

His Way

1. By His Way shalt thou seek to fulfil His Prophesized Return. Above all

things placed before yae, none holds more importance than thy desire to

further the cause which shall bring forth His Return. All duties that

thou dost go forth upon, all laws that thou dost uphold, should bear in

mind that the mandates of the prophecy do come first.

2. Slay only those whom have refused to or no chance of coming unto His

Darkness and who refuse to surrender otherwise. Know within thy soul

those which thou dost battle against, for some may hide well their

defiance of Necrucifer's Will.

3. The flesh may perish but His Darkness is Eternal. Honor Him by thy

sacrifices of thyself for His Chosen. Know that all things from within

thy mortal form do attest to the Dominion of His Will.

4. Allow the surrender of His Enemies and take prisoners if deemed

redeemable unto Him. Understand that there do stand those upon the realm

that shall hide their true purposes to thee, and know that surrender for

some may mean only an increased chance of defeating those of His Chosen

that fight for His Cause.

5. Announce unto His Enemies thy intentions of combat before thou dost

engage thus. Do not allow that His Enemies may strike thee down unwarned.

The shadows around are makings of Him, and should be made use of

accordingly at such times as thou does deem such worthy of the Cause.

6. There is no Honor in stealth. There is no truth in Necrucifer's faith for

those that do not use the shadows to further His cause. Thus, a balance

shall be defined, for the Knight to decide. The use of shadows shall be

determined by how best the Knight feels His cause shall be brought forth.

7. There is no Honor in a poisoned blade. The blades by which all Knights of

His Faith do stand shall be untarnished, so as to better provide that thy

slain enemies are given unto His Dark Will with the blessings of His


8. There is no Honor in the heating of the metal His Enemies. The items

which an enemy does hold upon themselves have no worth to His Chosen

beyond the abilities to keep those enemies from returning to battle.

Should any items be found which may give an enemy of Him greater ability,

such should be removed in battle and scarified to Him.

9. Slay not thy Brethren. Only as One can His Chosen be strong. Only as One

can the Prophesized Return come forth. To turn upon one another damns

thee in the eyes of the Lord.

10. Fight along side those only deemed Honorous in His Darkness. To place

beside thou those that would fight with the same ideals, and the same

paths forward that would bring forth His Prophesized Return, His Chosen

shall grow ever stronger. As well though, should any need arise in which

an individual, or group of individuals, be found useful to further that

Cause, His Chosen shall make efforts as needed to see such accomplished.

11. Fight only one blade to one blade with His Enemies lest they call more

blades to their aid. His Chosen shall judge the place before them of

duels and battle within the realm. Should conditions upon the field

dictate that an enemy must be defeated in due haste to further His

Prophesized Return, then all means shall be come to bear to see such

defeat occur, be they singly, or otherwise.

12. Remain to protect the corpse of those slain in Honor, from the honorless

who would defile it otherwise. The fallen do fall with the blessing of

Him, and their forms before them shall be given such blessing as well. A

true Chosen of Him, shall, by providing the corpse a return to those

defeated, show those of His Enemies the truth of the Cause.

13. Pray for the souls of those slain by thy hand, for may their souls be

consumed by His Darkness. In Darkness only can truth be seen, and only

through the blessings of Prayer before Him can those of His Enemies be

shown the path to that truth.

It is By His Will and His Way that His Chosen shall find Honor In Darkness.


Evil: A wolf dressed in sheep's clothing?

The faith of Necrucifer has been captured in two documents called "His Will" and "His Way". "His Will" guides the actions of His chosen, and followers of Necrucifer seek to bring about the coming of Necrucifer by following "His Way". It is supposedly written by the High Priest Isadore and Cardinal Seethe of the Shadowknights. Strangely, the eleventh 'will' is missing.

These are both quite perplexing documents, as most of the content does not address evil, but rather the feelings of virtue, in fact it looks like it might have been lifted directly from the nobility of Nadrik, with 'Darkness' substituted for 'Good' and an all-encompassing focus on their prophecy.

The most reasonable explanation I can find for this is as follows.

In the beginning of the mortal struggles, the side of Good was ordered, disciplined, lawful and good communion. Evil by contrast was self-serving, disorganised, untrusting, unvirtuous and disingenuous. Evil would fight well and hard as individuals, but if they were challenged en masse by Good, their disorder would be their undoing and their ill-discipline would cause defeat after defeat.

I can only assume that Necrucifer took a long hard look at the early battles where he was routed, and realised he needed to change to win. He needed to inspire communion, camaraderie and discipline amongst his followers and what better place to take a page from than to mimic the way of Austinian and Nadrik.

A logical point in which to sow the seeds of doubt was with the rise of San Gohdam. As we have seen in the Pre-History of Gareth, Gohdam although a fearsome physical warrior was neither politically inclined nor of strong spirituality. Indeed to enact a radical shift from good to evil through questionable circumstance and reason suggests the he was far from spiritually complete. Such a target was a coup for Necrucifer to capture Austinian's star knight, to set up a rival order based on Knighthood's structure but serving evil under the pretences of good.

Footnote: For more information see "The pre-history of Gareth.

With the rise and fall of Eclipse and the rise of Shadow, Necrucifer has the strong contingent of knights he needs to match those of Gareth and Austinian.

But what of these dark knights? As previously shown, they are supposed to be of law and of evil - and yet they can break law if it furthers the prophecy? We have seen that they maintain this law as best they can, but through fear and respect, and from what they might personally gain from it. Hardly the values which ought to have come from selfless virtue and a sense of moral duty. They are supposed to be of virtue, specifically of honour and of evil and yet as we have shown, there is no sincerity to evil's virtue. Although the Dark Knights may seek to 'see their evil Lord's will done', and I struggle to comprehend how a virtuous knight might wish this, they do so in the selfish knowledge that they would be rewarded as Necrucifer's chosen on Algoron. However it is not outside the realms of possibility that the Evil Lord would use his serving knights as tools to further his own aims, only to cast them away should he prove successful. It is well known that selling your soul to evil may bring quick benefit to great reward, but also snatch you from your ill-gotton gain at the whim of supreme evil deity on Algoron when your faith would be better placed in the parthenon of good.

The evil knights attempt to lessen the impact of 'evil' as much as they can to refer to themselves as 'darkness' but simple prayers of detection divinely show that light is synonymous with good and dark is synonymous with evil. We are not ashamed to refer to ourselves as light or good, but evil will avoid referring to themselves as evil at all costs, preferring the more vague heading of darkness.

So why do the Knights of Darkness pursue their twisted evil version of virtue? Through their virtue the Knights of Gareth aid the innocent and the weak to protect the world. Knights of Evil follow their ethos through fear of Necrucifer, and wishing to sacrifice all that currently exists for reward should Necrucifer be successful in subverting Algoron. But should knights with noble intention be motivated by fear and reward? Rather evil knights ought to be pitied as incomplete knights as San Gohdam was, to lack the spiritual understanding that only good can support virtue, and evil can only support itself.

In their defence the guile of Necrucifer is most likely no mean thing to overcome, but each true knight holds a sense of personal responsibility and intrinsic understanding of the framework where virtue and honour can operate, what is noble motivation and what is not. Necrucifer, the Evil father may only claim these things because they suit his purpose for the present.

I can see with such writings might win followers to their cause. As we found in "The Falsehood of Necrucifer" that the path of Shadow requires ideological submission of all under Shadow, so such inspirational writing is but a part of the brainwashing required to win over the masses that can be subdued too their banner peacefully.

Footnote: There is more information on this under "The Falsehood of Necrucifer".

The Principles of Lower Evil

Lower Evil adheres to the singularity of the Self with no restriction. All

benefit is derived towards the self at the expense of others. Necrucifer will

bless those taking this lower road as followers in His evil as they tax Good,

but his higher honors are not for the egocentric, but those offering themselves

to Him and his evil purpose. When the time comes for Necrucifer to return to

Algoron, the call for Unity will require all to follow Higher Evil till this

goal is attained.

1. Self interest - When making any decision, the question of benefit lies

only with the individual and others are disregarded. The Self may claim what it

wants, when it wants it.

2. Self preservation - Good may call it cowardice and argue for honor, but

it offers little to the Self where preservation is key to survival.

3. Hatred - The rage of emotion which accompanies Mencius is a powerful

weapon which serves the passion of the Self. To let the Self give in to hate

will drive the Self forward intensity and perseverance.

4. Wrath - Any target which has aggrieved the Self becomes the target of

furious anger till it feels placated. Once the outburst of anger is abated, the

Self may feel fulfilled.

5. Falsehood - A well placed lie may cause more damage than a sword.

Spreading Devion's deception towards the enemy is a powerful weapon.

6. Pride - The Self is proud of accomplishment, which builds more

confidence to the ego making the Self more powerful.

7. Prejudice - Disrespect for the beliefs and rights of others, as the

beliefs and rights of the Self are paramount.

8. Apathy - The spirit of hopelessness retards positive action. The Self is

entitled to sloth should it wish.

9. Ruthlessness - The Self is entitled to take actions without regard to

the wants or needs of others.

10. Anarchy - Chaos serves Evil rather than Good. Those who survive and

succeed will regard the Self as paramount. A lack of standards of conduct in

law degenerates towards Evil, and ties the hands of Good.

11. Wantonness - Acting without self-restraint and goal. The Self may

express itself capriciously for its own pleasure towards any earthly desire.

12. Avarice - The Self desires to keep all they possess for their disposal.

There is no gain to an Evil Self for despised charity.

13. Envy - The Self desires and believes itself entitled to the possessions

of another, which the Self may set about gaining by any means.

The Principles of Higher Evil

Higher Evil adheres to the Self but with restriction, as Necrucifer has imposed

discipline for His purpose. Necrucifer has offered great reward to those

motivated enough who give up their Self for Him. Followers of Higher Evil serve

Necrucifer in fear of His wrath and eager for His reward to the Self in his


With regards to the Knights of Necrucifer, the Prophecy from drak'Martys offers

the preparation of Algoron for the coming of Necrucifer. Shadow holds itself to

the standards of Higher Evil, and does not to mingle with the moral and

virtuous misnomers of Good. The Principles of Higher Evil are the path to

enlightenment, unification, the end of anarchy, the end of chaos, the end of

balance in service of Necrucifer who will bestow his divine reward upon each


1. Discipline - The Self must be disciplined and ignore desire to see the

work of Necrucifer done.

The Evil Lord will give unholy reward to those who have shown discipline

greater than what the Self could attain without His assistance.

2. Diligence - In the service of Necrucifer the Self must be unswervingly

committed to Necrucifer both body and soul.

3. Control - The end of anarchy, the end of chaos, the end of balance.

Extensive preparation is required to create the new world order with Necrucifer

on high. Submit and be strong.

4. Order - Structure is essential to the hierarchy of control. Necrucifer

will place Algoron in his tight fist and bend it to His will. Those who have

prepared Algoron for his coming will become His favored lieutenants.

5. Unity - To bring all from Algoron under His domain will require unity.

This will require discipline, diligence and persistence from both the Lower and

the Higher Evil to achieve.

6. Obedience - Know the place of the Self in the His order. Those above are

to be feared and respected, those below you may bend to your will.

7. Strength - Submit and be strong. Join those who have come to Necrucifer

and serve Him together as the sum of the parts is greater than the whole. Evil

has no place for the weak.

8. Fear - Be motivated by both fear of His wrath and the reward that His

blessings will bring to the Self. Should Algoron be delivered to Him, then His

blessings will be without number. The fear of failure will make us succeed.

9. Persistence - Never give up. Never give up. Never give up, whatever the

cost. Our mortal shells are weak, but our souls and faith in Necrucifer shall

be our crutch.

10. Vigilance - Be vigilant and skeptical of all in the absence of trust.

Let not your guard down, for a moment of weakness may be the undoing of the

Self and Unity.

11. Conformity - Upon choosing the path of Higher Evil, the Self concedes

its authority to Him and His Order, where role is strictly defined.

12. Ambition - To aspire to Higher Evil requires the Self to forsake Lower

Evil and aspire to greater rewards at greater risk.

13. Devotion - To follow the evil Father, the Self expires and gives full

devotion to Him whatever the cost.

The Psalms of Necrucifer

1. Loyalty to Necrucifer is paramount.

And only to Him. Neither His wife nor sons rise higher. His rewards are

great, but do not stray or vengeance is terrible.

2. Let Evil manifest itself in a way that it is true to the Evil of


We seek to please Necrucifer in His Way. Those seeking to walk in the way

of His enemy will suffer His divine wrath.

3. Necrucifer grants those who follow Him the free will to choose a path.

As is written by Ta'plak the Heretic in the "History of the Gods" this is

why Necrucifer suffered to give His blood to the lands of Algoron. He

suffered to bring His gift to Algoron, do not disrespect it.

4. Fear Him and seek immediate material reward and He will bless you with


Those who are the lowest common denominator do so for themselves alone.

Necrucifer blesses this behavior as it is a focus for His enemy leaving

Higher Evil to do His work.

5. Love Him and seek something greater than immediate material reward if

you dedicate your soul to Him.

For those who seek a more ambitious, but riskier reward or loss, Necrucifer

will bless with both earthly and divinely spiritual rewards. Upon His

return to Algoron those walking this path will assist in administering His


6. Assist His servants in preparation for His coming to Algoron.

The Knights of Necrucifer are His chosen assisted by His followers of the

Cloth. Hearken unto them for they are His messengers. With failure will

come pain.

7. When time is ripe, Necrucifer will call to assist in His coming.

Hear the Call and do your utmost to fulfill your contract to Necrucifer.

Dreadful will be the suffering of those who fail in this most important of

tasks. Put aside your petty desires and He will bring you great reward.

8. To assist in His coming, serve, unite, and conquer.

Serve those who lead those who would see Necrucifer come again to Algoron.

Unite those willing and unwilling to see the task done. Conquer those would

would stand up to Necrucifer and His followers.

The Book of Evil

I have included the 'Book of Evil' which goes into these things in greater detail.


Drakkara is the only goddess of magic who was not born of the paternal and maternal. Drakkara came into being from the dark moon rather than being born like the sons of magic of Austinian and Kwainin. This may explain why the black moon is only visible to the followers of evil.

Instead Drakkara was the mother to the dark parthenon seeking to rule the heavens with her husband Necrucifer.

Ever vengeful, when the heretic Moargoth dared to declare his power independent of Drakkara and her black tower, she removed his ability to cast spells to show him where the power lay.

Upon the eve of her son Malachive's conception, Drakkara appeared to Christel, who gave herself to the dark goddess and agreed to bear Her secret child.

Drakkara herself appeared to Malachive to tell him to lay low till His Father's plans for him become clear. The visitation caused Malachive much confusion.

Drakkara tried to defend her Demon Goratrix for his failure, but bowed in submission to Necrucifer's will. She then counselled Malachive to teach the vampires a lesson for their lack of tribute to him.

In Drakkara's last meeting with her son she moved unseen past his abhorrents into Malachive's fortress and pleaded with him to stop Seanan using the elder magic which had been lost to the Conclave. She warned him that the Gods have conspired to kill him for his decision to return the Abhorrents, the nemesis of the gods to Algoron.

Drakkara protested at the gods plan to slay Malachive and with Taliena was excused from being sent to deliver the punishment.

Thirteen Tenets of the Faith of Drakkara

1. Of first importance is to serve the Mistress alone. There is no other above

Her, but many below.

2. The Mistress is Her Own. She bows to no one, man or God. Her gifts are many.

3. Of second importance is the protection of magic. Above all things a mortal

touches, it must be guarded.

4. Magic is of The Three, but only the Mistress grants freedom in wielding it.

5. Remember Her in every thread of magic that you possess, for the Mistress has

been gracious in Her gifts.

6. Her mages are representations of Her Grace on this domain. As such, they

should seek to exemplify Her Power in all they do.

7. Seek Power where it can be found, and claim it for yourself. Be in a constant

state of improvement, and you shall please Her.

Seeking power regardless of consequence shows not only a degree of selfishness, but leads to a society of warlords or dictators leading by whatever means they employ. There is no thought for the communion and the implications for the majority are bleak.

8. Power is not always the loudest voice, but the whisper that is believed. Nor

is it always the possession of Kings, but those who rule them.

9. If you would have an answer, look first to yourself. You are your own greatest

teacher. Wisdom is one of the many gifts of Drakkara.

10. Cherish the stones in your path, for they shall strengthen you in Her Grace.

11. Weakness is a mortal vice. Like a cancer, cut it out. Endeavor to suffer it

alone, and not in the presence of another.

To suggest that weakness is like a cancer that must be removed is in direct opposition to 'defending the weak'. There is no mortal without weakness. The moral assertion that the weak must be defended stems from the right of every soul in Algoron within the communion of good to life and happiness. If only the strong survive then there is no stable platform for a civilisation. When all the population are working towards a common goal the sum of all the parts is greater than a smaller group of the strongest.

12. Love, but do not let it rule you. Hate, but do not let it misguide you.

Experience the full range of all this world has to offer, but be the master of

your emotions, and you shall serve Her more truly.

Such emotions of love and hate are up to an individual, and are rarely under control to such a degree of discipline. To hate gives no tangible benefit to a follower of good who ought to focus on conciliation.

13. Take what you want. In Her Grace all shall be in your means to possess. The

only obstacle is yourself.

Another stab at taking rather than giving, with scant regard for consequence or the communion. It is far better to create to add to the whole of communion rather than taking, then losing to another.

Some tenets are of whom to serve, and of magic. Those tenets which have a moral and theological implication are 7,11,12,13.


Fatale is one of the most dangerous and unpredictable gods upon Algoron. Murder and death by action and purpose, following in this faith is one of the most dangerous.

When the choice came to the Gods of Algoron to slay the renegade Malachive, the most obvious choice to send was Fatale. Austinian blocked this move in fear of what else Fatale might do if he was sent to Algoron.

More recently, Fatale sent magical fireballs to attack the city of Arkane.

Tenets of Fatale

1. Death demands unity within His fold.

As evil naturally tends to the selfishness of the individual, unity is challenging for evil, as each tries to advance themselves.{x

2. Embrace death. Should one not wish to embrace death, one should fear the

end of their existence. For in the end shall damnation of one's soul be


3. Do not misinterpret death as a vile act. It is a natural act accepted by

those who understand and deliver it with confidence and poise. A child can

kill yet it does not understand the true meaning of it. In all death is

Fatale pleased.

While death in itself is not a vile act, bringing an innocent to needless death is immoral. Death is natural, but not dying by unnatural causes. This is the closest that the tenets come to condoning murder (if not by name) under 'all death' without cause or reason.

4. Death is not prejudice to any race, sex or creed. Death is unbiased.

Death garners all mortal and immortal lives that pass through this realm.

5. Death demands strength. Weakness is unacceptable and is to be culled.

Even as we deliver His will shall we bleed. It is not enough that we give

of others. Death requires that we give of ourselves.

This states that one needs to be strong to die. One may be brave and yet foolhardy. To suggest that one must kill others whilst also requiring that 'we give of ourselves'. If the followers of Fatale are seeking to slay themselves after slaying others, then let that be their justice. Unfortunately this is probably not the case.

6. Death touches all things, even that which is thought to be pure. He has

many faces, as such, his faithful should seek Him always. In Death is

absolute truth found, for it exists opposite life itself.

Death comes to all mortals it is true. There are questions around finding absolute truth in death. Certainly in the case of murder if there is indeed truth to be found then not much time for its appreciation.

7. Death is patient as should his servants. Those who act in haste often

find their folly too late. Seek power always, but be mindful of what could

be lost.

Seeking power for oneself is part of the creed of evil to elevate oneself above the consideration of others. As good has found out, there is more to be gained from the collective as the sum of the parts is greater than the whole.

8. His will and word are absolute. Betray it and an untimely demise will be

found. Obey, and true glory shall be found.

Evil Gods are prone to giving great reward for little worth and severe punishment at a whim. As with any easy road there is the consequence of walking it.

9. Remember always whom you worship. It is acceptable to honor other deities

of the darkness, but do not elevate any other above Him lest you seek his


Death is the obvious penalty if a follower should incur His wrath. Fail, and pay the price.


Perhaps the most striking thing about Fatale, the God of Death and Murder is that there is no mention to be made of murder at all in His tenets. The divine word concentrates on the premise of death instead.

One of the counter arguments by evil to murder is the fact that in taking an evil life against their will of a follower of evil by a follower of good can still be regarded as murder.

To consider this a follower of evil who is a devout to Fatale will seek to take the life of those of good, neutral and other evil. Evil may attempt to say that in the killing of evil followers, it is good themselves who are the murderers for they have taken a life unwillingly. And that in killing evil they are serving Fatale.

I reject this for the following reasons.

1. Algoron requires law to define the boundaries of a reasonable civilisation as the racial and cultural make up of Algoron are not homogenous.

2. If good does not act to stop unlawful murder and killings then they become complicit.

While good only seeks to end unlawful murder and killings, evil sets to propagate them.

3. If only good existed, then there would be no wicked to undo and no justice to carry out.

4. If only evil existed, then they will would be killing one another anyway.

Murder does little for the evil communion. Those strong who stay on top of the herd are always looking over their shoulder, and ever-fearful of ones stronger than themselves coming up the ranks, so even life at the top of the herd is not a pleasant position, and always short-lived. For those who are not the strongest, their life is one to live in fear of the stronger.



Sun Sep 19 12:58:48 2010

To: All Fatale Immortal RP Zypher Religion




* There is no possible way to escape death. No one ever has. Even the

immortal (vampires, dragons, the Gods themselves) can have their lives taken

in some capacity (killing, murder) even if they do not naturally progress

through a normal life cycle.

* Life has a definite, inflexible limit and each moment brings us closer to

the finality of this life. We are dying from the moment we are born. The

number of days one has left upon the realms today is surely less than the

number they possessed yesterday.

* Death comes in a moment. All that separates us from the Oblivion is one

breath. It is Fatale's gift to allow us to wield some control over timing

and with it the wisdom to be judicious about such. Staying one's hand is

essential when His flock may benefit directly, but all death itself

glorifies His name.

FAITH: To practice the spiritual path and ripen our inner potential by

cultivating power through knowledge of His ways and master the principles of

His domain.


* The duration of our lifespan is uncertain. The young can die before the

old, the healthy before the sick, etc.

* There are many causes and circumstances that lead to Death, but few that

favor the sustenance of life. Even things that sustain life can kill us -

foods that are toxic; medicines that heal can be sickening, as well; etc.

* The weakness and fragility of one's physical mortal body contribute to

life's uncertainty. The body can be easily destroyed by disease or


FAITH: To ripen our inner potential now, without delay, and harness the

teachings of Fatale's ways for the purpose of not squandering the gifts laid

before us, accepting His Truths as universal and inevitable, inorder to make

the most of what we have as mortals.


* The only thing that can help us at the time of our death is our mental and

spiritual development within Him. Worldly possessions such as wealth,

position, money can't help. Do not become so wrapped within these things

you forget who your true Master is.

* Relatives and friends can neither prevent Death nor go with us. Love

those you're bonded to, but do not allow your attachments to weaken your

faith or your resolve within Him.

* Even our own precious body is of no help to us. We have to leave it

behind like a shell, an empty husk, an overcoat. Treat it well while it

serves you, but only in Death is the whole of enlightenment to be found. Do

not become so attached to your shell that you fear accepting it.

Faith: To ripen our inner potential purely, without staining our efforts

with attachment to worldly concerns and unwittingly denying the elucidation

Death brings.


Caenarfon: A response to the 'Primer for Fatale's faith'

Mon Sep 20 09:11:24 2010

To: All Fatale Nadrik Immortal RP Zypher Religion


To those who would read the 'Primer for Fatale's faith'.

The clergy of Dragoth sought to steal Zandreya's thunder by calling the

circle of life Dragoth's own gift. Now we have the clergy of Fatale

equating cruel murder with death. What follows is a review of this new

primer from Good.

Death is certain. But the manner how we enter it is not. Those of Fatale

would seek to bring death through murder, rather that allowing life to

fulfil its potential.

Life is fleeting. Fatale makes the point that we are not here long, so

attempts to justify the brutal taking of a life for whatever cruel pleasure

they may wish to concoct because life is finite.

Death can come swiftly. Fatale seeks to blur the moral lines of death and

murder. Death comes to us all, but only some of those are foully murdered

by those with evil intent.

That many unexpected things may kill. Too much of anything may cause harm,

accidents can happen but this is no excuse for cold-blooded murder.

A curious inclusion of Taliena's love, which those of evil can never know

it's full extent, because of lack of trust and honesty and other virtue

which is love's amplification.

Corwen, High Clerist


Dragoth has the unpleasant claim of being the god of disease and decay.

Dragoth is responsible for the most grotesque diseases and poisons in all of Algoron and delights in the misery they cause to others.

Missive from Crokus, of the Imperial Althainian Priesthood.

"I have received the writings promised me by Deacon Lavinah, and am still

going through them. However, a piece on the first page may suffice for your



If Dragoth considers the disease and decay he brings is a form of life then he may be correct insofar as the viral or bacterial capability of his infestation. However the end product of his curses do not lead to life, rather the extinguishing of it should it claim the victim.


While the disease and decay certainly will destroy, there is nothing present to suggest what might be 'given anew'. While any member of Algoron might be slain and return again, this is not special to the followers of Dragoth.


While it is true that the stronger stave off sickness better than the weak, the point of this is that evil forsakes the weak in preference for the strong. In so easily giving up a devout follower ought to make that follower question their allegiance. After all, there is always one stronger as well as weaker as ones self.


And in overwhelming instances for the worse.


There is no case to be made for disease and decay to be part of the creation process, it is more readily associated with that of destruction.


Because that is where those who lose against disease and decay will end up.


There is no better case to be made to wash ones hands before meal times.


For there is no mortal impervious to sickness.


Dragoth evidently seeks perfection in his disease and decay in all things in order for everything to descend into the end of life. While one might struggle to see how this end might be considered perfection or would wish for such an end to the world. There would have to be such a megalomaniacal hate of the present state of life on Algoron for one to truly wish for this.


Trust not the divinely devious trickster of Algoron. He of a silver tongue will dance rings around you and his overpowering influence and suggestion will leave you at his mercy.

In divine pre-history, Devion got into a fight with the more powerful Nadrik and lost his hand in the exchange. An effort to get his hand back with the healing power of Siccara she left him with a large scar on his cheek. Devion has plotted ever since to get even.

Devion played a key part in the cataclysm, driving wedges between the lead gods encouraging them to smite Algoron.

Upon choosing which evil god to send against Malachive, Devion was selected by Austinian He did not take the task very seriously, expecting the fearsome Raije to do all the hard work, and treated it as an excursion. His look lingered upon his task partner Kadiya which ought to unnerve both Austinian and Nadrik.

Devion began the Godswar with his slaying of Kadiya.

The Tenets of Devion

1. When engaging in trickery, or deception, or otherwise attempting to

please Him, do it with subtlety, for His way would have it so the one

responsible, is not the one everyone blames.

2. If you serve him, do so wholeheartedly, he is not one to displease.

3. Self-reliance, the Lord is not here to hold your hand.

4. Sow mischief within those about you more subtly than unbelievers.

Create chaos to strengthen their wits and bring the strongest to the top,

but do not topple your allies else you have none to stand before you.

5. Truth and lies are two sides of a coin, learn to be the coin landing on

it's edge.

6. No matter how harmless or minimal the inconvenience, Devion enjoys all


7. Do not try to lie with a feeble attempt or you will never fulfil His

Will. Learn your lie, practice your lie, make your lie the truth.

8. The ultimate target is always the Nadrik-worshipper. Others may be

important, but no chance to humiliate, destroy or deceive a worshipper of

Nadrik should ever be missed.


These tenets of Devion suggest that there is little use in engaging with a Devionite even to show them the error of their ways, as their purpose is trickery, deception and the spreading of falsehood. Devion is a strong and cruel master who shows well his evil whim to those who displease him. The natural enemy of Nadrik, Devion lost his hand in combat with the Lord of Honour.

If there is no recourse but to engage in discussion focus on truth, for truth is easier to maintain than falsehood. Begin with the premise that their religion is based upon lies and falsehood. That ought to immediately discredit anything which your opponent may say. Challenge the Devionite on every falsehood and force them to sink deeper into the lies spun till they are so outrageous that all credibility is lost. If they attempt to capture you with the devious semantics of silver tongue, then return to the last point of truth in order that they not lead you around and around in circular argument with the sole intention of making a knight of good seem foolish. Lose not your temper, for to emerge victorious you must keep a cool head and not be goaded into emotional outburst. Speak but the tenets above to show why a Devionite acts the way he does, and to what purpose. The Devionite has such a grudge to Nadrik that with a few well placed words, it will be evil which is driven to the emotive outburst. Speak plainly of virtue and why it is the best ethos for this world and you will triumph.


Mencius is the God of Vengeance and Rage and his followers of Mencius are volatile and completely untrustworthy.

Mencius appeared to Malachive before he released the abhorrents, and still required protection to remind him he is mortal and encouraged him to seek out a protector in the demon Mantaroth.

Tenets of Mencius

This is the Tenets of His Church as spoken by Him.

1. Do not fail in the eyes of the Lord. Show your piety often to Him. Your duty is to serve Him and to further His means.

2. Let your Rage flow freely, it is his greatest gift. Full rage is what gives Mencians their strength.

3. To achieve full Vengeance you must have knowledge of your enemy, never allow yourself to be surprised. Knowledge is power, simple. To achieve true Vengeance you must kill or place your enemy in a position where they cannot come back against you. A failed Vengeance is a failure to the Lord.

4. Offer no mercy to your enemy. Mercy is a weakness. It is your duty to show strength in His name.

Dahakon Kensey

Deacon of Mencius

Blessed in His name.

An interpretation of Mencius

Ginevra Gregorovitch, a follower of Mencius, states that Lord Mencius' faith does not lend itself well to rules and regulations. It is highly chaotic and it relishes action taken on impulse. Such actions are not well regulated, of course, they are fashioned as suggestions, rather than rules.

The Vengeance and Rage of Mencius do not sit well with any civilised communion of Algoron. Entirely emotional in it's anger, a complete lack of discipline allows its followers to act upon impulse, a characteristic unimaginable to the measured and disciplined Knights of Gareth. Such rash actions only escalate into further rash actions, and are usually kept to the uncivilised or irrevocably evil who have not the foresight to consider the consequences of a rash lash out.

1. Cast your rage both abroad and near. Behold all who are proud, who are faithless, who are false, and bring them to their knees.

To have no moral, theological or even political target for ones angry outburst does little to encourage growth, goodness or communion amongst civil citizens. Such evil which considers this a way of life will not move forward, but be caught in a chain of blood feuds which will see stagnation and even a retreat of progress.

2. Feed your rage, allow it to envelop and entice you. Allow it to be your breath and very blood. Temper your rage with cold impartial vengeance. Direct your rage to those whom it will wound most.

There is some contradiction here in feeling the full passion of rage and yet control yourself well enough for cold and impartial vengeance.

3. Delay in vengeance gives it a heavier blow. Study your victim, know them. Know how to destroy them. Too often the faithful try to enact their vengeance and fall in the attempt. This is not pleasing to the Lord.

To allow a wound to fester, and let the hate well up is counter productive. Resolution ought to be considered, weighed then speedily measured to the point of conflict. To consider ones enemy for so long in so being consumed will become greater than the wrong that was committed. Be wary of such folk would will seek this path, as they can strike at any time. Fortunately patience and discipline for such a task is beyond most. There is some contradiction here in cooling the passionate rage to consider calmly and collectedly how to inflict a greater blow.

4. If vengeance is your path, utterly destroy your opponent, do not allow them the chance to revenge upon you.

5. Those who would leave their target alive to gather the strength to strike back. A mistake that is not often made twice, for obvious reasons.

These two statements show of no mercy in the eyes of a follower of Mencius. Expect no quarter to be given, and offer none in return. Those who are deserving of mercy are the sincere and those capable of moral reasoning. Know well the difference.

6. Personal vengeance is powerful. Vengeance wrought by a group is staggering. Work with your brethren in faith to bring our foes swift punishment.

Such a way is a challenge to any follower of Mencius caught up in the rage and desiring nothing but immediate vengeance. As we have found in our lawful communion which encourages such team work will come more naturally to those of such high-strung passion and rage. Use this consideration well. There is contradiction if one is to be without law and order and still find the considered organisation of a communion against one wronged.

7. Show no quarter to those who worship Light. Kill them slowly, kill them often. Bear no trust in those who walk the path of Balance, for they are as fickle as the changing weather.

Again, more inconsistency. Kill them slowly? Allow the rage to take over and destroy your enemy? As we have found with evil, there is no trust to be found, a keystone of communal advancement. So there it is, with Mantaroth's comment below, who would wish for such a world than one who is caught up in his blind and furious rage, with no thought to what might come after. The rage is over once the cold calculation has begun.

Mantaroth himself said, "When Mencius comes to claim this world, only those with enough strength and rage in their hearts will survive the fallout. I fear the majority of this world will not survive."


Although not regarded as a 'pure' god, I have included Malachive in this work as though he is a late addition, he has very much become the focal point of divinity's woes upon Algoron.

Malachive was born of Necrucifer and Drakkara without the consent of the gods. The follower of Drakkara named Christel carried and bore Him. Stolen away by Austinis the Balanx of Kwainin, he was given to Austinian to destroy.

But the good nature of Austinian could not bring upon the destruction of his nephew and sought to turn him to good. Malachive grew up a carpenter and lived among the Conclave in his early years.

A new star was raised in the heavens when Malachive was born called by Necrucifer. It would turn out to be a comet which would strike dae'Tok upon his realisation that he was the son of Necrucifer.

Malachive had a dream to find the highest peak on Icewall and await his destiny. Following the footsteps of his dream, when he arrived he was greeted by his father. He was given three demon protectors to aid him in his struggle for survival.

During the Godswar, Malachive ordered Verminisia to destroy the Gypsy wagons in the Godswar, then destroyed Pirates before assuming the form of the balanx Austinis and slaying those who had refused to join him.

Malachive released, then enlisted the help of the Abhorrents lead by the particularly unsavoury Deathmeer, which warred with the Gods in creation.

Malachive and his abhorrents destroy Balifore.

Malachive takes Mencius' advice and promotes Mantaroth to the General of the armies of darkness.

Seanan was revived by Malachive after his defeat. The mage was so bitter that he agrees to become his agent to get his revenge upon the Conclave.

Malachive becomes more like an abhorrent and grows in power. Malachive was then banished to Algoron where he was warned by Drakkara that the gods are conspiring to kill him.

The gods considered their ancient foes, the Abhorrents, to be an affront to their position.

Necrucifer himself agreed to send the three gods chosen to slay his unconsented son. Devion, Kadiya and Raije are poised to fight Malachive and his abhorrents in divine combat.

Malachive is considered such a danger to the world, that even the Knights of Necrucifer are ordered to slay him on sight, in what might lead to the first common purpose of all mortal souls upon Algoron.

Malachive's recent called to Algoron has been under the banner of 'Chaos', where he has attempted to rally those tired under the yoke of the Gods of Algoron against them. After Devion's murder of Kadiya triggering the Godswar between Good and Evil,

Malachive called to the world to throw off the shackles of the gods of Algoron

and become free of their lordship. He offered himself as an alternative to the

theological monopoly of the Gods of Algoron.

to join in his chaos and find freedom.

It will not end here, there is much war to be had.

Tenets of Malachive

Become the paragon follower of Malachive by implimenting the following tenets into your life:

Worship only Malachive, for he is the first to walk among us. The first to truly know us.

The gods that remain in the wake of Malachives path have chosen a home

where they know only mundane safety and comfort. On Algoron death can be

the air you breath in, the ground you walk on or in the water in which you

bathe. Malachive takes in the same air as we do, walks atop the same soil

we march our boots upon and finds cleansing in the same waters we do.

Malachive risks death for a life of complexity, and in doing so lives as we

mortals do. For this Malachive is the only god deserving of our worship.

Place no other god before him. Attend no service of another god, unless to

learn of those who pay tribute. Do not contribute to the construction of

another god's image, temple or any structure. Make no effort to favor

another god's cause, unless to directly weaken a god other than Malachive.

Place the needs of Malachive above your own, for with out his liberation we are slaves once more.

Malachive sits above all of us, and directly below him is yourself and your

source of power: be that your expertise, wealth, possessions and so forth.

Below that is everyone else: mortals, gods and beasts alike. Putting

another before you, or your god is not only blasphemous, but foolish. In

placing importance in yourself you remain guarded and in control. With the

loss of a friend, a lover or perhaps an object you still have yourself.

When you cannot find yourself, you have god. In minding Malachive's needs

before our own, we secure our freedom and independence from the lunar gods

and pay tribute to our liberator.

Know yourself and in doing so understand your desires and ability to succeed in walking beside Malachive.

One cannot truly offer themselves in love, war or worship with out fully

understanding what it is they are giving. Malachive does not take to gifts

he has no use for, or are given to him with out knowing why. In knowing

yourself you can better understand what it is you truly desire. By knowing

what you want, you have taken the first step in becoming successful.

Malachive manifests his desires with the actions he takes, and it is

possible for a mortal to do the same. Believe in yourself and know yourself

and you will know and believe in god. By following what you know in

yourself and what you want, you remove the shackles of supplication the

other gods have placed upon us.

Improve yourself physically, mentally and spiritually in all ways so that we may better serve Malachive.

Mutual gain is a powerful phenomenon, and one that is not overlooked by

the nineteenth god, Malachive. As Malachive walks this realm, he shares

with us the same risks in injury and death. Improvement in all ways

possible helps to keep those risks at a minimum. Sloth, or laziness, cannot

and will not suffice. By improving ourselves in all ways, we gain power and

in that power we become better servants of Malachive. His guidance will

lead us to a path of service under him, however it will also take us to

places we would not otherwise be able to climb on our own. The mutual gain

of follower and leader in the improvement of both entities is evident here,

and must be implemented into our daily lives.

This improvement must be also accompanied by maintaining our optimum

performance. Over indulgence in foods or intoxicants disrespects the care

for ourselves necessary to fully serve Malachive, as well as disrespects the

care Malachive must give for his own mind and body in order to continue to

live on Algoron.

Embrace independence. We are all created differently, and Malachive teachings find each of us in a unique way.

Should Malachive find our independence appalling, he would have created

golems to serve him. Identical in every way, and sharing one consciousness.

With our individuality we each offer a unique form of service unto him, and

his teachings apply differently to each of us as well. Clearly his tenets

are not what this refers to, but the way we each choose to live our lives.

Malachive allows everyone to follow the nature of one's own self, however

those who oppose him will come to know only the abyss. In our independence

from the lunar gods, we must give Malachive thanks constantly. Embrace all

of gods gifts.

Fulfill yourself above all others, in doing so you pay homage to Malachive for giving us the freedom to indulge in our exploits.

Do what fulfills you above all other actions. Of course, sacrifices must be

made to acquire some things. Power, love and trust do not come easily.

However, Malachive has set us free upon the world to do as we desire and in

doing so we pay homage to him. The devotion of ones self is the devotion of

Malachive, the god of mortals.

Order must be maintained to produce productive organizations, though, if you

find yourself in bondage because of such you have the power to remove

yourself from such restraints. Do not place yourself with in the confines

of suffering for the sake of another. Do not give to another, be that

gifts, love or time, with out knowing you will be replenished or repaid in

some way.

Seek mutual benefit among Malachive's fold to strengthen it and ourselves as individuals.

What benefits Malachive will benefit his followers. What will benefit a

true follower of Malachive will benefit Malachive as well. In working with

one another we can achieve things we could not otherwise accomplish on our

own. As we are all individuals, it is not always in our best interest to

love and care for one another. However, a lack of interest in seeking to

share mutual benefit among Malachive's followers alternatively seeks to

injure the fold. You are not asked to sacrifice yourself in any way for

another, though should equal effort be put in for equal gain, you are to

seize the opportunity at all times. This also may lead to self improvement,

among other benefits in serving Malachive.

Elevate yourself above the weak and vulnerable. In doing so, exploit the errors of others to tip the balance in the favor of yourself and Malachive.

Elevate yourself above the weak and vulnerable. In doing so, exploit the

errors of others to tip the balance in the favor of yourself and Malachive.

Should one recognize Malachive as their true god, you are obligated to see

they find improvement in their life and service unto him. Should one deny

Malachive as the god of all mortals, the final god, then they are to be

exploited to your gain. The weak and vulnerable are not to be converted,

they are to be surpassed in all ways. Elevate yourself above them, only to

return to re-harvest what you may from their errors. Should they strengthen

beyond your means of exploitation, then seek to help them understand the

tenets of Malachive. In spreading Malachive's word and taking on only the

strong, we further separate ourselves from the herd of lambs who look to the

moons for answers. Answers from gods who do not understand us.

Enduriel Artreri has written the book "The Redeemer" and "Eternity of Evolution", Malachives Tenets and teachings.


The Tenets of Malachive are well written, and very much like the Book of Evil produced by Ibiza le Toad of Shadow. They follow a common theme of evil action and selfishness, albeit this time under the auspices of Chaos instead of Law being the defining difference. Both works espouse the themes throughout, putting the concept of the individual first and seeking the potential power of reward that either Malachive or Necrucifer might bring if they came to power upon Algoron.



Morthak: Twisting of Dragoth's Faith

Fri Dec 12 13:46:21 2008

To: All Knighthood Dragoth ( Imm Religion )



Since the Knights have seen fit to open their knowledge publically, the

Church of Decay takes offense at the theology that they have come up with

within their tomes. MOrthak does not recall any Knight coming to the Faith

of Dragoth to ask for insight into our belief. The only person of the Light

who has done so is Jenikki.

It is therefore the Church of Decay's order that the comments on Dragoth's

tenets be striken from the records as being untruths and lies based solely

the interpretation of one who does not seek wisdom. The Church of Dragoth

has never in it's tomes so twisted or commented on the tenets of other

faiths to such a extent as to invalidate them.

The Church of Decay will gladly send out our interpretation of the tenets

for those what wish them. However, we do not encourage and take insult to

those that would twist His words from that of His priests.


Fastia: Tenets of Kwainin

Fri Dec 12 14:31:54 2008

To: all imm rp kwainin


The interpretation of the tenets of Kwainin within the Library of

Knighthood is also incorrect. Until a clergy member of Kwainin has had a

chance to review the literature on Kwainin in the Library of Knighthood, I

suggest you all ignore what's written there.

I must agree with Cardinal Morthak that the Knights' attempt at interpreting

the faiths of others is somewhat offensive, though I believe that perhaps

there was good intent in their actions.

Still, I consider the interpretation of Kwainin in their library to be false

until I have corrected it myself.


-|- Malein Akoobar,

| Scribe to

| Sayyida Fastia Nadiv

Governor, Kalib-Duhr

Jaddah, Kabeer Thahabi

Abbottess, Kwainin's Church

Najmuddin, New Thalos' Masjid

Headmistress, Academy of Neutrality


Bolter: Interpretations of the Tenets of your Faith.

Fri Dec 12 15:27:35 2008

To: Knighthood All


As many have read what our Loremaster has put forth there has been some

concern as to the accuracy of the interpretations. If you feel this is the

case, simply send word to the keep with the proper changes and such shall be

considered. However, do note that we reserve the right to alter such so

that the truth will be shown through.

Bolter MacLeod

Cardinal of Nadrik

Captain of the Crown


Gwaine: Studies of the scholars of the Knighthood.

Fri Dec 12 15:30:12 2008

To: Morthak Fastia Knighthood all


This Keep as seen fit to open it's collected studies to the realms of


It is our hope to foster more learning and a deeper understanding of this

Keep and our Way. This work remains rooted in the foundation of this Keep's

virtues, secure in it's ethos and purpose.

We make no apology for this. Write your libraries, sirs and ladies, let us

read your work.

d'Aggravaine. Crown.


Stievyn: The library of Knighthood; services of a scribe.

Fri Dec 12 17:37:05 2008

To: All Dragoth Kwainin Knighthood RP Imm Immortal


Hail Algoron,

I should like to start this missive by offering my Thanks to the Knighthood

for opening their library to Algoron for the benefit of Knowledge.

Recently, clergy members of the faiths of Dragoth and Kwainin have penned

missives accusing the Knighthood of misinterpreting their faiths.

I should like to point out, to those whose pursuit is knowledge, that while

the information in the Knighthoods texts regarding all religions not of

Nadrik might be inaccurate, they are not without value. Those texts provide

a great deal of knowledge about how the Knighthood perceives these faiths,

and indeed the faiths of all other religions not of Nadrik.

Now on to the real reason I have penned this missive. In light of the new

library opening to the public, I would like to offer my services as scribe,

free of any charge of money. If any have a book they would like copied, I

will gladly copy it for them.

My only stipulation is that, for any book you want copied, you provide me

enough materials to make the number of copies you want plus one. I should

like a copy of any and all texts brought to me for my personal collection.

I will not discriminate based on aura, or the faiths associated with that

aura. I will scribe any document, or book, regarding any subject that might

be of personal importance to anyone of this realm.

If there are any interested in my services, you need only pen me a private

missive with the details of your request, or send me a private

communication, in common with that information.


Stievyn, ||Scholar of Arkane||


Acre: A response to the Theology of Algoron

Sat Dec 13 14:57:06 2008

To: all Knighthood IMM Religion dragoth kwainin austinian siccara nadrik



I am the author of the "History of Algoron" which has caused such

consternation amongst those of the cloth. Such a response can only be


As I state in the introduction of the book, "Be aware that this is but one

Clerist's interpretation, as people have been arguing this since the dawn of

time, and will continue to do so well after the publication of this book."

I also go into my purpose for explaining those of neutrality and evil. I'm

sure that many will disagree with my interpretation, after all the words

mean different things to different people. However an interpretation cannot

be wrong by definition, it is but a subjective view of that individual.

The Arkanian scholar Stievyn is correct in suggesting this work is how

Knighthood perceives these faiths. Particularly the evil faiths we disagree

with on interpretation. At Gareth we believe that Evil and Good are the

central precepts to theology on Algoron. In the example of the Dragothians,

we perceive that evil applied to disease and decay leads to the malicious

spreading of disease and decay, whereas the priesthood of Dragoth will claim

an altogether benign natural decay and disease, and how this is required for

recycling and rebirth. We believe their interpretation does not keep in

step with the philosophy of evil anti-virtue.

However as this is a tome to increase knowledge and interpretation, so any

offered material and response will be added to the work to increase scope

and range, whatever the source. It will be richer for it.

I expect a fiery response from those of Necrucifer for the work, "The

Falsehood of Necrucifer" which goes into far more detail on why Gareth

believes their cause to be flawed, a far more stinging challenge to our

ideological enemy.

St John, Clerist


Fastia: Corrections in Literature

Tue Dec 16 12:40:55 2008

To: All ( Knighthood )


When dealing with the history of my Lord, Kwainin, there are several

events that have impacted the greater whole of Algoron. As it was written

by the Knights, so shall I correct these mis-interpretations for all to see.

(Writings by the Knights are in Red, and corrections are listed beneath in


"During a period of consideration for the godless, Kwainin lamented the

foolishness of atheists, heretics and non-believers and stripped them of

their god-given rights to pray."

In truth, it was Kwainin whom said that heretics were those whom needed to

be saved. He has not given up on them, and believes them to be misguided

souls who must be brought back to faith. It was all -three- gods who

stripped heretics of their magical abilities, but Kwainin who sees them as

worthy of redemption.

When Malachive was born, he ordered his balanx Austinis to steal the child

Malachive, under the condition he is slain to maintain the balance.

Austinian would take charge of the child and the slaying but could not bring

himself to do it, rather attempting to turn him to good."

Austanis was sent to retrieve the child, but Kadiya and Kantilles were sent

by Austinian to intervene, in hopes of raising the God-Child in the Light.

Malachive was given to a mortal family by Austinian's two children, upon

where Malachive destroyed the mortals and began his reign of evil.

The Fifth Tenet Reads: "Your blood does naught but take away a voice that

may help others to achieve and continue that balance."

Interpretation by Knights: Kwainin does not condone involvement, but to work

from the sidelines. He has been known to intervene if this approach has


More specifically, this tenet means that martyrdom is rare. Throwing

ourselves into the line of fire is unwise, a we are all necessary parts of

the working machine that is balance. Kwainin -does- condone involvement, if

and when necessary. The difference, largely, is that our intervention is

not as proclaimed or public as other churches. We prefer to work our

Father's will as a puppeteer commands his puppets.


-|- Malein Akoobar,

| Scribe to

| Sayyida Fastia Nadiv

Governor, Kalib-Duhr

Jaddah, Kabeer Thahabi

Abbottess, Kwainin's Church

Najmuddin, New Thalos' Masjid

Headmistress, Academy of Neutrality


Varenath: The Writings of Raije in Gareth Keep

Tue Dec 16 14:01:40 2008

To: All Algoron Knighthood


To those of Raije's faith and those in Knighthood,

I take inspiration from the Abbottess' words and wish to as well state a few

things about Raije's faith that may be misunderstood.

Loaylty and fealty to Raije is no different than loyalty and fealty to

Nadrik. It is assumed that one places their faith to their diety in all

they are. It should be a part of them and being loyal to one's diety is

only being loyal to oneself. However, a army must as well be loyal to their

general and comrades. Without loyalty to the goal, there is no cohesion,

they are just single soldiers who will run when faced with difficulty.

Loyalty can be found in all the ethos as it is required to fight for

anything. Why one is loyal however is different weither it is out of love

or fear.

Victory is not just about strength. To be victorious one must be strong,

yes, but let us not forget intelligence and being prepared. A general who

is strong but not smart will lose because he does not take into

consideration the land he fights on or the care of his men.

Conflict in and of itself is not wrong. In order to achieve ones goals we

must at times fight for what we believe in. Even if that belief is peace.

It is the tactics we use and the respect we give our foe that defines our

actions as evil or good. Conflict as well challenges us to be smarter,

stronger, and more focused than others. It is a competition. Not all

competitions must end in death. Defeat can be defined as many things.

I would suggest that those in Knighthood who wish to teach of Raije's

beliefs would get a copy of the Book of War from Deacon Grumf or Bishop

Drolloc as the tenets in Gareth are not up to date. A few more things have

been added.

Raije Keep you,

Deacon Varenath Gorgoth


Jenikki: A Commentary on the Interpreations of the Tenets of Kadiya

Tue Jan 6 09:58:44 2009

To: Knighthood Acre Immortal (RP)



Peace is the goal of any enlightened civilisation. It is true that there can

be great advances, technological and otherwise as the combatants are forced to

spend far more resource finding an upper hand on their enemy. However the

consequences of the action means that those benefits are far outstripped by

the benefits which peace brings. These benefits of peace over war are strong

arguments for the secession of violence in the case of war over a dispute.

1. The death rate of all those involved is greatly reduced.

2. The effort spent upon killing your enemy is not focused upon one's own


3. There is no escalation of ill will of the enemy brethren, of which such

exponential anger will not allow war to cease.

4. Both nations can work together to achieve goals of co-operative growth in-

creasing both their living standards.

When peace is not justified

If an ideological war should bring itself to the good people of Algoron, who

would otherwise refrain from open warfare then there is scope of moral con-


When evil comes to beset Algoron with its moral vacuum of nefarious ways of

death, decay, murder, rage, disease, mischief and black magics then good must

not stand idly by as these evils are brought to fruition. Taking the moral high

ground and coming to the aid and defence of all that is good is required for

the correct moral stance. As time and time again has been shown, evil must be

vanquished for there for there to be safety for the decent people upon Algoron.

Commentary of the Interpretation

Though one must agree that the goal of any enlighted civilization would

be peace and prosperity for its citizens, this is not always so. Because

how can we define the term "enlighted"? Every civilization in Algoron see

itself as an enlighted society after its on point of view. So by whose

standard should we use the term enlighted? By that of Althainia and Gareth

or by the Shalonesti, why not the Darkonin standards.

Most people, regardless of race, do favour the moments of peace, even if

they are followers of Raije, Fatale or Mencius. This is no secret, just as

most people enjoying the gifts of health or love, even if they consider

themselves as enemies of the light.

If we look at the four points made above in the interpretation, we shall

see that they are incomplete:

1. "The death rate of all those involved is greatly reduced" - This goes

without saying, but if one is to look a bit closer, we will see that the

benefits of peace would not only reduce the death rate, but also allow for

a healthy and content population.

2. "The effort spent upon killing your enemy is not focused upon one's own

nation" - Without the massive effort to produce swords and lances, to recruit

and train more soldiers and to stick up on supplies so that cities and castles

can withstand seiges and loss of land. Instead the resources will be directed

towards culture, trade and strengthening the morale and happiness within

the kingdom, by the means of culture, education and magical research.

3. "There is no escalation of ill will of the enemy brethren, of which such

exponential anger will not allow war to cease." - The ways of peace and

understanding removes the mortal need of making a "us verses them" and the

to define others as different. And thus reduce the suspicioun and greed of

how others live and their possessions.

4. "Both nations can work together to achieve goals of co-operative growth in-

creasing both their living standards." - The Kadiyan way is to look to the

community before the best of the induvidual.

Trade, diplomacy and cultural exchange is always strengthening nations, not...

Commentary on when peace is not justified

Just as with the Interpretations of the Tenets, this passage needs to be

commented. When it comes to the phrase, ideological war, one must ask them-

self if there are any other type of wars. But there is a way in peace even in

a conflict or war.

When Kadiya walked beside us, she came to warring nations or to nations

that were on the brink of war and showed the benefits of peace over those

of war.

To meet death with death, murder with venegance, however it feels divinly

justified, is wrong. Though Evil will never be allowed to control Algoron,

but to do it the Kadiyan way is to look at all the possible ways to end

end the war or threat of it, without the unneccessary loss of lives.

Apart from the battles on the battlefield, there is an even fiercer war and

that is the war within our souls and hearts. To this war, Kadiya excells

above all. She taught her followers and her church that the best way to

end a war was not to kill their opponents, because the Gods of darkness

will almost always resurrect their followers, as do all Gods. Instead the

Kadiyan way were to convert those who followed the Gods of Darkness and

by so removing the enemy, not just temporary from the battlefield, but

from the grasp of the Dark Gods.

The Kadiyan way is to find peaceful or non-violent ways to vanquish those

of darkness, without falling to the lure or acting just as those of darkness

do. For what thin line there is between venegance and justified retribution

or for that matter, is there such a thing as a justified vengence that is

not touched by Mencius.

So is there really a time when peace is not justified, maybe in the eyes

of other faiths, but never in the eyes of the Kadiyan ideology.

When anyone look at the tenets of their own faith or lack of faith, for

for that matter, one cannot help but looking through ones own glasses and

interpret the tenets from their own belief. It is the way we mortals do

and always will do. That is why the Kadiyan Faith will always crawl under

the skin of everyone around them, as one Nadrik priest once mentioned.

Jenikki Silaan, Chosen of Kadiya.